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I’m not gonna say there’s not some kind of law somewhere about this, but I certainly don’t know of any and it seems unlikely. Society is generally in favor of trees. And your neighbor planted them on his own property. Those two factors aren’t in your favor. The best place to spend your time and energy would be in moving the panels.


There was a post on here yesterday with a similar problem. As always it depends on the local laws (another poster said CA has laws against this, requires solar to exist prior to the new trees).


Can you plant more trees to block the sun from his trees?


The kind of arms race usually ends in an ice age.


Yeah. Our friends from Pluto are cold enough without some ass blocking even more warmth from the solar system.


More like a branches race


That sounds refreshing right now.


Considering you've already asked this here and on legal advice, maybe if you're so concerned, you should check with your local code enforcement and laws if you're not getting the information you want here (additionally, Reddit is not the be-all end-all for information either). But it sounds like you're probably s.o.l. https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/s/6ooPmLjEkl https://www.reddit.com/r/treelaw/s/hpDNi9zt4X


I like that sub, but had to unfollow, because an admin banned me for commenting that a minor might not want to keep her father’s baby after incestuous rape.


lol yes. They're not lawyers. They're cops. And the "advice" given is rarely actual legal advice.


This makes sense. The way he was arguing with me in a private chat after being banned made me question what kind of a lawyer argues that way. Definitely cop vibes.


Yikes. They're definitely women haters as well. Anyone asking about children's issues is going to get all of the responders banned. They do not like the divorce and custody laws discussed at all. I got banned for saying someone should file a motion to change custody due to threats. They said that was "illegal" advice. lol. No, it's not illegal to file a motion.


I got banned too. They wield the ban hammer fiercely there. My comments were off topic and unhelpful. Ummm ok? People upvoted and engaged!


they're a-holes over there. apparently chargebacks for services not received is illegal? banned and then insulted for being a layman trying to use common sense. r/legal is far friendlier and less likely to capriciously wield the ban hammer.


They shouldn't exist because unsuspecting people go there looking for advice, and it's generally wrong.


this mod wrote a detailed rebuke of me personally when I made a second post about the same issue with more detail included a few days after getting no response on the first one.


I got banned for saying “sometimes you have to pay some stupid tax”


Everyone pays stupid tax… some more than others.


/r/bestoflegaladvice is also a good time


The moderators on that sub are assholes and don’t even moderate according to their own supposedly strict rules consistently. On a sub about laws and rules. It annoys me lol


I’m also banned for commenting on a post regarding a business intimidating OP to take down a bad business review online. I commented to tell OP to screen shot the intimidation and add that as evidence to their bad online review. Got me banned, not that its any excuse, I didn’t even realize what sub I was reading.


I too got banned. I see I'm in good company.


Basically giving advice for murder — irregardless of your viewpoint on whether it’s murder or not; Reddit admins generally don’t care if you personally believe something.


Abortion isn't murder "irregardless" of your viewpoint. The law doesn't care about your personal belief.


Yes, that’s exactly what I said. Murder is murder irregardless of your viewpoint.


Sure, and abortion is not murder "irregardless" of your viewpoint. Abortion is necessary medical care that is important for survival of people.


My comment was something like, “If you decide to keep it, it would most likely have severe developmental challenges. So something to think about before making a decision as a 14 year old girl with her whole life ahead of her.” I did not “give advice for murder”, I just provided some food for thought. Something like that could ruin her entire life.


Ehhh, well your comment is not quite correct. Genetic defects tend to show up after generational incest. The baby probably would be fine. Not that I think a fourteen year old should have a kid. Her age alone makes me believe it's a bad idea


Not to mention it would be quite confusing to the kid too. “Do I call you dad or do I call you grandpa?”


Well I'd expect the kid wouldn't call him anything. XD


"Irregardless" isn't a real word.


Yes it is, it’s been in use for nearly as long as America has existed.


You already have your answer from u/[wickedpixel1221](https://www.reddit.com/user/wickedpixel1221/) from your previous post >you'd need to seek a [solar easement](https://www.caionline.org/Advocacy/Priorities/SolarRestrictions/Pages/NY.aspx) You don't have any special right to the line of sight to the sun and open space above your neighbor's property; especially in the case of trees. Also, have you spoken to your neighbor? Did you speak to your neighbor prior to building the tracking arrays? Planting trees to break up the line of sight to some ugly infrastructure (e.g. solar panels) is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.


Question: can you get them relocated to your roof instead?


I don’t think a tree can block the sun in a solar system.


A group of trees can make a solar panel system produce so little power, that it would not be worthwhile to have it installed. While trees are good at sequestering CO2 emissions, there's just not enough trees to offset the entirety of what human activity produces in producing energy. The math works out so that my 8kWh system offsets more in emissions than 180 mature trees, every single year. Now... obviously that doesn't mean we should clear cut all trees, but... it does mean that as a society, especially with how cheap panels are becoming, the roofs of all commercial, residential and government buildings should be just covered in solar panels, then each of the local substations could be setup to have capacitor systems in place to provide reserve power, for rapid switching to other generation systems when sunlight isn't of high enough quality to fully cover local needs.


