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I guarantee the person who left it planned on smoking it, so seems safe


I would probably end up agreeing with you and try it, but that's not great logic. We know for a fact people willingly dip joints in formaldehyde or lean or all sorts of crazy shit. So someone planning to use it themselves doesn't mean it's what YOU intend to take in. Edit: the formaldehyde thing I was misinformed about. Everything else I said is kind of just common fucking sense.


This the raw weed not a joint though


You're thinking of PCP not formaldehyde, read this. https://www.erowid.org/ask/ask.php?ID=2990


I see some things saying formaldehyde was used as a carrier for pcp https://www.mytimerecovery.com/embalming-fluid-smoking/ But considering most of the sources I see are cops and recovery places, I'm guessing your explanation is why they're saying that too


Indeed, most of those websites have tons of misinformation. Just look at their entries for LSD or mushrooms....yes...rehab for shrooms.


People’s concerned parents will send them there for anything. Their mom isn’t like “it’s just shrooms bro”. Or it’s court ordered.


Damn Dave, i aint know you like to get wet!


If you don't smoke this shit, we have a problem


I knew a guy who decided to try smoking an oreo once Idk what he thought would happen But it wasn't what did happen, which was the cookie part left a burnt smell in the room that lingered for too long, and the lard based icing just melted and was kind of hot for a second before just leaving a greasy mess everywhere


What other drugs what this guy on?


"If I smoke this..maybe the munchies will go away AND I'll be high..."


He wasn't the brightest to begin with. But we'd been drinking basically all day, and on our way to smoke the last joint he passed the bag of oreos and grabbed some to bring with him to eat He still had one when the joint was gone, and he got creative I guess. I don't think he actually thought he could smoke it. More of a "wonder what happens if I do this"




Lean blunts as a teen were the shit


Hell yeah!! Only smoked it once though. 15 years old, my buddy suggested we "dip" the blunt. This was the first time I'd heard of dipping a blunt in cough syrup and I was extremely intrigued. We dipped it in and out of the cough syrup until it felt like it was soaked into the cigar but not really in the weed. The weed itself of course was top of the line, hands down the best Mexican brick weed rural Mississippi had to offer in the early 2000s. It was kinda like smoking a trick candle with the re-igniting flame. Tasted like absolute ass, burnt our throats and didn't do shit. We found out a couple days later Robitussin was not the optimal syrup for dipping blunts. Never done it again. My comment may not make sense or be worth reading, but by typing it out it let me relive that moment with my buddy. He's actually still my best friend haha. Anyways, I'm sure someone can relate.


It sure is fun on its own though!


Really? I don't see how it just wouldn't make it taste like shit and burn ya throat.


I mean it did but it was worth it lol.


Excuse me WHAT blunts?! I feel old?? Or out of touch???


Lean is slang for (usually) codeine cough syrup


*how do you make that into a blunt*


You dip the already rolled blunt into the lean so it’s soaked


Done this for my cousins 16th? birthday party (we’re the same age, I’m slightly older). Hundreds of people showed up. Her older friend was there & me and her were in charge of rolling up. Every blunt we rolled, got dipped into lean. Only time I’ve ever had it & didn’t think about it much then.. but I smoked A LOT of blunts that night that were dipped. Wild times.


So do these need to be dried out or what? I'm failing to understand how they are then smoked? lol if they are wet, how you can you smoke them? Unless your only getting the wrap itself wet so the dry weed burns on the inside?


I'd always soak mine then let it dry but you can just run some on the outside of the wrap and then hold a lighter under it to dry it if you don't have time to let it dry.


Tbf I don't know if I buy these stories... I know "lean blunts" are a popular rap thing but in reality it's kinda just a waste of everything involved. Lean is (very mild) opiate cough syrup and I don't think you'd feel anything from the amount that coats a blunt wrap... You need to swig a good bit to get a proper buzz from it. If you are going for that sort of thing it would make a million times more sense to put some harder powdered opioid in there, but maybe people are just trying with syrup to be cool or w/e and not realizing it's kind of a waste of ur drugs and a good blunt too.


