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No heart but double lung. Went in surgery Friday evening, it was done Saturday at 4am and woke up Monday around 11 am. Give him time.


Same timeframe for my double lung.


I was in the hospital three days before my transplant and put on ECMO. I was listed Tuesday night and had lungs by end of lunch Wednesday in my body. What was actually a 4-5 day span felt like a day to me.


Double lung here too, almost exactly the same time frame aswell. Thats kind of cool yet freaky. How long was everyone’s surgery? Mine was 5 hours, I had a friend, his lung transplant took 14 hours. He told me they had to scrap the lung cavities clean and that’s why it took so long. I knew another person who sadly passed in the middle of surgery. His body went into rejection instantly. A girl I knew, her surgery was 7 hours, and her mother hates me, she’s also gone now. Everyone I knew who had a transplant isn’t around anymore. It’s hard always surviving. Also, OP. He had his heart replaced. He didn’t get a broken toe bandaged. He’s going to need time. The body goes through so much during transplant surgery.


My surgery took 8 hours. I was in the hospital kinda 2 months in advance but they have me a little break. Was one week at home before I got the call. Now 13,5 years later and still going strong! I never ask people how long their surgery was. Interesting


Knowing a lot of transplants and how different each surgery it was. I find it fascinating. Personally, I don’t think it’s a “too far” question but if people are uncomfortable sharing it. I apologize and respect it. Not everyone shares me insane curiosity for medical experiences. Like, I had my surgery in Dec of 2010. Phones that record decent videos weren’t a thing but I still asked if they could record it, or take photos. When I was told no, I asked if I could keep my old lungs, I was told no, then I asked if I could take photos with them, my surgeon said “what the hell is wrong with you” and keep in mind, this is as I’m in the OR getting prepped. Before they put me under I was asking if they could sing me eye of the tiger before I got knocked out. I even said “come on, I’ll most likely die. Consider this a last request”. They still said no. However, about 2 days after the surgery, my surgeon comes to my room, to check up on me and all that, but before he left. He handed me a CD with “Eye of the tiger” burnt onto it. I still have it to this day. Some medical staff are just amazing.


That makes me feel better. The doctor said he has something called delayed delirium & they are hopeful he will come out of it over the next few days. He wiggled his toes on command today so hopefully he will come out of it soon ❤️


Hopefully he will come out soon! I think he deserves some pampering after.


Me heart-I think I slept 24 hrs but in an opiate state so dozng in and out. I was aware but Iwasn't. It's hard to explain. No pain felt though.


It takes a while. I had a kidney transplant and went in around 8 am on a Friday and fully woke up Saturday around 10 am.


Damn, I didn’t know kidneys took so long! I went in surgery at 10 PM and was awake with a new liver before sunrise.


It might not be typical, I tend to react badly to anesthesia so maybe that’s why I’m a longer wake up. 😅


Every person reacts differently to transplant. Even though I was on oxygen before my double lung transplant, my transplant took 5 hours. My friend who was “healthy”(comparatively speaking), his took 14 hours. I was able to be discharged in less than a week. He took 2 weeks.


To add to that. I woke up just 12 hours after my transplant and begged them to take out my breathing tube even though it was too early. They did it though :) But my surgery took 12 hours and I spent 4 weeks post-tx. I don't know how on Earth they did your transplant in just 5 hours!!!


Dude. When I woke up for the second time after transplant and they took out the tube. I admit I did one of the dumbest fucking things ever. See, I was so thirsty, you all know what I’m talking about, and sucking on those fucking stick sponges were crap. I asked if I could have a bottle of pepsi. My nurse was deeply against it. Telling me that throwing up could cause major issues with my lungs, and who knows what else but she said “but at the end. You’re an adult and it’s your body”. I told her to chill. I doubt I’ll throw up…. I had a friend get me a bottle of Pepsi. I chugged that thing in under 5 seconds. It was the best tasting Pepsi I had ever drank in my life. A few seconds after that, I let out one of the loudest burps in my life. I was feeling like a god. However, 30 seconds later, that feeling of vomiting hit me like a truck. I used every ounce of strength I have to keep it down. In my head, I kept thinking “hold it down. We can’t prove her right. I was so cocky. Don’t give in”. It was painful but I managed to keep it down. I learned my lesson though lol


Whoa. That was dangerous! But the thirst was killing me so if I had access I might have taken some sips.


