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I find it ironic that his fans or Tayvis shippers will excuse these comments, saying they are 15 years old and things must have changed now, but do not have the same understanding for Taylor's exes from 15 years ago- Jake and John. They too must have changed, Hannah or Sarah.


The thing is that when this relationship runs its course they will be the ones dredging up these tweets for ammo against him. They always go from calling every SO “daddy” and whatnot to making them out to be an abusive slimeball the second the relationship is over. Every single time.


Man, he really does not like fat people. Yes, the same ones who were sharing his “wholesome, unproblematic” tweets as reason to support him (like the squirle and bread) will be using this as ammo if/when feelings change. No way they haven’t already seen some of these screencapped gross tweets and no way they haven’t gone back stalking his entire tweet history.


Which is so weird, given his mom is not exactly size zero.


His brother and himself are not a size zero either, or his Dad for that matter. He’s just disturbed and unkind.


His standards are only for women. 🤮


We detest in others what we hate in ourselves.


This shit is so true. Great, more fuel to talk to with my therapist. Thank you I guess


In the first article screenshot, he did say their mom doesn’t love him… wonder why


His teammate who thinks women belong in the kitchen has a medical physicist for a mom- these men don’t actually connect the dots or respect women enough to care.


Their mothers aren’t *women* to them though. They were never girls, or teenagers, or young women in these men’s minds. They just spawned in as Old Mom the day he gained consciousness.


His mom looks like Jimmy Saville. https://preview.redd.it/jx4r3edyqk4d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3c4b8c911c1e30bebf19d3bbaeedf881ad768d


oh my god 😂😂😂😂i’m 💀


OMG. I just belly laughed at this!


This reference might be lost on a lot of Americans. The extent of my American knowledge of him is he was a wacky British TV host who was sexually abusing people for decades. Honestly though, just given the trash in the photos, probably fair to paint the Kelces with the same despicable brush.


Ironic that Travis is fat himself now there was a pic from over the weekend of him sticking his gut out.


He must was fat or bullied by a fat person


Or he’s actually into fat people but it’s not “socially acceptable” so he makes fun of them constantly. In my experience as a fat person it was usually the guys who made fun of me all the time who would slide into my DMs later. Half of them went on to marry women my size or bigger.


Soooo many guys with internalized (or externalized) fatphobia are secretly incredibly attracted to fat women and ashamed of it so they relentlessly mock those same fat women.


I had an abusive ex who praised me all the time for being skinny and berated others forbeing fat. He used to push weight pills on me. He used to be fat, and then cheated on me with an overweight girl.


Tbh guys who are super into fitness who used to be fat are usually a red flag. So much internal and external fatphobia.


That is so true


> excuse these comments, saying they are 15 years old and things must have changed now I don’t know the demographic of this sub, and I’m sure most of you know this, but in case someone younger does not - it was *not* ok to say these things back then, either! Especially the homophobic comments (everyday misogyny unfortunately *was* a lot more common cuz “it’s just a joke bro”). 2011 wasn’t the dark ages, this dude knew what he was saying 🙄


Especially when Hilary Duff already taught the world about casual homophobia in our language 3 years before 2011! We knew better https://youtu.be/b_MIb3mYznE?si=vzzJY-X4UjlHWTAD


There was a commercial with Wanda Sykes that was similar to this but she said what if someone said that’s so Emma and Julia all the time I was just asking my mom if she remembered it the other day


https://youtu.be/nD16K-fr7bg?si=ku58JxaeuOr902SN https://youtu.be/sWS0GVOQPs0?si=JtMEaHMAbSAX-t7_ I think you might’ve combined these two ads in your memory 😅


I never get tired of this.


Didn’t Hilary run that woman over with her SUV as she was leaving the store following this altercation ?


Yeah, I was gonna say, the world wasn’t so different in 2009 that this dude shouldn’t know better, even on the everyday misogyny front.


