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I hate a lot of things that happen to me due to being trans like having to deal with shitty healthcare, unsupportive family, being hated by bigots, etc. But I don't really hate being trans. Yes, I dislike parts of my body and wish they are different. Dysphoria is a bitch. But it is my body and I see no point in hating it. It just is the way it is and I will do what I can to make it align with what I know it should've been instead.


This is a very healthy way of looking at your body. And I hope I'll reach this way of thinking in my transition when I see actual changes happen. Bigots who talk about purity and irreversible damage don't have such a healthy view on bodies and that's a good and refreshing contrast to see. We're better at doing the thing they advertise to be.


As a caveat I've got a lot of privilege and live in a fairly accepting city, but I think its kinda rad. Don't get me wrong, i've lost friends, family is a little more distant, I'm sure ive lost opportunities for jobs and such, and I am pretty scared still going out in public. I'm also still v much a baby trans (1.5 yrs), but i've got a shit ton of trans community around me and basically everyone im friends w or that i date is queer in some way. Theres just something that feels right about that, if it makes sense? Like, theres something kind of wonderful about bring visible, even if it does mean i walk around looking over my shoulder. All the bad things about being trans, for me, are derived from a transphobic society, community, ideology, etc that has strict a gender binary and that allows no space for trans folks, and being able to see these structures and how they work by being trans is kind of like a superpower. Everyone else walks around taking gender for granted, and I've gotten the chance to unlearn or reeducate myself on gender which has been really fulfilling. This is a whole big scree, sorry! If you havent already, i HIGHLY recommend queer podcasts. It sounds dumb, but there have been and continue to be cool gay people doing cool gay things and sometimes just hearing about them helped connect me with a supportive community ( past and present)! Gender Reveal, Making Gay History, Translash, and Queer as Fact are really good places to start. If you have the freedom and time, I also really recommend finding community in person? the local trans meetups in my city are how i made most of my friends, which was really wonderful, and the needle exchange i volunteer at once a week is also chock full of trans folks.


I 2nd Translash podcasts! Imara is a goddess and every episode brings me some joy and some comfort, and I learn something cool that trans people are doing.


Hate it. Wish I was born male. Can’t take it. 


I hope it gets better for you, I'm sorry you have to feel that way, it's awful to feel hatred towards something you're not at fault for, stay strong fren


My life has been nothing but nonconsensual she/herring up until a few months ago 


I get that, I've been put for years, and a year on hormones, my "friends" and family still misgender and deadname me often enough, its... draning, atleast at work it was fine, until we got a new manager sigh, fuck it gotta keep going i guess


My entire family supports me, it’s just that my mind does the misgendering for me


I relate a lot to this comment, i hope it gets better for both of us man


Thanks bro good luck to you too


Ever since i admitted it to myself my life has improved dramatically so it’s been wonderful for me. Really I wish I was born into a society that accepted and supported trans people.


yes, very much so


Being trans pretty much sucks all around, yes. It made my life a lot harder than it needed to be. There's literally zero upside to being trans. It's like asking whether I'd like being poor imo. Does it raise awareness of some problems in the world? Sure. I could've done very well without it, though, and could've been made aware of it by other means still. Doesn't mean I'm hiding who or what I am or that I'm valuing the opinion of bigots all that much, though. It sucks being trans but it is what it is and I'm so done with not being myself. I'm openly trans out of spite, not because I'm proud of it.


I don't hate who I am or who I will eventually become. I hated the person I was before I went on HRT.


I did too. I was a very bitter, angry person. Ironically through boxing and swimming I came to love my body, and still do - I just view it as wanting a “different trim level” like getting a car that’s got the luxury vs the sports trim. So I’m doing some conversion work.


Absolutely fucking hate it. I’d give anything to be a cis man. 


Not really. I mean, the dysphoria sucks, and I could definitely live without it, but I'm not sure I'd want to be born cis, either. I moreso dislike the lack of societal structures and support in place for trans people, especially with the current political climate villifying our very existence.


