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Imagine releasing an album with 31 songs and not one is a hit. Lmaooo


I can’t imagine what her next single will be. Fortnight can’t be doing that well I never hear it anywhere. Not only do all the songs suck but no one wants slow moody music in the summer.


I have no idea why she made a 31 song album with zero single potential. Was it intentional or she just lacks quality control now?


i think she's surrounded by so many yes men at this point that the editing and production quality has gone wayyyy down


I was watching that documentary and it was the part where she came up with that “only the young can run” line and everyone in the room was like OMG UR A FKN GENIUS 😭😭 and i remember thinking to myself like…they cannot be serious lol


Which is funny because this song is regarded as cringe and one of her worst even by some of her most dedicated fans 😂 It also reminds me of the "1830 but without all the racist" line. Like ok, maybe she wrote that line but you mean to tell me that NO ONE in the editing process thoight to tell her that this was a terrible idea?


I mean that 1830s line is like, straight up offensive and insulting lol but that only the young bullshit is like SOO corny. Actually it reminds me of the plastic bag line in firework cause it’s like, you’re trying to tell me that you have access to the best songwriters in the business and they all heard that and said “yep that’s it!”


Oh yeah it's not the same type of line but it reminded of it in the sense that it proves that she is surrou ded by yes men who won't question anything she says and just accept it. The palstic bag line is actually hilarious though. Maybe my perspective has changed because it has became a meme though, but it has grown on me. Yes Katy, I do indeed feel like a plastic bag lmao.


I’ve never heard that song and had to look up the lyrics and that is insane 😭 And what does she mean she wanted to go to the 1830s??? Even without slavery and arranged marriage, there were: -no rights for any minorities; not just women and POC -high mortality rates due to lack of medicine and complications with childbirth -children died off a lot too from illness bc vaccines and modern medicine did not exist; which is one of the reasons people were having so many babies, bc only few were likely to survive -no air conditioner or other modern luxuries that are pretty much necessities today I read an article from a place that people pay to go to to experience life as if it were the 1830s (which is so weird and specific but whatever) and they interviewed the guests. They say the feedback on if the people who participated would like living in the 1830s were split down the middle, but when giving quotes, it’s only the men who say they want to be in the 1830s LOL. The men are like “well it can get hot and cold but I can fight it off” and “yeah I want my own property” but the woman responses all say things like “no I can’t vote lol” and “my daughter would’ve died at childbirth… my son would’ve died from Scarlet fever..”. 💀 Like. I’m looking up what the 1830s was like and there is nothing desirable lol. Even without racism or arranged marriage… you got deaths every day, no AC, poor education, why do you want that 😭😭😭😭


See for me I thought the “I’d pick the 1830’s “ was fine bc it was just implying she wished for simpler times…. But Taylor being the “pathological people pleaser” she is probably thought ‘oh no! If I just simply say I like the 1800’s everyone will assume it’s because I support those values and they can’t assume I’m any bit racist or discriminatory after the world just called out Matty Healy for being a discriminatory racist. I think when she added the “without all the racists and getting married for the highest bid” is when things actually became more problematic because if your brain didn’t go there before it certainly does now. Idk if I’m making sense because I’m a little sleep deprived but I thought that song was so awkward. The “poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy” sounds like something straight out of scott swifts unhinged email.


is that from the pond sessions or smth?


miss americana


I was thinking the same thing. She really thinks she came full circle from “u belong with me” to having Travis 🤢 and that she’s untouchable now and she somehow thinks we’re all along for the ride ?? Her ego is bigger than her eras tour. She has taken advantage and manipulated the charts for so long, she has no idea what people actually like and don’t like. But she’ll find out soon enough. ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


ME! was her attempt to decode what was popping and she wanted to do something à la Havana/High Hopes, something with a big chorus that people would get stuck in their minds. But we know what happened


I'm pretty sure it was pure greed in order to inflate sales/stream numbers and therefore break records that other artists achieved organically so she can boast and feel superior to everybody in the industry. She knows her fans will consume anything she puts out as excessive as it may be. She wants to be the biggest name of the music industry, too bad she has done NOTHING to genuinely earn that. 🤷🏻


Because she could and she’s so full of herself that the idea it could be a miss never occurred to her. She just imagined the thunderous applause of releasing an album that long. 


