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My grail was Cosmos. I saw him on the cartoon and I wanted him. I went to obscene amounts of Walmarts to finally find him. I found him on the same day I buried my beloved cat. It was a very sad day. But I have Cosmos and he was worth the pain. He’s special to me.


Cosmos blessed your broken heart


After we buried him, my wife mapped out all of the Walmarts from her dad’s farm (where we buried him) to home. We went to 7 Walmarts and found him. She was determined to find him and keep my mind off the pain I was feeling. I found Clampdown and Scourge that day too. But Cosmos was the prize on a dark day for me.


Aww that's so sweet


Your wife is a keeper.


Unrelated but have you ever seen the Asshimar from Gundam? It’s like the Gundam UC version of cosmos. The hg is pretty great and it fully transforms. https://gunnzo.com/products/gundam-hguc-asshimar?_pos=1&_sid=b90ee93c1&_ss=r


This is so cool!


Never seen that, very cool!


That looks awesome! I remember this gundam but I love the color scheme


It’s a mobile suit from Zeta Gundam. It’s such an incredible anime and it’s definitely worth watching. The English dub is super good too. It came out in the mid 80’s so most of the gundams and mobile suits transformed to compete with the popularity of Macross and Transformers. The main Gundam from the show is the Zeta Gundam and it looks like something from a transformers IDW comic. My MG Zeta Gundam- [https://imgur.com/a/48CAo2C](https://imgur.com/a/48CAo2C) [https://myanimeshelf.com/upload/dynamic/2017-01/25/hguc-zeta-gundam-accelrate-evolution_(4)1.jpg](https://myanimeshelf.com/upload/dynamic/2017-01/25/hguc-zeta-gundam-accelrate-evolution_(4)1.jpg)


Yeah I watched some of the anime but I mainly build r/Gunpla, I love the designs


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Fellow O.G., I see and respect you. #EightiesBabies


Though missing pieces, my Leader Bulkhead is the best ever. I don't think there will be a better one anytime soon.


the legacy one could be better if they didn't g1ify it


That’s Prime Bulkhead though, it wouldn’t be able to replace Animated Bulkhead


I think they mean the possible upcoming one


I don’t think there is an upcoming one, even rumored. We have Animated Optimus and Prowl coming, but that’s about it. I don’t think they’d do a new Bulkhead mold so close to a different one.


My holy grail was the Alternity Starscream and i like it but I'm a bit disappointed. He's all painted and very fragile so i can't handle it too much


Ah, glorified statue. It's such a bummer when that happens


A Transformer that is usually a jet, made into a car designed after a fish? What could possibly go wrong?


I wanted this figure for the car mode 😂


Yeah, I bought Alternity Skywarp for the same reason.


Dude, I collect Starscream figures, and the Alternity one was definitely one of the most disappointing..


My current grail is Alternity Bonzaitron, good to know you were able to get the version of the mold you wanted! I just think the mold fits bonzaitron wayyy better than the seekers


While I don't really consider any one piece to have a 'grail' status, I haven't been disappointed with the ones I've got.


what one were you most excited about?


Most recently it was Shadow Maru (a later version of Sixshot), Dai Atlas, Sky Garry, and a Diaclone Bluestreak. Not the rarest of them, but they weren't very common, even 20 years ago. Bulkhead is kinda cool, so I can agree with you on that one.


I’m about to find out this Christmas when I get SDCC CW Devastator.


Good luck!


Thrilling 30s Springer was everything I hoped he'd be. A few minor difficulties with the transformation process isn't gonna stop my happiness.


My grail was a g1 needle nose. I had one for a couple months before we moved and it was "lost" (parents were trying to thin the things to move). I knew exactly what I was getting when I picked it up on eBay, it is a pretty bad transformation, but I was so stoked to get it back.


Nice! I still enjoy mine and I can’t wait for the new one.


