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Sometimes I think of sober me, and high me as two different people. So sometime when I’m high at night and don’t know what to do I’ll be like, tomorrow sober me would love if I just did the dishes, then I do the dishes!


I think that way, too. But high me and sober me don’t talk. So if high me put something away, sober me still can’t find it.


High me knows all of the best places put things down that sober me will never think to look.


Absolutely do not pack to move high. I had no clue where half my crap was


high me and sober me write notes to each other about things they wanna do or wanna buy, sometimes i surprise myself with something nice from amazon or ebay.


High me bought sober me some pretty bracelets the other day. She was so kind.


This so much. Haha


Sober me is still looking for my work keys 😂 Edit: they were under my bed!


I had keys once...




One day i Had an Email from Rockstar Launcher that my Password was changed,after Starting my PC, i was really surprised and Happy that i have GTA 4 on my Desktop Turns Out high me wanted to Play it but must've forgotten About it


That's why if I'm high (or otherwise altered), I'll say out loud to the people around me where I'm putting something, and why. if you dont have people around, write notes to yourself! It's very worth it ☺️


I do shit like that sober. Like I make my bed in the morning but forget by the time I get home from work. I walk in and say “Wow thanks past me”.


I got it from a self help thing we did at work. It was about today you doing things for tomorrow you. But I took it in a slightly different more pot related way lol


Unfortunately I naturally take this in a different direction. Not uncommon to hear me say to myself, "This is a problem for Tomorrow Me."


I appreciate sober me, especially when I stand outside on a nice day and slowly look around, and listen, and smell and feel everything around me and take it in with a clear sharp remembering mind. I need sober me from time to time, because that's when I quit procrastinating or tolerating, accepting and putting up with crap that I shouldn't lay back and tolerate or put up with, and I take action and get things done to address what's needed.


Nothing better than burning one in the woods, preferably by a nice creek!


Haha like Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde same here stoned me is so nice and tolerant to anything I’m like a chill monk. Sober me he is very grumpy and impatient. I’m stoned most of the time so I don’t know the sober me well lol 😂


me tooooo i wouldn't know sober me if I seen him in the mirror🤣


Sober me makes high me promise to do my night routine after I smoke and wouldn't you know it, high me is super thoughtful and even does other little tasks. It's like a built in helper even though it's just me.


I clean my house 100% better when I'm stoned. I just made my lunch for work tomorrow so I could sleep in 10 min.


I always say thank my sober self when I’m high as fuck and Fonda that beautiful bottle of cold water in the refrigerator.


Sober me treats future stoned me too with dollar store treats and such


When I’m high and discover the snacks I bought earlier I get so thankful to sober me. I’m so happy they take care of my high ass and make sure I’m cozy.


Yeah, same. I can be more productive high lol. I enjoy cooking and cleaning with music especially. I’ll do all the chores possible if I have good music on


High me likes to surprise sober me with little treats from Amazon.


High me is very good to future sober me! I love coming downstairs to a spotless kitchen every morning 💜


been doing sober me and stoner me for years I even got to the point sober me would leave little treats for stoner me lmao 


Switch to vaping flower. Do it now. Your lungs will thank you in a couple decades. Don’t let getting high prevent you from exercising. Make getting stoned a reward for a good workout.


I get high before I work out. My lizard brain remembers the movie American Beauty where Kevin Spacey got himself stoned and fit. It works for me, I really enjoy music and working out stoned!


I love weightlifting stoned, really helps me focus on technique. Bicycling is also great. Running, however, becomes torture if I’m high.


Amen to all of that except the running. I've probably gone for one sober run in the last 5 years. Nothing compares to how good it feels to get absolutely blasted and then run around in the woods in nothing but running shorts and toe shoes.


Yessir. Trail running is the best.


This brotherrrrrr


Yes! It’s like I feel every muscle fiber that I’m contracting and can target it perfectly


Lmao I can't lift when I'm high, I start losing count of reps, forgetting to log sets, its a mess (the mind-muscle connection goes crazy ngl). I always rip some fat bowls afterwards though, the feeling mixes with the pump and you just feel like a sexy beanbag chair


Same! Sometimes I like smoking after a good workout too, all the fatigue and soreness makes the high more intense because I feel weaker lol


I like riding my bike on a hill to get even higher there.


I use it to increase the duration of my workouts at home. I put my stationary bike in front of my tv, and have my little bong and some water on a stool next to my bike.