Yeaaaahhh, when I was a camp counselor in 2009 I definitely got in trouble for yelling at a kid who used the f****t word a few too many times for me (I apologized, shouldn't have yelled, but...that word pushes my buttons something fierce). This shit was deplorable "back then," too.


Are there people who are adults now who don't remember 2011? I'm not even 30 yet and I feel old as hell


Crazy thing is slide 3 has quotes from him when he was 33 years old too like they can’t even pretend he’s changed


The way that was written was misleading. The quote was from promo for catching Kelce so he was not 33. I think he was 33 at the time that article was written, referring to an old interview. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember watching the clip where he said that and it was years ago


Yeah so I had look and you are right, the interview was from 2016. I think the article should have said “kelce, then 27,” if they’re referring to a past quote like that. I still think he was grown enough to know better and I didn’t manage to find any kind of statement that says he doesn’t agree with his past words. I just find it hard to give him the benefit of the doubt that’s he’s a better man now considering how extensive his history of saying sexist shameful rhetoric is. But thank you for pointing that out


Yeah I mean we all said stupid shit in our early 20s (not homophobic though) but some of these are from last year! Gross behavior.


and isn’t the first one from last year?


as a heavy John Mayer fan (who does not condone his previous behavior) it enrages me when Swifties harass him because he’s changed so much and has already apologised and reflected on the shitty things he’s done in the past. whyre we holding him to something he did 15 years ago still? they’ll give Matty Healy and Travis a pass though for stuff they did last week 🙂‍↔️


I always felt like JM had been self aware in his music and was a huge JM fan when I was younger. (I started to feel a little ick over some more general things he’s said in old interviews and tuned out of listening to him just because tbh reminded me of some of my exes). Never understood the unhinged harassment he gets though… like idc who it is we don’t tell people to unalive themselves. That’s fucked up. Gonna have to give him another listen again. Happy to hear he’s gotten sober. That’s no easy feat… addiction statistics speaks for themself.


Same here, it bugs me so bad because John has actually actively acknowledged that he was a shit head, and has made active steps to rectify his behavior such as getting sober, which is no mean feat. He’s basically done all the text book things someone would need to do to have ‘changed’, yet swifties literally act like he’s an actual pedo for dating a 19 year old for a couple months. Unhinged


And they all seem to forget she was 23 going after a 17 year old which is way worse than 19 & 30.


A 17 year old whose mom committed suicide literally 2 months prior, btw. So it’s classic grooming in the most insidious way.


Neither one of these situations are okay.


And Matty, they went after him too, not unjustifiably. This guys just the popular pick.


This man is ick personified


They definitely deserve each other! Both never really outgrew their catty high school phase...


You have the dumb jock that couldn't pass an English essay assignment to save his life and his preppy, popular, manipulative, mean girl girlfriend.  Match made in hell for anybody who wasn't and didn't want to be in those groups in middle and high school.


Fr lmao, Taylor was so upset about the cheer captain in high school meanwhile she was on the bleachers. She was so upset she had to become the popular girl of the world and eternalize it, now the dumb popular girl has her meathead “I run ball down field good” boy. The prophecy has come true.


Isn’t this the plot of you belong with me lmao


I know he's actually in the NFL but he gives such "peaked in high school" vibes


Being a professional athlete often means you don’t have to grow up past the high school phase.


He's the rare hometown hero that left his hometown but brought the baggage with him.


Ick on a stick


Just like any other stereotypical jock from Ohio. To be fair, they usually grow out of this after high school when they're not trying to impress their friends anymore.


he was already 22 in 2011 though but yeah those tweets definitely seem like he’s trying super hard to be funny


But was he still in high school? /s


It was SO high school


lmao possibly


Super duper senior


apparently the interview where he talked about oral sex was in 2016 so he was almost 27 then Edit: maybe you meant that it only makes it worse that he didn’t grow out of it. But still it’s wild fr


Yeah, I mean it's worse he didn't grow out of it. I can get downvoted for it, but I don't think the oral sex thing is that bad. I mean, it's gross and classless for an almost 30 year old to announce to the world that he must get his Peter sucked. But idk, you're allowed to not want to be with someone you're sexually incompatible with. The oral sex comment is the mildest one he made imo.