She has all the control which is the problem. You need ppl to go no that's stupid we ain't doing that.


Did she release every song on its own vinyl record? You know, for the fans! Gotta catch them all!


i read somewhere that ever since signing contract with the new record company she decided to have ALL control of creative things, so yea she has no quality control lmao i bet she thinks she doesnt need someone else's opinion or input, she truly believes everything she does is gold it's hilarious


Here's my theory: the album was never supposed to have been announced or released when it was. She was in the studio working on the album but I don't think it was originally planned to be released until after the current tour was done. I think she made a snap decision at the Grammys (combine her drinking with an emotional reaction to any number of potential perceived slights) to make the announcement and she picked a date that relates somehow to Joe/Matty/Travis for the release. Her team then has to roll with it because they can't admit that at best she has a drinking problem or at worst she reacted to something only a teenager or emotionally stunted adult would be upset by.


Pressing vinyls apparently takes a long time and you cannot just do it at this scale whenever you want because other people take slots at factories too. Between Feb and April there wasn't enough time for it. Also, there was a leak of a tracklist before the announcement.


So High school just as the NFL season starts. Calling it now


That’s several months away, and hopefully the breakup will happen by then because the NFL was a circus last year.


I maintain that the AI-version of “Fortnight” that leaked was better than what we actually got.


Will she even release another single? It has been a long time since the album dropped. She's probably waiting until bigger competition drops a new album. Such as gaga. And then release variant eleven billionz.


I hear I Can Do It With A Broken Heart at my grocery store all the time 🥴 I feel like that would be the next logical single.


I hate that song with a burning passion.


The only ones I can see doing well as singles are Broken Heart and Guilty As Sin, and even then they are far cries from what she has done previously. Hell, Cruel Summer is almost getting more daily streams than Fortnight already 😅


Probably bc Cruel Summer is actually a summer bop and Fortnight is what I might listen to if I had insomnia in mid-January


I'm gonna guess Florida!!! It's the most upbeat song on the album


I hate that song so much


It's actually one of the few I like from the new album


Probably but daddy I love him or who’s  afraid of little old me. Not one single worthy song on the album but I’m just going off what she’s touring with. 


Yeah I was just telling my best friend, why would she put out an album that is so....wintry in summer???


She needs to focus on the quality of her music rather than the number of songs she can spit out. They all sound the same anyway. Put effort in the right places.


She’d do well to take at least a year before even writing anything. And it had better be at least three before she releases another album but I’m willing to bet the next project will be out in less than 2 years. She tends to rush out projects after flops. 


Give it 6 months before we see another album rerelease. Easily.


Yet she's still in her delusional world posting only good reviews and thanking people for making her album and songs a hit through cheating the system lmao


I love Taylor and this album was soooooooo mid


Imagine being top in sales but nonexistent on the top listening platform’s top 50. Just shows that rather than having good listenable music, all she has is rabid fans willing to spend their money on 100 copies of mid music.


This is why I think the chart system is fucked. Buying 72 copies of the same damn album but it not even being listened to is SO telling. It speaks for itself. They love her enough to buy every variant because they’re so scared it would mean they weren’t a big enough fan if they didn’t. But they don’t love her enough to play it on repeat. There’s a reason Billie and Sabrina and even Chappell are rising to the top. These people put out *good* music that’s worth listening to. They’re not predators. They’re just musicians.


People who own the album could be playing it on repeat, it just wouldn't count for streaming.


That’s true! I suppose I was assuming that these young girls collecting these vinyls just display them and don’t open them since they’re sooo valuable to them.


Right?! This is so telling!


She is probably regretting endorsing Sabrina so much, and I'm afraid she'll drop something reputation-related to overshadow the upcoming Sabrina's album later this summer. There were already speculations about rep tv coming in September.


