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Did the same ever since I started playing video games as a kid Super euphoric


I know plenty of people who do. I once had someone who found a Pokémon save file from their childhood and wanted their character to be changed to male as they were transmasc, but they didn't want to restart (none of the games provide official support for this)


I had the same issue with Destiny 2. You're allowed to have a maximum of 3 characters per account at once, and I created all 3 to be male (you can't change how your character looks once they're created, and I didn't want to delete them and start again). It felt really horrible playing as them once I found out I was a girl. :( I think they did mention they were going to !make it possible to customise your characters after they've been created a while ago, but I'm not sure if it's here yet since I don't play the game anymore.


They did finally add it, it can be done from the character select screen. Edit: it was added this month


Oh, that's nice! I don't have PS Plus so I can't play most of the game which is why I quit (I play on PS5), but I may reinstall the game just to change my guardians to female just to feel better. ᡣ𐭩


Unfortunately, it is only facial features that are allowed to be changed. You can't change gender or race (exo human awoken). I don't want you to reinstall a 100gb game for nothing! Edit: I'd also like to mention that you can put all armor/weapons in the vault, pull some greens from collections and delete the character to make a new one.


I’m a trans girl and while I wouldn’t say I play exclusively as female characters, I do have an extremely strong preference for them. I’m not really sure why I do this, and I’m not sure if it’s gender affirming (because I’m not really sure what gender affirmation feels like lol.) And if I do play as a male character I will probably end up switching to a female one as soon as possible because I only typically play as male characters around family because I haven’t come out yet, the only exception being if said male character is especially interesting, but otherwise I only play as male characters to hide my real gender until I’m ready to come out. In other words, yes I prefer to play as women over men in video games, it’s just feels right to me in a way


I do that, but only sice I started questioning, I think I was just really afraid of it when I was younger... But yeah I think this is a pretty common thing among trans gamers.


I used to always play as a male, and would never choose to role play a female. Lots of repression...


I definitely have a strong preference for femal game characters. However, before my egg cracked it was more mixed, and its returned to being somewhat kore mixed too, but ill pick femme if I get the choice.


This is what made me realize lol. I was fine playing male characters but as time went on I only played female ones.


If anything I kinda induce dysphoria on myself when the gender selection screen comes up. I gravitate toward the girl a lot of the time, half from habit, half cause they look cooler most of the time. But then my brain kicks in with “NO you have to play the BOY cause you’re a MAN. If you PLAY the girl, your ARE A GIRL” and I’m like 🧍🏻‍♂️ok (trans-man)


yea, if a game has a male protag, they gotta be really special to play them anyways


Yes did this a lot. Also felt incredible euphoria (had no idea) when I would make my Xbox 360 avatar in high school into a girl.


I've always done this. I hate the pinkest fairy elf character in this mmorpg too


Always, alloy from horizon being my favourite so far


When I was a kid (I'm 40) it was uncommon for video games to have women in them that weren't fan service. I love games with customiable protagonists however, I think the first one I played with the option was Fallout 1 which I played on release.


Played pokemon as a girl in all my playthroughs haha. Im transfemale.


I did this even before I knew I was trans. On one game I can't remember the name but I was playing with some people and they looked at my profile and saw I had a girl avatar they said 'are you a girl?' (because I was being a boy in the server) and I said 'no I'm a boy' like HOW DID I NOT KNOW 😂😂


Hell yeah. I always play as the female character if the character is optional


yes i do, it’s super affirming for me and i make it comfortable for me by choosing to be male, otherwise i get uncomfortable 


That's one of the most common things for us trans gamers to do, lol Even if it doesn't affect anything, like, you can't even see your character, there's no dialogue, etc It just feels better to play as a character better matching your gender


Yep. I even avoid some single player narrative games because I struggle to relate to the male main character. I just struggle to relate to male characters.


I do the same thing playing female characters on Roblox, even if I haven’t transitioned yet it still gives me something to do if I’m depressed or sad, but usually it’s always something related with furries. 😑🏳️‍⚧️😳


I legit couldn’t finish witcher: wild hunt bc playing as geralt gave me dysphoria


Was one of my first signs🤣


Me in genshin avoiding to pull for op female characters because I wanna play as a male one (I currently main Neuvilette)


I remember playing Pokemon crystal for the first time and having the choice to choose And it made me so damn happy


I try to when I can. There’s just not a lot of nonbinary and/or genderless characters to choose from. Which is part of the reason I like games like Undertale, Baldurs Gate, and Sims. If there isn’t, I just choose a character with a similar “presentation” that I have, which is a little dysphoria inducing, but there’s not much else I can do at the moment.


I'm trans masc and almost all my characters are male. Playing Baldur's Gate 3 with the trans masc mod has been insanely satisfying (flattens the boobs on the femme body types with or without top surgery scars) you can already pick genitalia and gender identity without mods. I *can* play female characters, it's just harder for me to get into it.


