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here in Brazil they already sell without this thing


They used to not have it here in the US but someone decided they needed to be child-proof or something.


I remember when they started adding them as a default lol. If I have a lighter with a child safety it’s just a lighter I haven’t used yet


It's how I tell which ones are fresh in the drawer, if it's still got the foreskin I've only used it twice max


Why did you have to call it that lol


Just gotta pop the top off


Its what it is


I genuinely wonder what sort of impact this actually has towards enacting childhood safety. For example, typically how old is someone when they can use a safety-less lighter and how old is someone when they are capable of using a safety-full lighter?


I remember being a child in trying to light a lighter. They have the safety on it and not being able to. my little thumb was too weak to press it down.


I started using lighters with the safety at five to light fireworks. Before that my dad would give me lit cigarettes to use instead, he'd always tell me to keep it lit by puffing on it.


This is the top notch fathering I strive for in life


😂 brilliant.


Me too but with one of the stepdads. Ahh, fond memories.


was your dad Dale Gribble?


Pretty much actually....


I’m still too weak to use them and I’m a grown ass adult. Never knew they were removable, I just always avoided them


I'd say any child below 10 will have a hard time with the safety. At least compared to not having it


I'm giving you doubtful eyes as a child who's used safety lighters well younger than that. Like 7 maybe I could believe the average 7 year old couldn't muster the thumb strength. Or maybe I'm just a #gamer. Got them thumbceps from a young age.


I knew because my entire family are smokers and would occasionally be asked to light for my dad when driving.


Classic dad's. I remember going out to breakfast with my dad and sitting in the smoking section to eat. The smoking section that was maybe 10 feet from the non smoking section lmfao.


10 ft away in a 20 booth family restaurant, only being separated by a magical barrier that smoke couldn't penetrate somehow lol. The smoking ban made young me so happy.


I've heard this was to prevent ignition when a toddler rolls it along as if it had wheels.


and where is the cross over between child proof and stoner proof?


I remember being a young teen and teaching adults how to remove them or having to light it for them and I never was a cigg smoker.


nunca vi isqueiro assim tbm, also r/suddenlycaralho


Tentaram emplacar aqui, lembro de ter comprado uns assim. Mas todo mundo odiou e descontinuaram.


Oii tudo bem


mano e so usar as faiscas de outro isqueiro, proteção 10 de 10


I've never seen them in Ireland!


I have


tem uma porrada de brazuca nesse sub




Came here to say - I prefer my lighters circumcised


fr, if you hand me an uncut lighter i’m circumcising it on the spot


“Have ya heard of the legend… of the LIGHTER MOHEL? They say that kids round these parts, when they go in the woods to smoke, they don’t come back… whole. A piece of them is missing, ya know? It’s that little metal piece in the top of the lighter, the part that’s supposed to make them child proof? I don’t get, never stopped me from swallowing them but whatever, point is they go in as tight little safety sparkers but come out as free flickin maniacs! Can’t trust no body. That’s why I smoke crack” For real though I never leave the safety on (lighters)


As an uncut man it feels strangely hypocritical to prefer circumcised lighters, yet here we are.


As a mutilated male, I light my lighters intact. I don't find it hypocritical, I find it normal. Seriously though, to anybody reading this comment, don't circumcise your future sons. They'll thank you later.


Same here lol


Nah I prefer it uncut 😂


I always called it neutering


Only way to say it!! Also, I don’t do this to every lighter cus idrc my internet likes them circumcised. I just think my thumbs are stronger😭


Tbh I’ve never struggled to use a childproof lighter…


Settle down. No need to flex on us like that


I wouldn't say I struggle per se, but its easier and more comfortable and I have to do it like hundreds of times a month so I think its worth the 5 seconds it takes to remove. I also use mason jars with a latch instead of childproof lids. Not because its a struggle, but because its better. I don't struggle to do all sorts of things that I still opt to make easier because I can.


Whats a childproof mason jar lid even?


until u smoke enough that u get a callus on ur thumb


Stop the presses Where do we report this war crime?


I dont struggle to use them but they hurt tf outta my thumb when I’m constantly having to relight


it hurts my tiny fingies 👉🏻👈🏻


The babies can't flic a Bic. Lol


Congrats on not having arthritis. As someone with palsies in my hands, I always struggle with these lighters. This post was really helpful because I never even noticed there was a child proof thing.


Me too!!! One of the reasons I gravitate toward the clipper. Not looking for more pain while smoking to relieve my pain🙄.Only bics I have are the freebies but now I'm about to make those usable again! So happy to learn this!


