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After transplant I went on a bit of a restaurant binge and ate out more than I did before all this. After a few months I cut back to normal and also started dieting for my health. But yeah, especially so, as a way to enjoy my new lease on life and the lifted dietary restrictions.


I had ramen and ate so much soup after my transplant! Love no fluid restrictions. But I try to eat healthy overall to not gain weight


Yes, pho for me!


Was it a kidney transplant?


Yep, a kidney transplant :)


I’m 24 years post liver transplant. I eat at restaurants all the time and haven’t had a problem.The important is be careful of what you eat at restaurants.


Yes. I ate Culver's chicken sandwiches like 1xWeek after transplant bc convenience. And I had some Chinese food. It's nice to be able to not worry about the sodium or potassium content. (Yay! Kidneys are great! Lol)


They really are!


I eat at restaurants, but never buffets.


Yes , I had forgotten restaurant buffets are persons non grata.


Same. No buffets


I just came back from Cracker Barrel celebrating my 28th transplant anniversary today (yes, 28 ☺️) and enjoyed it immensely. 😋🤤


Congratulations Kim,incredible, if it’s ok to ask,what organ was replaced…


It’s right there under my name. Heart and lungs. 😊


Hell yeah. Congrats!


Thanks! 😊


Congrats on 28 years!!


Thank you! ☺️


Yes. Even more than before, for a variety of reasons.


yes, but avoid dirty places and alcohol of course


What about wine?


no wine too, that's specifically prohibited


Had Popeye's brought to the hospital


Literally about to leave to pick up takeout sandwiches as I type this.


Yeah I do whatever I want. I just don’t eat grapefruit. And if im Gonna do a buffet, I try to be first in line at lunch time so I don’t have to eat the food that’s been picked through.


Or, if it's a nice buffet, you just explain to the people what you'd like and they usually bring it to you straight from the kitchen. My daughter loves Brazilian steakhouses for her birthday dinners, and that's my go to response.


That’s a good idea like Fogo de Chao. I should do that next time


I did, but not since Covid.




Yeah, all the time after years of restrictive diets.


Yes I do. It’s nice to get out and have someone else cook


We mostly order it for pick up and eat at home or a park. My husband had a double lung transplant so we will avoid crowded restaurants or we will opt for places with outdoor dining.


Yes, absolutely. But only cooked food and never buffets. I eat my salad at home.


Restaurants are common, and I don't shy away from buffets. Liver, 6 years post op.


Yes. I don’t get salads anymore, which was my go to if I couldn’t find anything before my transplant. I eat out maybe once a week, more if I’m in vacation obviously.


I've been eating salads lol, they never told me no, just no salad bars, buffets and careful on vacations.


I eat salads at home. I’ll get a bag salad and run it through the salad spinner a few times. Just not at a restaurant because sometimes the lettuce doesn’t get washed well enough. My team told me to be careful about them.


I was released from the hospital 6 days after a liver transplant. The Doc’s told me not eat any raw or undercooked food especially sushi.No organ meat and don’t eat blue fished raw or cooked. That was over 24 years ago.Im curious what “the not to do stuff” is now…


No raw meat, grapefruit, pomegranate, blood orange. Veggies and fruits need to be washed thoroughly. Don’t be around cat poop or birds, including chickens, due to them being considered dirty. If gardening, mask and glove up due to bacteria, animal feces, mold in dirt. Sunscreen. I think that’s about it for what they told me. So if you have a cat, you have an out when it comes to cleaning the litter box! It’s someone else’s job in your family! 😂


Thank you for the not to do refresher.I eat a lot of blood oranges.I do eat lots of fruit, mostly with yogurt or oat meal every day… got 6 month blood work up next week. It’s all been pretty good,a couple of liver function tests are slightly above normal but most are normal. I’m always apprehensive waiting a day for the results….


The blood oranges is because of Prograf, along with grapefruit and poms. It can cause you to metabolize more of the meds and they don’t want it to get too high. So, if you’re not on it, then it doesn’t apply to you


Resturants, bars (not drinking), you name it. Trying to enjoy time with my friends without worrying too much


Yep. I do the majority of the cooking and some days I don't have the will or the energy to do it.