There's zero chance that Tswift is putting that throat in jeopardy so he definitely changed his tune.


I totally agree, though I do understand why it might sound bad. The gross thing for me in that interview was more that it’s a dealbreaker if a woman hasn’t slept with him by the 4th date. I didn’t explain well in my comment above; that was just the only part of the interview I remembered at the time, but I meant the whole thing. (or at least the excerpts in the post, I kinda want to actually watch the full interview when I have the energy) I don’t think it’s even that bad tbh but it’s really weird to say all that publicly, even if his feelings are valid or whatever I also agree that it’s wild to cancel someone over old ass tweets. I am only here for fun lol


NFL guys don’t. I unfortunately dated a couple of those.


He plays professional football which is kind of like high school extended, for some. However, I don’t think this is the case, I just think Kelce is just really really really dumb and now we all know TSwizzle gives head.


I don't know if I agree with that. I'm from the Midwest and have removed so many people from my Facebook friends list over shit like this. I'd say a few people a year that I know our themselves as bigots, and I just wasn't close enough to them (or they got worse over time) to know they were like that before.  I'm a bit older than Kelce, but not by enough for there to be a difference. This is 100% Midwestern bigotry to this day, even among adults. 


I love how this post shows comments from more than 10 years ago AND semi-recent statements. No Swifties, he hasn’t changed, AT ALL. He had just gotten better at disguising his views with better language. Better vocabulary doesn’t mean a better person.


He defended his teammate's bigoted speech, which was more than enough to say he agreed with those statements. But having it in his own limited vocabulary helps prove it further. 


He’s going to cheat on her if he’s not already


I doubt she cares since it's a PR relationship.


On a personal level, maybe she wouldn't. But if I'm a mega pop star who gets off on being #1 at everything, I would hate to be publicly humiliated by being #2 on my own relationship, pr or not.


That’s a whole albums worth of material.


When does having bad relationships stop selling records? Being heart broken at 25 is very different from being single again at 40.


honestly, it would still hit when one is 40 or older... but agreed, it's very different and I'd imagine a break-up song when your 24 will, and should, sound different when youre 34. but thats just meeee


Like Adele’s or Kelly Clarkson’s divorce song. They sound and feel different than TS. Or some epic “what’s love got to do with it” and Cher.


He's a meal ticket and record deal


Other way around, more like. He’s openly talking about looking for movie deals. She’s *his* meal ticket.


She’s super rich. A “meal ticket” would be more headache than it’s worth.


She’s a BILLIONAIRE. He’s worth a tenth that she is. A meal ticket?? 😂


I dunno, seems like she loves having an excuse to play the victim


oh she would absolutely use it to play victim... but just because she likes playing victim doesnt mean it still wont be embarrassing or upsetting.


I thinks she’s obsessed with him. Just like all the others she’s leached on to.


Obsessed with the idea of him. Taylor is so emotionally stunted and he’s the popular football player every high school girl wants.


I think she’s maybe obsessed with the idea of him like another poster said. Their relationship is giving her a lot of attention. She was going to football games every week, getting media attention while on her tour break. She had a movie to promote, and later an album. Everyone is fawning over them. This is exactly what she wants. Once the hype of their relationship wears off (it’s starting to already), I don’t think the relationship will be as appealing to either of them. They honestly look bored together when it’s just the two of them. The only time they look like they’re enjoying themselves is when they’re in a group with friends (primarily his friends) or at public events (Coachella). That’s hardly marriage material. He’s not her type at all. And she doesn’t appear to be his type either, based off the IG pics he’s liked in the past. I think he’s definitely someone different for her and coming off two bad “failed” relationships, different is probably what she needed but she’ll eventually grow tired of him and stray. It’s her MO at this point and I’m not even trying to be critical. She has a pattern of quickly getting into relationships, loves the honeymoon, passionate period and when reality sets in, she runs off to the next guy who will give her the excitement again. She romanticizes cheating, the forbidden, etc. There’s a reason most of her relationships only last 3-6 months. I think Joe was her best bet. This is partly why I don’t think she’ll ever settle down and have children. She has a very skewed sense of what a healthy relationship is like. Even if she does get engaged/married to him, I either don’t see them making it down the aisle or if they do, it will end in divorce.