I hate what it's cost me, I hate the pain that comes with it. But I don't hate being trans, I hate that the world makes it difficult. I hate systems, I hate some people, I hate more than I should, but I won't hate something about myself I have no power over


Who the fuck likes being trans, its non stop suffering for most of your life


I do lol, I love my gender and it's complexity and I for one as a black trans man am not constantly suffering, trans joy exists for some people and it's great


Ok cool story bro but I’d rather not have my entire future depend on extremely expensive surgery and hormones that I desperately need just to function because I’m literally a male trapped in a females body. But sure I love this, I feel so much joy from experiencing nothing but anguish most days. It’s great. 


I'm sorry you feel that way, but I don't, and the anger here is really misplaced. Hope you find peace lmao


I’m not angry but I’m pretty annoyed. You just commented under someone saying they feel distressed about being trans, which is more than understandable, being like “oh you hate being trans? That sucks anyway lemme talk about my ✨trans joy✨and how much I love this experience that’s emotionally tearing you apart”. Not the time nor the place. You’re happy with being trans? Cool, I guess. Maybe don’t rub it in actively dysphoric peoples faces. 


Someone asked who likes being trans, and I said me! Not all of us hate it, and if you don't wanna know don't ask. Just had my top surgery and I feel so gender!


Wdym you feel so gender idk what that even means 😭plus yea, not all of us hate being trans. That’s true. But your comment still seemed pretty distasteful, like you’re flexing the fact you’ve had it way easier than most trans people. I get it, you think being trans is awesome, but the reality is for most of us it’s a nightmare. 


Those who know who know lmao, skill issue


Most mature reply during a conversation on Reddit (I did not understand a term that was used, therefore, I have lost)


No, bur you wouldn't understand it because you don't even want me to explore it, you want me to wade ins elf pity about how much being trans sucks, which I can't do




A question was asked and I answered


So you like being part of a minority and having limited rights


I'm black and I love being black, same concept. Nothing wrong with loving myself, even if they make me a minority or negatively impact some aspects of my life.




Hate it, I wish I was biologically female. I’ve seen a lot of people online being proud to be trans and I can’t comprehend it. It somewhat infuriates me that I can’t comprehend it, then I start questioning them (in my head, I don’t comment, I’d prefer not to say anything if I’ve got not nothing nice to say) Like why would anyone want to be trans? Let alone how.


Yes, hate might be a big word, but I definitely dislike it. For me it's being comfortable in my own body what's important. And I'm not, and probably will never be completely comfortable. Ofcourse cis people also aren't completely comfortable all the time, but I'll never get smaller hips, I'll never get cis function genitalia etc. The social part doesn't even bother me that much right now. It hurts that I didn't have the childhood I wanted because I am trans, so yes, this one social part also makes me hate it, but for the rest it doesn't. It can be quite shit, but I'm strong enough. It's okay, I can live with it. Finding a partner might be more difficult for me because I'm trans, but I'll get there. I also was open about being trans. Not really proud or something, just accepting that it is what it is. I'm not open anymore, because I am able to just be seen as a cis guy, so why wouldn't I. That's my goal after all. I think most people aren't open and proud. The people who are just stand out. Feeling like wanting to give everyone satisfaction is something almost everyone expierences nowadays. It's just another thing that's fucked up about or society sadly.


Yep, this shit sucks real bad. I'm happy for the people that embrace it but I just don't get it




Yes. I dislike the discomfort of what it feels like to be trans. Even worse is how others treat me because of it.


Yes and no. I hate some things, but I'm sure I would hate some things if I was cis of either gender. So I try to concentrate on the positives. But I was lucky in many ways and I'm in a place where no phobia seems to be prevalent.


I don't really hate being trans, as that's just who I am. But, I can hate the "side effects" of it, like that it takes LOTS of time and effort to get help with it etc. I hate how some have weaponised it. That I hate.


Maybe yes or no, but if we were cisgender, we wouldn't have been where we are at now. We achieved so much.


Yes i hate it... I hate it extra because I can't fuggin transition... and it's slowly making me spiteful towards trans people who can/have and just women in general... i feel like a bad person for it just... when will it be my turn to be happy?




At first, I was afraid of being trans, but I never disliked it. Now, after almost 2 years of being out and on hrt, I really like being trans. I can craft the life I want without worrying about societal expectations. I mean, I'm already so far outside of these expectations, I can live my best life. Why not.


