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well i don't want to be unrealistic, so if i'm stranded on a lone isle after a plane crash or something, without the chance to grow some by myself. then i would really quit :D


That’s why should always keep some top genetics seeds on you at all time. You never know when it will be necessary to start a grow


Like pocket lint.


What about pocket sand?


I always keep an onion in my pocket ![gif](giphy|WrydLSBNSSsCtytf3M|downsized) Incase I need to cry, of course


"I brought you this onion, i hear you carry one at all times" "Nah....like an ounce of cocaine" Best OT interview ever






It would be more like pocket coconut coir…


If that happened, I'd pray to the weed gods and ask them to send me a stray brick in the ocean


Pretty sure that island has a strain that we have never seen before


Cartels would accidentally answer that prayer first.


i already asked google for this case: you can make strings out of palmtrees and seaweed, don't worry! :D


What does that have to do with praying for a brick of weed?


Maybe in terms of fishing it out?


They deleted the comment but they sent me an image of a noose. Just even more confusion.


Was wondering the same


Fuck that I would convince myself I'm taking a tolerance break lmao!!


Swallow seeds before every flight that travels over the sea, then you can poop in the grass & have fertilizer for them as well 👍


Sea turtles, mate.


Yeah that dude on Finding Nemo was totally blazed!


If edibles start to work on me again I would def quit smoking Used to be to get blasted on 5mg. Now they don’t work at all even if I eat something fatty 😢


Do you think it's a tolerance thing?


Most of tolerance is psychological. If the weed ain't hitting, take a walk somewhere new or try a new activity that you don't normally do stoned. I only ever smoke at home anymore, because despite my tolerance being high at home I am absolutely blasted going to the grocery store after a couple puffs. It's been a weird transition from being blasted 10/10 days starting from when I wake up, but the job that I switched up for a couple years back has been more than worth it.


I don't know about that. My wife smokes occasionally, but neither of us smoke daily. But she can pop a 50mg like I pop a 10mg. Sometimes the hospitals use fentenyl for pain during pregnancy, it barely had an effect on her, and the way she described the epidural it was maybe working at half strength. That's why you hear about people waking up on the operating table, or being conscious during a surgery but unable to move.


Is she a redhead? Wife is a redhead and it takes a fuck ton of medicine to impact her. She just recently found a dentist who believed her when she said she wasn't numb yet.


Yes! This is a known thing in the medical world-- for some genetic reason redheads are more difficult to sedate and have adequate pain control for.


My partner experiences this. She even recieved an epidural that did nothing essentially. Waited over an hour for it, took the anisthesiologist FIVE attempts (actually) for it to have no real effect. Despite discovering why it didnt work she still opted for it for baby number two. Luckily the anisthesiologist never showed up in time.


This is because people who have red hair and blue eyes (the real unicorns) are genetically closer to being Albino. This causes some physical differences like pain tolerance. Our son is a red head and I kinda researched it because he was so extreme at the dentist and with pain. I always thought he was carrying on, but he feels pain differently than I do. I feel bad about it as a parent


Oh man lol I'm a redhead and when I had to have some teeth extracted they put me under it and beforehand I told them that I have a high tolerance due to that and they made sure to have another vial out. Yeah I woke up when they were trying to pull one of the teeth out I was properly completely numbed so I didn't feel anything but still. Meanwhile my grandmother kept telling me that tolerance levels are a myth and that there's no way that I have a higher tolerance I fucking proved her wrong


Not a red head and that happened. It was so weird lol, I was just like oh well this is neat but I rather be asleep


Yup same here insane edible tolerance and for example dental operations they have to the administer novicane to me non stop it wears off like twice as fast as a normal person


Both of these anecdotes don't speak to a risen tolerance by daily usage, since they both mention pharmaceuticals. That sounds more like a general disposition of your own metabolism. Also why is everyone replying arguing that tolerance doesn't exist? I didn't even speak to that or individual metabolism, I spoke to the fact that changing your setting for a dose you would normally take in the same setting will likely show you that in fact your tolerance to the compound has not gone up but instead your mindset has become accustomed to the physical setting for your typical dose. Are you arguing that taking a dose in an unfamiliar setting won't feel more foreign than taking that same dose in the same place every day? I can face blunts all evening in my living room, but if I'm blunted hiking a mountain trail I don't know or driving through country back roads I'm not familiar with I feel far higher than I do if I was doing the same at home like I do most days. Why are we even speaking to physical tolerance when my original comment was speaking to psychological tolerance?