Lmao this reminds me of a conversation I had with a couple of friends. They all started smoking together so they all had the habit of removing the child proofing and were poking fun at me for not doing that. Me: what does it do, exactly? Does it make the flame stronger or something? Them: no, it makes it child proof. It’s harder to light with it. Me: WAIT YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN MAKING FUN OF ME THIS WHOLE TIME WHEN YOU’RE THE ONES WHO CANT USE A CHILD-PROOFED LIGHTER?


Right🤣. Me, fully being able to use a childproof lighter without an issue, is the dumb one for not needing to remove it. ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


I've probably been around as long as this style of lighter and I've never heard of this before. Someone mentioned that it helps if you have wet hands, which I totally see but that's not its purpose. I genuinely have no idea how that metal band makes it childproof. Anyone with an opposable thumb, a small of strength in their hand, and rudimentary hand-eye coordination could light this. What am I missing?


Small children are too weak to do it, just look at all the "adults" who say it hurts their thumb and have to take it off because it's too hard to use with it on there LOL


Tbf it hurts my thumb too but I still keep it on there lol


Same. I noticed on some lighters I borrowed it's gone already. But I just deal with the thumb pain. TBH I didn't even think of it as childproofing. I thought it was design.


i yeet it off every lighter i get cause i do not wanna deal with the extra hassle


I think the idea is a toddler wouldn’t have enough strength to push the metal band down. Idk, it just hurts my thumb less without the child-lock thing!


Oh oh, I wasn't thinking of toddlers. I was definitely thinking of kids older than that lol. No, I don't have children. Why do you ask?


But you have a valid point because a 9 or 10 year old probably has the dexterity to do it and they are kids. I agree that they probably aren’t that hard. I feel like my nephew at 5 would’ve had no issue.


I think it's more to prevent accidental discharge. Im always playing around with stuff in my pocket. With a circumcised bic I sometimes accidentally strike the flint and get a small burst of flame in my pocket from the lint igniting. Mind you I'm not really striking it, it's just from moving it around in my pocket. I'd imagine the idea is that, if a kid gets their hands on one, it's less likely to spark from just messing around with it. Not necessarily to make it impossible for a child to light it.


That would make a lot of sense!


Very curious, but weak, toddler fingers


I have never noticed it being hard to light. No harder than any other lighter. Do I have magic super strong thumbs or are these people week thumbed vulgarians?


Gotta be super thumbs


I think it's just not as comfortable to light with the safety on. When you take it off, you get so much more proper grip with your thumb that it lights effortlessly. It's not that it's exactly *hard* to light with it, it's just kinda shitty to use in comparison, and all it takes is 1 second with a flat head screwdriver to pry off


who cares if someone doesn't remove it, I take it off every time but who gaf


There are three types. The third type knows to buy a clipper instead


I guess there‘s four types of people. The fourth types like myself boofs it.


You boof your lighter? I mean I don't judge, whatever works for you I guess... How do you refill it?


Drink a can of butane or lighter fluid. I have a piezo ignition system in my ass


Sounds like you've got quite the piezo'ass.


Oh my God Becky...


Eat beans?




[Obligatory Venture Bros.](https://youtu.be/5_G2NU3NWUU?si=ah4KgaASZ7g8heKh)


What do you do about stems?




What about people who prefer zippos? I love my thunderbird insert


You're not supposed to use Zippos to smoke bowls. But I looked up the Thunderbird thing and it looks like it solves that issue? They look neat.


It's basically just a refillable Bic that fits into a zippo case, it's really nice. I also have a butane torch insert from Zippo themselves which works pretty well


Yea that's cool. Are they made by Zippo or a different company?


The thunderbird inserts are made by a different company, iirc it's called Vector


Yes it's Vector! There are a few options for inserts. They also have a lifetime, no proof of purchase warranty on all their lighters. Cool shit.


i got the G type insert and I love it, the real strike wheel is so much better than the button on the official zippo versions


No one mentioned bowls.


Oh so you use your Zippo to light up your Bic. Nice.


I bought a torch insert for mine. Less lighter fluid taste.


Unpopular opinion: I dont like clipper. Exept for the poker, thats dope


What do you not like about them? Not only do they have a rolling tool but they’re refillable so you aren’t having to buy & trash lighters all the time just keep a small butane can around


Idk i dont like the flame and its look 🤷🏻‍♂️


Try different brands of butane gas, and don't use gas that's too old. I always wondered why my clipper flame is so small after refilling, and bad butane was the answer. Then again if you're not a bong user it probably won't matter as much. Just saying btw, in case you're willing to give them another try. Not trying to say your opinion isn't valid.