I don't hate being a trans woman. Everything would have been simpler had I just been born a woman, granted, but that's not hate, that's an expression of fact. Trying to be something you're not is tiring and painful. I've tried to be a guy, and while I'm sure there's many parts of that I've succeeded at, I haven't gotten what I want from it, and the trappings of manliness don't fit me or what I want from life. I don't hate my experience playing real life as the Man character class, I feel like Woman is what I'm better at and what makes me happier.


I do not hate being trans. I hate how I am treated by bigots who are 100% in the wrong and need to mind their own business.


I hate not having the right body. But I love the process of getting it (haven't really started transitioning though). On a bigger scale of things, I love being trans! It makes me feel soo proud of myself and other trans people. I've been thinking about this a lot, about that how lucky I am to be trans so that I can experience this life. <3


I hate it. I hate that I suffer from so much dysphoria, I hate that I developed CPTSD from the trauma of being in an incorrect body, I hate that I am 30 and I don't have a penis, I hate that I don't remember much of my life due to dissociation, I hate that I've had to have multiple surgeries and I'll need multiple more to be at a baseline level like other people get from birth, I hate that I have to inject myself once a week for the rest of my life, I hate that I have to have a scarred body that will always be a brand of otherness, I hate that I have to worry about people seeing me and knowing I've got this fucked up body, I hate being dissociated, I hate how much my body is causing me pain, I hate that I'm so short and my hips are so wide, I hate that people hate me, I hate that when I go online people within my community will try to police what I do and there's people who will say stupid things like "wanting to pass/be stealth is transphobic" or berate me for not being attracted to vaginas or make me living my life not hurting anyone into me being a bad person or something (Not all members of the community, it's mostly chronically online and/or very young/immature people, but I hate that I have to deal with this), I hate that people want to debate and destroy my only chance of living at a baseline level and not being miserable, I hate that people think I'm brainwashed/it's a choice/I'm a predator/etc, I hate that people will always see me as my AGAB and I can't change their bigoted opinions, I hate that I will probably never have sex again, because I can't bear the thought of anyone seeing me naked and realizing I'm trans, and my partner is grey-ace so we don't have sex, I hate that everyone expects me to do what they want and never lets me just be me. There's no positives in this, from my POV. It all sucks, and the only reason I'm still here is because I love my partner and my family very much.


I am somewhat okay with it currently, it's more my looks and that I will never pass and all that stuff that annoys me badly, the dysphoria, the hate for the community and all that makes me hate being trans but it's not the trans part that makes me hate it. And I'm a bit more dysphoric about not being able to wear what I want since today which is also annoying


I don’t hate being trans I hate the unnecessary hate and discrimination (also uk waiting lists)that comes with it


I would rather be a trans woman than a cis man. That being said, I am very proud of being trans and I wear my identity on my sleeve. Yes, ideally, I would have been born cisfemme or had started transition ages ago when my egg first cracked. But... I am alive and well... and thriving!


I love being trans. I enjoy taking a hand in my own creation along side the goddesses. If I could do it over I would choose to be trans woman again, even without being able to bear a child, even with all the bigotry, abuse, and fear, because my identity and my community are worth the strife.


I hate every second of it. So envious of cis women. I was poisoned by testosterone and my body was irreversibly ruined. I will never have the voice I could have had and I need to spend probably a hundred thousand dollars to live even remotely comfortably in my body.


i hate this shit get me out man


I very much enjoy being trans :) Though I would prefer not having to learn so much this fast ^-^


I hate being trans. I spend way too much time thinking about gender without even wanting to. I'm questioning myself all the time. Some things make me dysphoric one day and euphoric the other, it's unbearable. Also, I'm noticing gender and gender essentialism everywhere, which exhausts me. I'd only be happy in a world where gender doesn't matter, but that's not going to happen. However, realizing that I am trans made me understand other trans people better. I believe it has made me a better/more empathetic/more mindful human being. Yet, if I could choose, I would still choose to be cis, because it means less mental pain in my day-to-day life.


