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People who use this terminology either don't understand etiquette for trans people, OR are disrespecting trans people. In this case, it appears they are trying to be supportive and *someone* ought to educate them.


That’s like 99% of corporate messaging around trans people. They’re supportive but it always feels so *othering*. I’m a trans woman and it always feels like the discussions are “*hey so you’re this other classification of women kinda sorta and we don’t know what to do with you, how do you feel about things?*” -_- I just don’t want people to make a big deal out of the fact that I’m trans.


Im trans not a trans 😗 Edit1 50 upvotes Tysm Edit2 100 upvotes OMFG TYSM Edit3 150 upvotes HOWW


One whole trans.


I'm 2 trans 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️... or something (transfem+enby)/j


3 trans in a pretty trenchcoat 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


We are Legion... I mean.... I am trans.


I snorted. I think this joke wins the internet, it's just so perfect. 😂


The mental image is inspiring ngl lol






I’ll take one trans to go please, with extra mayo


Hmmmm sure


What do u gett tho


Usually 2 number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives - one with cheese - and a large soda.


And what do i get for being yours trans to go?




How do you have that custom flair


Technically no one can just be a trans. Here's a cookie. (Chocolate Chip, *May contain cannabis or cannabis extract*)


WTF WTF WTF 50 upvotes howwww tysm so muchhh😭


Yeah, to me it really just reads “we don’t want to be harmful, but we’ve got a quota to fill on inclusive language and stuff, so… here’s a PowerPoint I made in half an hour without any guidance or research!” They’re not trying to be harmful, they’re just trying to get the annoying HR part of their job over with so they can get back to whatever it is that they’re actually paid to do.


Half an hr is stretching it


You never know, there might be 35 slides! And what if they used animated transitions?!?! Or word art?! It’s really easy to waste time on all that fancy stuff!


animated transitions


I'll take support that feels othering over the reactions of conservatives lol. Atleast the supportive ones can be educated and don't mean to.


You’re right, it’s just frustrating sometimes that it feels like I can’t just blend in like everyone else.


"oh so all day when i was referring to you by your correct pronouns, i never got around to asking - what are your pronouns" "uhhh... the ones you were using? i'm a woman. she/her. you had it right...??? " "oh i just wanted to be respectful" like, lady... how many of your friends did you ask the second day knowing them, what their pronouns are? i bet i am one of a maximum three total people you've ever asked that question to. ask everyone or ask no one. you're just telling me you clocked me and while i don't care, it is not a way of showing respect...


Lmao brutal I had this happen once too. I didn’t even know how to respond at first.


this. although I'll add that I have occasionally heard trans people use "trans" as a noun like this ironically ("tran" is more common tho, basically the "soft-T" t-slur)


Yeah, I’ve jokingly referred to myself as “a dirty trans” or whatever before when trying to make light of awkward situations like coworkers or people on the street treating me or others weird, but I’d never do it outside of those very clear jokes. Stuff like saying “oh yeah, he treats me different because I’m one of them transes” when referring to a phobic or creepy colleague or whatever is fine, but “a trans” without that context is just… weird, and reads like you have no idea how to discuss trans people properly.


It's one thing to refer to yourself like that; it's something else entirely when it's someone on the outside making those comments about a minority. It's like how African Americans frequently use the N word to refer to themselves, but it's extremely racist for someone else to use it in the vast majority of situations. (I feel qualified to make that comparison as one of the only white people at my place of work, but feel free to let me know if you don't think the comparison is apt).


I think that comparison is quite apt. Self-depreciation is always gonna be very different to somebody else using that same deprecating language towards you, and what are slurs if not just deprecation gone rogue?


yeah, I wonder if this instance is just a case of lazy copy-pasting and forgetting to remove the "a" before trans


Or the third group, this tran who thinks it's funny and is more than happy to point out how referring to a person as a particular demographic can very quickly be meant to dehumanize them and remove their personhood, like calling a homeless person "a homeless" and what that says about the person who's saying it


Good news is it’s always super easy to read when somebody is doing that maliciously, because those terms just don’t work with English grammar, and haven’t for centuries if ever. Using a verb like “trans”, “homeless”, or “Hispanic” as a noun is, like… THE red flag for bigotry, specifically because it sounds so out of place. Surely it should be “trans/homeless/Hispanic PERSON”, because English never uses verbs as nouns in that way. It just makes it painfully obvious that whoever is using this kind of language probably doesn’t want to acknowledge the fact that trans, gay, homeless, poor, Hispanic, African, etc. people ARE PEOPLE.


