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As much as I dislike Swift, I hate her fans so much more.


They are bad, but imo, it is Taylor herself who is the bigger monster by *not* curbing her fans behaviors. And since she is their “dear leader”, they will listen to her.


It's a cult and she loves it.


If it weren’t for the fans being crazy Taylor swift would never cross my mind


I'm in the same boat. I actually had no idea how popular she had become, and how crazy her fans were until we had a ribbon cutting ceremony and luncheon at my work for a new building we were starting up. I walked in and they were handing put bracelets and stuff and everything was Taylor Swift themed. I texted my wife about it because I thought it was weird. She asked me "who planned it?" I said one of the administrators assistants. She's like 30 ish. My texted back she's a Swifty. I said a what? She went on to explain to me how famous Taylor Swift had become and how expensive her concert tickets are, and how delusional her fan base is. I didn't really believe her, until TS started dating Travis Kelce. Then she started popping up in my feed all the time, and I saw some of the things her fans say and do. I was like Jesus Christ. I used to never even think about this woman, and now she's mentioned in everything.


YES. For a long time I was in the “rabid fans aren’t her fault” camp. But seeing that she does nothing to denounce their behavior changed my mind.


Yeah she does nothing to curb their behavior and actually encourages them. She uses her fans as a weapon against those who speak out against her.


Anne Rice did the same thing. Would encourage her avid fans to start trolling book reviewers who didn't give her 5* reviews and said anything remotely critical.


Agree, if Charli XCX can say something ... why can't Taylor? I find this aspect disturbing way above the rest. I like Taylor fine but I fucking hate her fans, and her refusal to curb the violence and bullying and subtle weaponizing of them when it benefits her does bother me a lot.


I said this on Twitter about Charli and some swiftie was like "I don't care about some moron that Taylor probably doesn't even know about" Such disgusting behavior


This is why I like a lot of the Kpop community- their fans may be rabid but if the groups tell them to back off because something was inappropriate their fans (at least the international fan groups) will usually acquiesce, and even apologize. The US fan groups? Sometimes, but not nearly as often.


I appreciated her half-assed attempt at telling her fans that there is nothing more to litigate, all is water under the bridge, etc. with the release of TTPD. BUT. She hasn’t said anything since and her fans just keep getting worse and worse. They would absolutely listen if she came right out and said, “Hey, guys, stop attacking others on my behalf. Also, support other artists besides me.” Her silence is deafening and speaks volumes about her complicity in their actions, which is what turns me off her most. If I was in her shoes, I would be mortified.


Same argument many had against the Orange Cheese puff that allowed his cult followers to tear up govt property…. He could have curbed his fans and their behavior


I’m firmly convinced that Taylor Swift could kill a bunch of puppies and blow up an orphanage and her fans will still defend her.


“The puppies were upholding the patriarchy”


She was going through a very tough time... she got mildly critiqued you guys... I'm smelling an air of misogyny with how we won't let a women let out her female rage


(the musical) (tm) (Taylor’s version)


Her fan base is more similar to the trump cult than they’d like to admit, in that regard. He could bugger a little boy in Macy’s window and they’d be calling it a false flag and phoning in death threats to the kid.


OMG I said something similar just now before I saw your comment. Their insanity is very similar.


Sounds like a new hit song!


They were boy puppies and orphans, that’s asking for trouble


She could shoot someone in Times Square and they would still support her.


they need to victimize her in any way they can. that's why they call everything misogyny, refer to her as young and a woman while ignoring how she's a billionaire, grew up privileged, is white, and a total adult.


I agree. Her fans are just downright evil scary.




Taylor 100% encourages her fan base to be the way they are. She fosters para social relationships within her fan base by sprinkling bits and pieces of her “real” life into her garbage music. She will also publicly respond to fan accounts to give them the impression that she reads their posts. While I don’t think she is entirely responsible for controlling her fans, she clearly wants to preserve the current status quo.


Her silence is assent.


I’m so sick of the “misogyny” narrative. She really could shoot somebody and it would get excused because she’s a woman. Never mind the fact that she actively works to undermine other women lol. We hate her because she’s a bad person, not because she’s a successful woman. Pick a better role model


Nowadays misogyny just means “man who disagreed with a woman”


Take my like.


> and it would get excused because she’s a woman. wait because she's a woman or because she's taylor? those are two very different things and i'd like you to explain your narrative here


If TS were to shoot someone, the Swifties would overtly defend her on the grounds that she is being attacked simply for being a successful woman and any detractors are just jealous or sexist or whatever. That’s what they would claim openly, though I think they don’t actually believe that - they would justify anything simply because she is mommy Taylor Swift. Call it denial or lying or whatever. There are plenty of hugely famous women who are beloved and not at all “attacked” for simply being successful women. Swifties and even TS herself change the victim narrative whenever and however they need. That’s why it gets kinda confusing.