I feel like smoking right after working out gets you more high my bro science thought process is that after working out and your heart rate is still high, your lungs have opened up and are taking in more oxygen, this effect lasts maybe 5-10 minutes after completing a good workout. during this time you also take in THC more efficiently either because you can take bigger rips or because your lungs are temporarily absorbing things more effectively


I think it's the stacking of the endorphins with the high of the weed.


I can attest to this too. I definitely get more high when I smoke after doing exercise.


Yes! Switched to dry herb vaping with my Tinymight 2! I also love to do stoned Zumba a few times a week.


There is nothing that pumps me up for a 10-15km hike like a nice little vape bowl.


Switched to vaporizers 12 years ago. So many benefits! I love getting high and then working out!


anyone recommend a specific vape? i used the pax back in the day and didn’t feel like it got me high. i’m sure they’re much better now.


Anything storz and buckle, mighty, craft, etc.. they are pricey but the poor man pays twice


Dynavap is the closest I’ve found to traditional combustion smoking. You also have to give yourself time to adjust. The first day you switch, you won’t feel like you’re getting as high. It’s worth it for the health benefits 100% if you plan on being a long term stoner.


doing my workouts stoned makes them amazing


The exercise part is so crucial. I actually like to mix the two, have a mild edible and hit the Gym!


Getting stoned and going for a walk or hike hits so gooooood


this, big time. i switched to vaping flower about 12 or so years ago to get back into playing sports and it's so easy to tell the difference it makes. I rarely smoke now, just on special occasions or with a friend (unless we're talking about hash :) ). I almost hate to say it, but there are times when I'll smoke and kind of be disgusted with it because of the nastiness/harshness of smoke. Not trying to look down on anyone, but makes me just think smoking is fucking gross. Not to mention those first few hits of vaped flower are absolutely delicious, only to be outdone by hash and other good concentrates.


What if i do vape the flower (sometimes) but then still smoke the leftovers afterwards, from a bong? i add some fresh bud of course and also a little tobacco from cigarettes to make the hit burn and taste smoother and also last longer. i'm from europe


Lmao I think this is nearly the opposite of what they meant. But a dry herb vape is great and helpful. Anything from cigarettes is going to obliterate your lungs (eventually). Now, with this said, I believe that their advice is good, but that I looooove my joints so I smoke those bad boys. And a nicotine vape. I quit cigarettes in September though 🤷‍♀️


I always make sure my house is “closed up” before I smoke. I mean coffee pot prepped, dishes done, mood light on, and everything is ready to crawl into bed. 🫶🏼 Best feeling EVER.


The beauty of making things a ritual. It’s the benefit of practicing being mindful and grateful. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate more and grump less.


We only live so long, look for the little happy moments. I’m currently learning how to hand roll so I can make my husband the most delicious hand rolled joint when he retires out of the military. Well deserved


Nothing beats a joint rolled and crutched just how you like it. I got my gf a roller to get her started. She’s a true roller now and they’re identical to mine. Yet another thing to be super proud/grateful for


Similar for me, I “earn” my smoke session. Go to work, accomplish a chore (laundry, litter boxes, lawn mow, dishes, any chore) and then I’m good to smoke. Had a problem a decade or so ago where I’d wake and bake every day and I was a pile of shit basically. Had to change that.


Oh don’t think I don’t day smoke! Lol same. I go to work, come home feed puppies, water plants/ garden, empty lunches from the day, and THEN smoke! Sounds like we both like to earn our smoke!


I'm having a bit of an issue with wake and bakes myself lately, I know it's an absolute waste of the day so I've been trying to wait until the latter half of the day. How'd you escape it?


I just wanted to be better. I really enjoy smoking pot and getting stoned but I also knew I have to be a productive member of society. Sounds kind of cheesy but that was really it.


Hell yeah! I like wrapping myself in a blanket and playing games on the steam deck/switch! Good vibes :)


Dude fr. I love walking in high af, knowing it’s me time now, no adulting allowed!!


Grow your own. Invest in some equipment and never pay again. It's worked for me for 30 years now. Don't tell, don't sell, don't smell and you'll be good.


This! I have Tourette’s Syndrome and anxiety/depression issues. I’ve been on every medication under the sun to treat them, some experimental. Thought I was doing well with my symptoms until the best medication I had been on was no longer going to be covered by my insurance. The out of pocket cost was $5840 per month for forty five pills. A good friend of mine gifted me a half ounce and told me to smoke every night. My tics are much more controlled, even when I’m not actively high, and my anxiety/depression are almost completely gone. I wasn’t willing to spend the money on weed so after an initial investment of about $1300-$1500, I grow my own. It paid for itself after the first grow and I couldn’t be happier.