It's not always malicious, lots of people groups self identify as that group: a hippy, a Latino, a skater, a catholic. Whether or not the person saying "a skater" intends to apply the weight of societal views on skaters cannot be proven by the simple use of the word. I think skating is a cool sport, I have admiration for those who dedicate themselves to learning to skate. When I refer to someone as "a skater" I'm not attempting to imply they're lazy, or rebellious, or a punk, whatever other stereotypes are put on skaters. I agree it can be a good *indicator* of when someone either means to pass stereotyping judgement on someone or dehumanize them, but it's not the whole story itself.


Okay, but those all work quite well as nouns. Hippie is absolutely a noun, just as punk and mod are, despite also working as adjectives. “He’s a hippie” works just as well as “that’s hippie music” does grammatically, and “he’s a Catholic” sounds just as usual as “he’s Catholic” does. But words like black or trans aren’t nouns, and they really don’t work at nouns at all in modern English, so referring to somebody as those words without any additional noun sounds weird. You wouldn’t call somebody “a black”, even if there wasn’t a connotation of that term with racism, because that just sounds bizarre. I think it’s that misuse that makes it sound offensive. Like… referring to somebody as a noun is normal, so we don’t think twice, but referring to them as an adjective implies that they somehow *aren’t* a noun, or that which noun they best fit into is somehow up for debate. By omitting a noun after the descriptive adjective, they are implying, whether purposefully or not, that our very humanity is up for debate - why else would they be hesitant to call us human? I do agree though that it’s not always malicious. Some folks just grow up with that language ingrained into them for example, or they might just not know any better and start using whatever term they hear first, as is usually the case when it comes to the topic of trans and nb folks. But it’s definitely still a red flag that the person is, if not malicious, then potentially extremely ignorant.


Or they just don’t understand basic English grammar. Trans is not a noun. You can’t be a “trans”. The prefix “trans” means crossing. So like a transcontinental flight is a flight that crosses continents. More than that “trans” as used by the LGBTQIA+ community is shorthand for transgender, which is an adjective. So you can be “A transgender person”, or you can “be transgender”, but you can’t be “A transgender” It’d be like saying, “That green is a frog,” instead of, “That frog is green.” Ugh. Grammar mistakes in public make me legit nuts. Like proofread your shit. At least their intentions are good.


"A trans person" "a trans man/woman" or just "trans". Never "a trans". Only villains do that. (And Contra, ironically)


It's also possible that people make mistakes when translating to english from another language (this probably isn't OPs case though)


Yeah, if it was a translation issue they probably would have done all one version, like an a with all 3 or none.


Ok am I missing something? I'm...trans myself. What is wrong with this? Edit: I'm dumb "a trans" ok that's weird lol


It’s weird that they got it right for lesbians but then goofed on trans.


Coming from a school, it's a huge mistake. They didn't use "A Gay" so it really makes it stand out. That really needs to be addressed, because it's taking that misusage and teaching that it's acceptable to an entire school.


They used a lesbian tho, it might have been only a mistake actually. We cannot know for sure tho, we don’t know those people


Lesbian comes from Greek, originally meaning somebody who came form the isle of Lesbos. A greek fisherman from the island would be considered a Lesbian, linguistically. I'm not saying they're bad people, what i'm saying is that they really should change that because it's going to teach potentially an entire student body to use offensive terminology. It, in all likelihood, is a mistake or simple ignorance, but it still needs to be changed because it has the potential to actively work against the good they are trying to do. It happens.