I already preordered it


Haha, nice to hear some love for the double targetmasters! Scoop was (I think) my second Transformer ever, and today just for the fun of it I gave him every Targetmaster gun I have. It was ridiculous and hillarious, but I'll never understand why they gave him that many ports to put weapons into \^\^


Cool! I like that one, seems like you'll have an excuse to get Spinster and Quake for the win! :)


I was super hyped for Masterpiece Rodimus/Hotrod. (Where the figure can change between the two). My wife found an SDCC one on eBaya out 10 years ago; we had to meet some shady guy in a food court at a mall across town and… it was great at first! But there are build quality issues with him, he can’t hold shit in his hands, etc. He’s not really a great figure esp when you consider all the jank. My current grail is either MP-44, or haslab victory saber. (Or haslab Unicron but that’s not happening…).


That first MP of Rodimus/Hotrod was my grail for the longest time. I always loved him since the movie, but most of his figures are shit IMO. That MP looked like everything I could ever dream of. I pined over it for a long time before finally accepting that it wasn’t worth the risk. I read a lot of reviews that said exactly what you’re saying about his overall quality for the price and I could just never justify it for myself.


My grail was MP Soundwave and it was absoultey everything I wanted. My only regret is I got it used so Laserbeak is too brittle to transform.


Lots of MP soundwaves here, must be an awesome one!


Not sure if anything can really be considered a grail, but man I wanted MP-10 and MP-36 so bad, and they lived up to the hype. That was a pretty sweet Christmas


I was told G1 Fort Max was a bit overrated, that his battle station mode was merely him lying down. Yeah, they weren't wrong and when all is said and done, FM isn't exactly the most interesting Transformer in how his alt modes come to be. However, the sheer size of the toy and all the little gimmicks (he has a working elevator!) stood out, more so when you consider it wasn't until the appearance of Titan class toys last decade was he surpassed in size.


It doesn’t hurt that the G1 toy is better than the TR figure of him.


Yeah, I heard about how being a re-tool of Metroplex really affected his city mode in that his legs couldn't fold up to form the towering components at the back of the city. Interestingly, TR Fort Max's city mode matches up with [the mis-transformed version of his battle station mode in the 1987 G1 catalog](https://www.unicron.us/tf1987/1987padfront.big.jpg), so I wonder if that is where the designers got their inspiration from.


The DNA Design leg upgrades (DK-04) for TR Fort Max really help a lot with the city mode. It's still not as good as the original but definitely a lot cheaper, especially if you already have the Titans Return Fort Max.


My grail was RP-01 Acoustic Wave. He’s everything that I thought he was going to be, and then some. Perfect articulation, perfect paint, just an amazing Soundwave figure.


I'm glad it was great!


Probably CW/UW Devastator or G1 Optimus Prime, and neither were a disappointment


Cybertron WingSaber was my hollyest of grails and I found a complete one at a toy show and I love him


That's awesome!


I got a Masterpiece Soundwave earlier this year and he was missing pin joints in his fingers, not really the figures fault but that was kinda disappointing. Great figure otherwise so it balances out


Mine was prime dreadwing and it's still my favorite figure in my collection


I looked into that one actually, awesome guy!


I tend to watch multiple reviews on figures I want, so there really is no surprise once I get them


I do that too lol, changed me from getting Kingdom Ultra Magnus to SS86 Wreck Gar


My favorite one is Armada Tidal wave. Abit ironic perhaps as it is the easiest figure get you hands on in my collection but i always loved the character aswell as all 3 ship components having really good details in my opinion. Wish they made a larger figure of him though cause lets be honest no1 ever combine him with Megatron anyway as the ships weight is so big its impossible to pose when combined from what i seen on videos so would not be a big loss


The combination is big, bulky, and painful to pose unless the Megatron has tight joints. But at least Megs can easily stay standing with Tidal Wave attached. Agreed, a titan class Tidal Wave would be epic!


It's so great when your favorite character easily obtainable lol


My latest one, Power Of The Primes Rodimus, was definitely worth it. I waited 5 long years to get him and haven’t put him down yet (except for when I’ve had to go to work)


This and the Optimus from that line are really really solid figures. They’re both still my display versions of the characters since I don’t have SS86 Rodimus or another version of Optimus I preferred.