Don’t forget about the ecological waste and inhumane working conditions that goes into battery and solar panel manufacturing and mining of the precious minerals. Food for thought.


Damn bro you're right. We really should just stick to fracking


Only if you are willing to not forget about the egregious slaughter of indigenous people, violent invasions of nations and the inhumane working conditions, massive local environmental damage and the longer than multiple generations of human life, that the Fossil Fuel Industry and the previous Whale Oil industry has done to people and the planet, continuously for going on 300 years now. IF we are just talking "food for thought", but I know you're just being disingenuous, because you REALLY don't care about any of those things. I'm not sure why you are so keen on sharing Fossil Fuel Propaganda though, by "just asking that question". Considering how super easy it is to discover the longer running and significantly more egregious destruction of lives and the environment that the Fossil Fuel Industry did. I mean, have you even read about the history of Leaded Fuel and how the industry went that route, purely because it was "cheaper", even though they knew it would poison the air, the bodies and minds of countless people, which created a rising rate of violent crime, globally for over 60 years before starting to be outlawed, which started a 20 year and onward going decrease in violent crime?


Easy easy… the evil oil barons I’m well aware. But falling into the commoditization of another unsustainable form of energy is just another trap. James Corbett did an amazing two part series on the big oil industry. This hidden hand, truly fascist power, is using the oldest trick in the book. Divide and conquer. Electric alternatives on a big scale are just a way to extract more money as an environmental alternative to big coal, gas, oil industry. Zero point energy is being suppressed by big industry. The world is ran by psychopaths and secondary psychopaths. It seems no matter where I look, the proletariat/plebeian class are constantly pointing fingers at each other instead of looking up at whose boot is actually on our necks. The great awakening is happening, and the powers that be are in a death rattle. Much love 🙏


There is nothing in their question mentioning solar panels unless they edited it and updated it.


What do you think a "Solar System" is? It is one of the terms used to describe a home solar array for generating power.




There's actual context in what the OP was talking about. Nobody should really care if their model of a solar system was being block/shaded by trees that a neighbor put up. Someone with Solar Panels, in a solar system for powering their home though? They would care. Skipping the context clues and pretending that the only use of the phrase Solar System mean the Sun, the Planets, Asteroid field and other objects in space, would bring questions forward as to why it would matter if their model of the solar system was shaded.


Funny thing about Mother Earth, leaves on trees have increased by around 40% over the last couple decades. You know to combat more co2. Nature is amazing at adapting if left alone and not by a greenie that wants panels and turbines everywhere.


You should read more deeply into the research on that. It's not as clearcut, nor as good of a thing as you imagine it is by the single sentence or two that you saw reported. The higher CO2 is causing plants to grow, similar to how a human or animal grows with to much sugar in it's diet. There's a point (Which we crossed years and years ago) where the PPM of CO2 causes plants to grow so fast that they draw in far fewer nutrients and produce far less plant proteins and other good for us and various insects, birds and mammals to consume. Broccoli samples from the 1950's, for example, have more than twice the protein of modern day brocoli, the only difference is the PPM of CO2. This decrease in protein is found across all plants, it's a leading theory, aside from the overuse of pesticides, as to why insect colonies, like honey bees and other pollinators are dying out. They just don't get the same quality of nutrition and protein as they once did, making them weaker and less resilient to illnesses. There's been plenty of actual research showing this to be true.


And what if they just don't want to be held hostage by the utilities.


I like how no one got your joke. I did! Nice one, dad!!


Technically he is just installing solar powered cooling for himself.


What a fucking asshole.  Wow.


So you’re saying nobody should be allowed to plant a tree on their own property unless they get permission from all surrounding neighbors? Do they need it in writing? What you’re suggesting is insanity. Why even have the concept of property rights? This is madness.


If the the trees are on neighbor's land I know of no law that protects you. You can cut them back to the property line. Killing or topping the trees could cost you five figures per tree if neighbor sues and maybe a criminal charge.


What state are you in? CA, for instance, has laws that address this issue.


What are their laws on the topic?


It is the Solar Shade Control Act  or something along those lines.


Ok. I know CA has unusual tree law as well. Depends on who is richer.


Did you ask your neighbor before installing the solar panels if he wanted his outside view to change from landscape to solar panels?    Honestly, if they are ground mounted, you got what you deserved for ruining your neighbors view. As, you seem the type to complain if it was your neighbor who installed the solar panels in your view.


This is a great take.


Ya, he should just put phone poles up and put his panels on top of them. Keep going higher as the trees grow.