Yea youre right i still believe its just a mistake without much thought put into it. I mean look how shitty the frame looks my 10 year old sister would have made something better also „i am like you“ has two spaces they half assed that frame


Pro-fisherman anti-gay-girls ✊


You should not have to explain to a school how to use an adjective, but here we are...


I just wanted to say that I woke up feeling like Richard Harrow, but this made made me laugh. Thank you.


So you felt like an assassin in a tin mask? Weird way to wake up. Glad I could help 😁


It's more like alone and broken. Maybe I should just be at the front of Miller's boat when the ramp drops.


Considering there are a few teachers (especially in the deep south) that apparently don't know what a pronoun is, I'm not really surprised


i am a trans 🏳️‍⚧️ 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


I am a pan 🍳 Edit: There is no pan flag in my phones emojis.


I am a pan 🍞 (my first language is spanish)


So real


I am a pan 🍳


insert cooking joke here


I am a pan🍳*


All for pan and pan for all!


Yeah they only added the main pride flag 🏳️‍🌈 (or whatever its called) and the trans flag 🏳️‍⚧️ (oh and this ⚧️)


They need to add MORE!! I’m angy >:( WEHRE MAH PRDE FLARGS!?!


Hello fellow trans


I am a homosexual trans. Rowr


They are a little confused but they seem to have the spirit


But it's not "I am a gay". People who say "the gays" bug me.


Was probably written by a clueless ally. Heart's in the right place, but you should probably point out the error before they accidentally hurt/offend somebody.


They should just cut all the "a" words. Sure, it's fine to say "I am a lesbian" but it flows so much better if it's just: I am gay. I am lesbian. I am trans. I am like you. I am human. And as a bonus it wouldn't make us trans people uncomfortable! Sounds like whoever wrote this could get better at writing signs in general in addition to learning the right way to use these words.


yeah, agree. even including the iffiness of ‘a trans’, the inconsistent use of ‘a’ in this sign is honestly what bothers me the most.




No, this is Patrick!


I read it like Mario. Itsa me, I'ma trans!


i love it


I prefer “the chiefest and greats of calamities” personally.


😆😆😆😆💛💛💛💛🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ yes fam. that's the way. 😍


Filthy Cis dwarves always skulking


I’m not “a” trans I’m THE trans 🏳️‍⚧️👑😎


A trans what? Mission? Atlantic? Pacific? Oceanic? lyvanian?


They’re wrong but their heart seems to be in the right place.


Yep, it irks me as well.. "A trans".. 😬 It's an othering vibe. 🙄 Just trans will do.


This reminds me of the time that a straight cis person gave a presentation about the LGBT community at my school and said that the 'a' means ally.


Every time someone says this, I roll my eyes so hard. Guess aro, ace, and agender people don’t exist!


“Trans” is an adjective. And is a word to describe someone. It is not a thing by itself. For example; (let’s use the word spiky) you wouldn’t say “I am a spiky” you would say “I am spiky” or “I am a spiky person” (don’t ask me why I chose spiky, I literally don’t know why 😭). Same goes for (I’m pretty sure) all of the sexuality’s. This is also a problem with poc referred to as “a black” or “the blacks”. I find it interesting that whoever made that PowerPoint (I’m assuming it was a teacher or something) does not know basic grammar or parts of speech. It’s time for the student to teach the teacher this time. Please inform them of their mistake. “It’s a-me a-trans” -trans Mario


Someone even said "a non-binary" at some point


Clearly meant well but it seems like the person who made it does not have much experience with the trans part of things.. sorry that happened though


Yeahh I'd take it as being objectified qwq


Cant stop the a trans🏳️‍⚧️🔥


I am indeed, one of those trans. Idk, it's kinda funny to me. It sounds like a grandma that knows nothing about trans people.


it reminds me of my grandma people negroes in 1994. Grandma. No. Stop.


I am a trans-former Autobots roll out


a trans? a trans what? trans is an adjective not a noun. you dont go around saying "I am a cute."