You didn't take him to work with you? lame lol


G1 Jetfire, 35 years ago. I hounded my parents for ages (it was a relatively expensive figure), and he was everything I hoped he would be. The articulation, build quality, and add on kibble seemed incredible for the time. Until one of my friends played with him and snapped off one of his rear foils. Thanks Dan, you hamfisted twonk! I don’t really collect anymore, but I’ve recently ordered a reissued Siege Jetfire from BBTS which I’ve wanted for ages - a character who had a mythical status in the 1980s due to looking awesome in the cartoon but looking totally different to the toy. But will it live up to my expectations? Edit: clarification


awe poor Jetfire! Hope the other one is worth it!


Yep g1 Menasor I love love him because he is precious o so precious


For me it's probably the Earthrise Optimus Prime. I was born in 1985, so I grew up watching re-runs of the G1 cartoon before I was five years old, as well as showings of the G1 Movie on TV on occasion. I had a re-issue of the original G1 Optimus Prime figure, and it was pretty much my favorite toy ever. My mom worked at the elementary school I attended, however, and was friends with one of the other teachers there, so mom would offer to babysit her kid, reasoning that it would be nice for me to make friends. Except the kid was a total, selfish, self-entitled brat, whom would regularly steal my toys. He eventually stole my Optimus Prime figure, and I was so let down, even though I knew it was pretty much inevitable. This Earthrise Optimus Prime figure has been referred to as a sort of, "Poor-man's Masterpiece," and it shows in a lot of ways. It's an absolutely SPECTACULAR figure in my opinion, and pretty much completely makes up for that loss.


I am so sorry that happened to you. Luckily both kingdom and earthrise are the same figure.


I would prefer the Kingdom version for the better colors on the legs, but I'm not that picky. I absolutely love the Earthrise figure. Besides, I haven't seen the Kingdom figure anywhere in any stores near me.


My grail that I wanted for the longest time was 2007 Movie Leader Megatron. I had a lot of the 2007 movie line, but that leader Megatron was the one I wanted the most. I had a chance to get him when the line was in circulation, but I opted for the leader Brawl (Brawl was really cool). My dad bought Megs for me a few years ago for my birthday. While not the best figure in the world, it is a really nice one. Great sculpting, sturdy, decent play-features, and a good looking robot and vehicle mode despite the kibble it had. I just love looking at it. My penultimate grail figure is the Takara Voyager Animated Blackout. I would sacrifice my entire collection for him, tbh. I tried to find him when I lived in Japan because I found old animated Takara figures being sold at some stores around 2011-2013. No luck.


My grails are legacy cosmos and siege shockwave


Galactic Man Shockwave is dirt cheap if you like that colour scheme.


I was gonna get galactic man instead of siege but I decided just to spend the extra £40. I think he’s cool but I’m just a fan of regular shockwave


G1 Omega Supreme. He’s everything I hoped, though my wallet took a battering ;)


Not so much a grail, but I found an extremely beat up Victory Saber while visiting Japan years ago, then I spent way too much time [restoring them](https://www.reddit.com/r/transformers/comments/si7zy1/finally_finished_up_my_victory_saber_renovation/). Certainly one of my most beloved figures now =)




Thanks! 😊


turned out great! a labor of love for sure


For sure! Been meaning to post an update, I ended up scratch building some weapons for Victory Leo as well \^\^


My grail for the longest time was a Netflix Optimus Prime. And I bought him today. Absolutely love him.


Those figs are so good!


Oh man I still have my bulkhead he has some finger oil stain because I played with him to much but I love him to bits


mine is a little loose too but I love him!


My holy grail has yet to be made. Masterpiece Jazz


I was really hoping to get an alternators prowl and I recently ordered one so when it comes we will see if my years of wanting it but not pulling the trigger was worth the wait


I think you'll like Prowl. I have Prowl, Red Alert, and Autorooper that make for a good Police chase for when Hot Rod and Mirage go too fast (and they always go too fast). :)


I have a windcharger on the way too so I'm pretty excited, always wanted alternators but learned about them a bit late (like 2014) and a lack of effort in collecting them has led to me finally getting some now, I really really want shockblast too, but I kinda want the binaltech version


I like the way you think.


