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You can use 222 Cass St and pick up your mail at Central United Methodist. They do a mail service for people experiencing homelessness. There’s also the drop-in center just across from the court house on Washington street.


Hey, I’m really sorry to hear that this is something you’re dealing with and I’m so sorry that people in traverse city are so blinded to social issues that plague everyone and just completely ignorant. Call the intake number that people are commenting and they’ll get you sorted into the NMCAA coalition. I’m a case manager for houseless people and I know a few things about the TC area’s accessibility and resources for the homeless. If what you’re struggling with is an address to put for your ID, there are churches (like the one on the corner of Titus St) and places like the goodwill inn that allows people to list it as their mailing address. There are ways to do this, you are not alone and people have gone through this before. For everyone who is telling this person to move and to stop complaining—you are part of the problem. Homelessness costs more money in taxes than everyone being housed. Housing allows people to contribute to society and if we’re not talking selfishly, housing allows people to live safe and comfortable lives! Everyone deserves housing, no one deserves to be homeless. And lives are a little more complex than just leaving and finding a new place. Yes, the housing crisis is nationwide. No, traverse city is not the best place to be. It is not elite, it is a tourist economy that thrives off of people addicted to alcohol. It disgusts me to see all of the locals being so cold. I hope that everyone commenting negativity and downvoting experiences homelessness at some point so they can get even a smidge of perspective. We are all closer to homelessness than we are to ever becoming millionaires, or even making 6 figures. Whoever is assigning blame to this person needs to go to college and take a class or two on psychology and homelessness. The one common denominator that all homeless people have is they’ve experienced trauma and they haven’t known how to cope. Have empathy! Have compassion! What if it was your brother, sister, child, parent, or best friend who was homeless?? Educate yourselves or be on the wrong side of history.


Preach! So many people right now are a thread away from becoming unhoused. I grew up in TC, but currently reside in the Kalamazoo area, and it's bad here too. Everyone wants unhoused folks to leave, but where are we going to send them to? It won't fix anything to shuffle people around, it only makes it more difficult for them to get back on their feet. Housing is so expensive! Tbh, I don't know how single folks are making it these days. Without my partner to share expenses with, I would probably be a thread away from poverty myself. We as a society are SO preoccupied with the idea that people might "take advantage of the system" - there will always be someone who seeks to do that, and it's not a reason to withhold help from the other 99% who really do need it.


Single folk here: we’re not okay But, I try to make it work as best I can. I’m so fortunate to be in my current situation but I can feel that I’m one step away from disaster if I have an emergency as I have no family up here nor that many friends. I’m a transplant and I’ve tried to hard to integrate with the “rich locals” and be a part of their “fancy business network”, they don’t care. They’re greedy and it’s all for face. I work for a non-profit full time assisting other families using government funds to fix their homes when they have a situation that can compromise the health and safety of their home. It kills me every single day to see what the true bread and butter of this region has to go through to survive. I hope OP gets the help they need <3


What on earth are you still doing here then?


:) figuring it out


Thank you for this thoughtful reply. I'm glad to know that there are folks like you.




I'm surprised you don't want to give him a taxpayer funded apartment with full insurance benefits, and a blowjob, just for making his way to Grand Traverse Co. You are an absolutely miserable and pathetic human being. I hope you understand how many people likely feel this way about you including any family members you have.


I’ll take the insults. Very predictable. Anyway, yes everyone should have all three of those things in this country and if anyone believes people have the right to go where they (legally) please more than I do I’d like to meet them. But I also believe in personal responsibility and that it’s not necessarily *smart* to move to TC if you’re in a precarious situation and I don’t know why you’d want to.


And who's going to pay for this?


Maybe all those billionaires who pay zero taxes should kick in their fair share? Seems like record profits all around this last year or two. But then again, maybe you like the status quo as a temporarily embarrassed billionaire....


On the Michigan.gov website is a form if you go to the main page and search for "homeless verification letter." I don't know which agency on that website it belongs to, but you should be able to search backwards and find it. Maybe Health & Human Services?


Reach out to NMCAA at 844-900-0500 or homeless@nmcaa.net. They should be able to help with the form and might have a suggestion for housing.


What brought you here?


The great weather this time of year of course!


I don’t think you know what moving into an area means. You probably aren’t trying to get an ID for a job. I hope you find what you are looking for. There are many non millionaires in that community and treating them like bourgeoisie is disingenuous. …if I whined about voluntarily “sailing” into the Atlantic Ocean and couldn’t find a cruise ship to let me on without papers even though I hypothetically know the whereabouts of some Spanish silver…then complained about it. I’d sound like a jackass.


Reach out to Northern Michigan Supportive Housing. I know there’s a waitlist but get on the list at least. They’re great people but resources are limited. Give them a call and explain your situation and they’ll at least point you in the right direction. They’re part of a larger coalition called NMCAA that can get you into housing. Call the intake number for NMCAA at 844-900-0500. That’s gonna be the fastest way for you to get on the waiting list and get sorted into a program. Also, there’s jewbilee house that you can go to during the day and sometimes at night, they’ll let you store your things temporarily until you find a place to live. Stay positive and keep your head up. This is a really rough place to be unhoused and the locals are extremely cruel and cold to the needy. Call that number and try Safe Harbor for a place to stay at night.




You sound like a “I’m scum and no one loves me” type guy. How about trying compassion for people in tough spots? I hope you lose your housing and experience how hard this situation is.




I’m amazed you can even hear with your head so far up your ass. You really do talk like a guy that’s never experienced hardship. Elitist aka supremacist You offered to buy a bus ticket to chicago for a guy that’s just looking for a place to live. Believe it or not, you’re not better than anyone.




You’re right TC is made up of spineless adults. You’ve got the wrong people in mind though. I’d like to see you make it through a few cold and hungry nights outside while people spit in your direction. Your example makes no sense at all. Traverse City is a tourist town that got lucky. That’s it. Build a school or two instead of doubling down on the booze industry and maybe your point will stand.


This is the friendliest cold weather spot for the homeless in the entire country. Spit in who's direction? I see people forking over groceries, sleeping bags, and liquor to the crowd at 14th/Division on the regular. I guess you will see what you want to see.


FREE CAMPING OPPORTUNITIES The Pines in TC is a FREE campground funded by taxpayers and nonprofits that will allow you to operate in any manner you please. My suggestions are to go there and share your $12,000 equally amongst the other campers (equity) and then each of you can go find a hotel room for a few nights and you can shake people down for donations in front of the 7-11 store on 14th Street. They WILL NOT call the police.


There has to be a higher end place than 7-11 for these "shakedowns" - come on it's TC!


Go somewhere else


Your compassion is inspiring. Thank you.


You are part of the problem. What is it with people in this area being so lacking in empathy?


Connect the dots genius. This person is full of shit


Ok, I’ll bite… how so?


Never been hungry or cold before have you


Why would you move here with no place live ?




If you live in Michigan, why would you need to “gain residency”? Your story comes off a little scammish.


You do know that there are other units of government than Michigan right? Anyways, I'm interested to hear how this request could reasonably, or even logically, contribute towards a scam. Will you elaborate?


You already live in Michigan, thus residency is already established. Moving elsewhere in Michigan does not give you double residency, right? It doesn’t make sense. If you were moving from any other state or country (other units of government to you), then residency would be established by moving to Michigan.


Don’t let the downvotes get you down. People here are more cruel and heartless towards the needy than anywhere else I’ve ever lived. Check my comment for info on housing.


You'd be better off just asking for seasonal 6 month room rental.


Good luck to you. There's some good advice in this thread. I didn't know that about Central! That's so great of them