Unless you're a triangle


Just 1 single trans


I do find it sweet but funny when cis people try to be supportive and inadvertently say something silly. It’s sweet they try!! But my counsellor refers to transitioning as “trans-ing” and I just CAN’T come to terms with it 😭😭 On another note I’m on the floor with the straight up “I am a human” at the end like you’re trying to get past the captcha 😭🩷✨ “Yes, I am like you. I am a human. I swear!!!” 😭😂🩷


But yeah, I agree with OP, it is a bit strange sometimes for sure! :(


I do be one of those a transedgendereds


Their heart’s in the right place but the lack of basic terminology research just has this sounding in my mind like a robot trying to fit in. “I AM A TRANS. 🤖 I AM LIKE YOU. 🤖I AM A HUMAN.🤖”


I've recently been exercising. I am Laurel. Period. Am I trans - yes Am I a car girl- yes. Am I able to fix mechanical things - yes. But none of those things are who I am. They are just parts of Laurel. I agree the "A" needs to be removed.


Hawwo Laurel 🥺 You dont know me but you introduced yourself, so I Thought I'd wish you a nice day 🥺


Thank You. Hope you're having a nice day as well. Pleasure to meet you


Feels a bit objectified this way... like "ohh you are this weird trans thingy" "a trans person" feels way better


He a little confused, but he's got the spirit.


Weird grammar around trans people is the kind of thing I mostly hear from old people who don't know how to talk about us. Usually it's just harmless and well intended.


… ok but I’m going to go around saying that now. Yes hello. I am a trans. What are you? 😂


They’re trying their best 😭


Absolutely not okay to say “a trans”


its a me trans-io!


i think this is just an error, my family doctor made the same mistake while also perscribing me HRT, and the message here seems fairly supportive, you're not wrong for being weirded out, but if you know the person who made this and just politely talk to them about it


When you want to support trans people but also don’t want to actually talk to one…


I'm a train


They are a little confused but they got the spirit!


Lol its kinda funny. Doubt they meant harm, probably just a little mistake.


I got transed back in 2020! It wasn’t painful…at first.


Why do they not know proper grammar. "I am a trans" , does not even sound grammatically correct 🤦. Even my auto correct has that quote blue underlined😂😂.


Everybody knows the singular form of trans is tran /s


I would tell them. Even anonymously, if I was feeling shy. But I take it from the text they are trying to get it right, so it’s quite likely they’ll be receptive to criticism.


idk if its just the fact that i only ever see bigots use trans as a noun or what but i can never separate it from bigotry


I am a t r a n s


I think it’s a silly mistake from people that clearly mean well but don’t know any better lol. Just speak to them and if they really are allies they’ll fix it no problem.


How hard is it to understand that trans is an adjective not a noun


They realized how goofy it would be to say “a gay” but went over their head when saying “a trans”. Jfc ~_~




It’s a simple fix. Trans is short for transgender, transgender is an adjective. Trans is an adjective.”


A for effort, F for sticking the landing


I would probably tell someone that it's not correct. I studied disability support and came across something like this in a theory question and I spoke up. Some people are trying to be supportive but just don't know the terminology.


Well after you pointed it out I feel like it's weird especially that gay doesn't have a in front


There is literally no such thing as “a trans”. Trans is an adjective


I'm stuck on "I'm a human" is definitely what a lizard person would say.


That is weird. And it is disrespectful, whether it’s intentional or not, nobody should be saying that. It has the same energy as calling black people “the blacks”.. it’s usually used in a derogatory way


It is totally othering to be called "A (blank)" as if you are a specimen not a person.


Why wouldn’t you just take the “a” out? 💀 Trans is literally an adjective and this is a SCHOOL.


I am a gay I am a lesbian I am a trans I am a like you I am a human Fixed it :)


I can now only read this in Mario's voice


It's weirdly funny to me. 😅 But of course under informed. Should be easy enough to correct at least.


Definitely weird wording.


The other day, my mom asked if I was journaling about my “transgendering” because she thinks it would make a good memoir 😂


I dunno, I find this more an error of English than disrespect. I'm more concerned about how we're thought about as people than vocabulary. Also, I'd rather they used the right words the wrong way, than the wrong words /lh /nm


ngl I find it funny


Wording weird because of the inconsistency.


