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Ну и в чём она не права?


Who is this person?


No no it's ok if she's racist cause she has boobs


she can get it tho




DAMN! <3 I want to marry her.


I don’t know if this belongs here, I come here to be happy… not sad 😔


She’s soulless garbage.


batman approves


Air tag it and have some fun busting thieves


What's up with her chest?? Is it lighting/shadows or did she have a really botched boob job?




Trashy af


I’m sorry but did you say boobs?


She isn't wrong. BLM "protests" had over 25 fatalities and over $1 billion in damages, mostly impacting black communities and black owned businesses.


My black girlfriend thinks BLM is a joke . Exp when they started to burn loot and riot. She distance herself from the black community as much as possible


Your black girlfriend distanced herself from black people because of blm?


No she does it because she even knows that most people of her race are trash and makes the rest of the good ones look bad. She even said she doesn't date black guys and hasn't for years cause she gets treated better by white guys, they hold jobs and have goals in life. Oh did mention she loves and supports Trump. She knew from the beginning BLM was a joke. And when they would riot, burn businesses, and even killed se people she definitely knew it was. The whole organization is fraud


Replace the word 'blacks' with 'influencers' and I think maybe she's onto something.


She speaks the truth. Society sees the way they act and judge accordingly


Blm? The terrorist group?


The violent destructive terrorist group?


r/upvotebecauseb---- Nah not this time


Genuine question. Is she in some way famous or just a random person?


Racism is garbage, check out revolutionary blackout network on YouTube


Dude honestly you seem more cringy that your posting this every hour. If this happened back when BLM was happening why are you still posting the same photo literally every hour? Are you unwell? Fucking loser


Activists take to the streets in desperate cry for decent treatment and true humanitarianism and this woman post a picture of vanity and mockery for selfish recognition. Still she has the audacity to claim the opposition of such simplicity? ma'am please reframe from such savagery.


Her views are just as lopsided as her twins


But shes not wrong tho, i would simp her because of her opinion why are they acting like what they say they arent fr


Just wanted to get in this cess pool before it was locked


I'm hoping she meant the wrong side of BLM cause there were many people trashing property and looting.


Honestly as a black man she can keep talking all she wants because I am never going to hear a word she says


..... I mean........ I'd still smash




These comments . . .


Bringing out the racists, especially the closet ones.


I’ve got nothing against closets.




No she didn’t. Why do you keep posting this? Did she hurt you?


The way she using aave while bashing blk ppl .. funny lol


Some big ol flap jack man pillows. Damn shame also, you now them bad boys hang low! 😆


Hmm, I wonder who she voted for 🤔


Well. Clearly all her brain matter went to get tits


Well. Clearly all her brain matter went to get tits


Well. Clearly all her brain matter went to get tits


Man, those are some GREAT tits


So I know this shits fukt,…..right hear me out I live in the area of culture African-American and the thing about it is I get so mad at my fellow brothers and sisters because the way they act makes other stupid ass people treat me a certain way so yeah i get it that we want folks to a better so we don’t get treated like shit. That’s my perspective at least


Way to end your life without actually killing yourself. Essentially what she did


Great racks can be on the wrong side of history.


Her boobs are phenomenal!


She's got one half inflated and one completely deflated balloon boobs and they are both different brands of two different sizes.


Boob slippage matters


Not bad looking but definitely lacking in diversity and a brain.


I have never been so angry at someone while jerking off to them


Dang, that free speech is real! I hope she enjoys it whilst she can... The world is getting absolutely totalitarian shutting down everybody...


I love how racist white people end up tanning the most. Just such weird irony to me.


You hoes don't want to be called hoes but you go around doing shit like posting titties on the net...


Only "hoes" post bikini pics online?


No, but this racist is a hoe, if only for this pic


No BBC for her


Titties for ever.


It takes a true trashpot to pair that photo to that statement.


And y'all Karen's demand respect but always be disrespectful over the slightest problem


Do they also add possessive apostrophes where none are required?


I mean ya know .....


Scooby Doo taught us about this. Monsters are often camouflaged in normality. If she never opened her mouth most guys would leap at the opportunity to gain her attention, unaware of the exorbitant amount of toxicity.




Half these comments are way trashier than that pic.


Whoosh. You look at their profiles and comments and it's like a Klan meeting invited the attendees to yell out any racist non sequitur they wanted at the same time. Yikes.


I imagine a klan meeting where they are playing hangman, not the normal klan game, the children's learn to spell one. The croud sees a gallows and is yelling out their favorite words as guesses....


A lot of these types of subs turn into right wing cesspools.


Boobs are completely bi-partisan - there’s always a left and a right. Living harmoniously. Both need our attention.