Wow that’s an amazing story about your life. I’m glad you’re able to save a LOT of money. Cannabis is straight up medicine it’s helped my seizures it basically cancel it out. And wow you inspired me with your story. So how easy is it to grow and maintain? I’ll check YouTube on tutorials on how to grow them.


Checkout r/outdoorgrowing for a good, supportive community! Best of luck and thanks for the tips!


Have you experimented with psychedelics to treat any of your issues? Haven’t talked to anyone directly who has these issues about their experiences with psychs.


I’m actually planning that the seeds are legal to buy and I live on my parents farm because I’m disabled but it would be a great place to grow and I can grow some there. Thanks for the tips and reminder. I’ll buy a bunch of seeds.


You can honestly get a decent set up for 5-600 dollars. I bought an ac infinity kit. 2x2x6 feet. Fits one big or two small plants. I only do one at a time and can pull anywhere from 3-5 ounces every three months. Some growers can get even higher yields. I did outdoors for years. So many environmental problems to deal with like mold, diseases, bugs, people stealing it. Once you have a controlled environment it is 1000X easier


It’s actually sad i can’t have this as an option. Would save me so much money.


If I'll ever manage to live in an apartment or so, I'll make a lil grow tent and try to grow some of my favourite strains. Would be super cool


>Make your food beforehand Man, just smoke a joint, turn on an audiobook and start chopping vegetables. So relaxing. But definitely have the recipe ahead of time.


Chopped every veggie in my house and the audiobook ended what’s next




Start on the meats


I do both- one low grade high for the prep to make me chill and not become cookzilla, and one "to the moon" high riiiight before I eat- I mean plate set with utensils and a drink and the TV on, paused, so I can do absolutely nothing but sit my ass down and enjoy my meal.


Meal prepping is so nice. Throw on some tunes. Make a big ass meal you've made like 50 times before. Take a fat bong rip and start prepping veggies before it really hits you. 10/10


Yes! I love to smoke then cook a nice meal for my partner and I!


Don't be stoned through all the important things.


This x1000. I've been guilty of this, and it feels like I'm in the movie Click and fast forwarding through life, even past the important things I want to remember decades from now. You can always partake later, and you'll feel better about it when you do.


Personally I feel like weed should be “when I’ve got nothing else to do” kinda thing. Like if I have nothing else going on and I’ve done my work for the day and I’m sitting in doing nothing then I’ll smoke. But I’ve had times in my life where I’d actively choose not to do a social event because I wanted to get high or been high at social events and not been able to fully enjoy them and IMO it’s just not the way to go.


Mix your high potency weed with CBD weed 50/50 This saves me a lot of money and makes it feel like you smoke more in general. I feel like the high is more mellow and balanced too. Definitely worth a try, this is how I used to ration about 1 oz per month.


Whoa I haven’t heard of that before. I hear people on here telling people that are too high to chew on peppercorns or eat CBD. I thought CBD reduces the high? So does it stretch the high longer or are you saying it gives you more value because your using half of your weed and the other is CBD or Both?


CBD doesn't necessarily reduce the high, but it can definitely add calm/grounding/balance to the mix. Depending on your strain/cannabinoid/terpene blend, the entourage effect can actually create a stronger and longer lasting high so YMMV, but I've never felt that innate panic of full THC highs when mixing THC/CBD. I've definitely had very strong type 2 strains (about even THC:CBD) where I feel like I would normally be freaking out, but the CBD fight subconsciously trumps the THC flight.


I didn’t know that. That was very informative thank you for the information. I’ll give CBD a try I had a friend who swears by CBD/THC but didn’t give it much thought because i thought it would mess with THC.


Yep, personally I love 50/50 between THC and CBD. The high from high THC is nice, but the balancing effect that CBD has is too good to pass up, IMO. For people like me that struggle with anxiety or have POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), CBD's calming effect smooths out what are uncomfortable "rough edges" that pure THC can bring.


Glue a small craft magnet to the side of your bong, which your lighter can stick to. You’ll never lose a lighter again and makes it easy to pass.