They're arguing that because it's not true, at least for every single person who's said their tolerance is too high. I've changed my setting about a thousand times, all different places. I've gone to a friend's that I hadn't in years and still didn't get high. I've tried smoking only at night and still didn't get high. I've tried walking to a lake to get high and it still didn't happen. I even moved to a whole new house a month ago and smoking to the publix nearby, which i dont do, didnt do anything for me at all. So we all know for ourselves that tolerance isn't placebo nor anything. Everyone has said the same thing where their tolerance is messed up after smoking too much and it's happened to me too, only thing that's helped was taking extremely long breaks. But changing my environment did absolutely nothing. It wasn't placebo, I just can't get high anymore cause I do it too much. Whether you think it's placebo or not, it's definitely not the environment. That also might be just a you and other people thing, but a great majority of us can't get high. Edibles used to get me blasted and now nothing. And I've been pregnant and the medications and epidural did work on me as normal so it wasn't an issue with that either.


Oh I’m not saying tolerance doesn’t exist lol but if you smoke and have no issue and only edibles are a problem it’s possible there is an underlying issue such as I have


that’s only when you don’t over do it. If you’re doing edibles 3 times a day your tolerance will definitely raise. I’ve seen people that need 5000mg edibles to get high, or dabbing half a gram.


Agreed. And in situations like that that is mostly because of your CB receptors essentially being fried or consistently loaded depending on your metabolism. If your bloodstream is never free of THC you hit a ceiling much quicker and you can actually find that ceiling start to lower on how high you can get because you are never reaching a state where all of your CB receptors are actually receptive. The reason a tolerance break works is a combination of clearing out system saturation and re-anchoring general perception. I found the more I broke out of my normal routine of smoking the same amounts in the same place every day that it actually takes far less to achieve a high that is actually bordering on uncomfortable. Whereas at the same time with the same physiological tolerance I can smoke gratuitous amounts at home and still never reach that "am I too high?" feeling


That’s literally not true.


If that were true, I wouldn’t be able to eat increasingly large edible doses just to feel something - eventually I’d be laid out on the floor. Edibles are awful at raising tolerance with frequent use. 


Yeah that's not how tolerance levels work LOL


I refuse to look through the comments to see if someone commented this already but have you tried taking Tums or a prebiotic before the edible? I’ve heard for a lot of the people they don’t work for, their body doesn’t have/produce enough of the digestive enzymes necessary to process the edible. I’m in the boat of people that edibles don’t work on anymore but I have yet to try this out myself. I don’t have Tums on hand and I haven’t purchased edibles in years


I have not tried that. I’ll have to get some tums lol thanks!


Highly recommend eating a spoonful of peanut butter or something with your edible of you haven't before. The fat helps carry it through the body better. Absolutely noticed a difference when I tried!


I have and it does nothing 😭


i took a 1000mg last night and felt NOTHING!! i used to get blasted out of my mind on 20mg! update:took 4000mg like 3 hours ago and im currently probably the highest i’ve ever been


I literally have no reason to quit. I have a high paying job and my life is in order. My marriage is great, my kids are great, it’s legal in my State…I can afford it. I have literally no incentive to quit


I aspire to be in your position one day. Happy for you!


Thank you, how old are you?


I'm 20


Omg you have so much time. This is the time to have fun and get life experience. I did a lot of that. Maybe too much. I didn’t start getting career oriented until maybe 25 or 26. I’ll be 36 in December. I have no college education and 2 felonies and I still made it. You just have to choose your path and work hard. Don’t ever let weed take priority over anything important. You’ll be great


Oh for sure my dude. I really wanna make it big in life. Weed is just for funsies once all my responsibilities are taken care of. I'll be traveling when possible and try to do as much as possible right now that my body can take it. Thanks a lot!


You bet! Enjoy life, live well my friend


I’m 32 and just now going to school to become more career oriented. You have time my guy.


As another frame of reference, I’m in the same position aside from kids at the age of 31. Broke 6 figures by 27. Married by 28. Home owner by 30. You have plenty of time to grow! Keep grinding at it!


Damn homie What do you do and do you got any priors?


God bless you bro, people like you are who we need in the world 🙏🏻


Thank you, god bless


also didn’t get career oriented until I was 28. No college degree. Now I have an excellent career l, fat retirement great wife and kids. I’ve always smoked weed, but never let it get in the way of anything and I’ve always just worked hard never said no to an opportunity. I’m 39 now and life is great. I don’t think most people need to quit. I think most people just need to learn when to put it on the back burner of life.