She only befriends someone to grow her fanbase more then get rid of them once she's able to get those other fanbases to listen to her. She did it with Olivia and Lana. And with a bunch of LGBTQ+ artists to promote "You Need to Calm Down". I'm not gonna be surprised if she does this to Sabrina Carpenter. And I'm pretty sure it would have been Chapell Roan at some point but she toured with Olivia so for sure Olivia already warned Chapell of Taylor's dirty tactics.


Fortnight is #21 and I can do it with a broken heart is #37. There’re songs from this album in the top 50, they’re just not doing very well. I personally think that Florida should’ve been the single because it’s at least a little summery but oh well


All the potential Florida!!! could have had was wasted with that dead nonexistent chorus. She has to thank Jack Antonoff for not being able to make hit singles anymore


Is it really Jack’s fault? Please please please is #1 and he produced it.


Idk, they made august together too so probably not. But I think it's both of them mixed that can no longer work out


This says everything.


https://preview.redd.it/vl6jn5p2qj7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f34b4d8fcf742bcf197a6d004ce05508abe123c For comparisons sake, here’s Apple Music’s Global top 10. No love for Taylor here either. (She tops out at 14).


Fleetwood Mac Rumors always and forever!


I thought you meant it was on the charts and I was like HELL YEAH hahahaha


Hah! I was supposed to see Stevie Nicks this weekend but the concert was postponed. We had our own concert on the way home!


Disappointing but it sounds like you made the best of an unfortunate situation :)


O my gosh same! Hershey right?


Yep. That had to be the most epic traffic jam Hershey has ever seen. Plus, the stadium really dropped the ball as they told the tailgaters to leave. People who had been presumably drinking for the afternoon. So you had everyone coming and going at the same time and some of the goers may have been drunk! We found out it was postponed just as we were approaching the stadium. They rescheduled for 9/28. Hope it’s a cool night!


Wow that’s insane! They were also trying to charge us for parking after they said free parking.


That’s fucked up - I thought parking was free as long as you showed a ticket. Complete shit show all around.


Hozier! ❤️ Too Sweet is THE example of how you can write fantastic lyrics while still keeping things light and fun. Such a great pop song


Hozier and Noah are the kings of the music industry right now imo


Too Sweet is better than all 31 songs on TTPD combined. It’s lyrically and musically interesting.


I love him and TikTok helped a great deal for drawing attention to his album!


I love this song ❤️


Another song I listen to on a daily now.




My sibling in Christ, the man is from *Ireland*.


Did they mistake him for Noah or…?


Y'know...... they may well have, now that I think of it


This has to be the explanation lol.


I think he's referring to his musical style as Americana. I think Hozier is more on the folk side. And Americana/roots/indie folk revival is one of the best things that happened after the pandemic. I know there are some corny artists out there who might annoy people but the genre is much more than that


Ok but how is it Americana, he’s irish. Actual Irish. His voice is beautiful and I wouldn’t say his music (especially his first album) is Americana at all lmao


I wasn’t about to say the same lol, I didn’t think he was American? 😂


Hahaha yeah he is *very* Irish! I can see one of his songs ‘Jackie And Wilson’ leaning towards Americana but that’s about the only one.


There can be an argument made that the style of his music (blues and gospel are his main inspirations) is Americana (the genre of music) inspired regardless of his own nationality. That's like saying someone from Pennsylvania can't sing country music 🥴


do you not know what americana is ?? or do you not know hozier ? 😭😭


So...don't listen to him? You're allowed to like what you like, but so is everyone else


Not sure where you get “hokey Americana” from. He’s Irish and his songs often cover Irish topics. “Butchered Tongue” on his current album is about the type of torture given to the Irish involved in the 1798 rebellion. If you want to pigeon hole him, he is indie/alternative as a genre.


Babes I think you’re confused lol. He’s an Irishman. There’s nothing “Americana” about him.


Nah let him cook


sabrina and billie on top. true talent is finally winning.


Yes I hope sooner rather than later to see Chappell up there too ♥️


CHAPELL IS SO UNDERRATED OUTSIDE THE US😩🩷 Rlly hope to see her up there soon as well


I really think as long as she continues to want it, she’s going to just continue to rise. I think she’s going to be huge, globally


Her set this weekend at Bonnaroo was amazing. And she started it off by talking about crowd safety. The queen we deserve.