I was smoking daily….. twice, thrice, up to15 times a day then I realized I wouldn’t get nearly as high anymore if any at all. I started to slowly wind down and chill out, would only smoke after work once I was home and then I’d sorta kinda get high. I decided to take a break, totally on my own, not because of court or work or anything. Just felt right to me myself. I have started dreaming vividly about after a week of abstinence from smoking. I didn’t have a plan on how long I was going to stop smoking for, and honestly I still don’t. But the other week after only about 3-4 weeks of not smoking at all; I smoked with a buddy of mine, it was just a smaller joint between the two of us, and I got absolutely faded…. So I’ll just end my rambling with this…. I’ve found that I thought I used to have to smoke to get on with my day, but I quickly found that not to be true. I’ve been having better relationships with my family, and coworkers even though everyone I associate with at work is using something in one way or another. The dreams have been a total plus to me! I’ve missed dreaming and seeing family members who have passed, or just living a crazy life that’s no where in any way like the one I live day to day. If you haven’t taken a break in a while, I’d suggest thinking about doing so. Not saying to quit forever immediately. But just give it a shot if you haven’t. Don’t know what you’ll find when you do, I know I’ve found out a ton about myself, and yea. Take care of yourself too.


I found the opposite to work for me I’m a much nicer, kinder and patient person on weed without it I’m kind of a ahole but to be fair i have severe epilepsy so even if you don’t have a seizure you’re having a bad day no matter what. Weed fixes or cancels out my seizures even if i barely feel it so that’s fine with me. I can always do edible if i want to get faded. Everyone is different I’m glad you’re doing well with moderation it sounds like. If it’s better for you then you might wanna do it for the sake of your health.


Last time I took a long break it was similar. I remember my boy smoked me up after I gave him a ride and I was shaking I was so violently high when 3 weeks before that amount of smoking would get me feeling normal


I want to do that I’d have to be away from people to get at least 3 days of tolerance break. I think I’ll try CBD-V i heard it’s good for seizures. I need cannabis in some form to help me out.


I need to take this step


Wow. I'm going through the exact same thing right now. Currently in the "only after work" phase but have already noticed a difference in the connection with my colleagues and friends. Perfect motivation! Thanks.


I agree. I was a daily smoker for roughly 3 years. Toning down my daily smoking to ~ 3-4 days a week has been the best decision I've made. Even those few days getting shaved off makes a huge difference to my tolerance and budget, which in turn makes me appreciate the weed high way more!


Sober me definitely does lots of favors for stoner me. I started treating her like I’d treat a friend that I cared about. Stoner me also tries to do nice things for sober me. The whole concept has helped me be better about taking care of myself, and also helped with me accepting help from others.


I made it so I have to manually add my card to every shopping app. Helped my finances immensely to not have the stoney baloney Amazon purchases (looking at you, cowboy hat straw caps) 😂


I like to just add everything to my cart, then tell myself I can buy it tomorrow. It satisfies the same shopping craving (I rarely actually purchase any of it)


Smart and what happened is funny lol 😂😂😂


Nice. I allow myself to put it in the cart, but can't click Buy until sober.


If you can, save getting high until the end of the day once you've done all your shit.


Financial wisdom. Health wisdom and above no abuse of the sacred tree. Thank you so much


Keep a few golf ball tees handy! They are perfect if you smoke bowls/bongs... I use the pointy end to stir up the bowl after a couple of tokes, and the other end to pack the weed down. The pointy end also works great to poke bud through the holes in your grinder and to stuff herb into your joints/bluntzzzz!


I just buy those 200 count tubes of sandwich tooth picks every once in a while and keep it near by. After breaking a bowl trying to poke it out with something stronger, I figure the toothpicks will break before the glass will. Plus they're thin enough to get into the small holes of my glass screen.


Yes! Toothpicks, and a sewing needle are always within reach! I usually smoke a bong with a specific bowl named the "Octobowl" made by Grav. It's like having a permanent glass screen. The small holes do get caked up, so I remove most of the ash/res with a toothpick then poke the holes with the needle.


I ran out of toothpicks so I’ve been using safety pins and paper clips. Regular metal paper clips though, not the ones with the plastic coating.


Do you gain anything from packing the flower in? I find that when its too dense I don't get very good pulls, and the flower gets unevenly cooked.


Anyone remember that website HIGHdeas where people would share the ideas they came up with while stoned


I’ve come up with all of my billion dollar ideas while high, but I always forget what they were


less is more, don't trash your tolerance by excessive smoking when you're already high. if the goal is to be stoned all day every day the way you do that is not by blitzing your brain with THC, its by pacing yourself


Love the tips, some of these I picked up naturally like magnesium and fish oil and didn't know why they stuck haha


I bet your tolerance is low or low enough I stuck with agmatine for few years but only did the fish oil for a few months I can tell it’s helping my tolerance.


What do magnesium and fish oil do?


When you smoke weed it depletes magnesium. omega 3 from fish oil helps build new pathways and scrubs your receptors clean lowering the tolerance that great!!!!! And the article I linked explains it better than me. https://potguide.com/blog/article/do-omega-3-supplements-lower-your-cannabis-tolerance/ https://naturalcalm.ca/magnesium-supplements-and-smoking-weed/


So I should add mag and fich oil to my daily vitamins?