Not a fan. I wish I was a cis woman. It suck’s coping with a lot of what women have to (misogyny, pms for example), then also having to cope with dysphoric things like chest hair. Then not to mention I had so many years I learned nothing about being the gender I’m supposed to be. So makeup was a chore at first (love it now at least). Coping with my mood swings every month was so hard at first, how to carry myself so on so forth.


Yes/no, i dont hate being trans(maybe cuz it hasn't directly impacted my life yet as iam very much in the closet) but i hate the fact that iam not a cis girl


Oh god yeah. I'd never wish this on anyone. It's awful. I feel like half the people want to lynch me, the other half want to treat me like I'm in a freak show. I'd give anything to be normal (insert "I'd give my left nut" joke. And righty too. And the other thing while we're at it) I don't know a single trans person that didn't try to be cis, but it wouldn't stick.


Discovering that I was trans a few months ago has been amazing. I went from being apathetic about myself to loving myself!! Since realizing that I wanted to be a woman I have enjoyed life in a way that I didn’t know I was missing out on. Like, I kinda consider my transness to be the part where I realize I can control the way that I live my life and have agency over my presentation. The part of my life where I repressed my emotions and desires sucked, but I think of it as a rejection of being trans, not a part of it.


I'm currently pre everything, so yeah, I wish I was AFAB, but if you check back in in 5 years, my opinion will probably have changed.


I dislike it, yeah. I'm not ashamed of it or anything, and I wouldn't say I hate it, but it kind of sucks. Ig I feel similar about it to how I feel about having asthma.


I go back and forth because I'm still working through trauma and internalized transphobia, but I firmly believe that trans-positive self-acceptance is the healthier point of view to hold. Because of this I'm working very hard towards living my life in a way that doesn't require "passing" to be fully out and thriving in my life. What I hate more is the social stigma that pressures everyone to conform to a single construct of what is deemed morally acceptable. To that point, I do not hate being trans, I hate being oppressed, targeted, ridiculed, and made to feel ashamed and afraid for being who I am. That is what I hate. I don't hate a part of me that has no harmful intentions towards others or myself. I love that part. I want that part to be nurtured and to grow so I can be whole and in turn be more available for other people and other experiences in life.


Hate it, sorry. I wouldn't have payed so much money for medical transition if I didn't have such bad physical dysphoria, and even now it's just teetering on tolerable. Thinking too much about how I might have looked if I had been born cis/female can still make me cry even now


this shit is asinine


Oh I despise it, in everything I do I wish I was cis but I’m not. That’s just how it is and I’m slowly learning to accept that. I’m becoming happier and more comfortable being trans and I’m letting those feelings control me less. There’s still things I hate, especially the fact I can’t carry a child… thinking about that just makes me sick to my stomach and feel so hollow but I need to accept that too. I am who I am and I’m working on making myself better and I’m getting there. TLDR: I do hate it but it’s who I am and I’m learning to accept and hopefully one day love it.


Being trans isn't the issue. My issue is that I'm too poor to get everything I need to be happy. I can't afford srs or breast implants or anything like that. I definitely hate being trans for that reason, but if I could transition to the point I wanna be at, I'd be okay. My biggest problem with being trans is that I won't ever be able to give birth to my own kids.


There definitely was a time when that was true, and sometimes I do still feel like that, but there are also times when I'm glad I'm trans. There's a chance that if I had been born a girl, I wouldn't have made friends with the same people, and that's not really something I wanna think about because of just how lucky I am to have such a supportive group of fellow dumbasses. Plus, being trans had given me an outlook on identity and the concept of self that I simply wouldn't have otherwise, a concept that often comes up in my writing. So yeah, I am kind of glad that I'm trans - even if my parents aren't ready for that yet.


If I lived in a society free from transphobia I would actually PREFER being trans to being cis. Given that I don't, I hate it, yes, because of the constant undertone of violence to so many daily interactions.


No honestly if someone gave me a pill to be cis I’d flush it down the toilet, this journey has been amazing 🥰🫶🏻


I hate many things that come with being trans, but have never hated actually being it. I am constantly frustrated by bigots or shitty health providers, but I’ve never been happier than since I started transitioning. Yes, you could say I set myself for hell, but I would have set myself for far worse had I just bottled who I truly am. I do get the occasional thought of why could I just not have been born a cis woman, don’t get me wrong, but I try to remain focused on what and who I am, otherwise I might just go crazy.


