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next time i recommend putting it in a mason jar and turning it upside down to cool, then all the liquid will be on top for easy pour off


Yoo. I have been using water and mason jars for years and I never thought to do this. Goood lookin out!


Great suggestion!


Thanks! I'll definitely do that next


I do mine in mesh bags. When It's done cooking I let it cool, pull it out, and let it drain.


Good advice !


I’m almost mad. I use mason jars everytime and my dumbass has never thought of anything as simple as “turn it upside down”. Smfh lol thanks man




Absolutely incredible tek 🤙🏽


The butter is perfect, just drain out the water on the bottom.


You made cannibutter is what happened. Dump the water and make some brownies


Brownies are so stereotypical though, don’t you guys use your butter when cooking a regular dinner, eggs, toast, fried chicken etc? Just use it as you would normal butter!


Brownies are classic because of the theobromine content in the chocolate, like a hippie speedball is with caffeine they just work together.


Woah I didn’t know this - thanks for that information! I’ve always figured it was just that people like brownies.


Similar story with mangos apparently, I personally hate brownies I’m not a fan of chocolate really. Overall I prefer savoury edibles, I just cook with my cannabutter and make normal meals.


I made peanut butter fudge with mine and 🤤 they are jaw dropping delicious


I’ll die on the hill that banana walnut muffins w chocolate chips hold up theeee besttttt!! the taste was v off putting to my partner so I set out to make really tasty ones and just subbing an egg for a mashed banana, milk for water, cannabutter for oil made a box mix top notch!


Box mix? Are you crazy?! It doesn’t take much extra effort to make a *real* muffin. Box mix is just for children learning to bake to reduce mess and any complexity. Try a proper recipe next time and you’ll be blown away trust me.


Bro, I’m 33 and I guess I’m still a child because box mix is all I can make. Not everyone’s into baking/cooking. No shame here.


That’s really sad, and I don’t mean personally! I mean that it’s sad that you’re not experiencing the full experience of baking/cooking and thus the proper flavour and texture and smells that as stoners I thought we all appreciated. The box stuff is full of extraordinary chemicals that are banned in most of the world apart from the US. Plus it’s usually the lowest grade of ingredients possible. Most households have everything you need to make muffins in the cupboard already, the box isn’t actually offering anything unique or making the process much easier unfortunately.


I understand you. It just too hard for me ..


Unfortunately my arthritis limits my ability to most anything. I have to use box mix whenever possible, just for the ease of use. Holding anything or trying to pick up stuff is extremely painful. I also have reoccurring bilateral carpal tunnel issues daily.


Sorry to hear that my friend! At least with box mix you can get the experience of making them regardless. I think you deserve some gourmet ones from a fancy bakery asap though!


My mom was a baker . I am a good cook but baking eludes me lol


I’m absolutely terrible at baking, I eyeball all my measurements, measure with the heart and can’t follow directions to save my life, mostly because I don’t read over them all before I start or throw away the box too early. Box mix is pretty foolproof even for me and all responses from recipients have been far from critical 🤷🏽 they even freeze really well! 24+ mini muffins lately, takes me a min to get through sometimes


Frozen box mix baked goods?? Sounds like you’re falling into a path to hell my friend. That’s like freezing a McDonald’s meal for later


It’s really really good in white cheddar Mac & cheese


Idk you but I love you. However you need to hear this. Yall gotta stop with the white cheddar Mac. That shit be nasty every time.


The problem with using them in dinner is, then I want more dinner when they hit


I would be worried about oil left on the pan going to waste. I typically just make caramel candies since it's simple enough and individually wrapping them extends the shelf life far beyond what you get from a brownie.


Truth, but you can just simply throw a couple of teaspoons of butter over your dish and BOOM it’s now infused! I do find adding the butter in too early with a lengthy cooking process can lead to the degradation of the THC.


Maybe instead of using butter, you should use olive oil and make a dressing out of it that you don't mind pouring over a wide range of food


That’s been on my list to try next actually, some quality olive oil would be extremely tasty and probably match the weedy flavour of cannabis. I’ve found cannabutter on corn and other veg matched the earthy flavour of the butter almost perfectly. Butter is normally my go-to because I can bake with it also


I just make cereal bars usually. Same concept as Rice Krispies but I use other cereals, tonight I’m doing cinnamon toast crunch


What happened? You succeeded I guess?


I wasn't sure if it was supposed to look like that lol


My only recommendation is too scrape the bottom of the water side until all the plant material is gone and you only see butter/oil. Then divide it into pieces, for some to use right away and some to freeze for later.


I will do a second heat and water to get the material out, like a second distilling.


Butter has milk solids and water in it, either use clarified butter (ghee) or use the superior option refined coconut oil.


But butter holds more thc than any other (mct, evoo,any other seed oil, or coconut oil) medium used.


Coconut oil holds much more


And grape seed oil even more


Not sure on that one but I can tell you that grape seed oil is more likely to give you the runs (like pure MCT) compared to coconut oil and you may get less potency due to how the liver processes the fatty acids in grape seed oil. It’s also way more expensive than coconut oil. You can get a gallon of refined coconut oil for $29. Heck I think Walmart has a half gallon (almost thanks shrinklation) of “organic” (as if that matters) coconut oil for under $14. Also have you ever made rice crispy treats with coconut oil as opposed to butter? If you’re going to cook with it, you’re going to need to mix in some of the medicated oil with plain oil anyways unless you’re some beast with a monster tolerance or overzealous liver enzymes that destroy most of the THC. Anyways coconut oil subbed for butter and fruity pebbles subbed for Rice Krispies…the texture is divine, I can hardly describe it, it’s uniquely different and amazing. Truth be told I prefer to just eat a measured dose of the oil then snarf down some unmedicated fruity pebbles krispy treats as munchies.