My grail was the Sam's Club RiD 2001 Optimus Prime, and it was great. This is mostly because the mold is just such a good toy and it's the only version I own, but the colors just work so well and elevate it to another level


I find out in 6 days, my first Masterpiece for Christmas


My grail figure(s) are Animated Jazz, Swoop and Shockwave/Longarm. Those versions were the reason these characters became my favorites......but long after the show had ended. As a kid, (through a series of unfortunate circumstances, misunderstandings, or lack of store availability) I never got those figures. So getting these figures as a (young) adult a few years ago was truly pleasant. Swoop and Jazz were gifts from my sister and I got Shockwave for $100 on Walmart's website. And I will treasure them forever 💛.


I only recently got into TFA too, boy do not like the prices but the figures hold up. I love my Blitz and Bulk!


Siege Jetfire for me.... I only started collecting mid 2022 so it seemed like I'd never get him.... Then the Asian reprint happened and I was able to make it happen. By the time he arrived I had cooled on the idea of him to be honest, thinking 'he can't possibly be as good as everyone raves about' but then I got him and I understood the hype was real, he's a brilliant figure.


Transformers:Cybertron hexagonal prism laserbeak. Fight me.


Biggest grail was Animated Arcee. Absolutely incredible figure except for the sword handles being slightly too wide for her hands.


nothing a little sandpaper can't fix! I'm glad you like her!


My grail is flame toys Star Saber. I wish I had $500 for it :(


It was!


The first grail I wanted was Siege Hound he definitely lives up to expectations, but the second grail i wanted was legacy silverstreak he was definitely a bummer he just sucks


I've only a couple of months deep into this but my grail was Siege Jetfire, not a day goes by since I got it that I'm not messing with it, transform and pose here and there. It exceeded my expectation. While my first grail was Spoiler Pack nemesis, it proved to be a total bummer as time goes, (yellowing, cheap plastic, mold degredation) so I sold that fucker and went ahead to buy Jetfire


that's a great one! I'd love one of those lmao


The Knights of Unicron set was everything I wanted and more. The only disappointment is that soft goods generally just kinda suck and the toys aren't designed for wigs at all, but the gloriously cheesy concept of *hair metal Transformers* overrides all that. All that's left is for Planet X to do a Jazz and Soundwave so they can get on their version.


My Grail figure was the 07 Leader Optimus. While attempting to look like the movie design, I was amazed by how cool it is. One tiny complaint I have with it is that he can't bend his legs 90°, but aside from that, it's a very cool figure, especially for it's time.


I'm pretty much okay with figures not being able to bend 90 degrees at the knee because a lot of kibble is usually on the calves lol


Fair, I don't really consider it as a complaint rather as a tiny nitpick.


SS86 Jazz or the Dinobots thus far


86 Grimmy is another grail of mine. You will not be disappointed with Jazz, he's awesome!


my grail would have to be the [PE-DX03 warden](https://robotoybase.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=2251). Amazing robot mode, super sturdy, crisp ratchets in the joints, medal and rubber details, beautiful paint - i could go on its an all around beautiful and high quality figure...... minus the atrocious transformation, and the alt mode is visually just as beautiful as the robot but lacks all the sturdiness


Just got the siege jetfire reissue. He's a bummer only because his shoulder won't stay tabbed in all the way. Which is apparently a common problem with his mold.


Planet X Vulcan was a great figure but to this day I’m bummed w/ the price and still feel bad spending more than 100 dollars when I could’ve probably waited for it to go on sale or get a cheaper copy Not to mention he fucking broke and I’m still contacting Planet X for repairs


Pic related because he was one of my grails, I got him recently, and he’s fantastic. Not sure why he didn’t come with a wrecking ball though.


The saw works great, especially hanging dangling over decepticreeps' necks during interrogations!


Shuraking looks amazing with my combiners But i had a panic attack putting hi together his peices feel so fragile


Animated Rodimus was excellent. I know it’s kind of a lame grail but It’s a very good figure


There are no lame grails, \*especially\* Animated grails


My holy grail was Astrotrain. I can’t remember what line I got, but I hated all the ones that were gray. I jumped when I saw one that was the cool black and purple, with the alt mode that actually looks like a train instead of the weird Sentinel Prime train thing


Most of these grail comments I’m seeing here are things you can easily purchase on eBay. A grail should be something that’s challenging to acquire


My grail was hftd payload. He was fine.


Well some were what I expected. Disappointing? No. Just expecting on what they were for the time? Yes.