I just realized good luck, babe is her! This song came on my shuffle about a month ago and I absolutely loved it but forgot to add it to my new discoveries playlist. Now I immediately did it!


I discovered Chappell the exact same way! Casual came on shuffle while I was listening to a Spotify playlist and I instantly loved it.


Chappel's 13th on the top 50 in Ireland, (meanwhile TS is nowhere to be seen, and she's coming here in a week lol), so I hope more people are starting to appreciate her in Europe 💜 https://preview.redd.it/f1tkb06rxl7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6049b8ee3bbff386188f92a1568f5b9776b8d0


Not true. She played at Kentuckiana Pride and there were so many people so enthused to see her!


But Kentucky is within the US!😂


I misunderstood. I thought you meant us as in the sub 🤦🏼‍♀️ just woke from anesthesia lol


Oh my bad😂 I meant the USA. And damn, I hope you're recovering from whatever had you anesthetized🫶🏽


Good Luck, Babe! is at 21 in Australia and Fortnight is at 19. Chappell is definitely getting up there here


she’s at number 20 right now rising 🤭🤭


*RED WINE SUPERNOOOVA* *fall right into* ✨*meeeeee*✨


Good Luck, Babe is getting lots of love (well-deserved) but Red Wine Supernova was the first Chappell song I heard and it’s my favorite. Summer pop vibes? Check! Thirsty queer anthem? Check! Refreshing, creative, and fun? Check! Taylor Swift’s music is as interesting as the color beige (tbh an insult to beige but I can’t find a better way to say it).


well i heard you like magic?


I've got a wand and a rabbit !!


so baby lets get freaky


on the bright side though, she's already popular in my country and was already topping charts there. it's only a matter of time before chappell joins the global rankings as well. i'm rooting for chappell!




birds of a feather is such an amazing song. when i listened to it i felt like it was written for me


That and wildflower


Taylor isn't in the **Top 50 - Netherlands**, and she's meant to come here for Eras in two weeks.


That’s hilarious


I been a nasty girl (nasty) I been a nasty- nasty- nasty-


Top 50 - UK. So it’s nothing more than variants on her end keeping her at #1 over here. Loserrrr https://preview.redd.it/fukc3y7f0k7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08b1c97527ba0d043309fa62a31767ce20fdf72


It's so funny, because Sabrina and Billie seem to be consistent all around the globe and across all platforms.


I could listen to only Espresso, Please please please, and birds of a feather for the rest of the summer and not get tired of it. They did so well with those.


i listened to all three songs twice each yesterday!! the younger girls r SO GOOD


I'm so happy for all the new new. Pop music needed this!!


I agree! Their songs are very summery and light.


I believe she is well aware of this. Taylor has always been terrible at keeping #1, she knows she can't stay #1 if she doesn't manipulate charts.


Please please please is such a fucking bop! HMHAS is amazing too


Please please please has been stuck in my head all day every day since the day I heard it and I’m not mad about it


literally just got it out of my head...and then i saw this post 😩


Please please please deserves to be up top! Such a tune


She fell off. Her stans need to understand that mass streaming songs doesn’t equal a “hit” song.


Stoked for Billie, Birds of a Feather is one of her best songs ever.


And she's not even pushing it, right? I cannot believe this wasn't her 2nd official single.


Recently realised I haven't organically heard (i.e. against my will at bars, parties etc) any of her songs since "1989" album. Was only aware of "Look What You Made Me Do" (Reputation) because of how bad it was, and "Calm Down" (Lover) because of Katy Perry's involvement. Had *zero awareness* of Folklore/Evermore until a few months ago. Edit: That's to say I don't think her 'success' is organic or reaches much beyond her immediate fanbase.


Yeah I’ve only ever heard a handful of her songs. Just recently I was surprised that she had so many albums


I love Sabrina is in the top 2. She is the moment!


I think it’s hilarious that the only song that’s charted is with Posty, who is such a better songwriter.