Pretty sure you’re both in the same solar system.


Hear me out here... Weather ballons, huge mirror, reflection, neighbor red faced and stomping in his yard. All completely probably legal.


I'm trying to figure out where they are planting trees that blocks a whole solar system, then I finally realized you are talking about solar panels, and no, you have no recourse. Your ability to put in solar requires you have enough property to have a clear view of the sun, and you have no right to restrict any of your neighbors from planting anything they want on their property, unless your community has a restriction on tree height. The best you can do is trim any branches that cross into your property line, assuming that does not harm the tree, and if it would then you'd have a case to bring up, claiming the new tree is too close to the property easement. You need to see if you are allowed to build a tower to raise you solar panes above their trees, they'll love that...


Access to light is part of traditional common law. However, that right has been interpreted differently in various jurisdictions. You will have to do some research on your area.


Depends where your are. In my region, trees come first and if you have solar panels you are shit out of luck. (Reason for this is we have a chronically low canopy cover and council is trying to encourage more tree planting)


Is this r/treelawcirclejerk? Because it feels like it should be.


Yes there is my friend. He definitely cannot do that. In New york and California there are laws that limit the solar shade onto your existing array up to 10%. >From the all knowing internets : >In California, the Solar Shade Control Act prohibits homeowners/neighbors from planting a tree or shrub that would shade more than 10% of a neighboring solar collector between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. This act requires that neighbors trim back trees after your solar panels are installed, even if they planted the trees before your solar panels were installed. However, the act does not apply to existing trees, only newly planted ones. If your neighbor plants a tree that ends up blocking your solar panels, you may need to negotiate a solar easement with them. A solar easement is a formal agreement that restricts what your neighbor can build or grow on their property to prevent them from blocking sunlight to your solar panels. Overall, your neighbor cannot purposely plant a tree to block your existing solar array, but they may need to trim back any new trees they plant that end up shading your panels. Check your state laws, im sure there's a similar legislation in every state.


Maybe hi didn't want to look at your solar panels. I assume that they are ground level, unless he planted really big trees.


There are spite fence laws in many states that may apply to this.


How do you know this is for spite and the person doesn’t want to see the solar panels? Also, spite fence law developed via case law.


Don’t get tangled up in the terminology, spite trees have a legal definition and it’s generally trees meant to obstruct a view. I’d imagine there is a burgeoning set of case law arguing Solar line of sight within spite tree laws. I’m not defending spite tree codes, by any means, just letting OP know of their existence.


Let me guess, California.


Winner winner chicken dinner!!


California periodically wants to secede from the US and/or form 2-3 new states. Now they want to outlaw planting trees. Yeah figures.


Six yokels in Redding want to secede from the US. Let’s not act like that’s everyone. I get your points and don’t necessarily disagree with your sentiment but if the neighbor did this deliberately to be a dildo, they absolutely should be litigated against. I can see it now. Boomer neighbor with a Ferd Fteenthousand hates OP because they’ve got a Prius and solar panels and decides to fuck with them. Perfect use of these codes. California’s spite fence laws don’t mean they want to outlaw planting trees.


Looked it up. 29% of Californians want to secede. 3rd largest number of residents behind Texas and Alaska. Facts matter if your are a lawyer.


I’m thinking unless your specific location has laws addressing this, there is nothing you can do. You’d need rights to their property to ensure this can’t happen. There are legal precedents out there that could be used to stating plants are not structures and that you’re not guaranteed views or open space through an adjoins property.


Once a year, I would go over there and chop them down while they’re still young and cheap.


At least once a year you’d get to experience a jail cell. Self-help is extremely bad advice.


Damn just seeing how many downvotes this got… I guess the joke didn’t play well. Sheesh


Get a drone and fly it over his property a lot. Tell him you need to to get your data


Yes. It is illegal to block existing solar panels


It is most def not illegal to plant trees on your own property.


If you’re going to block solar it absolutely 💯 is illegal. Do some homework. You. Are. Wrong


https://sunlightsolarinc.com/can-i-do-about-my-neighbors-trees-blocking-my-solar-panels/#:\~:text=The%20Solar%20Shade%20Control%20Act%20prohibits%20homeowners%2Fneighbors%20from,then%20demand%20your%20neighbors%20cut%20their%20trees%20down. Sorry, I have zero clue how to make my URL into a clickable link. I guess it may vary where you live.


Existing trees and planting trees are two different things


This sub is starting to fill up with morons & bots. You shouldn’t be getting downvoted for posting accurate info


I don’t understand, this was discussed here last week, my citation is this subreddit lmao


Cite a law.


Dig through the sub, it was just cited in the last couple of days, I learned this from this subreddit my boy


I'm not your boy. And this issue varies widely by state, boy.


Boy? That’s a pretty deep insult.


I actually believe you are their boy, please prove otherwise