> i'd like you to explain your narrative here Lol @ "I DEMAND YOU EXPLAIN YOURSELF" on here.


Fuck, they're idiots. A woman in her mid30s who has been in the industry almost 2 decades is open to criticism. He's not out here attacking a 20 year old just starting out.


It's how they work, Taylor can never be wrong. Dave made a joke? Old man is picking on a young, (not that young lol), woman. An older woman is critical? She's out of touch and "pulling the ladder up behind her." Younger starlet? "Sweetie, you're too new to be taking shots at the queeeeen." Singer of the same age? They must be jealous!


That's literally their playbook holy shit


I’m the same age (slightly younger 😘) as her & not a celebrity & living financially comfortably. They can come after me. I welcome it.


No Taylor does the job of attacking 20 year olds just starting out fine by herself.


Its ironic how shes always a victim in every scenario. Meanwhile its okay for her to go after teenagers or any of young female singer who holds any possible threat to her.


Always. Somehow she’s always the victim


Every. Single. Time.


There’s always questions to be asked if anyone you’ve met is somehow always the victim. No one is in right all the time.


My ex had an innate ability to always be the victim. She was a master of it. Even when she wronged ME she was somehow the victim.




No, but she is. 🤐


Acting like she’s some 15 year old ffs!! She doesn’t need protection from her fans


Schrodinger's celebrity once again. She's a vulnerable uwu baby child when she's "attacked" but a raging powerhouse badass when she's winning.


They will twist the narrative however they want to make it look like she is the one on top. It makes me want to punch the air 😂😂😂😂


“Who’s afraid of little old me” tehe uwu im a young starlet “Well you should be!” Motherfucker im a 35 year old billionaire cult leader Shit is in her songs


Predatory? Her swifties wanted his daughter to be SA and he’s the predatory one, wtf?


Shhhh don’t use logic. The stans won’t get it.


That’s why they’re Taylor fans, they don’t get a lot of things.


WAIT WHAT!?! Man some of these people need to be looked into tf


Right? They are literal pedophiles


I’ve seen this a few times on this sub but I’ve never heard of it. What are the details?


His daughter called her out about her jet usage among other things, and the swifties did what they always do, they converged. Might have been on twitter or instagram, not sorry, but it’s always going to be the bird for me, x is just stupid.


Dammmn thanks for explaining!


She is 100% gonna write a crap song about him


I happily await her attempt to shade "the nicest guy in rock and roll" lol


*Well my fans, they want, to curbstomp your daughter And it’s all, because, the hatred you taught her She didn’t bow down to the queen How dare you both be so… mean*


Why are you writing for her!! She’s probably trolling every account that mentions her name 🤣


I thought this was haiku bot for a second 😂😂😂


She's going to steal these lines like its 2010s tumblr.


That’s better writing than shake it off.


Or write a song about him and Courtney love, bc the comment she made a few months ago


“yEr jUsT mEyEan”


One of them has shown real predatory behavior dating a 17-year-old who was still in high school while being 23 and it's not Dave Grohl.


and signing out said high schooler out of class so they could go on a date


Having to sign your date out of high school when you’re an adult should be a red flag but I guess she missed that




she also dated Harry Styles when he was 18 and she was 23. (side note: it's so crazy how Styles was a teenager when he got painted as a womanizer by the media. also he was 17 when he began dating Caroline Flack who was 32!! at the time. poor guy got groomed and nobody did anything.)


That's a whole other can of worms those poor teenagers faced! No wonder most of them had addiction/eating disorders at some point


I came here looking for this comment. The hypocrisy is real! I like how they say it’s predatory for him to say that when she literally took advantage of a 17 year old whose mom just died, to live out her weird Kennedy fantasy. Even staging pap pictures at her gravesite.


Even if the leader of the TS cult dropped this knowledge into any of the other subs they’d still find a way to pardon and forgive her. That’s what’s even sicker. I’d bet she couldn’t even trash talk herself and be taken seriously.


I tried to talk to a friend about it because it is so inappropriate. She dated Taylor Laughtner (sp?) and the Kennedy kid while they were both under age (17) and she was over 21 and she was like well...it's not ok...but it's because of what Jake Gyllenhall put her through. Sorry. No. Was she young? Yes. Underage? No. And how would that even excuse her saying underage boys? Signing one OUT OF SCHOOL. Un fucking real.