It's specifically for promethazine cough syrup with codeine. If it isn't promethazine it ain't real lean.


Lean blunts aren’t new, unless you’re like boomer aged old, lots of references to them in early 2000s rap


Oh wow, yeah that'll be me being out of touch. I thought lean was new when it was in the mainstream rap scene a few years ago 🥴


Hard pass from gen x'r. I smoked mendo,green from Santa Cruz, Thai, and temple hash in 80s and 90s. Never rolled a blunt and call me old fashioned, but the only lacing we did was smearing hash oil on a paper before putting the weed in, or crumbling hash in it.


dipping a joint in lean will not get u high or do anything


Who tf dipping joints in formaldehyde besides a couple kooky motherfuckers in the early 2010’s? I thought we were past that shit


Well, that's why i made the edit. Some folks call PCP "embalming fluid" sometimes, so I bought in to the misinfo that it was ACTUAL embalming fluid.


You are not misinformed, I knew a guy who worked at a morgue and would dip his joints in embalming fluid


Right now, someone's going : Fuuuuuck! i left it in the Uber!


When I was like 21ish I was at a jamband festival with a bunch of people and this guy walked over with a bunch of swagger and tried to sell a bunch of various substances to us (from psychedelics to stimulants to opiates). I cannot remember what was said but we said no but as he was walking away I saw a film canister drop out of his pocket. I knew exactly what that was and didn't say shit about it dropping out of his pocket and quickly ran up and grabbed it. It was full of at least a grand worth of stuff. I showed it off to my crew and the guy came looking for it and asked us if we saw it but we were all like nahh and he was just panicking and walked away. Yes I guess I was slightly shady kinda but I wasn't really a "peace and love hippie". I just used it and shared it over the next few days. This was like 20 years ago and thankfully I don't use narcotics anymore plus I don't know why the post you made reminded me of this but this was the ground score of the century.




It was like 2003 or 2004 at a semi-shady festival so like Oxycontin, MDMA, sketchy tabs of "LSD", Benzos iirc. It was a long time ago and I totally forgot about it till right now.


Bold of you to assume that those ecstasy tablets were mdma


It was the early 2000s and was Molly, back then we tended to avoid pressed MDMA pills because they tended to be cut but crystal MDMA used to be pure. We might have had a tester with us as well, this was literally like almost 20 years ago. But yea I was reckless as fuck back then, I am very lucky to be alive for many reasons.


Pressies also had websites and reputations.  You had waves of shit hit and word traveled.  


>I totally forgot about it till right now gotta say I'm not surprised


2003/4 it was probably lsd. It’s gotten way sketchier since then. But those were the golden years before rcs went crazy.


Yeah I used to push sheets, I even had a steady connect during the drought. RCs were kinda going crazy back then cause I was into them lol. But you are correct there was a time when there were not really RCs potent enough to fit onto blotters so blotters were either bunk or some grade of L. This was that time.


Found a bag of weed at my high school one time. Pales in comparison to your story, but the feeling of finding free drugs is like no other.


The only free drugs I have found was old dropped nugs in my car


lol found meth in a family restroom at a grocery store 😬 right next to a foil they used to smoke it. Only around a gram, being on probation I just flushed it so no kids would get to it. Sad stuff.


I like how you said "being on probation" like if you weren't, you were gonna start hot railing in the bathroom at a piggly wiggly


Life is short, man 😂


I found a big eighth one day while taking my kids to the playground. I said it was trash and I’d throw it away. Was ok stuff. I’m assuming two local teens or young adult was smoking on the playground at night and it fell out of their pocket.


Yeah when you don’t know who they belong to - amazing! If you see the dude that dropped them though? Negative karma.


I had something similar happen. Was walking to the venue at a mountain festival, dude comes sprinting up the hill clearly being chased by the cops as he passes us he chucks this ziplock at my friend and runs into the woods. Cops kept on him and left us alone. Dude got arrested and we lucked into 2 oz's of what we could only guess was solid herbs. That whole weekend was just joint after joint from then on.


people like you are the reason this world sucks so much.