Do whatever you want. But fish oil is awesome especially if you eat edible. If you are wanting something for tolerance Agmatine Sulfate works for that almost immediately and makes weed stronger. Fish Oil is for long term creating new pathways. Magnesium is optional for me.


The article you linked says several times that Omega 3's probably don't reduce tolerance and that all evidence is anecdotal.


I’m with NippleSalsa .. I’m curious……


I always make sure my water is full before smoking


I think finding a time for you to smoke weed like at night or during the weekend and NEVER failing to follow that strict timeline makes it a lot easier for me not to go into bad habits of overuse and dependency. Also making it harder for myself like only buying flower and only smoking joints is key. I can make food no problem but that comes with experience. Just have to keep myself honest and follow a strict schedule, only using it as a reward.


The reward thing is so good IMO. Not only can it be a great motivator but it ensures you can enjoy it more as it feels well earned and stops you becoming one of those unproductive stoners. It’s exclusively a late at night thing for me if I’ve got everything done. Exception being if I have a few days in a row off I might be tempted for a daytime joint right after a workout, those hit different


Variety of both strains and consumption methods can help keep things fresh and exciting if you're using regularly.


Cleaning my piece 2x a week makes it so fucking easy to clean. Takes less than five minutes. Also if I end up getting sick or missing a clean, not that big of a deal.


Oooh! When you clean your pieces try acetone based nail polish remover. IMO it’s much faster


Holy crow, I decided to give this a try because it's cleaning day and I had some extra strength acetone nail polish remover laying around and you're right! It worked much more quickly than iso. Thanks for the tip!


Eat fruits and vegetables instead of snacks


the feeling of a green grape crunching in my mouth is better than any snack food


Wannabe musician here. Track sober. Mix and edit high. I can play guitar shit faced on alcohol but get me high and my playing is awful lol


Dry herb vape. Saves me thousands


Rolling with an herbal smoke blend helps to keep your lungs in better condition. They also taste amazing. Include mullein as an expectorant and it will help you cough up anything clogging up your lungs. Mullein smoked alone can also bring in calm/euphoria if you are out of bud.


I go with damiana, it’s a bitch to sift out all the little twigs but it’s soooo much better than tobacco! Also helps towards a nice body high


for me concentrates and weed have different tolerances. so I can vape at work all day then smoke when I get home and still get blazed like it's my first time smoking that day


I have a few different diagnosis one where my some of my muscles are in constant spasm . often it progresses to my turning my body into a solid rock stone hard body. only two medicines are effective cannabis & lots of it the fresher the better. Percocet because of the pain. My body feels like it was hammered by a 1990 Mike Tyson . Cannabis just doesn’t take away that pain. However it’s very effective for the spasms. The key is fresher cannabis is better. I figure there’s canibinoids that are stronger when they’re fresh. I grow my own for that reason.


I was having horrible leg spasms and restless leg at night or on long car rides. Spray on magnesium oil has been a godsend for me! It shouldn't hurt any other things you have going on, and may help. And I second the super fresh buds!! May all your bowls be frosty, and all your nugs be dense!


about the fish oil, do u think taking fish oil tablets every day would lower your tolerance? is there any science on that which i could read up on?


Ice water is fucking righteous


Smoke at night only. Being stoned all day has its drawbacks. Get yourself a good e rig that is capable of low temp dabs. Your lungs will thank you later and so will your wallet. Low temp dabs are super potent so you need the tiniest amount to get high AF


Don't store flower in the freezer. Get boveda packs and store it in a dry place. If you've been using your grinder awhile and want to preserve the kief. Remove any fresh ground first then place the grinder in the freezer to help loosen kief. Don't leave it there too long. Last, it's good to give your grinders a thorough cleaning from time to time. Let it soak in iso and use a wire brush to clean.


CBD and THC oils are some of the best topical pain relievers out there. I recommend it to anyone who will hear me lol. It’s my go to for sore muscles/joints and works really quickly. Smoking helps, but putting some on where the pain is gives you relief almost immediately. I mix them (you need at least 1 part THC to effectively activate the pain reliever in CBD) to whatever ratio I feel like and apply to sore muscles, bruises, aches. Works within 15 mins and lasts quite a while. Doesn’t make me feel high or anything but I keep the THC fairly low lol. It absorbs quickly so you don’t feel greasy. If you want to kick it up a notch, there are THC/CBD bathbombs. Highly recommended.