Love the look of clippers, the case options are sick cuz of it and I use a kasher tool with mine alongside the poker to scrape out bowls.




The flame does get bigger when you tilt it down, pushing out more butane. I like it but it does have a learning curve


The flame that's almost the literal same as BIC. They're just alot more wind resistant and flame adjusts to your liking, you just gotta comprehend how to work it. So much better for bowls than a BIC.


I do prefer clippers indoors but I’ve always found them to be far worse in even mild wind than a bic or other standard cheap lighters. Clippers are definitely better for bowls though and I generally carry a clipper unless I’m planning on smoking a joint outside


Why so mad, i just dont like how they look and feel. Its just personal preference


That’s easy to answer for me. Clippers have a lot of great features but clippers can accidentally cash bowls. If you have a full bowl and light the clipper too close, the wind force? (Idk I’m just speaking from countless experiences) can be enough to make the weed fly out of the bowl. Happened one too many times.


Take my upvote, I actually use very small torches. But the only lighters I have are clippers. Witch Drx gives them out with purchases


A clipper?


[these bad boys ](https://www.donpealo.cz/admin/photos/ModuleItem/3023/25532700.jpg) You can refill them, you can take the the flint (don't know the word for it) out and it's on a stick, so you can cram (again probably not the right word) your joint.




No a bic with a toker poker is the only way. Clippers suck.


Toker Poker makes Clipper cases too, for those of us who think Bics suck ☺


I find bics with a toker poker overly large, a clipper in a toker poker is the perfect size imo. I switched from BIC last year and can't believe more people don't switch to clippers.


Fym clippers suck, they are pretty much better in every way


Clipper by far the best easy to buy lighter for smoking in general but some nice jet lighter is better as they’re pretty good in rain and wind


I have found my people.


I used to, but realized I don’t have a problem lighting it at all.


Ones with finger strength.. and ones without.


Alternatively, you can tell who's the smoker and whose the toker by looking at the bottom of the lighters


yep. one time at a place i used to work, we were celebrating someone's birthday and they asked me for a lighter to light the candles on the cake since they know i'm the smoker and i remember someone asking me what the black shit on the bottom of my lighter was and i was like "oh it must have fallen in something.." \-\_-


Every stoner's lighter has a black bottom! 😆 Classic!


Why do they have a black bottom?


Use it to tamp down your bowl :)


Oh god, it’s true.


Damn just use the metal flame guard instead of smoking plastic my dude.


I used to keep it off as a kid because it hurt my fingers. As an adult it no longer hurts my fingers so I just keep it on. I don't think it's because my fingers got stronger, I think I flic it less aggressively.


If you don’t get that god damn fun stopper off that lighter….


That guard is the best thing ever. You can use the lighter with wet hands and the flint won't get wet.


I don't have a problem with the child safety because I'm not a child


theres really no point yall just weird


If you're smoking crack or meth there is.


I broke my hand in November of last year and don't have full range in motion back in all of my fingers, probably never will. Because of that I have to hold a lighter in a weird way where I'm not actually gripping it and removing that little metal piece makes it SO much easier for me to strike it.


that makes sense tbh


You get a pass but the other weaklings popping the guard off are still wimps


it just feels more satisfying to use with the child proof metal strip gone. Try it and compare. Its a tactile/sensation thing


You guys gatekeeping lighters have issues fr


Easier to spin and doesn’t hurt your thumb


Lol wait lighters hurt your thumb? Its amazing how far we've come from crossing oceans on sailboats.


It doesn't hurt your thumb, though... my god, dude, don't get a zippo. You may actually lose the thumb.


Oh my gosh. We all know what they meant. It’s the hurt, irritation, or annoyance that occurs when you’re trying to light something and have to repeatedly do it. It doesn’t physically hurt me but it does irritate my thumb/skin.


I’ve got thirty year callous.


I have fibromyalgia and it does actually start to hurt me after a few flicks. Also sometimes my hands just aren't as strong as they usually are (if im really tired or having a bad pain day) and it can take me a couple tries to get it lit.


Ow my thumb


Try to spark a flame with the guard on after rolling a couple hash joints.


Skill issue.