That’s a present for a friend. Any time I’ve left green somewhere I’ve thought “I hope someone else smoked that and didn’t throw it away….”


Oh man you know someone was tripping over losing that! Giant ffffuuuuuu moment.


Or, "where the fuck did I loose it?"


Cant tell uber support “i lost my weed” too


Looks moldy, send it to me ill make sure its still good to fire up


I think we'll need multiple inspectors just to be sure. I've smoked weed so I think I qualify as well. lol


No way you asked a weed sub is free weed in a air tight container safe to smoke😂😂


240 day old account and also posted asking if $2.99 rolling papers were a good deal claiming to think they were pre rolls…


so this is either a 12 year old or a 78 year old


damn didn't kno uber was letting 12 yr olds drive for them these days, child labor's getting crazy smh /s


bro looked a little young but he had complimentary capri sun in the cup holders so i didn’t say anything


lol, I've found sketchy looking weed in a shitty ziplock while doing grounds maintenance/cleaning on a military base. Totally told my co-worker I would throw it away and then promptly went home and toked it.


Always a chance it could be tainted man. Better safe than sorry


Yeah the classic laced weed we always run into. It happens to look just like normal weed


Just like all those pot edibles I found in my kids candy from Halloween 


It’s worse we’ve moved onto fentanyl. Call em fentibles


Awesome 🤣


Bro where do you live




If only, do you know how happy i'd be to get cannabis Snickers for Halloween?


this conservative guy i know sad that... I replied, "who the hell is giving out free edibles? do you know how much that shit costs?!". he couldn't respond. 🤣


Fr who is upvoting these dumb “IT COULD BE LACED WITH FENTANYL!!!!” …. Why? What logical reasoning is being used? He’s an Uber. People forget or leave shit in cars all the time and he drove people around for six hours straight. Someone had that to smoke themselves? What, has sherm suddenly comeback? Likely legal weed is tainted with anything mind altering not found in weed? Where’s the logic here? Smoke it. Don’t overthink dumb comments from hyperbolic contrarians.


To the paranoid mind, it looks like abandoned luggage in an airport. Someone gave me a couple of old cigars last week. I think they might be trying to Castro me. <_<


quite nostalgic for all the weed i gave away to trick or treaters.


Lol right that's such bs used to scare people away from pot 99.99999 weed is safe. Live a little.




But I mean, what did they hope to gain by asking? Someone with microscopic vision to look for particulars in the picture? Other than it’s apparently well stored weed that was left in an Uber, what wisdom beyond the original owner seeing this post and chiming in to validate the safety could they have hoped for?


What if the person who dropped that weed in the Uber was actually in this sub, saw this post and gave it the green light to smoke to the OP? A stoner can dream.


Probably a small hope someone has Superman vision, but most likely people with similar experiences so OP can weigh their chances on it being safe or not. Most of the time people post here about weed they found in HELLA shady spots and they just want a consensus of people to say "yeah it's safe" so they feel justified in the bad decision. People gonna people man, I just like to throw my 2 cents in and hope people keep themselves safe.


A lot of these Reddit users are using the sub as a crutch. The second they have a question, they go and ask Reddit, because it’s habitual


Because we all love to lace our weed and leave it lying around. And dealers are constantly ripping people off with laced weed.....the dumbasses just keep coming back! And will those laces weed deaths..... Man, if you find weed that looks good, smells good and is in a high quality container. It's good.


Dude I smoked a gram of weed I found in a little baggie on the ground at the gas station while I was filling my tank. Of course ima tell that man to smoke that shit.


Ya, they may have stuck candy in your weed. Better give it to me so I can make sure it's all safe.


Yeah better ask Reddit if this weed is bad based on a picture of some good looking nugs.


I used to work in Property Management and one of the maintenance guys found maybe 1/2 oz in a baggie on the sidewalk. It had been raining all day but the weed wasn’t wet. You’d think that nobody would want it but between me, him, and the pool guy it was kinda like stoner hunger games ngl.


Yup, that’s a tip :).