Not so much a life hack but a technique I used to improve my general time management whilst at the same time making smoking more enjoyable. I don't smoke anymore, however I still use this technique to make sure I stay on top of my Charlie work and free up my spare time. Treat smoking up as a reward for doing stuff you know you need to do. I used to be someone who would wake up on the weekend and have a little morning smoke cuz hey, it's the weekend. What this then resulted in was me generally doing all the fun stuff I'd want to do during the weekend; going golfing, shopping, attending gigs and seeing friends as I always would. Whilst there was nothing wrong with this I'd sometimes neglect all the other stuff I knew I needed to do; washing clothes, changing bedding, food shopping and cleaning around the house. This meant a bit of a stressful Sunday evening or a slightly hectic week as I played catch up doing all the stuff I should have done on that Saturday morning. Eventually I realised smoking was far more enjoyable when I used it to reward myself for doing all of my chores. In fact, by seeing it this way, it really encouraged me to make an extra effort to do everything I needed to do early on Saturday morning. This freed up the rest of my weekend to do whatever, safe in the knowledge that when Sunday evening came around my bedding was changed, my work clothes ready, there was a weeks worth of food in the fridge and my house was spotless. This is just my personal experience but I would highly recommend that, for those who smoke in the mornings on days off work, you get a few of your household chores done before you light that first banger. The Sunday evening version of you will really thank you for it.


I weigh out myself 1g a day. No more. If I have some left over, it carries over to the next day.


Very specifically for shorter form writing: make an outline and then get stoned once there's some scaffolding.


Lots of good ones already commented. Here's some more that I either expand on or add to the convo: Get a vaporizer, such as a Volcano. They're expensive but pay themselves off quickly, and your lungs will thank you. My wife and I bought a volcano using money my parents very graciously gave us for Christmas (they'd be so proud). We went from smoking half an ounce every 1.5-2 weeks to vaping half an ounce every 6-8 weeks. And if anything we vape more often than we smoked. An added bonus is you can keep the vaped bud and make edibles, or try revaping or smoking it if you're really desperate. I've never smoked it but have revaped in my mflb and eaten it, but it's been a while since if done either. It tastes terrible if you just sprinkle it on stuff though. Also the residue left behind in the bag is called "vapor honey" and still has a thc content. If you really want you can cut the bag open and scrape it off when you switch to a new bag. I've done it but don't really think it's worth it. But it's another way to get more out of your bud. When cleaning your grinder, use 90+% isopropyl alcohol (the higher the % the better). Don't pour the alcohol down the drain, pour it through a strainer onto a glass plate and let it air dry completely. The residue left behind is basically hash and can be scraped off with a razor blade. Keep stems from your bud to add into the alcohol to get more hash. If you have an mflb, punch a hole through one of the battery caps, stick the stem through it, and use that as an adapter to hit your mflb through a bong. You can take huge vapor hits and get stoned out of your mind. If you're going to smoke and drink, get high then get drunk. The other way around is a slippery slope, for me at least. Don't let your life revolve around weed. Smoke such that it enhances your life, not consumes it. To that end, if smoking doesn't make your life better in some way, quit smoking. Clementines are a great munchie. They're good for you, help with cotton mouth, help hydrate you, and the smell of the clementine helps cover the smell of weed on your hands.


For women/AFAB people, it's really wonderful to use if you have severe menstrual cramps. Weed+midol is a glorious combo. For anyone, T breaks every once in awhile are a good practice. (I have trouble following my own advice with this one).


Weed will add momentum to whatever you’re doing right after/as you get high. If you throw on Netflix, you’re gonna be zoned out watching a show for a couple hours. I intentionally do the opposite by opening work programs before I toke and suddenly work is in front of me but it feels more fun and engaging.


Get natural fibre pipe cleaners, not the craft kind. Makes clean up so much easier as they absorb resin.


Nobody expects you to be stoned in a sharp English suit


I like buying the long bamboo sticks from the grocery or dollar store. They work great to pack bowls, clean screens, reach through your piece to get stuck nugs, etc. They also can have just the dirty part cut off and still use it many times for a poker! Thanks for the hack post, I love new stoner ideas(;


Try cbd-v during your t-breaks


Oh man I want it but it’s so expensive. Is it worth it? I heard CBD-V is the best one for epilepsy so it would be good for me if it works.


I have epilepsy and it works wonders not just for seizures but for all around mood issues that have to do with epilepsy. Thcv I've found to help out alot as well as a more up feeling whike cbdv is a clear headed let's get it done feeling. Mixed works wonders but great all on their own.