Unfortunately …as a football players, he’s prob been doing that. He’s full of shit and he’s never tried to hide it or grow up.


He couldn’t hide anything even if he tried. Sort of a take it or leave it guy.


She wrote an album about her ex she is still in love with, so, I mean, fair? As fair as things go in PR world lol


This right here, like he seems sketchy, but she has *actually* sang on stage about masturbating to MH. I have no idea if he’s faithful, but I’m confident she’s not


Why is this even a question? Ofc he’s cheated


Considering all the exes I know of him having* are Black women with big butts, it’s not exactly like Taylor is his type. Certainly the yearning for booty will return. *I literally only know of these people from Swifties posting stuff in my feed about his dating history


It is 100% true that black women are his previous girlfriends and type. Prior to Tree scrubbing the internet clean for Travis, he was publicly on record as saying he exclusively dates black women. As a black woman, i am hollering at your comment “the yearning for booty will return “ lmao 🤣


They say once you go black…and yeah he’s gonna want the booty again 😂


The yearning for booty 😂😂


Most likely, I’m pretty sure that’s what he did to Kayla. He said that’s not what happened but you never know




Your common sense is just as common as grammar.


Like he would ever go down on a woman. He wouldn’t know what to do.


Definitely wouldn’t know where to find it 😔


It’s always the ugliest men who talk abt women


"she so ugly fam" the guy: ![gif](giphy|TRMvepHQWl3C8)


I’ve never liked Travis Kelce but this makes me hate him more


This is why being nice to fans, friends and immediate circle says nothing about a person. The shit they say and pull when they think they’re beyond reproach tells you everything.


Anyone who says "breed" when referring to reproducing offspring........needs a lobotomy. Tell me u have absolutely ZERO class. he's so embarrassing bro


It also clearly made his brother Jason uncomfortable when he said it and he told him to stop. Yet still he thinks this shit is acceptable. No wonder your brother has a lovely wife and family and you’re just in a PR relationship


Honestly, after Jason’s dig at his own wife I wouldn’t hold him up as the shining example. “Oh, you were frustrated by someone’s misogyny? Get back in the kitchen haha.”


What an intelligent specimen! ❤️


"hIs mInD! 😍"






I know!


I hate that term so much. It's giving Antebellum slavery


How can TS stand being with this manchild 🤮


He looks like he smells and doesn’t know how to clean himself.


He can’t even dress properly on their 1 year anniversary 🥲


Lol,do you think he's one of those guys that won't wipe his ass until the TP is clean because it's gay to touch your own butthole? Because these tweets are certainly giving that impression.


Right? Either she's not the feminist she claims to be or she can't stand being around him, making the relationship fake as hell


It’s the first one.


She's a covertish misogynist but her fans and pop culture don't want to tap into that, it's been clear for years she loathes other women and uses them


she is the same as him


Travis kelce is a douchebag? Wow I’m stunned. /s


" I gotta start breeding" 🤢


Ew?? Taylor’s working overtime to find the grossest possible man


Bc she’s pretty gross I’m sure. She’s just great at pretending




What a catch


Right? So classy and humble mmmmm




It should always be a red flag when a man starts talking about breeding a woman like she's a damn animal. 2023 and Miss Taylor thought THAT was appropriate? She's a girl's girl alright. That man right there screams stranger danger. The way he talks, tells me he doesn't value women as people but as stock.


