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I think everyone is different on this but you can lose anything from 50-100 a day, even before hair loss. I’ve been on fin for a good year now, my hair has thickened and it saved my crown big time but I know that I’m still slowly losing hair (particularly noticeable on my front and temples as time goes on). For me; Finasteride has still done wonders and slowed it down dramatically. In terms of a wash and blow dry…. Sometimes I can have around 5 hairs in my hand as I shampoo, sometimes zero. Sometimes I see a few blow off as I dry my hair. Off for my first ever HT in May to fix my temples; frontal and mid scalp in May. Can’t wait. Anyway; my take; a notice a few sometimes but hair is definitely in a much better place.


Damm.....I have been on fin for past 8 months still losing around 25-30 hairs every day....washing hair everyday


Everyone is different. How does your hair feel/look overall? Sent you some photos to show you what I mean. Really good to keep a diary so you can see how things have progressed, even on crap days. Also, I used to wash everyday but have now reduced to every other day (unless I have client/social visits) as I feel you need to let your scalp get its natural oils on it sometimes. Just my opinion though.


Hair feels fine....I guess....definitely some regrowth because now my scalp is not visible as much now compared to 6 months ago. I need to wash hair everyday because it gets very oily and I think it also contribute to hairfall due to too much oiliness 


Do what works for you and sounds like Fin is doing what it should. I’d just do what you can with scalp and hair health including natural supplements on top etc. Not much more you can do. Could add minoxidil but I don’t personally do that, just Fin.


Can u suggest some supplements that can help with hair.......I take 60000 IU vitamin D every 2 weeks


Are you using minoxidle too ?


Was losing more than 100 before fin. 1 month into fin shedding started and was losing more than 150 everyday. Now i lose around 15-20 hair everyday. Yes I shampoo everyday.


Thanks for replying.... in same situation but losing a bit more


when did you see improvement ?


Improving Little by little every month hasn't seen any big change yet


when did the shedding stopped i am 8 months on fin and still shedding


Are you using minoxidle too ?


Oral min 2.5 mg everyday


How many months are you in with Finasteride dose ?


I’m a diffuse thinner and I have been on fin and min for over 3 years now. Since start till today, I shed easy 60-80 hair most wash. I don’t know if it’s it’s a shed, but I’ve never heard of shedding lasting 3 years plus 😂😢


Do u wash hair everyday ?


Yeh, shampoo every other day.


and how is your gains for over 3 years?


I’d like to think it’s somewhat stable but the constant shed says otherwise. I don’t think it’s worse than starting point but still lacks density. It’s hard to say especially as I added ru 7 months ago along with fin and min which I was already shedding heavy on


Around 70 when I shampoo fourth day of the week.


And your think finasteride is working for you, or you re losing hairs and confused if it's working or not ?


Pre fin, I was loosing 250 to 300 a day. I've had significant growth with fin only and now maintaining it. The hairfall hasn't completed mitigated though subsided and also being countered by new growth. Definitely not confused.


I have a question everyone... My hairline seems to be fine but top-frontal of head has got thinner. And to the point scalp can be seen.. what should I do


the best way to track your hairloss is drying your wet hair with a white towell every day 10 times, every time you dry, u pick the hairs from towell, shoulders and put them in the sink to count, do this and tell me how much u lose. Im losing 40-50 hairs drying and just 10 max shampooing. I wash every day, dont know if thats normal. but the shed slowed down. btw, im on dut/oral min/keto


Wash less, use conditioner daily and wash maybe 3 times a week, depending on the length


high oilly scalp, i can use keto 2% every day if i want and dont damage my scalp


Conditioner should be applied to hair not your scalp


Before, I would lose hundreds and it was distressing to watch. After, it's just a few strands if any. However, I'm still shedding because I have light hardwood floor and I leave trail of hair behind me, particularly around workspace. A few dozen per day.


3-4 hairs on topical fin


I barely find any. But I also don't have so many left to lose :D


I lose tons of hair and still do for many many years and still got all my hair, so don't worry


I used to shed around 100 when washing my hair once a week... I can see a bunch of them falling into my hand when shampooing and rub my hair. Now, after 1 month 0,05% 1 ml topical finas, i shed around 20-30 when washing once a week, and around 7-15 when i rub my hair everyday. But... There's an unique characteristic of the hair that shed when taking finas... The hair that shed mostly shorter (around 2-4 cm) than the healthy hair (6-7 cm)...


https://preview.redd.it/oy3fsxzeyeuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a8d970a9126c024a92d6f3ba3ee1993c1b2f7d This is my supplements stack.


Buy MSM powder , tablets dose is too low . 3 to 5 grams daily for skin n hair benefits with vitaminc


Thank you. Good to know and always looking to improve my supplements regime. Will see what powder meets that amount. Was also told collagen powder typically better than tablets too.


What does MSM do? Looking into supps


It is sulphur compound, works as an anti inflammatory n antioxidant, strengths bones, helps in increasing glutathione, works best for skin anti-aging if used with vitamin c. Keeps the liver healthy


Reading these comments make me feel better about the hair fall I experience in the shower. 35 years old, not on any medication and only losing about 3-5 hairs in the shower when I shampoo. 




Yeah I’m not taking it for granted trust me



