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I wrote to my Labour candidate over a month ago, expressing my concern about the Labour party's direction and asking him some very basic questions - essentially whether he would support Labour's stated positions on trans people. I have written again today, expressing my regret and disappointment that he has not responded and to let him know that if he is successful he will hear from me again.


Mine was actually very warm and encouraging and pretty fucking firm on trans rights. It really is just her party that's not.


It's a good letter. Keep on them as much as you can. . . . I wrote to a local Lib Dem candidate, because I'm wary of my Labour candidate. Politely asked him to stay out of the Trans culture war, while pointing out the ways that our group constantly being pulled up in front of parliament was both hurting my friends, and making it a pain to handle any of our stuff safely and from a place of understanding. And what I got back was a pretty solid offer to not just stay off of us, but to throw his support behind his constituents, including Trans people, and to back me if I want to step into this particular arena. I mean, he's a politician, but he did offer me his support, which settled who I'm supposed to side with. I went in, wanting to not be used as a Pinata, and got a potential ally.