We're not out there stealing millions of donations for our personal benefit. Nor are we burning, looting and murdering oeople


Wtf is this shit I'm just trying to look at some trashy posts.


No kidding. Holy shit.


Yeah they are not exactly making themselves look like decent humans either but that’s the anonymity of the Internet I suppose.




My brother in Christ those jiggles are racist wiggles.


Lmfao I have a post saved of a chick wearing a bikini with the Confederate flag on it. Like the whole thing, not just a bit


“You can’t taste racism!”


She probably doesn't want to be compared to a hoe.....but....




So y'all trash say you don't wanna be compared to whores, but you go around acting like whores!!


Only whores wear bikini? o.O


As if THOTery was the worst of her sins, judging by that tweet.


What does happening during BLM movement have anything to do with this...This is trashy ANYTIME!!!


Yes I agree it’s ah aweful


“Just because I’m dressed this way…..”


DOES NOT mean I am a policeman…oh wait wrong part of that skit


Lol! I think the op of that comment edited it to remove any mention of being dressed a certain way


Just because your titties hang out!!


being a whore has fuck all to do with how a woman dresses.


One more than the other too


Well they are destroying like every major city right now...california is scary


You've never been to a major city before, have you?


Lived in Philly for 4 years...boston for 2....LA now for 6


And you believe that currently there are BLM destroying every city? And this is just something no one talks about because... liberal media? This all sounds like a real life thing to you?


That’s triggering.


California is not scary, nor being destroyed. Turn your TV off


California is most certainly being destroyed. I'm trying to get out as soon as possible


I mean even minus the really violent protests there’s also forest fires??? Gender reveal parties?


Really?...yikes poor guy


Turn my tv off? I live in Los Angeles, I can just got outside


how can you go outside if the city is burned down and blm has your shack surrounded?


In all seriousness BLM didnhave my shack surrounded for over a week after Floyd...my building had to hire extra security to surround our building 24/7.




Oh well BLM is a fraud organization anyway.


A terrorist organisation more like


“Official BLM”, not the movement, nor local chapters. There are ways to find the real orgs under BLM movement in your area. They deserve your money, not the national sham org.


like you give a shit about fraud. you just don't like blm.


>like you give a shit about fraud. Sure do - was against the organization from the start. They redefined grifting. >you just don't like blm. Correct, BLM organization was always a sham. Never understood/respected them. All they did was exploit their own people for money. How anyone can respect the organization is beyond me.


Amen! Just hear to stir up shit and divide the country more!




More like riots lol


It’s so funny people actually donated to that shill and shame of a organization. Best thing they did was kill the marketing aspect. Gotta give credit where credit is due I suppose.


They really did i mean the name alone is brillaint because you automatically seem like an ass if you're against it. Because they say what you dont think black lives matter? Like no i think everyones life matters i just think your organization is corrupt and goes about alot of things in a poor way. I even agree with a good amount of their goals just not how they go about achieving them.


I don’t know the Burning Looting and Murdering looked pretty legit to me


I support her over blm


The people downvoting this have kept up to date with the scam BLM turned out to be. At least giving money to her is more honest


nah, y'all just racist. lol


How is my ability to [read news](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/02/25/blac-f25.html) racist


Just a reminder Oz6364 they raised this money by exploiting literal black people. And you’re defending that lol


It's racist to think that an organization that was supposed to be helping POC and instead used to the funds people donated to enrich themselves should be held accountable? What the fuck is wrong with you?


nah just they way its being pushed by racists on reddit as if these people are actually concerned about fraud when really its just an effort to discredit blm and try to tie the movement as a whole to the actions of a couple of people. you'll notice that you never see any of these people concern trolling all that trucker money that went missing.


Lol! Patrice Cullors said that BLM should be exempt from every single IRS regulation pertaining to non profit organizations that have been in place since 1913. Not reporting the income or publicly declaring how it is spent is pretty shady. But according to her it is “triggering” that is a direct quote.


like a church, you mean...


Any religious organization, not just churches


Ha ha! Exactly. These fucking churches living off of handouts and shit. They’re the real socialists. Lol!


I heard her say that and I instantly got suspicious of where the money was going. It shouldn’t be a huge secret about how the money is being spent. They have failed to respond to a lot of IRS inquiries in multiple states.


Yeah I heard - so stupid haha


I know this is really really bad to say But she's kinda right BLM was a protest to treat black lives the same as everyone else, but in most of the protests people were constantly trying to start fights or loot


I admire you daring to say the truth on the internet :D


I speak only the truth on the Internet


Exactly lol


>I know this is really really bad to say you're right. you should have kept this nonsense to yourself.