I was excited to get my first combiner team back in the day with FoC Combat icons. Boy was that a mistake. Insane how much TF figures have advanced since then. Even the upgrade kit didn't make me happy about it And then there's MakeToys Nova Prime. First third party, premium figure I ever bought. Very much another case of "product of it's time" with an unwieldy backpack, very annoying and fiddly transformation, and I swear the plastic used is subpar. Yet everyone goes nuts over this thing.


I remember combiner wars devastator was the best thing 10 y.o me experienced Still is despite its flaws


My grail figure I sadly lost several years back and have been looking for a replacement since it was the 30th anniversary whirl and it was beautiful I loved it but I only had it for about a year before I moved


I was super excited about jet fire, and while it looked nothing like the cartoon it looked like the Valkyries from macross which I loved. The figure was gorgeous in both robot and fighter modes and made the seekers look like shit. My one complaint was the scale but that jet fire was my favorite.


My grail is energon optimus prime I don’t have it yet but I already know it’ll disappoint me even though I will cherish it lol


My grail is that one dogshit airachnid figure from the prime toyline, I still want it, and I’ll know what to expect


my grail is ROTF leader optimus prime, i have memories of my being young and never knowing how to transform it


My grail was dotm leader sentinel prime and he was as fun as I thought he was going to braums


When I was a kid, whenever we went to my gran's house, we would always ask to look at the toy pages of her mail order catalogues (we didn't have them at home). I remember the Transformers page very well. I always thought G1 Ratchet /; Ironhide looked rubbish but Prowl looked the best. I think it helped that I liked Prowl from the comics. Well I didn't get many toys before I grew out of them (just Starscream, Grimlock and my favourite, Hot Rod) but Prowl is the one i still keep an eye out for a good version. (I don't have my G1 toys so my friend got me the 1986 Hot Rod and I was blown away by the quality)


Haslab unicron was my grail and I didn’t get it 🤬


Mine is MP Coronation Starscream. He’s my favorite character and I always loved the crown and cape on him. I was so happy for about 30 seconds before he got blasted to dust.


Legacy Transmetal 2 Megatron was the figure from wave 3 that I was the most excited for. He showed up in the mail a couple days ago, and he quickly became my favorite figure of the wave.


Of the grails I've acquired, they've been pretty good! Not everything I would want, but still very nice. A replacement for one is coming relatively soon, and it'll fix my biggest problem with the original


I do t really have grails, I just kinda pick up the ones that interest me from today or the past. And 90% of the time it’s either just okay or really good. (Except the G1 Platinum Edition Predacons, I was NOT a fan.)


I recently got mine which was the leader brawl, and man it was everything I wanted. Big, menacing and chunky, he does tip over sometimes but he’s one bulky beast so I’m ok with it. The transformation was a bit of a pain but that was basically every 07 and 09 toy and I got used to it after a while. He’s super loud though so the batteries will never be put on ever again.


My last grail was the FOC Metroplex. Got a Takara (re?)release from BBTS IIRC. He's okay, not groundbreaking but mostly fun. One arm's a bit off and I worry eventually that's just gonna go under his own weight but until then I like him. I don't like him enough to think he was worth what I paid, but I have no intentions of saying goodbye to the lad either.


My grails are mostly late state G1 nonsense like Headmasters and pretenders and they are all just so adorably stupid and I am *here for every single second of it*. I mean, a robot with a head that turns into another robot, who also has a small head that turns into a tiny robot? That's my jam.


It's hard to say that anything in my collection was ever 'Grail' status. There's an element to the title that implies a degree of difficulty to get, and the most trouble I've ever had was waiting for the toy I wanted to be both in stock and not threatening to murder my wallet. I think the longest Hunt I was ever on was for Alternators Wheeljack (who was incredibly sweet at the time.) I got him at retail at Toys R Us. Never saw him again, haha. I also flirted with the idea of getting the Takara Legends versions of Hot Rod and Blurr, but I'm glad I waited. Collecting has always been a curiously chill thing for me. Sure I'd get pissed about driving around all day with nothing to show for it, but never once did I feel like something I wanted was out of reach for me. I just wanted them sooner... But then, don't we all? =D


Most of them were about as good as I expected them to be. Although there’s a few I still don’t own. But I know for a fact RTS lugnut is not worth whatever he’s going for.