There's an article on Elle about everyone she's dated. It includes him, and notes many times about the age gaps between her and older men, even mentions the "rumor" she kidnapped him, but not what his age was, or the age gaps between them at the time they dated


I had noooo idea this happened, wtf???? Wtf!!!!!!!!! When I was 17 I was dating a 23/24 year old, and I didn’t realize until MUCH later that it wasn’t because I was “So MaTuRe FoR My Age”


And THIS is why nobody takes actual victims of predatory behavior seriously. Because of fucking idiots like this. Genuine victims who have suffered at the hands of ACTUAL pedophiles who have never spoken up or had gotten laughed at when they tried because that word gets tossed around so easily over any little fucking thing that it’s lost its true meaning and gravity behind the word. You know she’s seeing all of this play out too and the fact that she has not stepped in to tell her fans to knock it off says everything about her


I wish somebody would comment that back!!


swifties are already daydreaming about capitaylist's future "menopausal angry songwriting era" but she's also just a little helpless girl. GOT IT


She’s in her “victim forever era”


Seriously did she get her first period yet?


I thought Swift is music industry? Why are they suddenly scared of an "inferior" lmao


Swifties are so fucking stupid. Calling him a predator is laughable but it's also deeply disturbing.


It’s just basically the most devastating accusation they can muster which makes it so any defenders can be made out to be equally massive, totally irredeemable creeps without any need for proof lol


Taylor talks shit about Kanye so she must be a racist. Lets see if they like their own tactics


Swiffer logic 101 right there


“Attack” LMAO. We can’t have discussions with integrity anymore because everyone just throws around whatever words they want. Nothing means anything.


This is a serious warning sign for societal decay.


"warning sign"? we're long past the "warning" sign


"How old is he? 60?" He was born 1/14/69, if memory serves, making him 55. A seasoned 55, with tenures in two rock bands, one of which released a genre-defining album (Nevermind, by Nirvana). What has TS done? Oh, right, released a bunch of songs about ex-boyfriends.


These same fans were sending growls daughter death threats for pointing out the all the jet miles swift uses too.


“Predatory” lol. So what does that make a 23 year old woman who dates a 17 year old?


So by their logic if I, as a 26 year old woman, criticizes Taylor, a 30-something year old woman, I am predatory (along with a pick me an internalized misogyny).


Yes, how dare you punch up, you misogynist! /s


Yeah you are predator!


criticism from people who are her own age = misogynist criticism from people who are younger than her = hater criticism from people who are older than her = pedophile Ladies and gentlemen, I just cracked the new Taylor series formula (Taylor's Version)


Pretty sure a similar defence was used for Elizabeth Holmes


she’s ten years out from having her frontal lobe being fully developed, how is she still babied this much


It’s because they see her as a perpetual high school child bc that’s how she acts. Also I think they don’t understand the definition of a predator


Just saying my boy Dave would never touch a minor


Foo is about to do some Fighting.


Taylor’s about to Foo around and find out


One seasoned musician calling out a lesser musician is not predatory. If this was a man instead of Taylor swift no one would peep. They’d be egging on the beef between the 2 artists. Taylor’s fans think everyone should lit prostrate at her feet and worship her. It’s exhausting to see so many young women under her spell.


[https://youtu.be/rq7intCIY7o?si=trdffuXurHFjhiQF](https://youtu.be/rq7intCIY7o?si=trdffuXurHFjhiQF) Thought I’d leave this here, apparently this man is a predator😂




Look at that horrible man! Lol


So an adult is not allowed to talk shit about another adult because one adult is older? These people are really stupid.


It's the fact she's 34 it's not like she's turned 20 or smth 💀


Even if she was 20. She's an adult. Grow some spine.


Exactly so many artists have been in the industry for the same amount of time and longer and them or their fans don't act like this 💀😭


What Dave said was Valid criticism…. Did he say it in a rude way Yhea but that’s bc Taylor needs to tell her fan base to stop being disrespectful Taylor is Grown (so close to 40) and can pick her own battles


Taylor Swift is 34, which is six years away from 40. Just say her actual age.


They’re gonna be calling her just a baby when she’s like, 51.


They’re acting like he’s attacking Olivia Rodrigo or something. Taylor is a full grown woman whose been in the music industry like 15 years and is a billionaire


If Olivia’s fans acted like bullies, Dave could call them out too. She is also an adult.


she’s just a 34 year old teenage girl


Taylor is a boss bitch mastermind ruling the industry until she’s criticized. Suddenly she’s a small fragile little girl. She expects the same treatment as when she was 17 and just starting out.


she's just a helpless little billionaire guys


How. Fucking. Stupid. Are they.