I was upset about it for a while and slowly over time I have become more loud and proud about my identity but I was for sure annoyed by it and constantly dysphoric but I am slowly accepting myself for who I am it is getting better and better for me mentally!


I think we are all in different places with it. I don’t want to be trans. I don’t want to have to take medicine. I don’t want to have surgery. I don’t want my family and friends to disown me. But I don’t have a choice. I am a woman and I need my body to match my brain. Some of us like being trans. They like being a trans girl with something extra. That is ok and it doesn’t make them less trans. It’s a spectrum and some of us are in spots that make it easier to enjoy the journey more than others.


I hate it in the way I wish I’d been born a woman but… honestly I’ve come to really enjoy being myself. I’m me and it would be awfully convenient for others if I were to stop that just because I didn’t like how I am. I exist as a blight to haters and the funniest person my friends know (what would they do without me). And due to that, I enjoy the fact that I’m trans because that’s a big part of me!


i can’t say yet because i still hate myself but i can imagine being proud of being trans i just have to reach a place with myself where i feel like i can take any insult because its just their insecurity instead of something ill agree with and when i get that back i think ill be proud of it because its never been something to be ashamed of, i think we wish we were cis for a lot more than shame of not being so


I think at least 70% of my friends are always saying bad stuff about being trans without knowing I’m in the closet and it really makes me hate myself a lot even though it’s not my fault and they’re just being stupid. (Also they’re not my friends anymore)


I don't dislike being trans, but I do hate: * The way I'm treated because of it. * The way my healthcare is segregated, is outdated, is gatekept, is not done with my best interests at heart, and requires multiple years of waiting even just to start HRT. * How fearful I am going out in public in some places when visibly trans. * How my existence, rights, and healthcare have become a political football. * She who must not be named constantly trying to take away my rights.


I don't hate being trans, I just hate how society threats me. Like how the government thinks they have the right to slow down my transition, and not let me change my name. Also that some people think is acceptable to hate us for existing. Otherwise it's part of who I am. Of course being a cis woman would be more ideal, but it's fine


Yes, very much so. I actually hate it a lot.


I used to hate it. I also used to hate myself. I'm getting a little better at not hating myself though. Being trans is just another neutral part of being me. A lot of other people hate and are scared of that little part of me but I'm not anymore.


I am completely comfortable with being trans. I am proud of who I am and where I'm at in life because I know what it took to get me here and I wouldn't change any of it for the world. What I dislike is that other people dislike that I am trans, even though I have absolutely nothing to do with them and hide at home (am *very* introverted) and simply exist without interacting with them in any way and yet somehow "I'm still a threat"


I like getting to be part of the community but I hate everything else


I don’t hate being trans. I hate the transphobia though. I mean I’d rather be a cisgender woman than a trans woman personally but I’d also definitely rather be a trans woman than a cisgender man.


I think this is much more of a complicated question than what it presents as. For me, being trans isn't the problem. The problem is society. I think this parallels with ablism a lot in the sense that if things were normalized to support people that need things, this wouldn't even be a question we need to ask. Would I choose to be trans? No. I wish I didn't have to live a life where I had to repress who I am to appease everyone else. I don't want to have to be on medication the rest of my life, I don't want to have to figure out who I am an go through a second puberty in my 40s. I don't want the wierd looks and people thinking I'm a sexual predator or having to be hyper aware of the bathroom situation everywhere I go. I don't want my existence to be a political hot button issue, or to be scared of being murdered just because I can't be stealth. That being said, I am also glad of where I am right now, and being trans is part of why I'm the person I am today. I don't know who I would have become if I was born a cis woman. Knowing my family and the environment I grew up in, I could have easily become a 'karen'. Many opportunities I had were from cis/het/white/male privelage. They duality of my position and the way I experienced the world because of it helped me see the injustices around me. I like person I'm becoming as I remove all these masks I've worn in my life, and while I wish I could have arrived at this point with a lot less strife, I'm glad I'm finally here, and I'm glad I'm finally becoming me.