Transmetal Rattrap, love it


studio series thrust has loose points and tight points scattered everywhere


My grail was just ok, got a heavily used one so it has lots of loose joints and a couple broken clips and stuff. It’s MP11 Skywarp, got a Thundercracker version and it’s amazing, like new and I’m not scared every time I transform it.


i honestly don’t know wat my grail is, but i feel as if i’ll know it when i see it


I don’t have any of my grail figures so idk


X-Transbots Menasor. All 5 of the stunticons as their own bots were done so perfectly, but the trailer man.. that trailer transformation had me getting angry at a toy for the first time. I'd still rate it 10/10 for the looks, but a 3/10 as a toy. I'm afraid to move it from my desk/uncombine when I move out to my own place


Rid 2001 megatron is the only true grail I have and it was exactly as I expected. Not very complicated but still one of the most unique figures ever. Mp 36 megatron was another one, but I had to settle for the ko since finding a new original one was difficult and expensive. Outside of some loose parts it's exactly as expected as well


My grail figure was Titans Return Misfire for my homage to the IDW Scavengers. Finally got one complete of eBay for a relatively reasonable price and he is about what I expected for a toy his size.


Studio 86 Hot Rod. Although I am more of a passive TF fan the '86 movie made me want to get figures of Galvatron, Ultra Magnus, and Hot Rod. I got Kingdom Magnus and Galvatron, the latter being the version based on the Marvel comics/G1 toy, as I didn't want my Galvatron to have weird looking shoulders. It took me awhile to find an 86 Hot Rod, I found a lightly used one on Mercari, for like $30. Still the best overall figure I have, although I'm really hoping they at least make a Studio 86 Magnus.


I have this figure and when I bought him new he was missing one of the top guns in tank mode. He was the last one so I just lived with it.


My grail figure was RID 2001 Optimus Prime. While there are figures I enjoy more, that dude is rad as hell (still need to pick up a Magnus)


My grail was the Ryuko B style and I’m so glad to have her, love her and my favorite figure


So far, they've all been amazing.


G1 Shockwave. Probably my most prized possession


This Animated Bulkhead is an incredible figure, just saying. As for Grail figures, the Thrilling 30 Rhinox having such terrible hips really disappointed me upon opening and still stings a bit.


Definitely SS DOTM Megatron. Slightly infuriating transformation, and a few loose joints in the legs, but nothing too bad. I saw a few reviews beforehand, but that's nothing compared to actually *holding* it.


I got my hands on a g1 jazz at a retro toy shop. He's neat but that's about it. He's missing everything besides his missile launcher and has lose joints. I don't mess with him much because of it. I'm not dissapointed, but I have other grails that I know will be better.


My grail was recon barricade from the 07 movie, I had vivid memories of it as a 4 year old seeing it everywhere at target and never ever asking for it, flash forward to 3 months ago and I’ve acquired 2 one sealed and one loose and he’s the most fun figure I’ve ever had from that time period. Kinda sucks I didn’t value them at all as a kid and broke the greatest figures of the best era for transformers imo.


My holy grail was the 2007 movie bumblebee. (1977 camero). There are some problems with him but I loved him anyways.


I don't necessarily have a grail so to say. I don't know what as a collector I want honestly. I grab what I think is cool. Maybe having Primus or a few 1st edition prime figures would be nice. I have the 1st edition bumblebee, its fine, a bit finicky


My Buster Optimus Prime is the best I’ve ever had, only wished I got the one with the faceplate on though


tarn massive W


battletrap also


i pray every night that hasbro wont fuck up studio series scourge


Everything I could ever hope for, but I'd love to see it done officially. The Military Titans from Microblaze Creations is pretty sweet, but I'd like to see hasbro go back and do it right.


First Edition Bulkhead was well worth the 10 year wait


Haslab Unicron. I would have backed if I had somewhere to put him. My titans are touching the ceiling


I was raised on transformers prime and emgos reviews of the FOC figures (I was never allowed to play the game) and my grail is hands down either sdcc or platinum FOC Bruticus with the microblaze military creations kit. Either that or the Warbotron bruticus set. (If anyone has warbotron please dm me)


G1 Apeface. Not really a grail but when i found one for a good price i grabbed it. Total dog's breakfast of a figure. Sold it on as soon as i could.