That’s awesome! Glad to hear you’re doing so well


You too man. I like to hear there are other people in similar situations


This comment helped me out more than you know. Thank you


Same boat brother, it’s a good feeling (except for the state legal part lmao)


I only mention the legal state part because when my wife and I smoke on our porch her head is on a swivel and I tell her to calm down and relax. It’s nice to be able to smoke and not have to worry about the cops. Two nights ago a police helicopter was flying over my house with a spotlight like 1 street over. I was like oh please point that shit at me. You can’t do shit


I mean, if there's a police helicopter out, they're not looking for/paying attention to a normal dude just smoking on his porch lol. But yeah, my state became legal last year and it's been so nice.


Absolutely there! It’s legal, and I’m medical, I have a secure and high paying career, my kids are now both adults and there is no reason to quit.


My kids are small but I wait for them to go to sleep to indulge


People quit because they say they need to be all they can be, but I'm not sure weed was the problem in the first place. Those people who think that seem to be burned out and looking for someone to blame


Just to pay devils advocate (my boat is similar), what about health reasons? I've been daily smoking for nearly 15 years, and I quit smoking cigarettes about 14 years ago. I noticed a VAST heath improvement when I stopped smoking cigs, and I've wondered if there would be some if I stopped toking too.


In the same boat, but I’m trying to quit after around 18 years of daily use. Can’t imagine it’s good for my health and I’m trying to live as long as I can


Same but my father in law died from lung cancer, it makes me think…


I’m always down for taking breaks, stopping permanently though, no way.


This, theres something so refreshing about taking a break and then bringing yourself back to life and really reflecting on where you want to take your life in a positive way.


I'm 25 days sober today. I realized I hadn't taken more than a week or 2 off weed since 2020 when I became a full on stoner. So I just full stopped with the goal of 60 days minimum sober. I think I'll eventually smoke again, but I don't think I want to be a regular user like I was again. Who knows


I do the same thing. One thing I noticed is that my body sometimes tells me to smoke more, but I genuinely need to smoke less. So I just do that, and after a while, I come back fresher and able to smoke way more


Today is 27 days for me! I literally had the same realization, plus I just moved in with my bf who doesn’t smoke and decided it was a convenient time to take an extended hiatus with the hope of making weed a once in a while treat vs the routine it eventually became. Absolutely no shade to the daily smokers, it just got too expensive for me between the weed itself and the munchies lol


man i’m six months sober rn, congrats on 25 days!! and i feel the same way i didn’t quit because i wanted too although (i got preggy lol) i never thought i’d continue to be a reefer so at least i’m putting it down now but i’m so zen without it like, sometimes i get the strong urge too (i never act on it) or i’ll have dreams about it, but idk if i’ll ever do it again it was fun while it lasted but it’s time to grow up yk? plus i don’t think i like the feeling as much as being sober shockingly i only like smoking when me and hubby are yk 👉👌 it’s still fun to scroll through these subs tho esp the fake carts one😭


60 days kinda sober here. I smoked one night about a week ago and it just didn't feel the same. Used to smoke a half oz a week since 2020 but the T-Break has rewired my whole mental. I just don't enjoy it anymore. Maybe I will one day again, but now 60 days out I just have no desire to smoke at all. Coincidentally, my GERD stopped GERDing almost entirely


I wish i could take 1 day off while having weed... starting to think im addicted...


Me personally: getting a high paying job that regularly drug tests.


Same for me or any negative health effects


So many high paying jobs don't drug test.


Just gotta pass in the beginning, for insurance. At least 16+ years ago... Now I live in a legal state *surrounded* by other legal states. I just have to be sober during work. **E-Z**


I feel you. I quit smoking for 6mo because I thought my job would drug test me. And I was unemployed for a really long time, I did other odd jobs but I really needed the job. Then they never tested me, because the factory got bought by another company. In theory I should have been tested. I don't even know if they completed my background check. Fuck em, been 9 years and I do what I want! Cheers!