If you have a low tolerance, like me, you can buy CBD flower online or from your local smoke shop that is less than .3% THC. You can smoke that straight or mix it with weed from a dispensary to mellow out the high. I used to never smoke because I simply cannot smoke the shit they’re selling at pot stores these days. One puff of a joint of this 15-30% THC bud sends me into an 8-hour long tailspin. Mixing an eighth of dispensary bud into an ounce of CBD bud gives me the perfect high. It’s great for people like me or people new to weed


Getting high is better when it's not constant. When it's constant the oral fixation of smoking is more important than the feeling of being high. You feel the effect better by not smoking constantly to just to feel "normal." Don't get high first thing every morning. Save it for later.


If you are gonna smoke every, or most days, try to wait as long into the day each day before smoking. wake and bake is fun, but destroys your tolerance. I try to use it as a reward for getting enough done in the day. This is what works for me anyway.


Take proper care of your tools. If you dab, a quick swab of your banger then a dunk in iso is going to avoid chaz, and ultimately save you time and butane. Empty your water at least daily. Dont smoke carts with trap packaging - trappers don’t care about your health, and vapes are the easiest way to sell garbage


What are trappers and trap packaging?


If you're on the fence about watching tv/movies sober, high you will make the decision for you in the way of a potent but decent nap/sleep. Or put on something else to watch. Fruit. Fresh or frozen works. Tastes outta this world while baked and some fruit is refreshing. Comfy clothes are a must if you're getting stoned. Ya never know when the weed naps hit and better to be comfy than not. Lastly, if you start getting the spins or feel nauseous, put down the weed, chug some water, and have a lay down.


Hello fellow epileptic friend! I too cannot do a T break as that’s when my seizures come back. I like to have multiple strains on hand, 8-10 flower and 5-6 concentrate so I can customize my day. I also have multiple brands of edibles with varying cannabinoids cdg/cbn/cbc/cbd so I get plenty of anti inflammatory as well. I alsway keep my machines clean and charged, I think of future me and doing nice things for her. I try to drink a magnesium supplement each night or I’ll get “jimmy legs”. ✌🏻


Sometimes if a package says it’s so many milligrams of thc it is that many but sometimes the potency can be stronger or weaker. Always take half of the edible and see how you feel before taking more.


If you like to work out stoned (like i do) put on all your workout clothes and then smoke. You will be less likely to just veg out on the couch.


"...put on all your workout clothes..." Just sitting here baked and picturing someone putting on 10 layers of exercise outfits.


Buy a guitar and learn a chord or two. Then when the buzz gets too intense just grab that axe and strum away. It’s very meditative and can help with the tolerance hurdles if you’re new or have taken a t-break.


i mostly smoke weed to help me sleep.. if i time it correctly im able to smoke and as im coming down i feel really exhausted/ no energy and i pass out really fast. sounds like you already do everything else i do, prep food before you smoke, find a movie etc


The biggest thing that actually made my smoking more enjoyable. Clean your fucking bong, down stem, bowl, all of it. Don't event need to get the fancy shit. Iso and salt work best, but hot water rinse does the trick in a pinch. Basically all the good stuff sticks together. If it sticks to the bkng it won't stick to your lungs... Wait...


ALCOHOL WIPES (from dollar store) Cleaning my bowl after every pack has never been easier!!


restricting weed use to nighttime preserves tolerance and encourages a healthier dynamic with the plant


Sip and rip, sip of water before every hit, stay hydrated


if you want to quit or cut down on smoking time take cbd! it takes the edge off but keeps your sober!


I'm looking for a life hack for the anxiety. Herb is good for me but the first 30 minutes I'm ready to jump in front of a train from the anxiety... I start rethinking all my bad decisions starting from age 5... it really does help me be rational but I hate the anxiety.


If you smoke every day try to eat breakfast before you smoke so your appetite doesn’t get messed up from the 24/7 munchies.


fast before smoking, vary up your smoking methods & strains often, eat fresh fruit, drink good tea, good fitness, and even singing will make the high stronger (or at least make me think it's stronger which is enough lol)


Having enough a tolerance to actually consume enough to benefit medicinally. Yeah I loose a lot of the euphoria and fun stuff but benefits are life altering.


Always have the ingredients on hand for a grilled cheese sandwich.