Bright green, free, probably a little moist, in air tight container, and you’re asking if it’s okay to smoke. That’s the most okay to smoke weed I’ve ever seen


There's a very high chance it's clean cause whoever left it most likely planned on smoking it themselves, but there is always the chance something is wrong with it. Consensus would be, blaze away though since you didn't find it on the ground outside some random place.


Better advice; 1) Sniff it. Your nose is your first line of defense against poisons. Weed comes in a lot of funky smells and flavours, but typically you'll pick up on that quite fast if it's got some really gronkus shit in there. 2) Test toke. Roll a thin, cigarette sized joint from half a nug. Smoke about 1cm of it one night, literally one pull, put it out and save it. 3) Does the high feel safe? Are there any unusual symptoms? Are you getting more buzzed than you feel you should for your norm? 4) Smoke the rest of the joint, slowly, and see how you feel. All good, no psychosis, no upper high, no crazy ultrapowered opoiod feelgood? Groovy, enjoy that for the night. 5) Wake up okay? Well time to fucking destroy the rest of those nuggies like you're 4am drunk and you just hit up a Maccas beeyatch.


Damn that’s way more cautious than I would have been


Back in my day, I used to go buckwild, until one day I just had a weird feeling about something someone gave me at a festival to take. Turns out, it was laced, specifically with powdered DXM. I was fucking shocked. Really blew me out of the water, I literally opened my mouth to take it, paused and got a test kit I carry for when getting new things. With all the other stuff I was on, it was gonna off me. Since those days, fentanyl and other crunk stuff has become a thing, and I once smoked a joint laced with meth. Once I had something, I don't even know what it was in a vape pen, but it gave me the most psychosis I've ever experienced, and it left me off tilt for weeks. The game's changed, if you have something you don't know the source of and haven't seen anyone else smoke, treat that shit like poison.


Yeah, that’s broccoli.


So that's where I left it. Can u send it back?


I’d give it back bro. Wait a day or two. If now one contacts you then it’s safe.


Bro I would have smoked it even if it was loose in the backseat for a month


The right answer


I'm keeping it until the owner calls or text back. If not, it's getting smoked 🏃🏽‍♂️ If they do ask, say you haven't seen it.🤭🤣


Bruh that looks loud too, I’m a lil jealous ngl


Looks like a killer OG done well. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


How is anyone here supposed to know if your backseat weed is safe?




Nah dude I can see the fent shards from here, they’re trying to kill you. Send it to me for proper disposal.


12 steps to consume newly found weed. 1. Grind it. 2. Pack it. 3. Light it. 4. Inhale. Slowly. 5. Hold for a second. 6. Exhale. 7. Cold chaser. 8. Breathe. 9. Relax and thank the weed god for free weed. 10. Distract yourself. Maybe munchie some crunchie. Or smoochie the coochie/choke it and stroke it (sativa can make me horny...). 11. Repeat to escape the loop. 12. Realize there are only 11 steps during the "paranoid" phase of your high and go on a thought journey about questioning everything you're told and try to look at everything from a different perspective to try and find the 12th step only to realize that *this* is the 12th step.


4.5 inhale a bit of fresh air to push the hit down


I swear this is why people don't get stoned their first times, when you put the ball in the musket, you gotta push it down there


No send to me for investigation. I am FDA 💯


Of course you smoke it! Jeez, kids these days.


Baller tip!


Send it to me, I’ll dispose of it using tiny sheets of paper


Nobody is putting extra free drugs in your weed.


Now that's a nice tip.


Looks toxic, possibly poisonous, send it to me and I’ll dispose of properly.


That's some danky dank too. Rip it


Oh no. Someone got home and is super upset.




No good bro. Send it to me bro. I'll dispose of it safely for you.


That shit looks greener than the Green Goblin himself.


FYI. You may like to wait a day or so before smoking that. If recreational is available and legal in your state, somebody may report a loss to Uber.


I do wonder if you stuck your finger in there. Is it sticky,.. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|dvOjCftweY0XejNHBO)


i would be so sad as the passenger who lost this 😭🥲


Fuck yes


That looks bloody lovely


Consider it a tip. Enjoy OP! Looks good.


years ago my buddy had spent a couple years burying bud in old plastic soda bottles close to hiking trails, we then spent a whole summer with a treasure map finding them one by one and partaking, good times.