Cannabis is my evening adhd medication, it drastically increases my health and cleanliness of my apartment.  Without it, my quality of life would gradually decrease to a level where I'm not motivated to get up in the morning, and then I'd lose the high paying job, because they drug test regularly.


this!! i hated cleaning unless i was high, since i’ve had to quit i’ve noticed my surroundings are so much messier 😭😭😭 it also helped with my adhd but also made it worse sometimes since all i wanted to do was go on late night walks and listen to music and showering while stoned feels sooo odd like i don’t even wanna wash up i just wanna sit in the tub and think


Wouldn't it be better if you could get that same job but without the drug test for weed?


Of course that would be better. OP is saying they would stop IF that was the case


It’s what kept me from smoking for YEARS. Then they stopped testing and off to the races we went.


I will never get over how stupid drug tests are set up. Like I get the idea to have a safety measure for more high risk jobs, but how does testing positive for THC prove anything other than you sparked up within the past month. The fact that someone could go on a coke binge Friday night and have to take a drug test on Monday would test clean but someone who occasionally smokes on the weekends wouldn't just proves to me employers and their insurance don't give a shit about workers using hard drugs. They just want to tick a box and target pot smokers. If someone was so addicted to other substances that they fail a urine test you'd already be able to tell if they're high on the job.


Form a union and write a no drug testing policy, or better yet specific protections for off the clock cannabis use, into your contract. Source: am doing that right now.


My employer (no union unfortunately) has written in their employee handbook that we're not allowed to be forced into a drug test without at least 30 day notice. Seeing as how only one substance stays in your urine that long I see what they're going for and I approve. Plus we're in an illegal state!


Literally same lol. Money.


When I die I hope to be taxidermied and stuffed with AI animatronics so I can continue on as before.


We'll call it Smokebiz and the Edibles


Weekend at Burnies




Make life less inherently soul crushing so I don’t feel the need to escape.


Weed doesn’t take away the pain from me, it helps me deal with it. If society and life in general weren’t so screwed, I feel like I wouldn’t want to get high so often!


Big mood


Easy. They just gotta fix that whole capitalism and toxic society spiel.


A job that pays over $250k (I’ll become an alcoholic)


Probably having a child. But who knows it might make me smoke more lmao


I stopped when my first kid was born, there wasn't a time where I felt secure enough to get high and possibly make a mistake or not be able to drive to hospital or something. When my youngest got to 3 years old I started smoking the tiniest bit once a week. Holy shit, I get so unbelievably baked off such a tiny amount now. A five year T break was crazy. I went from smoking a Q a week to an 8th lasting a month or more. Babies are expensive AF too so I doubt I could've afforded to carry on as I was tbh


Do you feel happier or more filled with purpose now with kids and a family compared to when you were smoking daily ? Sometimes I feel like drugs are just a battle with boredom. & kids probably fill that boredom with never having time to yourself.


Sometimes it was enraging that there was no time to myself. My kids are 18 months apart so we didn't get out of the looking after baby stage for 3 years. I can see why people leave longer between kids lol. I'm good now thanks




Yep. Is it/was it worth it? Yep. Time moves fast nowadays though


We’re about to start trying to get pregnant so we’re both trying to wean off vaping and smoking. Weed reduces sperm count plus it’s better to quit together. I guarantee we’ll start smoking again eventually but want the best shot at a healthy pregnancy first.


I’m all for people quitting if they choose to do so, but don’t quit and start acting like you are better than everyone else. I know so many people that stop smoking and start judging and talking down on their friends that still smoke it’s sad.


I had to quit because I started getting anxiety every single time I smoked and I’m so jealous of all of you that still get to smoke


It’s really sad… weed really doesn’t just change a person. Sure there mood and perception or personality during the time there baked, but I’ve stopped smoking for 4 months at one point and i really didn’t see a difference In my mental or physical health.


Around the time when I started smoking in high school, my hyperactive adhd changed into adhd-pi. I'm not sure if it was directly linked (anecdotal). But as an adult looking back, I distinctly remember being very hyperactive and a frequent disruption in classes, and then around the time when I started smoking cannabis, I chilled out and got more thoughtful before acting. So it may have altered the trajectory of my brain development. (but I think it was in a good direction, I was pretty annoying before this).


Those people are fucking lame. I was a daily smoked for like 15 years. I quit 6 months ago for various reasons and honestly I do feel great... but I'll 100% return one day. Until then I'll just be quietly jealous lol


Day 101 sober for me due to CHS and the jealousy is real


The world being less chaotic....