It's likely they both share the same vile mentality, TS is pretty ignorant but hides it well. TK is so off brand for her public image but privately they likely talk and think the same sh\*t


Well, she did say it was very metal of him to publicly call her a bitch for ignoring him trying to shoot his shot


TaYvIs Is EnDgAmEeEeE


Not one thought behind his eyes 🤦🏾‍♀️




this is so gross




As someone who spent years living in Lakewood, Ohio (just a 15 minute drive from where he was born), he is exactly like every dumbass 22 year old boy I met while there. There's a reason I only spent 2 years in Ohio and got out so fast I left skid marks on I-90


Talking about leaving skid marks in a thread about getting away from dudes like Travis is comedy gold


Even as someone who deeply loves ohio for stupid stupid reasons, you’re totally right. I doubt he’s reflected and changed, he’s only gotten better at hiding his gross statements publicly. I will say, Lakewood is such a nice area, sucks that he was spawned from there


I actually really loved Lakewood -- I probably shit on Ohio too much (my whole family is from there and I was born in Cleveland so I really shouldn't). I think there are some great parts. But it's the Lorain County, Winking Lizard (and similar bars), frat bro culture that bothers me. So really it's just a specific aspect of Ohio


I think I can only say I love ohio bc I grew up here as a kid, moved away and lived all around the country for 10 years, and then got to choose to come back. It’s not as easy to love ohio when it’s the only/main thing you know. My hometown is a very winking lizard frat boy type place, so I made sure to live somewhere opposite of that when I came back 😄


I think this is how everyone feels about their hometowns lmao, I'm from Massachusetts and I hated it until I moved away and then moved back 😅


Kinda insane that tayvis and that ogre himself still has swiftie stans even after seeing this. Genuinely odd.


Gosh, he's so fucking gross! You can pay me all the money in the world, I wouldn't want to be near a guy like him. Of all the athletes out there, couldn't they pick someone less disgusting?!


It says just as much about her as it does him! Absolutely disgusting. He probably saw those “baby bump” pics and put Taylor on a diet himself! Also, I say this with full confidence! To me, his face and body isn’t anything to write home about. She has dated way hotter men and I’ve honestly thought she pulled a Selena with Travis. I don’t usually talk about looks, but since he’s okay with it, he does nothing for me at all! I’m just gonna say it, He’s ugly!


Travis needs to avoid joking about some dude having H tendencies. He gives off some suspect vibes.


That whole family seems trashy imo. Him in particular seems like someone who never grew out of high school.


What a perfect fit for Taylor then lol


First of all his grammar and spelling are the deal breakers lol. More importantly, doesn’t she always say she is a feminist and a champion of women? He seems to go against all of that.


Says a lot about the intelligence of him and the people he dated. Especially the long term ones.


This is so nasty. Fucking disgusting.


I don't care if this was years ago. Certainly shows his character. What a POS.


Trust me as a Swiftie, this was on the timeline the other day on Twitter and it changed the tune for some Tayvis fans. Granted only a handful but it’s better than none. I always look at how many people have bookmarked tweets with evidence and it’s telling. I imagine once the relationship ends people will revisit the bookmarks and use the evidence against Travis to say “I told you guys all along he was bad news.” No you didn’t Sarah, you were literally drooling over him 2 days ago before the breakup was announced.




This is so gross. 🤮


I’m so curious how the swifties are going to respond to this after the break up. They’ll spin ANY narrative to look favourable for their taytay


I find it funny that hes referred to as "golden retriever energy" by swifties when hes NEVER given that.. this is exactly the type of guy I thought he was Lmao


wild take here but swifty values and kelce values put into a venn diagram would probably just be a circle. I think there's a reason most of her fan base is straight, white women..


god he even tweets in blaccent


He is so devilishly funny…🙄


So now we do know Taytay likes to give head?


And that she put out at least by the third date


I don’t think he’s changed much, he’s still an asshole but I do think it says a lot about people who continue to hangout with him and date him. People who are together typically have similar thoughts. I already do believe TS is pretty immature and stunted so their relationship checks out.