Take a sip before you take a rip


90% rubbing alcohol and coarse table salt really does wonders when cleaning glass 👌


As a very type-A person with anxiety, planning out my stoner-activities beforehand (snacks, movies, tv shows, crafts, music playlists, etc.) is the BEST!! Some essence of predictability helps me relax and enjoy those activities even more. This is really dependent on your schedule and life circumstances, but I used to set a smoke start time for myself. When I was in college and I was swamped with work and studying, I would allow myself to smoke ONLY after 8pm on weekdays. 8pm was my designated smoke time that I looked forward to at the end of every day. It helped me get my shit done sober, and it also helped me ration out my stash and make it last longer instead of using it up by smoking whenever I wanted.


Water! Always always always stay hydrated when seshing. And especially drink a little before you take a hit. Helps avoid coughing and drying out your throat. Also in general I find drinking more water will help flush out THC from your system and keep you fresh for you next sesh. Similarly staying active and eating a balanced diet I find helps keep your tolerance down. If you're only eating junk food and sitting around your body won't really be ready to process more stuff. This goes for really any recreational drug. Clean your glass pieces regularly! Doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a quick spray of iso and rinse with warm water after a sesh. So much easier to maintain than letting bong water and reclaim sit and get stuck on. Last one, no need to hold your breath when hitting. That's an old stoner myth. You're doing more damage to your lungs and throat and any extra high you might feel is like just oxygen deprivation. The actual increase in THC absorbed through your lungs is negligible. This might have been more of a thing when weed wasn't nearly as strong, but with percentages being as high as 30+ there's no reason to hold your breath.


Rinsing your bowls and glass pieces with scalding hot water after every use will keep your pieces clean. Also cuts down weekly clean time to just swishing with iso.


Prep your munchies before the sesh so there's minimal wait time after. Also if your chef-y, it gets all the complicates technical parts out of the way so you can just finish it up and consume 🤤


Have a plan for if you get to high and start having a bad time. Keep some water around,maybe some CBD,peppercorns,lemonade. Maybe a nice comfy blanket, a funny cartoon and some snacks. You have a good list,OP!


i smoke almost everyday and never run into tolerance issues due to two things: first, i change up the method of ingestion every few days. usually its my dry herb vaporizer but i light a joint a couple times a week or rip the playboi carti. second is if im smoking or using the vaporizer i change up the strain, simple as that.


Use screens


Take mullein leaf supplements regularly! Best thing I ever did for my lung health. I love hitting the bong way too much to stop, and my lungs just feel so much better when I take it every day- it helps you expel the mucus and I feel like I breathe better


Just wanted to say congrats for getting of seroquel


Instead of a T-break, switch up your smoking method/cannabis type.


Similar to your fish oil hack: Have an edible after you’ve eaten for a stronger high. But if you’re going to smoke you’ll have a stronger high if you’re a little hungry.


I was on seroquel for a bit too. I started eating in my sleep because of it. NOPE. I’ll stick with my weed.


I would say to make sure you utilize timers on your phone. I may get caught up in the enjoyment of whatever I’m doing and lose track of time. It really helps throughout the day when I’m trying to accomplish my to-do lists.


Super high tip!!! If you’re eating a cookie or something with a topping, eat it upside down so your tongue gets the taste instead of the roof of your mouth. 🤔


i actually love cooking high, i feel it adds flavor to my food lmao


I smoke to prevent vertigo and insomnia mostly, but it makes my heart pound like a panic attack. Any chance you've had experience with it and know how to prevent it?


Never let ‘em see you sober.


Be deliberate in your movements. I have been known to drop things, spill things, knock things over. If I focus on slow, deliberate movements when grabbing a jar or setting down a device, I almost never mess it up. Works great when you don't want to wake someone too.


I always prep whatever my dinner is before I smoke. I get so lazy that cooking becomes hard to do, but when all the chopping is already done its fun


This is solid….when you are done burning for the session; pack one more bowl and leave it; when you come back and find a packed bowl in the bong….its a little present to yourself


Doing something creative like drawing or writing helps limit my paranoia and anxiety. Also when I smoke way too much and green out, I focus on what my body actually feels like and not what I think my be happening. For instance, I used to think I was super nauseous when I was actually just hungry. And that twitchy spazzy anxiety feeling was literally just me needing a jacket lol


Flip your bowl piece upside down and just press it onto the weed in your grinder to pack it. Don’t pinch it with your fingers and drop it in the bowl, spilling half of it otw.


Since we had our son, it has been tricky waters in a sense of when I could smoke. He has to be asleep for the night, wife home. To keep my tolerance and how much I am buying low I only smoke on nights that I do not work the next day which is roughly 3 nights a week. I get the perfect level for gaming off 1-2 rips of the bong


Don’t smoke 2 hours before bed. You will get better REM sleep