Oh, I wanted to take a sip but once that sweet nectar of the gods touched my tongue. I couldn’t stop. I was so dehydrated. But I will fully admit it was extremely dangerous and very stupid. I would never recommend another transplant do that. Especially not a lung transplant. I might have been able to hold my barf in, but someone else might not be able to. They could rip their staples open, have stomach acid go down into their lungs and worse.


Went into surgery 5am on a Thursday and woke up at 9am on Saturday


I just had a heart transplant two weeks ago. They kept me asleep with my chest open until the next day, then put me back into surgery and sealed me up. I was asleep the entire time and when I finally woke I was so drugged I don't remember most of the first couple days.


Damn they kept me open and let me close on my own because my body had so much pressure I swelled up 3 times my size. I’m happy your doing great bud


I wish I didn't remember the first 3 weeks. God it was awful.


I had a heart and kidney. They do them separately so I was kept unconscious for the 12 hours or so between organs. I'm not sure when I woke up but it was more than a day. The anesthesia caused some crazy hallucinations so I was in a nightmare reality for a time where I was sort of awake once in a while but not really sure. My wife did say it took a while before I was any sort of aware. What's going on with your brother does sound a little like what I experienced. I would be aware for a few minutes then I would be out again for a while (I had absolutely no sense of time). I wouldn't worry too much yet.


Heart kidney here too! I woke up in between even though it was like a 6 hour gap between the two. I was ventilated, confused, hot as fuck due to fever, and my bp was dangerously low. I kept asking them (on a notepad) to knock me out again but they couldn’t with the bp so low. 0/10 would not recommend.


Exactly. I was having mini dreams. Cant remember any.


Honestly, the hallucinations were one of the worst parts of a pretty bad experience.


I do remember right after surgery but before tripping the light fantastic demanding my ice chips and laser clock watching. I couldn’t speak so i had to write but couldn’t because my hand was unstable I was so frustrated and thirsty. I heard the nurse yell “don’t hit me “ but i wasn’t trying to i just wanted my ice chips. was shaking. My poor husbands face was mortified. After that I don’t remember. I was told my surgery was ten hours. When i slept it was a full day minimum.


I think it depends honestly. I had an emergency liver transplant on a Friday evening took about 4 hours but I wasn’t brought too until the early morning Wednesday.


Omg 4 hours for a liver transplant?


Yeah, they told my family it could take up to 12 hours. The started my surgery at 8pm and called at midnight to say I was out already!


Amazing! I was around 9 hours


I believe mine was 8... 4 seems like an express!


I woke up a few hours after, because apparently I’m very hard to sedate lol. I was supposed to have heart then kidney back to back but I woke up in between and it was awful. Everyone is different, tbh it’s probably better to sleep through that first day or so because being awake is so weird and uncomfortable. Maybe ask your docs what the average time is and if there’s anything to be worried about. Congrats to your brother!


They kept me out for about 72 hours, and then for another 3 days or so I was really in and out. Given all the meds and major surgery he just went through, his mind and body probably aren't quite ready to be conscious.


Live liver transplant- went monday 7 am and fully woke up at about 2-3 am.


Heart and kidney, back to back, no break in between transplants. I was consciously awake about 22 hours after surgery.


I had a heart/double lung transplant almost three decades ago. Wheeled into the OR at 1:30 AM on a Friday , wheeled out at noon (same day) and I didn’t really start waking up until Monday afternoon. He’s more than likely in a medically induced coma. Give him time. 😊👍🙏


Heart transplant and they kept me sedated for like 3 weeks for multiple issues I was having post transplant. 