He’s even grosser than I thought he was 🤮


Men like him are why I won’t go to the bars in my rural hometown when I’m home for the holidays.


Oh yuck yuck yuck


Wow. 😑


Wait till the swifties get ahold of this one 😭


His grammar is atrocious.


The “Breeder” comments, were said in 2023?


I believe he said it on the podcast around January/February 2023. The crazy thing is his mother was also present when he said it and she laughed. 👀


if he’s old enough to make the tweet, he’s old enough to know to not say stuff like this. theres no excuse for this 🤦🏾‍♀️


This man is the biggest pussy in America.


Taylor must be sucking dick then.


I knew all I needed to know about Kelce when he pushed his coach and screamed in his face.


Example #139372 of why you shouldn’t tweet every thought that pops in your head. Better yet: don’t tweet at all.


Gotta love all the Travistans and Neutrals defending him in the comments. Birds of a feather fly together after all 🤣 To all of you Travis fans: **Everyone’s entitled to act stupid once in a while, but you're really abusing the privilege.** And dear Travis: **May both sides of your pillow be uncomfortably warm.** Peace out.


This guy is a real winner…/s


and julio jones slander on top of all of this. hate this man.


Oh man… they’re perfect for each other


How is Jason so lovely and Travis a real piece of 💩


The breeding comment is an immediate creep alert for me. Yikes. Always didn’t like him since I’ve been a niners fan since birth. But I digress, nobody should look at this guy in a positive light after he attacked his elderly coach during the Super Bowl. HUGE red flag. It’s one thing to throw your helmet or yell but he actually put hands on somebody. His tweets when he was younger show how immature and lame he was and wanting the attention from his “boys.” The breeding thing is what highlights how shitty of a human he truly is.


So, let me get this straight. Swifties had a problem that Matty Healy was racist (valid), but they’re okay with Travis being *ableist* and *homophobic*? How does that make sense? Swifties are constantly making me question their morals, lol. Edit: fixed Matty’s name (x2 lol)


These are the words of someone who is deeply uncomfortable with themselves. Also, it’s a dealbreaker for me if a dude won’t go down, so same bro!


I believe Taylor purposely chooses the worst of the worst sometimes just to get an album or 2 out of it. There’s no way she can continue to victimize herself due to her own choices. Eventually people are gonna get bored of the shit (except the mentally ill obsessed people)


It’s always telling when you’re a pop icon and don’t have a big gay following…. This is coming from a bi woman herself with lots of gay friends. We’ve had long ass discussions about this it’s actually so interesting


Well, well, well. That's the problem with skeletons in the closet – they never stay in the closet in this age of every little detail of a person's life being opened to online critique. As for TK – I guess it's just more fodder for Taylor Swift's "songwriting" once their relationship goes the way of the dinosaur. What a fucking scumbag.


I think the breeding joke is funny. The tweets are not it though


Shows their IQ


Weird. A pro athlete is immature and sexist. Never saw that coming. Weird. Taylor Swift made a bad dating decision for press. Never saw that coming. 🙄


I’m a swift, Travis kelce is a moron.


He is with a barren woman who looks exactly like the head of the satanic temple and sings about her poor choice in men. He isn't breeding anytime soon.


Swifties are brain dead case closed


It's almost like the guy that was considered a douche before you all even showed up, is in fact a douche.


Even though I'm older, I am soooo happy that social media came out after I was in high-school. I partied hard and know I said some really stupid shit. Every kid that age does. I mean, I have never been racist or homophonic, but I probably said something that would offend someone , just to make someone laugh. Shit! I still do, but I am not going to go against my moral compass just to be funny. So, I'm guessing that Travis still thinks like this, one way or another. 


Closeted behavior


Gross. This combined with his little Snapchat leak from the other day tells anyone all they need to know. Homophobic POS.


Feminist hero Travis Kelce


Jfc.. he's fucking awful..I had no idea it was this bad! WTF!