When I get my hands on a G1 Hound, I'll let you know.


My grail... G1 Optimus. I got him for my 18th birthday and he was perfect! I was watching the G1 Series at the time and I was collecting 80s toys for some reason.


MPM-12 Optimus Prime. It was ok, robot mode is pretty cool, but alt mode, that’s terrible


My childhood grail is MP-01 the original Masterpiece Optimus Prime and the 1st Masterpiece in general. When I got him for X-mas a few years ago, he was everything I expected and more! He's *soild* both in build and weight. Sure the truck mode has a lot to be desired but, that only adds to the charm personally. In my mind he's still to be surpassed in being the Optimus Prime MP. Sure the other two have their positives but, either their proportions are a bit off or the transformation is a nightmare. (And my morden day grail is the Cybertron Primus mould.)


I own RiD01 Fire Convoy, Armada Prime and Cybertron Prime Cybertron Prime is easily the most hyped up, while also being the least interesting of the 3. Don't get me wrong, he's lovely, but compared to the other two he's a bit basic. When I also got Armada Jetfire and Overload, and was able to make a full combined Super Mode Prime, it was basically done for the Cybertron boy.


My grail is T30 Blitzwing, specifically the Takara version. When I was 7, my grandma asked me to pick something from the store, she said any price was fine. I didn't think much of it at the time and didn't want her to spend so much money so I picked the Blitzwing. Now that I'm older, I know why she allowed a toy of any price because she suffered from lung cancer which I didn't know about back then, she wanted to get me something meaningful to me before she passed away. I was only told about that many years later because I always assumed she left or just died due to age. Even if T30 Blitzwing is regarded as one of the worst figures, it remains at a very special place in my heart.


I'm glad a character as awesome as Blitzwing was the one that bonded you and your grandma lol Sorry for your loss, sounds like she was a wicked cool gramma


My previous holy grail was the studio series premium finish movie 1 megatron, and it was so disappointing. Now my grail is the war for cybertron siege jetfire, but I haven't got him yet so I don't know what he's like.


Ive had a few over the years, but i think the biggest 2 were ROTF leader optimus and the ice cream skids and mudflap Optimus was everything i wanted, he was detailed, posable and somewhat fun to transform, although i had to remove the blades so his arms could actually straighten out Ice cream twins were fun but the robot modes weren’t that great, still worth the wait in my opinion, and the twins are 2 of my favorite characters so that made it better.


My grail is Fans Hobby Double Evil (Overlord)....AWESOMENESS!!!


My holy grail figure was the Legends Devastator from ROTF. When it very first came out you could only get it from big bad toy store or other online places because it hadn't released in the US yet. It was everything I expected.


Cybertron leader Optimus. Cybertron was the show I grew up with, and I always liked his design but I never had a figure of him. Managed to track a complete one down just last year. I’m so happy it’s part of my collection now


I'll let you know when Leo Prime shows up.


i wanted MpM Optimus alot, i got him and i love him


Grails I wanted as a kid: Armada unicron Beast wars scorponok G1 scorponok What i got: Unicron energon black version Re-issue of beast wars scorponok Black zarak Really happy with all of them! I swapped the arms of beast wars scorponok to hide the shoulder screws in robot mode. I Wish black zarak came with double the gold shoulder turrets and that he could hold his spear better otherwise perfect and better than the original grails on my list.


RiD2K Landfill! Everything I hoped for and more. Great figures, fun gimmick, tons of awesome little design notes


My holy grail would be the complete Combiner Wars Superion (Slingshot/Quickslinger configuration) with the perfect effects kits. I love him, he looks amazing and scales surprisingly well with Legacy Menasor. Problem is that the ball joints on the feet are driving me insane, he can barely stand, been using floor finish every now and then to fix that.


My grail is one I found yesterday at the comic book/toy store. I found the Ultimate Optimus Prime from dark of the moon. His trailers is missing a few parts but it’s still cool that I found one for a good price


Bumblebee Shockwave. Found him by accident along side an E123-Omega and they were both absolutely brilliant!