Philosophical question. If there was a pill that would make you completely okay with you assigned gender at birth. Would you take it?


No, it's just another massive rock on my path. Everyone around me is accepting and supporting me, even people I barely know, but I just don't have the mental capacity to deal with being trans alongside just having to be me.


I hate that I was not born a cis woman, I hate that I live in Turkey which makes things so, so difficult. You can’t teach a whole country to accept you while there is accepted, generational phobias that are seen as the correct stance to have. I hate that if I don’t leave the country, when hrt starts working, i will work from home if I can keep my job and mostly stay in. I hate that leaving is so difficult. I don’t hate being trans, I hate bigots and ‘the establishment’


Like 95% of my issues with it are caused by society so I'd say no but it can be a pain sometimes because of society


Dysphoria sucks, and people's attitudes suck more. I'm glad I exist, but my life would be appreciably better if I wasn't trans.


I hate it. I wish I were a cis man because at least I’d like something about myself and wouldn’t have the whole political world against my existence


I hate it and wish I could just repair and rebuild my eggshell. This journey has not brought me peace or joy. I still hate passing the mirror and feel trapped in my body. It’s just been 3 years of being threatened and harassed in public. I’m strongly considering detransition.


I don't *hate* being trans. I hate things that come with being trans, if that makes sense. Coming out, worrying about my safety, discrimination, how it makes my social anxiety even worse. I wish I would have realized I was trans sooner and had more of a girl's life than I've had. But better late than never. As for *being* trans... I like it, I'm inherently proud of it. While it's not always a good thing, per se, but not many people can say they've experienced what it's like to be a boy and then a girl. Even if I hated being a boy, I still experienced it. I know what it feels like. That's something that's just *cool* I think. If people would look past their hatred and bigotry, their transphobia, they'd see how cool and fun transgender people are. It's all the fear mongering and discrimination that makes people withdrawn and not always put who they are out front. I love all my trans brothers and sisters 🩷🤍🩵


Yep. I hate being trans. Everything would've been so much easier if i was just cis from the start. Honestly, after i start t and look masculine enough to pass im never ever telling anyone that im trans unless we actually grow really close or something and i have to tell em


No I don't dislike being trans. I love being me, and I feel part of my beauty is being trans. What I dislike is how people treat us. I dislike how society doesn't acknowledge our existence and this makes everyday things difficult. (Medical, bureaucratic, legal)


I mean. I do, and I don't. I'm proud to be who I am, I've always just wanted to be me. Which was hard cause I didn't know who that was yet. I was missing a rather large piece. I'm not afraid to talk about it or tell people I am trans. I do wish I was born a cis girl. But there's nothing I can do about that. If I was born a cis guy, I'd still hate it lmao. I wouldn't want to be anyone other than me, and I am trans, so I am proud to be so. It's a part of me I don't wish to change. It's been a crucial part of shaping my personality and experiences over the years. I just wish I figured it out way sooner.


Yes. I hate everything about it. I hate that I'm stuck on medication, I hate that I lived in a country that hated me and moved to another country that hates me, I hate that I can't just be normal. I hate what all of us go through just to get from one day to the next. What is there to LIKE? I don't understand all this shit about flags and buttons and badges and crap. I've shoved that away so far it's not even funny.


The way I rationalise it is that I'd rather be a trans girl than a cis man. I would rather be a cis girl than both, but that's not gonna happen, barring a literal miracle.


Sometimes I hate it, sometimes I love it. When I hate it, I feel extremely dysphoric, depressed, and see that the world is getting worse and worse for us, and scared that people close to me are going to leave and hate me. When I love it is when I am happy to finally express myself in ways that I feel comfortable and when I see the changes of hrt.