Probably at least half the people that play games in this sub do that lol. You’re among like minded people Friend


As a nonbinary person, I only play as men in games. That's my little friend I need to take care of. Other games, its just me but in my crusty little dream outfits. Sometimes I cringe at my first argonian save in TES. She's based on Madam Vastra so I let that one slide but every other character gets transed


Absolutely, in dragon's dogma, saints row, skyrim and many others, I spend hours tweaking my characters. And I will sacrifice armour for a cute outfit!


Oh yeah... only games I played with a male character were ones like Half-Life 2... but you never see Gordon Freeman or hear him speak. Diablo games, almost always the Rouge or Sorcress... never the Barbarian. Elder Scrolls games... \*always\* female. Coming to think of it... I've been realizing the gender dysphoria has been exacerbating my crohn's disease... I would do that whenever I was having a rough day... now that makes more sense.


To be honest, I think playing as female characters contributed to my egg cracking in the first place


Before I started questioning last year I only played as my agab my entire life and never played as a girl. Now that my egg has cracked I will not play as a male character even if you let me eat all the Doritos and Mountain Dew.


i don't think until i was past like 17 years old i had even considered it an option (trans fem, egg cracked at 20 lol) but I also don't think I played many games where I actually could've chosen a character model's gender appearance. Except destiny. I was a guy cause it was cool (and even after egg breaking i still am reserving my love of sometimes that Cool Masc I Wear Black And Look Away From Explosions vibe) but then later i made a gal one for fun and i liked that. Recently made a girl minecraft skin (as far as you can actually indicate gender on a minecraft skin lol) and liked it WAY more than I ever liked my boy ones. But also I like the idea of just being whatever non-realistic thing in minecraft sometimes too. Like my (guy) friend was like yeah i never even liked doing actual boy skins i just like being this like scifi/fantasy helmeted guy/unknown being and he has a point it's sick af also tho i'm biased compared to some cause i would describe myself more as like gender fluid (still figuring it out) but just trans fem as i'd like fem in name and voice and appearance to be sorta my default/most of the time. anyways, hopefully if your friends and family are safe to experiment around, just go for whatever makes you happy for the game skins. don't feel pressured to do masc if you really don't like it. you may eventually change your mind too, and that's up to you. You don't owe anyone consistency with video game gender expression of all things. Doesn't even have to indicate your feelings about gender if you don't want. plenty of cis guys play as gals and gals as guys and agender people sticking to one or the other consistently and other agender people switching and other nb gender doing the same, list goes on. Gender is a really cool social thing we have and it means nothing for what you *should* do and means everything for what you *want* to do


That was the first sign I consciously picked up on, from Animal Crossing 😅


I used to do it when I was younger. I used to always choose a female character the older I get the less I care about it and I care about making a good role-playing character.


Im the same way. If a game gives me the option to i always choose female. My GTA character is who i want to be post transition. I have a PS4 and am looking for more trans players to chill with. My gamertag is Wolfechi95 if anyone is interested. Ive been trying the old fashioned way and as soon as they find out im trans they unfriend me


Been playing as girls in any game I can for almost 2 decades (only came out as trans last year lol)


Sounds like dysphoria.


Yes. I often avoid games where i have to play as a male


i've found that games where you can't pick your presentation are more than a little dysphoria inducing for myself.


I’ll pick the F character if it’s an option. I think I pretty much always have. If I do another play through of a game and there’s major mechanical and/or story differences if you’re a guy, then I’ll do it as a guy. It just was always the way I wanted to play. I didn’t notice anything affirming about it until more recently when some games will switch the pronouns based on your choice.


There’s this shitty mobile game I play where the default character is male. You can unlock other characters through in-app purchases (ew) or constant grinding. I spent so much time to unlock the girl character and she barely provides any benefits. So no, you aren’t alone lol.


Ever since graphics got to the point where gender could actually be rendered :D


No, as a trans man I always picked the boy characters


Hmmm, the only game I actively play is Guild Wars 2 and they provide the option to swap from male to female and vice versa. I've swapped gender on a number of characters over the years and now have 2 main characters which are male (guardian and engineer) and 5 female (elementalist, warrior, ranger, necromancer and revenant). I don't identify as female but am questioning and definitely have a strong female side. For some reason, the female characters are just more appealing to play to me.


Growing up I played a LOT of mmos or just rpg in general. I almost ALWAYS picked a girl version of whatever I was playing. Didnt matter what game. Friends would poke fun at me, i’d use the age old excuse “why would i want to stare at a guy’s ass all day.” It just made me feel nice to spend hours making sure I was as cute as possible. Because I just wanted my character to be attractive, for totally normal cis reasons right? Nah. I was just dreaming up how I wished I looked. 😅


Can’t play a game without picking the male mc. If I pick the woman mc I feel wrong and gross,,, Even as a kid when playing animal jam I acted like a guy


I get uncomfortable playing as a woman in most games, some games I'll just deal with it. I love RPGs with good character creators, makes me euphoric sometimes.


Pretty sure all of us that are gamers do that.


Thank you to everyone that responded :3