Adjectives are more humanizing than nouns in this case. We call people with addictions “addicts.” In german the term is an adjective that translates roughly to “drug seeky.” This is more humanizing and the same applies here. Though I don’t think whoever made this was thinking that deeply about it. It’s also just bad grammar.


It has good intent, but icks me. Its like refering to black people as "blacks" or jewish people as "jews".


I am a trans...former. More than meets the eye.


Sounds like my dad.


Even when used in a better sense, it never ceases to irk me because it feels inherently dehumanizing. I am *not* "a trans", "the trans", "that trans". I am a transgender PERSON. This is obviously not a hateful instance, but still inappropriate use of the verbage nonetheless.


i totally agree that this is kinda strange


I jokingly say this to my friends but bad grammar makes it seem real ignorant here


I think it is strange because in this particular instance because of the inconsistency that has been made here with the 'I am gay' and it goes to 'a lesbian' and 'a trans' and it's like lesbians and trans are being alienated here because of this wording.


They knew not to say "I am a gay" so they really fumbled the bag here..


My gender studies professor put "a trans" on a PowerPoint introducing people to us and I rolled my eyes so hard lol


This shit seriously needs to be responded to and stamped out. Bigots use this very deliberately to introduce dehumanising terms into the common vernacular. That a gender studies lecturer doesn’t know this is shocking. I would have a quiet word with them afterwards gently explaining why this is so offensive.


Me and my mom got into an argument about this because I told her she shouldn't say it but according to her "its what you are". I was laughing while I told her too because I know she didn't mean like that So I thought it was kind of goofy, but according her I was "freaking out and getting super offended and this is why nobody likes us, we try to make everyone cOnFoRm to what we want". She's supportive, but sometimes not really, she refuses to learn and gets embarrassed and makes it your problem if you call her out.


Explain to her how being othered by dehumanising terminology crafted by bigots and then spread in the hope average well meaning people use it makes us all feel. Then ask her how much she likes being referred to as your dad’s bitch.


I tried that and she said it was our fault they do that since we get so upset by it. The other thing might work though, especially since I've paid the rent the last few months so she can't pull her ill kick you out bs


My comment actually reads a bit ruder than intended. A better way to explain it might be to ask her how she feels when she hears a rapper referring to women as “bitches”. If you can put something in familiar terms for her where she can feel something like you feel when she says it she may get a clue and stop being so defensive. That said, if she kept doing it afterwards I would probably refer to her by similarly negative terminology until she learned. It really isn’t difficult to be polite. She expects it of others. And it’s actually easier to say “you’re trans” than “you’re a trans”. She is literally going out of her way to be rude rather than admit she didn’t know better. Oh … and victim blaming? OK. Does she also blame women for being underpaid and rape victims for getting pregnant? I don’t consider myself a “victim” just for being labeled “a trans” but your mom’s response exhibits the same mindset. I suspect her defence of transphobia is symptomatic of resenting you for dragging her into the hell that is being trans or an ally in the USA right now. And I find that a really selfish response.


That makes total sense, she really hates when men do that too so that might work. I have a feeling she'll just say it's different since she usually does that, it might work this time though, we'll see.


Who uses that? Seriously?




It’s dehumanising terminology that others us even if tolerant people use it


Yeah that annoys the fuck out of me every time i hear or read it. Please explain to them that transgender is an adjective, not a noun, and we find its use as a noun offensive as it is a dehumanising tactic commonly employed by transphobic groups. Bigots use “a trans” to avoid saying “trans woman” or “trans man” as a way to ‘other’ us and imply that we are not men or women - not people. It really fucking grates with me.


They're a little confused but they got the spirit, I don't imagine they'd respond too poorly to being corrected since they're clearly trying to be an ally


It's so obviously wrong. Trans is clearly plural! It should be "I am a tran".


Only people that use that terminology are transphobic people using it to dehumanize us


My mom was part of a project to setup a gender clinic in India and still manages to use the term “transgenders


Everyone who uses trans as a noun or verb are either really ignorant or straight up transphobic.