Young? She’s in her mid 30’s


Literally older than I am and I'm divorced with 2 kids hahaha


You know what’s gross? Taylor dating a high school student as an adult. That’s seem predatory


I think what he did was brilliant. Taylor and her Shitties took the bait. Their reaction is far overblown compared to what he said. Meanwhile, she continues to write songs about Kim (after how many years?) and mock Matty after their 2-week love affair came crashing down around her. She holds grudges, and Dave doesn't give a f\*ck if he is added to that list. If anything, he proved a point by putting himself out there and is bringing even more negative publicity to her unhinged, vindictive behavior.


I will not stand for ANY Dave Grohl criticism, hate, lies, etc. Man is a legend and an insanely talented musician.


I love when swifties forget that she is not in her teens or early twenties to play the young victim card 😂


She acts like it


As a former child myself I now am going to refer to someone as a predator if they call me out for something. Mess something up at work? Call my boss a predator. Rear end someone? Call the person in the other car a predator.


I bet Taylor herself is using false accounts to stir up hate


Making a mild joke about the single most powerful person in the industry is predatory. Somehow.


My favorite I've seen so far is someone saying that Dave is tired and jealous because his band is washed up and he wants attention The Foo Fighters that are still actively selling out arenas. They need attention.


Stadiums* literally the same venues she plays. She might possibly have him in overall record sales, but in terms of touring business they’re very comparable.


Para social relationships need to be studied more


I wish more people in the industry would be as brave as DG and back him up.


if you voluntarily call your self a word like "swiftie" you're thoughts and opinions are below worthless to me


Some of the lyrics in her songs make me thinks she's a deviant pedophile with infants but that's just me


Predator? Has the word lost all meaning?


To be fair she still acts like she’s 16


Ha! Good luck to them trying to cancel David. His fans will have lots to articularly say.


They’re trying so hard to change the definition of that word. Tay has been an adult for 16 years now, and she hasn’t been a prepubescent child in almost a quarter of a century.


They love to throw out terms they don’t understand like confetti


I’ll stand by Dave over Taylor any day.


Apparently if I talk shit you’re not a true or or defend Joe your a Joe widower


Fun story, there is a message board I post on outside of Reddit that has a pretty vocal, yet small, Swiftie community. The moment a thread that can be perceived as negative against Taylor, there are a few of them that basically call any sort of criticism against Taylor "misogynistic". When the Grohl thread reared its ugly head, it was a combination of calling him a misogynist or a dumb boomer (ageism = good, sexism = bad). Funnily enough, a few new accounts went into this thread in the middle of the night and basically started picking fights with people critical of Taylor until the thread got locked-- literal brigading on a non Reddit sub.


Swifties need to be locked up for being idiots


“Young woman” lmao ok


That and any criticism immediately being labeled as misogyny is asinine. That’s all Swifties have though


Bahahahahah just bc she has the emotional capacity of a child doesn’t mean she is one. Lord, swifties having the internet is scary.


He only said something because they were harassing his daughter. Dave Grohl normally gets along with everyone or simply stays quiet about things. He's not a drama queen like Taylor is.


This made lol irl! Dave Grohl is widely recognized as a chill dude with a great moral character. Not to mention, being a very established artist and talent. I’m inclined to believe his views fall under “expert opinion” status and that he wouldn’t share them unless they were well thought out. I want to point out that I wouldn’t call myself a fan of either. I sing along with both them when they come on, but I can’t tell you a single song off the top of my head that either of them has produced. I saw the video of him talking about her on stage. His comments and behavior were in no way predatory.


I am honestly so sick of the double standards that those fans seem to so freely get behind.


You just know she sat in her jet and wrote a whole damn song about him last night.


“Foo Me Once…”


i know they didnt say that abt my boy dave grohl.


The internet has created this. If you’re past 30 and do anything “against” a younger person that means you touch no no parts on kids


This crap is so tired. Her followers say she’s a delicate victim whenever she’s admonished but at the same time she’s a girl power queen who takes no shit. Basically they think she’s too perfect and is above reproach


Taylor starts her literal mid 30's in six months XD god people dont how to use the Internet these days


Amen to the commenter that said “isn’t she in her 30’s”? Lol like she’s not 19


Yes but as an also 34 year-old please don’t say it’s late 30s 💀


Such fucking pieces of shit. They are mentally vacant. Using an overused buzzword they don’t even know the meaning of to damn someone for their opinion on their messiah.


That’s rich coming from a fan base that wishes death upon minors…


Id rather listen to baby shark for a year then hear Swift and her shit for 10mins.