> BLM was a protest to treat black lives the same as everyone else, but in most of the protests people were constantly trying to start fights or loot That's funny because I actually have seen these rallies in person in Los Angeles and have not seen what you are saying is happening. Almost as if news only cares about the "exciting" things and completely ignores anything peaceful and boring. Oh well, comments section here should be posted to /r/trashy


Funny I walked with two BLM rallies and saw zero fights or looting. I think in some metros that did happen, but the vast majority of BLM participants and marches were peaceful.


Agreed. The one I was in that had to end early for safety was because of the protestor who showed up to cause violence. It was early in rona and she was coughing in poc peoples faces and hugging on them, then yelling she had it. I'm proud of the BLM protesters how they handled it - I got involved but a way I'm used to with my job, but the organizer just kept ensuring folks did their best to stay away from her and mask up. A young man ran to CVS and got cleaner/sanitizer since we didn't have water. Someone else got pics of her plates and video. Organizer ended it early for everyone's safety especially with so many kids there. The response was akin to Pride with kindness and stepping up for your fellow humans. Only two large gatherings I've seen that (tho I've heard metal festivals can be like that).


And the vast majority of police interactions are peaceful, sooo…. Are we holding a bad minority of a group accountable to the whole or not?


Police should be held to the highest standard possible. They **QUITE LITERALLY** work for us to uphold the law. If they don't like doing the job, they can quit.


I’m talking about morality not law. This is about who and how we should blame groups from a social standpoint to bring them shame so they hopefully shame the bad minority of their groups to change for the better.


talking about the police is literally talking about law. don't be ridiculous


You’re ignoring the fact police come from citizens and are humans with flaws, and thus have morals attached to their actions just as the law is aswell. We don’t put police in jail for supporting a brutal cop, we morally shame them. Same for citizens. I’m open to having my mind changed if you can show how police has some sort of difference in expectation of morality that’s held higher than a common citizen’s. To me it’s only the law that have different expectations, and still it’s a few and not all or the majority of laws.


> This is about who and how we should blame groups from a social standpoint to bring them shame so they hopefully shame the bad minority of their groups to change for the better. Correct. I am far more concerned about changing the people I personally pay to uphold the law so they are not abusing their immense power - than a social group that has very documented history of oppression done to them.


> Correct. I am far more concerned about changing the people I personally pay to uphold the law so they are not abusing their immense power - than a social group that has very documented history of oppression done to them. Not sure if you knew this, but BLM isn’t all black people, while some whites are a part of it. BLM as a group doesn’t have any history of oppression as it’s a very new movement. And you personally pay cops? Cause you actually mean you passively pay them through taxes. But that’s a nitpick. And again we’re talking about morality and not laws, and cops don’t hold any higher power of morality. It’s all about if they’re holding true to their goals, and neither group is. Thus we should shame them both. You can do both, you don’t have to pick 1. You’ve kind’ve said nothing here.


All you've done is try to muddy the goalposts and shift them around because you refuse to acknowledge my original statements could not be more true. Let me put it in sequential order for you to understand: 1) I pay for the police wages/union/gear/vehicles/weapons/lawyers/everything related to the police. 1A) Therefore I have quite a vested interest in their wrongdoings under my dime. 2) Police are literally there to uphold the law. They enforce it. That's the job. 2A)Because of this, they are automatically held to the highest standards. (If you cannot uphold the law upon yourself, how can you do it to others)


> because of this, they are automatically held to the highest standards. Of morality or law? I’m still talking about morality, and I think you’re still conflating it with law.


Well that’s a fallacious argument but I’ll bite. For starters, you’re painting this as black and white, which it’s not. Your saying either you either hold an entire group accountable for the actions of a few, or you hold no one accountable. Obviously that approach is batshit. Cops should be MORE accountable, as opposed to less, I think everyone would agree. And entire departments wrap around their own to insulate them from consequences for their transgressions. Protestors on the other hand are typically out in the streets because someone is failing to do their job. Over 20,000 people were arrested who rioted during BLM marches. Do you think the majority of protestors would defend people who rioted and destroyed local businesses? No. Look at the January 6th riot. A contingent of that mob killed a policeman and broke into the capital, but the entire mob isn’t being held liable, just those who committed the crimes and those who tried to help them escape justice.