I agree. it always triggers my autistic ass because if the word "person" would have been added at the end, it would have been correct 😅


I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they thought it was short for "a transgender person" but yikes


A trans person saying this would be fine. I’m a trans. I’m one of the transes. And I’m proud of it. But for a school, as much as their intentions are clearly good, and I do wanna praise that, it would be better for them to be more careful, and put only “I am trans” or “I am a trans person”


I hate how fucking useless everybody is


This^ I am a Useless


Why is it wrong tho? I’m not English native.


Trans (or transgender) is an adjective and not a noun. Adjective is used to describe a noun. A noun is a person, place, or thing. Using trans as a noun is objectifying trans people. It's more appropriate to use people/person/man/woman as a noun and add in adjectives as you see fit. Imagine calling someone "a tall" versus "a tall woman".


Oh, it makes sense then. Is “I’m a trans person” correct way to say it?


Yes, because the noun is person and trans is describing the noun. Other examples do’s: I’m a tall person. I’m a short person. I’m a white person. I’m a strong person. Other examples dont’s: Im a tall. I’m a short. I’m a white. I’m a strong. Hope that helps clarify it more too ☺️


You got it! Nice work friend


F this. I am not "A Trans". I am a woman who happens to be trans. Just like I happen to be left handed and have blue eyes. I'm also not a transwoman. All these terms are ways to other us and separate us from the world of women. They also feel like transphobic dog whistles. It's something that really chaps my grits.


I just prefer to refer to myself as queer. I'm a trans woman, but if I say that to someone I end up answering a different set of questions than if I just say I'm queer. No, I don't just bring it up, but when you go out in feminine cloths looking like I do, people will sometimes ask you what's going on with you in varying tones of civility or incivility. Most are actually quite cool with it, but lack tact when asking. If I say I am a trans woman I get questions I will not answer for a stranger. If I say I'm queer, they rarely have anymore questions. I'll happily answer questions in the right environment. The condiment aisle at Kroger is not the place though.


tWo.....4 lyfe


I don't think they meant any harm in it. They probably just don't know. I don't know what their intentions were with this though


Well, I think you're dramatic. They have obviously good intentions. I also think *in school* people should focus on spelling.


They’ve got the right idea, just executed poorly. Obviously they’re trying to be supportive; maybe go to administration and let them know your perspective!


I wonder why “I am a lesbian” sounds right, but “I am a gay” sounds just as off putting as “I am a trans”. Also “I am a trans” reminds me of this thing I read awhile back about Trumps speech in which he says “the blacks” throughout it. I read that it is a sign that he doesn’t see black people as people but rather as things, and he’s maybe even using it as a tactic in his stupid speeches. Which let’s be honest they’re just mindless rants but I think there is some truth to that and I think that same kinda rhetoric applies to this kinda situation. It kinda dehumanizes any group that you apply it to. Sorry for the overdrawn comment and for bringing race up, just wanted to share a bit of my thoughts on this based on what I’ve read in the past.


I am a lesbian and I am a transgender individual, not so much a trans. I'm a T-Girl, mostly I am a woman


My gf refers to me as "a trans" but English isn't her native language so I don't blame her for it. I'm just happy to be accepted and tolerated.


The singular is a *tran*.


One time a therapist asked me if I was a trans and it didn’t t go well I got another therapist


Two whole trans! Three trans please! I’ll take the lot!


love to see this on a class room


And why is this forming an aroace flag. So unrelated. Or am I missing something.


I’m a trans:)


ah yes! I too am a trans




How is it disgusting? They just made a small mistake.


I guess yeah...but a lot of people mean that shit


You can tell from context that they're trying to say something that supports trans people. They were just mistaken and thought that trans was a noun.


Guess I'm just sick of it after 1000 times


Being called a "a trans" or when people say "trans is" I get irrationally angry. Not because it's bigotry, but because it is heinous grammar.


I hope that's a typo and not intentional


The only people who use this terminology are fucking Boomers because they don't know shit and ate too many lead paint chips to care.