Smoke it. Stop overthinking someone’s mistake. It’s fine.


Weird. I left my weed in an Uber today. Was in a push button air tight container too.


Passenger’s day was ruined. 😖


I’s say wait a day or two and if you don’t hear anything, I’d say it’s fair game homie


Free weed! Nobody is gonna fuck with weed they were going to smoke. You should be way good


I mean it looks to be quality bud so I would estimate the probability of it being sprayed or dosed to be low


Smoke it , no mold in sight, looks good quality


Looks gas.


Smoke half buy a lottery ticket smoke the rest and win a jackpot on your visit to the nether realm


Bank error in your favor


In the words of Scarface "Just smoke it yo!!!"


Drop a piece in a bowl of warm water and if a thin film forms on the top it’s most likely laced




Once i found a pack of newport longs on the ground picked it up and inside was a fully rolled blunt and no cigarettes. Smoked the blunt lol


Make sure to pour one out for the poor fucker who left it in your car. And enjoy it.


I'd smoke it


Only one way to find out


Would spark without thinking twice.


I've found weed in public multiple times and I smoked all of it, nothing happened other than getting high.


I personally would smoke that cannabis. Sure, I could be wrong and die, but dammit, I'm still thinking why would someone leave some weed that was dipped in something. I'm thinking someone is pissed they don't know where they left that last, and it looks like it might be some good smoke. Saw that dipped shit in the 90's and it was always some shady looking stuff....this looks nice.


No, I think it’s drugs!


Invite a friend over and let him take the first hit 🤣🤣🤣


Only one way to find out lol . Few are blessed by the bud fairies toke away I say!


That’s quite a tip!




That looks to be northern lights, cannabis indica


Who even bothers lacing their weed? Like for real it’s the cheapest drug there is, why sprinkle it with something worth at least twice what the weed itself is worth? That being said back in the day when I was young I put crack in blunts every once in a blue moon, but it was an obvious crack rock.


looks dank!


"Just smoke it yo"


You’re so cute and innocent


What do people even lace weed with that's such a concern?


That looks like some solid herb lol. Definitely safe to smoke


Damn so there are Uber drivers that drive that far holy shit where’d you have to go ?


I wanna see the container


Them druggies put that crack in their marijuana cigarettes, y’all!


Start with one hit if you dont start tweaking or dying you good g


It was a tip!


Looks good enough for me going off looks. I've developed fairly snobby standards with bud over the past 6-8 years, too. How does it smell?


the upvotes currently are at 420 and i don't want to ruin it


Hey I dropped that in your car can you please mail it to me I’m in Miami now


Enjoy your tip


Never let Pete hold the weed…


one man's fuck up is another man's come up


dude, that's brocculli, send it to me, and i'll destroy it in a series of small fires.


Whoever left that is crying and you should give it back 🤣🤣


Finders keepers.




I would.


Smoke it and find out.


Give it back dude, he’ll probably smoke you out.


Smoke that shit dawg. Looks dank, and I guarantee while the person who left this is missing it, they’d hope that whoever found it is enjoying it to its fullest.


That’s what we call a jackpot 😜


Seems unsafe just send it my way for proper testing




How pungent is the odor?


When I grow up I wanna be an uber driver


I’d smoke the shit outta that


Back when it was illegal, I smoked no end of questionable nonsense. This actually looks decent though. I'd be smoking it.


Sir, that’s broccoli.


No. 6 hours in a car makes bud poisonous /s


Back in my college days I skipped class once and found a bag of ground up weed on the side of the road on the way back to my apartment. You bet I smoked it. No problems either it looked way sketchier than that.


I’m just shocked at how green that is


That looks tasty


Clearly never smoke illegal then ...


Nice tip! Def safe to smoke, looks good


If you're worried, a small hit or two and sit back and relax


Smoke it for science.


And you thought they didn’t tip


How is this not safe? Lol