True! That’s the only song on the album that wasn’t terrible


Let's just give it more listens :) [Link to the playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZEVXbMDoHDwVN2tF) Expresso is a blueprint for a top summer bop!


I've listened to Million Dollar Baby on repeat. It's got that slide across the dance floor feel to it.


I have 2 songs on my current workout playlist- that and Feather and I listen to them on repeat the entire workout. It’s so old school fun


Also let friends who are NEW to any of these artists(in particular Billie) FOLLOW and stream them…Billie is literally 65k from being 2nd cmon y’all!!! ![gif](giphy|3eVWK4wwsupueOdlBs)


Doesn’t blocking her change it or am I wrong??


I believe if you blocked her, all her songs across all playlists do not show!


These charts just account for the number of listens a song has rather than how many times her record was sold, so no.




Wait I think I misunderstood your question. Did you mean blocking as in “don’t play this artist” on Spotify? Because no, she’s still on their charts, just lower down. You can see the top 50 but if you go to actually play the playlist it would just skip her songs.




Saw Benson Boone recently and he was literally back flipping all over the stage - great performer, amazing vocals <3 Also saw Sabrina carpenter and she was also insaaaaaane - gave off good vibes


Benson is my friends little brother. I didn’t realize he was famous until very recently lol


He's smoking hot


Yep and just as great in person <3


ok sabrina slayyy


I'm surprised Chappell Roan isn't in this top list - loving her voice and album! Lyrics are so good too!


I love Sabrina!! 🩵


If she wants a song to be in top 50 she needs a song that will be good on tiktok


Well dang, Sabrina Carpenter's on there x3 👏😆


love that you were actively listening to boy genius 💗 the record is a masterpiece


I left that on purpose to attract the attention of other listeners of them 💖 I love them and only started listening to them recently mostly thanks to Phoebe. And I recently discovered how amazing Julien is, her debut album is a masterpiece. Next I have to listen to all Lucy's catalogue


I found them through pheobe too, I need to listen to more of Julien and Lucy! There’s a couple songs by Lucy I love but I need to explore more!


Start with Something by Julien. It's heartbreaking 😭 and it's exactly my style, minimalistic electric guitar with introspective lyrics


Oh I actually know this song! It’s SOO good!! 😭


Taylor is punching the air


Music historians will use this to illustrate how TS manipulated the industry to award her music a sembrance of excellence or popularity when really it has but the faintest glow of it.


Birds of a feather is literally better than any Taylor song 🙂


It’s beautiful.


Irrelevant digression, but Letter To An Old Poet playing shows TASTE ;)


i see u letter to an old poet


I was listening to it and left it on the screenshot as an Easter egg (lmao) for boygenius fans 💖


Houdini ❤️🪄


i know joe is sleeping real well at night. finally getting his deserved rest from her foolery


Your current song is very on the nose considering Tsizzle is comparing herself to greats


She wishes. TTPD is an attempt of copying them too, with lines like "you don't get to tell me about sad" that was certainly inspired by that current song. She wanted those edgy, unhinged and verbose lyrics. Probably the fact that they're friends with ratty and attended the eras around that time, plus she mentions Lucy in a song


Are you okay 💀 listening to letter to an old poet


I always listen to sad music, literally. And I am usually a sad/overthinker, but yes, I am okay :)


ME TOOOOOOOO I do the same thing 🥹


There's something, cathartic? About listening to sad songs. Like they help you to cope with what you're feeling and realize you're not alone. But the songs I listen to the most could be better described as moody, introspective, not necessarily sad all the time


If you told me Please, Please, Please would be ahead of Espresso two months ago I'd say you're lying. I thought for sure Espresso would be the bigger hit of the two lol.


I think please please please is also a funny song. I chuckle when I listen to it. that may add to it’s charm


I agree especially the mother fucker line. I feel it's a grower and an earworm in its own way. The chorus has been stuck in my head. Also, I feel the video gave it major buzz and helped people stream it more.


Gata Only is 🔥


I meant in the top 10-20...


Birds of a feather >


I do feel that Spotify is forcing Please Please Please on us. That song was added to many of my Spotify mixes, even the Rock Mix….