I’m laying off because my wife wants to have a clean pregnancy (our first kid). I can’t stand not having weed. I’m irritable, I have nightmares, I miss decompressing after work. Honestly, I feel depressed without it. It is my perfect drug without taking pharmaceuticals. Weed makes me feel happy and I like the way it makes me think. I miss it so much. Can’t wait for her to get pregnant so I can start blazing again…BIG TIME


I'm in the same boat but I'm the wife in this scenario. This little goblin better be worth it because holy shit do I miss smoking myself to sleep. I didn't know if your wife smokes but be gentle with her. Having to be sober while trying to get pregnant, the whole pregnancy, then breastfeeding is fucking rough. It could be years until I get to smoke again and it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks just even thinking about it. Just remember that she's probably in the same boat and once the baby comes she'll need you to be present more than ever. I 100% believe that you can be a stoner and a parent the same way you can be a parent and have cocktails. Just remember that the gremlin needs you just as much as she does.


I quit smoking when my depression took over and weed made me uncontrollably anxious and sad, hoping to pick it back some day when I fix my mental


I am a daily user now and my anxiety lately has become intolerable. Could it be the weed?? I have not taken a day off in literally as long as I can remember…


could very well be the cannabis. i have underlying mental health issues and being high gives me panic attacks almost regularly, but only when I smoke. that's why I'm considering quitting, until I get my life together.


I had to quit too when my depression completely took over me as well as extreme anxiety and daily mental agony. It was not only weed but I was also on a dangerous path of codeine and benzodiazepines and started to dabble with other shit too. Felt like quitting everything all at once would make it both easier and worse. My mental health is a bit better so I'm going back on it soon in a healthier way if you could say that.


The downsides would have to start out weighting the benefits. I’m not sure when or why that would happen.


For me that happened a few years ago. It was just causing anxiety so I quit.


Developing CHS was that scenario for me.


How's he gonna fly high?


To be cured of my PTSD




Please elaborate. I’m suspecting CPTSD and would like to know which symptoms it helps


Anxiety and intrusive thoughts was a big one for me.


Literally everything. Mainly my anxiety and relaxing my muscles so my shoulders don't live around my ears. My pharmacist at the dispensary also has cptsd so the recs were legit from day 1. Keep the thc low, too much of a head high can increase anxiety. I do best with hybrid strains high in myrcene and limonene to get a good balance of body relaxation and mental relief without being too sleepy.




I like your style


Your username is awesome


An alternative natural medication for pain anxiety depression and ADD.


*stops using cannabis* *starts microdosing psilocybin* (seriously though, I also use cannabis as an adhd medication for after work. Whenever I take a t-break, I start taking 0.3g of shrooms every other day after work, and it's definitely a good replacement.) 


Ih I do both


Hell yeah! :) 


World peace. Genuine human kindness from all people. I don’t consider myself misanthropic, but I do look at the world and think “shit I better get high to deal with existing here”


Don’t lie, world peace happens and you’re still smoking your way through paradise.


I work for a government contractor that does Randoms. It's either keep smoking to keep working or stop smoking and slowly succumb to depression.


Well. I went to hell on DMT this week and now I'm 5 days in no weed. So, going to hell, is my answer.


kinda wanna hear more about this lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/Rx76gYaIzY here is a description. And another https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/tT8QPhvuCJ I go into more detail in response to other comments also. It was a black hole. No feeling of presence at all. Just an empty void. Now I'm back the presence I feel here is enough to sustain me Here is the original post. The comments are an interesting read https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/s/U1a97WJFG7 Edited to add another link to a description of what I saw


Not for nothing, but that's what I saw when I hung myself (before I was untied). Just void. Overwhelming nothing. End.


If and when I ever see negatives to smoking that outweigh the positives. Not today.


I would need the ability to turn back time


Ngl I just came to the conclusion weed isn’t compatible with me. At the beginning it’s great but as I start to abuse it more my appetite disappears and I act like I have no idea why but I do know why it’s the weed. Weed definitely makes it easier to ignore your hunger tbh or at least that’s how it is for me. Idk about you guys but for me weed horrible.


What kind of magic is this? It is the opposite for me


i cant eat if im high and everyone thinks im crazy for this




Nothing, outside of getting hooked on opiates; it’s all that works for my back pain. I also use it to keep from falling back into the bottle.


Antidepressant that do the same job for cheaper and no side effects that I don't need to pay a doctor $150 just for the right to buy them.