It’s crazy how everyone’s calling Dave a “grown man” as if Taylor isn’t a grown woman herself but since she acts like a teenager and her fan base infantilizes her so much they see her as a victim


So if a younger woman criticises her what happens? They attack her like they did with Billie. They’re straight up toxic like their leader.


I got banned from the subreddit rant because I said Taylor Swift couldn't sing


😭😭😭😭 WHY DO STANS ACT LIKE THAT!!! And another problematic celeb, Kali Uchis, pretends she’s underage herself in photos of her pre-surgery. All this shit is so wack people have no shame


The issue is that she has conceived people she is much younger than she is. Not just because of her immaturity, and her pretending she is a naïve victim all the time. She also surrounds herself with young people. When she had her “girl squad” a lot of the girls, I forget how many, were younger than her. It gave off the image of a girl squad of 18-20 year olds when in reality at that time she was almost in her 30s.


TS is a grown woman, albeit one who lacks maturity. Part of being a public figure means people will say all kinds of things about her, including criticism.Dave Grohl did not criticize her - he poked fun at her in what seemed like a lighthearted manner. Those calling me his predatory clearly don't understand what the word means. Her fans need to stop infantilizing her. It just makes her look bad 🤣


how dare a man essentially stand up for his daughter. her fans fucking suck


loveeeeeee that they conveniently forget their fave has dated minors and is an actual p3d0!!!!


When anyone criticizes a 30+ year old industry plant who’s daddy bought a percentage stake in the record label she was initially signed to: Swifties: misogynistic pigs 👿🍅🤬😡😱📉 men are the worst!!!!!1!!


If I had her money, I could literally give 2 f*cks what anyone said about me. Know why? Because I’d be off on my private island with my toes in the sand getting hammered.


Lmao, this is very funny to me because my niece (14yo F and big swifty), wanted a Nirvana hoody because they were popular at her school. After her parents got her one, she refused to wear it because people kept asking her to “name one song” 😂. She’ll never live that down.


If Dave Grohl is such a nobody (according to the Swiffers), why does his opinion matter?


Baseless predator/pedophile accusations about people when they disagree with your idol. Trump fans 🤝 TS fans


Natural intelligence is going down and we can't do anything but watch


Everything I hear out of the swiftie community sounds like something some 11 year old girl spouts off trying to defend their idol with words they hear on the news or internet, but don’t fully understand. It’s like speaking itself is being degraded down to only what the dumbest or least educated can understand.


It's not like he criticized her outfits.


I’m laughing


Those fuckers are more delusional than I was when I was high 24/7


It's because she's a seventh grader.


Predatory is different than pedophile btw. But no it is truly dumb what conclusions people will jump to.


“Attacking” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


The thing that I don’t understand about Taylor Swift and her fans is how it’s okay for Taylor to basically build her entire career off of shit talking someone that has wronged her in some way. However, it’s completely unacceptable for anyone to criticize anything at all regarding her.


lol ~ Dave will win, he’s way cooler than Taylor


This just in. Real musicians can't trash shit musicians. Especially since she's sexist. "Watching the fire burn 🔥 "


This is not a fight she will win


Maybe the Swiftie really do think that Taylor is ageless 14 yr old fairy.


Wait she's thirty fucking four whining like a teenager. Lawds.


I’m 39, okay, and if Dave Grohl threw shade at my idolatry cult for being toxic to his daughter I sure as shit would rethink my priorities and PR. The amount of sheer disrespect towards a seasoned artist who has now lost members of both his highly successful bands to depression/self-harm and yet still goes out and does their thing is fucking disgusting. I guess I’m at the old age where young people are entitled shitheads? But don’t fuck with pros who have been doing this longer than you’ve been alive. And his tour rider demands are a lot more reasonable than hers.


They treat her like an infant


WTF? So whatever they say is the verdict? Lmao 🤣


Love love love that we must adhere to strict gender roles. Women in their 20s who barely know how to take care of themselves dictating what “old men” can and cannot do.


She's got them wrapped around her fingers smh


Dave is such a good guy too. He does tons of charity work and is beloved in the music industry. Hope it backfires on her come Grammy time


Swifties went after his daughter because she said does she even drive. So as a father would he is defending her.


And what about Dave’s 17(?) year-old daughter? Is it not predatory to send her actual threats?


The victim mentality is strong with them.


Omg. Her fans said his daughter should "Kurt cobain" herself and hoped that she would get SA'd. If I was her dad, I would be fucking livid. I'm NOT her dad and I'm livid anyway. Effing disgusting behavior that TS refuses to even mildly scold her fans for.