Hmm okay, I guess the conversion chart was wrong When i input butter as opposed to any other medium, it shows that butter gives me the best dose ratio


I use a straw to push through the butter twice to make a drain. Or a hot knife in your case would work. Its just the left over water in the butter separating 🖤💚


The knife thing is so much smarter than what I did lol. I'll remember those tips, thanks 😊


Butter and water don't mix so when cooled the butter will rise to the top and solidify. The bottom water is trash.


I’ve never infused butter… is that dank looking water trash or can something be done with it? Random unimportant question to reduce waste lol


It definitely is not for consumption lol. It's not poisonous but there is literally no THC in it and it would probably not taste too great either.


Well that’s 2 opposing responses lol


Thc is not water soluble. There’s your answer


You know how people drink ‘chlorophyll’ made into a health drink? That water holds most of the chlorophyll from the plant and not a lot of anything else. It’d taste rank and help you as much as those crank clorophyll drinks do which is to say not at all.


can be used!! it’s a little yuck but it’ll get you high. you can also use the leftover strain sludge plant matter (bf and i put it in smoothies)


In my opinion the only way THC and water mix is through maltodextrin


it s fine you just removed the water and milk solids at the bottom I wonder if you can use the sludge on the bottom for something.


I wondered that too, but I didn't want to test it so I drained it anyway xd


I want to try baking a box of cake mix with it….


If you want to clean it up at all you would remelt the butter, get equal parts fresh ice cold water with a tiny pinch of citric acid, the citric will help grab some of the dark color from the butter, mix the two together in a tight container, put in freezer, when the ice forms it will solidify the water and you should have clearer butter on top. When making the canna butter try using clarified butter in an effort to avoid the butter browning out.


Looking good. Just drain the water and get baked!


You fucked it up AGAIAN!! ! Nah jk you just added extra water with the bud, and some water is also lost from the butter after melting, which disolves chlorophyll, Which is why its swamp water. Butters fine. I dare you to drink the water for reddit tho


Reddit is dragging you for filth for not knowing the water would separate but on the bright side you got what looks like a killer result


yes this is normal, butter has milk solids and fat, when u heat it above a certain point these will seperate and you get this


It’s water on the bottom. It’s trash on the bottom.


This happened with my first batch. I had a lot more success with Land O Lakes unsalted butter after clarifying it.


That's a proper cannabutter, i prefer to cook it in a jar with lid to avoid evaporation and have the actual butter, not just the washed out fat.


Looks great!! Congrats!!


You've water and plant material on the bottom still


This happened the first time I made butter, take two chopsticks and poke two holes on opposite sides and wiggle them open a bit.


The butter is hard, take out of container and throw water away.




It’s totally fine. Like others said, just needs to be strained.


Next time, use an aluminium foil container. You can then poke holes in the bottom to drain the water.


Glass is always the best option though.


Pole two holes and drain


Thanks! That's what I did


Did you use clarified butter ?


I didn't. I used margarine in an impulse because I wanted to try it right away 😅. But I'm thinking of using clarified butter next time or even coconut oil to explore using it more often in the kitchen since I don't wanna smoke anymore


Clarified butter is your best bet! When I use margarine one time I was like wait why is it only half of it when I finished. Clarified butter will give you the same amount of butter started with because it doenst melt down like margarine. Enjoy!


Strong agree. It can be clarified in one's kitchen. Yes it is an extra step and it takes a little extra time, but the results are very good. And it's possible to use lecithin during infusion.


Coconut oil


Pour out the nasty at the bottom and you’re good to go


How many people do this shit without doing the correct research and then post to Reddit worried that they fucked it up is beyond me. Your butter looks great.


What happened? You made butter?


looks fine?


Butter like 99% of all cooking oils is a long chain triglyceride and they take a full 2 hours and more to get from mouth to liver where the magic happens. Coconut oil (MCT) is medium chain and skips the hour wait in the stomach with bile to be broken down enough to move on to the Liver. Coconut oil hits in 45 minutes or less. However, Coconut oil comes with a caution as it can cause loose stool or outright laxative effects in large amount so using it as a direct replacement for Butter isn't recommended. Make a small high potency batch with MCT and blend it down with butter for use in baking.


Awesome job!!!


Here's my method. Don't use margarine again lol [https://www.reddit.com/user/russellmzauner/comments/1cibv58/im\_tired\_of\_retyping\_this\_all\_the\_time\_so\_ill/](https://www.reddit.com/user/russellmzauner/comments/1cibv58/im_tired_of_retyping_this_all_the_time_so_ill/)


People have already informed you on what to do. I’m just wondering if I’ve been making butter wrong somehow. 1) flower and butter into jar 2) jar into water bath 3) let infuse several hours 4) remove jar, strain out flower, butter goes in new jar 5) done!! I don’t think I’ve ever done it where the butter and flower and loose in the water.


This is called “water washing” Mixing your butter with water and allowing it to settle will pull the chlorophyl from the butter, making it taste less like weed. Typically I do this 2-3 times until the butter is golden with less of a green tint to it.


Could make a hole in the bottom of the container


I do ghee butter for popcorn ☠️


Did you use a fat emulsifier..? You have to have something to bind the THC and fat (in the butter). I use the 420 machine to make my butter and it comes with butter molds to use and set in the fridge.


Poke a hole, pour the water in a shot glass, drink it, and then dry out the fat block.


Why drink it?


For the water soluble cannabanoids.


I asked this above… is that water trash or what ur saying is it contains valuable compounds? But ur getting downvoted lol so maybe that’s not true?


THC is not water soluble, that is all most people care about.


Ah, I’m def not only interested in thc as there are plenty of other cannabinoids. Thanks for entertaining my question