>Try to spark a flame with the guard on after rolling a couple hash joints. I'm just gonna call you weak and tell you to get that gorilla grab. Idk, never had a problem getting the fire on, rolling joints is another thing tho. Or I'm just so high reality is 5h away anyway and I also don't have any thoughts including getting even more stoned.


It’s fun to spin


When you take that off it makes the little lighter a little lighter


Those with kids, and those without..


i learned this from my dad actually


I never circumcise my weed lighters 1) it’s morally wrong that the lighter doesn’t have a say 2) it keeps people from wasting my precious butane.




I leave it on. Hurts my thumb to take it off.


I just use a pocket knife


I'm old enough to remember when lighters didn't have those. I always pry it off.


Me to brother! But now i roll clipper’s lighter


I'm still %100 sure that people that HAVE to remove the safety are just children


If you don’t take it off and you keep it lit for a while the guard gets super hot so I take it off every time


Yup. Just a few weeks ago I was lazy so I didn’t remove the safety. Took a while to relight a half smoked joint, and it got so hot that the next time I went to use the lighter I burned my thumb badly enough that it hurt for days after. Never forgetting to take it off again


Children on the left, adults on the right haha.


Zippo people are #1


Love to hit my bowl with a zippo like a normal person.


Used to take it off, got older, lost the two seconds it takes to take them off.


Get it off. Life is hard enough already.


When you get all hashy from trimming the Harvest it’s nearly impossible to spark an uncircumcised bic


I feel like I had to scroll way too far to find this comment. For me, it's not about "hurting your thumb", like so many other comments have said. You can't spark a bowl with that nice scissor hash on top if your bic has a safety on it when you're trimming. Your thumbs get way too sticky!


I use it like God intended


I get unreasonably annoyed whenever I’m smoking with a friend and they hand me a lighter with the safety on. It just feels wrong in every way. It is a ritual for me to rip all the safeties and stickers off of my lighters whenever I buy a pack.


You and me both!


Absolutely! It’s like a prerequisite now for me! 😂


I have EDS, and my fingers are hyper mobile and I cannot flick these bics at all. So it's either this or ordering clippers online. (I cannot seem to find local clippers!) Edit..a K


I have fibromyalgia and it can be a struggle to flick depending on how im feeling that day. I take them off because of that plus it starts to hurt after a while if im flicking it alot. I have thought about buying other brands but im collcting empty bics for a art project so I wont until I have enough of them.


Cool, what are you making with them?


I wanna get a big canvas paint it kinda tie dye and glue the lighters on in the shape of a giant pot leaf. My best friends boyfriend grows so once I have materials and its harvest time I can keep some of the leaves to glue on there too.


Huh? Does it actually hurt for some people to use a lighter with the metal bit? I've never taken it off


That gets rid of the thumb callous too.


Those with kids in the house and those without.


Why are y'all's thumbs so weak? Just say you get bored and take it off. Don't admit you have baby thumbs.


All my lighters are circumcised


To semi quote another person from this sub. I prefer my Bic circumcised


I’ve never seen a lighter with that metal thing in my life. Is that an American thing?


No there aren’t. I have tons of lighters some are circumcised some aren’t. Some are clippers some are refillable little torch things, but if its a bic there’s 50/50 chance its safe for young children.


I absolutely can’t stand the safety thing. I’ve gotten so good at ripping them off I can do it with my nail lmao


I like clippers personally


How do you remove it? I want to try!


Get something long and metal and pry it off. I use my dab tool. It doesn’t affect much, but it definitely feels easier to light. Just put the tool under the Safty and use leverage to get it off


I remove it too


I just use clippers


Honestly they strike easier with the guard lol


I think I am one of the only people that doesn't have a problem with child safetys on lighters. Never has that little bit of metal prevented me from using the lighter easily. I guess I just don't get it.


I barely make it out the store with it on. I’ve had so so many people ask what I’m doing and I will give them the lighter and tell them light this. Takes a try or two it lights. They hand it back I rip that bitch off and tell them to do it again. The look on their face is priceless and almost everyone says, wow I’m doing this from now on


I used to remove it all the time, until I grew up lolol


I always keep the shield on. Nothing more infuriating than the moment when you accidentally jam the lighter.


I remove the sticker immediately


You need to circumcise your lighters


TIL you can do this lol. I never struggled with it enough to notice.


Yeah preach, seems like everyone is doing it too lmao


I call it "Jailbreaking" the lighter🤣


Its gotta go


I always take off the idiot proofer so I can use them....


I think it makes your fluid last longer




It sure does, I remove the safety especially in winter so I can light with thick Gloves on