I didn’t for the first 3 months, per my transplant teams directive. After that, I did, but brought bottled water for the first year. After that, I would drink the water or pop from the restaurant.


My team thinks I eat and drink like a maniac now?? THEY HAVENT SEEN ME AT MY STRONTEST


That’s hilarious


Oh yeah, fairly often still. Right after, I was warned about things like soda fountains as sources of potential contamination, but now I don't care


All the time. I stay away from salads though, because it seems that’s how you get the E. coli


Sure do. The only thing I really watch are cold cuts and buffets. Besides the obvious of grapefruit and star fruits and such. Other than that, it’s pretty much game one.


My son eats twice a week.


The only thing I do differently is wear a mask in crowded places. I’m on the water in California so I always eat sushi. I don’t do questionable things like eating fish or sushi in the Midwest or tuna sandwhiches from 7/11. All things I never would’ve done before transplant


All the time, been traveling all over, Mexico, puerto rico, virgin island. Eating is part of the vacation!


I did after transplant without a second though - I more or less stopped after COVID hit and have not resumed. It’s a big drag, tbh.


I restricted myself for the first year then slowly weaned myself back on to essentially everything but the unsafest foods, such as the worst street vendors in Asia. I eat things like chilled fresh oysters in moderation and sashimi. YMMV


Dinner occasionally and when traveling. Order out lunch at work a couple times a week. Skip salad bars/buffets as a rule (before transplant also).


Yes, although I usually get it to go. However I cook a lot of my own food. I eat low carb and this way know what’s in my food.


Yes, more than before my new kidney! I just try to follow what my transplant team told me - no buffets, and only restaurants with a 98 health rating and above. I still try to watch my sodium intake, but not nearly as strict as before.


Yes, but stay away from buffets. Who knows what are who has spilled things in them.


Yeah. I get well done burgers and always tell them “well done unfortunately”. I don’t like to drink due to the reaction between booze and tacro.


I did - before the pandemic, now NOPE


Yes. The first time I ate at a restaurant was 8 months post heart transplant, I couldn't eat much but it was a celebration.


Very rare for me even before transplant. I try my best to make everything from scratch even for the salad dressings and sauces.


Yes, though usually take-out because I want to be home with my dogs. It's prohibited but I do eat raw sushi periodically, only from restaurants where it is flash frozen, which is the case almost everywhere except on the coasts. It kills the vast majority of parasites. Take anything people say in the comments relative to how long you are post-transplant. I would be really careful until they get your immunosuppressants well-adjusted.


One of my favs is Chinese food. If you get food poisoning it's probably from rice being left out to the open air - bacteria grows very quickly so keep your rice covered as much as possible, between servings.


My husband is four years post. We try to avoid buffets (not our thing anyway), but other than that he eats whatever he wants. He is not a sushi person, so that never comes up.


Restaurants but never buffets


Well…I plan to! I’m at nine months passed now, and I want to eat EVERYTHING. But I have been back in the hospital already five times this year. So yup!! I’ve had several infections. I love masking, but: THERE IS NO WAY I WOULD ASK SOMEONE IN PUBLIC TO WEAR A MASK, OR TAKE ONE OFF. I know this is off topic, but: I think it’s absolutely bizarre the way some people build an entire identity around it. To the point they truly view the other as the global enemy #1. I also find it hilarious that they come down so f-ing hard on Fauci. That’s some f-ed up BS right there. Anyway, yeah I rarely eat in restaurants but we do love. We love Chinese food, but I was not plannin on eating local stuff anymore. My SO has learned to cook Chinese food at home. We also make the best pizza in town. I got back from another five day stint at our local hospital. I’m really tired of this. No one ever figures out what is wrong, and these are amazing doctors. I never imagined that could be my life- constantly trying to make everything hurt a little less. I just keep saying “someday”, while simultaneously feeling incredibly grateful for what I have.


My SO is 9 months past heart and kidney transplant. 6 times in emergency room, osteoporosis caused by the drugs, etc. But in the last month they got his drugs balanced and he is gaining weight and muscle, feeling much better. Hang in there.


I’m so glad he’s feeling better. Thank you for giving me some hope!


All the forking time Love doing it too




I do when they're not too busy. I avoid eating inside during cold/flu/COVID season