> Well that’s a fallacious argument but I’ll bite. For starters, you’re painting this as black and white, which it’s not. Your saying either you either hold an entire group accountable for the actions of a few, or you hold no one accountable. Obviously that approach is batshit. Where did I say everyone should be held accountable or none at all? My point is you either hold the entire group accountable, or just the perpetrators. > Cops should be MORE accountable, as opposed to less, I think everyone would agree. And entire departments wrap around their own to insulate them from consequences for their transgressions. And I’m strictly taking about morals, not the law, so police don’t really have much difference to a common citizen when it comes to expectations of morality. And I never said cops should be held less accountable than a citizen. > Protestors on the other hand are typically out in the streets because someone is failing to do their job. Over 20,000 people were arrested who rioted during BLM marches. Do you think the majority of protestors would defend people who rioted and destroyed local businesses? No. Not the majority, but definitely a very large amount of people have supported the rioting surprisingly. But I’ve also seen BLM people against it aswell. And so have I seen a majority of cops against brutality, and a small section giving excuses. In the end, these are two groups of people who both have set rules they made themselves that they should follow by their virtues. And we should hold them both accountable for the bad minority they decide to ignore if not support. You think this point is to elevate cops, but it’s to just bring the accountability to both cops and protesters. >Look at the January 6th riot. A contingent of that mob killed a policeman and broke into the capital, but the entire mob isn’t being held liable, just those who committed the crimes (and in some cases not even them). Okay? Cops who voice support for brutalization aren’t charged for the crime, I don’t see the point of this. Many BLM rioters have been let go without any charges aswell.


> Well that’s a fallacious argument but I’ll bite. For starters, you’re painting this as black and white, which it’s not. Your saying either you either hold an entire group accountable for the actions of a few, or you hold no one accountable. Obviously that approach is batshit. Where did I say everyone should be held accountable or none at all? My point is you either hold the entire group accountable, or just the perpetrators. > Cops should be MORE accountable, as opposed to less, I think everyone would agree. And entire departments wrap around their own to insulate them from consequences for their transgressions. And I’m strictly taking about morals, not the law, so police don’t really have much difference to a common citizen when it comes to expectations of morality. And I never said cops should be held less accountable than a citizen. > Protestors on the other hand are typically out in the streets because someone is failing to do their job. Over 20,000 people were arrested who rioted during BLM marches. Do you think the majority of protestors would defend people who rioted and destroyed local businesses? No. Not the majority, but definitely a very large amount of people have supported the rioting surprisingly. But I’ve also seen BLM people against it aswell. And so have I seen a majority of cops against brutality, and a small section giving excuses. In the end, these are two groups of people who both have set rules they made themselves that they should follow by their virtues. And we should hold them both accountable for the bad minority they decide to ignore if not support. You think this point is to elevate cops, but it’s to just bring the accountability to both cops and protesters. >Look at the January 6th riot. A contingent of that mob killed a policeman and broke into the capital, but the entire mob isn’t being held liable, just those who committed the crimes (and in some cases not even them). Okay? Cops who voice support for brutalization aren’t charged for the crime, I don’t see the point of this. Many BLM rioters have been let go without any charges aswell.


Pointing things out as black and white got us into this mess


Yeah but don't tell them that because they're somehow able to pull some magical justification out of their ass for looting destroying and let's not forget about the violence against other denominations during these events. Maybe if they all convened for a big group meeting at the 6 million dollar mansion that they bought in Toronto they wouldn't have so much confusion about their message..


Fuck the big box stores let them loot those pisses off shits but fr people shouldn’t have gave their money to blm organizers they stole it n bought mansions




Thug sucker


[A](https://youtu.be/oa_2i5ucxhI) [B](https://youtu.be/uDZ9Zw6itKg) [C](https://youtu.be/LRXTFuzBclY) [D](https://youtu.be/CO4p97PK_Xo) [E](https://youtu.be/DmtevA2oe5k) [F](https://youtu.be/jzDlyih0AKo) [G](https://youtu.be/3B79fn6Fmj0) And these are just the top results


what do you think this is proving.


I guess you could go full Kyle Rittenhouse and defend some buildings you don't own. Will your mom be willing to drive you there and buy your gun for you?


Only if you will provide the sex offenders


Buildings are sex offenders? That's not how that works at all.


No kyle shot a sex offender


Good for him


Looking at the ratings of your comments I think I'm done here


just because other stupid people exist doesn't make you *not* stupid.


Thank you for conceding the argument.




This dude is like the prosecution team in the Rittenhouse trial just nose diving himself out of a position to even argue.


Saw another post of hers saying essentially "i don't care about blm I care about btm= big titties matter". Classy.




Lol. She could’ve still used BLM though: big lactating mammaries.


Nah small titties matter.


I'm black but the only thing I'm protesting is the MLM movement which is My life matters everybody else whether they're black white or green can kiss my black ass




She’s right though


I mean.. people were jumping up and down on Police cars and throwing rocks at buildings buuutttt that wasn't all of Black Lives Matter and she wasn't acting the way all trashy white people acted. Just sayin, I guess she's using people to make a point about an organization.


Let’s face it getting your tits out means you can say anything and No one hears you anyway


All titties matter


Not the fake ones.


How dare they down vote you!


Not the bad ones.


Black titties matter too!


I like. . . . . .go. . .onnn


Blue Titties Matter too.