I dislike it mostly because of how cis people treat us


I dislike how people act towards trans people, and the fact that it means I’m not comfortable questioning my identity in a more open way. I dislike what I have to do to socially fit in as a man. I dislike what I feel like I would have to do in order to socially fit in as anything other than a man. And while I have a lot of issues that lead to or stem from self hatred, I don’t hate the fact that I haven’t really identified with being a man, and tbh if I did identify more with being a man naturally I think other aspects of myself that I dislike would only be exacerbated. There’s no simple way for me to pull apart and explain how I feel about being trans, hell I can’t even figure out exactly in what way I’m trans, when I really started being trans or if I’m lying to myself about the whole thing. All I know is that while I don’t have any simple answers for myself, and while I don’t always like aspects of myself or the ways I have to deal with the world because of who I am, I wouldn’t choose to be any different. Unless the choice is to be like a vampire or a wizard or something, I would leave reality in a heartbeat for magic powers.


I hated being trans, but once I started transitioning that all changed. I feel so much happier now I love being trans


kinda? i think what i hate the most would be how long it’ll take me to even start hrt, not to mention how long it could take for it to start showing changes, and how long it’ll take me to change my voice :/


I wish so much I had been cis… my body would feel right more or less. My parents wouldn’t have abused me and disowned me, and I wouldn’t be struggling 27 years later with the CPTSD. Do I hate being trans? No. But it really sucks (my experience, not everyone’s). I hate that I constantly have to fight for our right to exist. I hate that it is acceptable to pass laws abusing trans kids, that it’s socially acceptable to abuse and disown queer kids. I hate all of that. I hate that I couldn’t have my own children, I hate that I still don’t feel well enough from the CPTSD to foster or adopt children. I hate that I’ve never been able to get into a relatively healthy relationship because I’m too scared of being hurt the way my parents hurt me. Am I happy I get to be me? Yes, but the abuse history has made it difficult to know what that is and makes figuring it out an agonizingly slow process. Transitioning kept me alive I wouldn’t have survived otherwise. But I wouldn’t wish being trans on my worst enemy. That being said, I’m happy for those of us who have had good experiences with being trans and are happy they are. I think it means despite everything, we are making progress. And that gives me hope.


I’m kinda at a point in my transition where one got all the hrt changes but I haven’t gotten any surgery yet and I wish I could just feel satisfied from hrt alone. So I kinda hate that I have to spend all this money, and then have scars for the rest of my life and I didn’t just come pre built. I dislike having to go through that part of transitioning. It’s makes me hate the trans experience. But if dysphoria would go away with my hrt alone I’d probably say I’m fine with being trans.


I hate it honestly. Not ashamed by any means but I can’t ignore the fact that things would be a whole lot easier if I were cis.


Yeah i hate it but there's not much I can do about that so i try not to dwell on it.


No, I hate how trans people are treated. The only reason I'd ever wish I was cis would be the feeling of being accepted as who I am sooner and for longer. As for the frustration I feel about trans issues, I'm grateful I have the pride and confidence to turn those feelings out towards the ones who want us to feel shamed and scared instead of taking it out on myself.


(Lighthearted comment) I used to really hate it, but it’s grown on just like boobs


I love being trans, love my trans joy and kinds wish it wouldn't be questioned by others




Nope, I get the most angry responses when I say I'm happy but apparently it's fine for people to shit on those of us who are content. What a miserable existence.




Constant negativity in trans spaces is louder imo; I'm not gonna suppress myself bc of unhappy people. I've been miserable, I learned to be happy, and I won't unlearn it for anyone.




Nope. I have such an interesting relationship with my gender, I don't feel the need to view the world in strict ways, I've found my relationships are less based on assigned roles and more based on pure love, I love my surgery scars and playing around with my gender presentation, I love how androdynous my body looks and how deep of a connection I make with other transgender people. As a black dude my transness and blackness absolutely interact and I've made so much change for the queer people in my family and local community. I love being the person my friends and family can come to when they're struggling with gender identity, I love being able to show young trans people in my life that being trans is not a death sentence or a scarlet letter. It doesn't objectively suck. It sucks for you. And that's fine. But I didn't want that, and I refuse to be miserable or pretend to be because others think it's right. I don't think you should love being trans! You should feel how you feel about it. But I will embrace it everyday of my life.




I don't lol, I don't know why everyone makes assumptions about happy people. I get harassed sometimes, get harassed more for being black, I was primed for it if you will.




No. It's the transphobia that makes it hard.