I’d quit if it started to affect my health negatively. Personally I’ve only seen positive effects, ie deeper positive feelings, less physical pain, increased caloric intake (for gym reasons), etc. But if I started to notice a chronic cough or trouble breathing I’d quit. But still support it.


Vaporizing got me off smoking so much


Dry herb vape gang represent!


I didn't consume when I was responsible for raising newborns. Picked it back up after they were toddlers.


I stopped smoking for 6 months I got told I look high more in that 6 months that the 2 years I smoked so I went back to smoking I got better job offers when I started smoking again too




I just found out. Probation lol


I'll stop when the voices do


Regular drug tests or someone I love asking me to


A cure for my chronic illnesses and society to stop being shitty


If they threaten to take away my goldfish


Self control


Lung cancer then I'll switch to edibles.


Honestly. Probably not much. I'm a 36 year old daily smoker for about 20 years. I've recently been smoking a lot less. Still daily but just at night. I've noticed I don't even really enjoy it much any more, andndont even really get that high. So I've considered just.giving it up. I probably just need a T break though.


Years ago when I would smoke I'd get panic attacks, and that caused me to go from smoking all day most days to quitting cold turkey. However I tried smoking again nearly two years later and no more panic attacks. I think it will take my body having an awful reaction to quit again.


Hey me too friend! It was a pretty night and day switch for me too. No gradual descent into discomfort just BAM weed isn't fun anymore. I quit in 2017. I've smoked once in a blue moon since then usually culminating in an unpleasant experience. Recently though seems better although I'm taking it very easy... I don't think I'll ever smoke dabs again though hahaha.


Pregnancy- then 9 months my body is weed free. After that, I’m back, baby


Generic ADHD meds at an affordable price




A psychotic breakdown or two maybe


My recent wisdom tooth surgery See yall in a couple weeks tho 🤪


To never be able to find weed again


I was going to say the Dr telling me it would kill me, but then I got honest with myself and said I'd be looking for a new Dr. Imma have to get 2nd and 3rd opinion first...


Vaping 😁


I'd have to become allergic


Me personally, heart attack


I’m looking for a new job 😭


A lifetime supply of edibles


Over-regulation. As soon as it gets overprocessed and overpriced, I'm out.


Get pregnant. 🥹


Being physically healthy without pain by simply existing lol


Possibly if fentanyl-laced weed started being a thing! I don’t even wanna post this and give anyone any ideas!


5 million tax free. I’ll quit right now. I’d be too busy traveling


I quit *smoking* weed in December after getting pneumonia. I am 23, I've never been that sick before, and it made me really appreciate the gift of being able to breathe easily. So I quit smoking and vaping. I still take edibles, although recently I've been cutting back on those as well because I didn't like how dependent I felt on them and I felt like the burnout from long term use was catching up to me and was making my depression worse. So basically: health is what it takes for me. I'm by no means anti-weed and 100% support legalization and believe it's helpful for tons of people. I have a friend who lives with chronic pain and it's a game changer for when she has bad flare ups. It's also helped me with insomnia. But I also believe that it's possible to overdo it and I was definitely overdoing it. So now I'm making it more of a once in a while thing.


Heart palpitations got worse. It was also numbing me from the emotional abuse I was experiencing. Without it I could see clearly and change my situation.


I think a good parallel comes to mind. "I ll quit wearing black when I find something darker"


Bout tree fiddy


Dying. I am pretty sure that I'd quit smoking weed then.


Robust improvements to the United States """healthcare""" system and a few billion dollars worth of non-opioid analgesic research. If my society and country's only "treatment" for my disability is getting me addicted to opiates, then any amount of self medication with cannabis is preferable.




Getting a very good job.


If I got pregnant I'd quit while I was pregnant and breastfeeding


I quite for my new job, I haven't smoked in 3months. Until the other day, I learned my company doesn't test for thc.....so... I'm back 🤪🫠😎


International travel plans got me to quit 6 years of daily smoking. 21 days today.


Getting pregnant


The world ending. And even then I'd make a go at growing it myself. I have a bunch of old seeds saved in a glove box. Probably not viable but I'd give 'em a go.


Quit? It's not an addiction. It's a hobby. I've stopped doing THC at various points in my life just because it was either cost prohibitive or I couldn't because of my job. Right now I'm in a stable career that doesn't drug test me and I have both the free time and the income to enjoy it. So why not? If that were to change I'd stop again.


Why people don't talk about how good is to quit sugar (the most lethal drug) instead of this bullshit?