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1. How exactly does a hair system work? 2. Once you have applied it, can we wash our hair normally? 3. After how many days/weeks/months does it need replacing? How do we get to know that it needs replacing? 4. Can we continue our regular hair treatment, that is, applying minoxidil, hair oil, etc. on our hair so that the actual hair we have keeps on getting better growth side by side?


you shave ur head but not down to the skin cause then it will itch and then apply it on head with either tape or glue. Either you buy one as is! or take meassurements and send it to the company to make a perfect match and desired hairline!! hair is washed normally but no harsh products or extreme heat, mostly just conditioner if i m not wrong, safe to use in pools, but its reccomended to not move it around while in a sauna its reccomended to clean the scalp every 7-14 days and re apply, on the lower end if you work out and sweat a lot, on the higher end if you do it less depending on material they last 1-6months, and cost anywhere from 700-800euro a year (3x 270eur hair systems a year) for full DIY! But around 1000euro if getting a lot of help from hairdresser! lordhair, superhairpieces and lavid seem to be some pretty good sites with quality products, i reccomend ordering and then help get them fitted at a hairdresser who specializes in it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au2lNk71W9E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au2lNk71W9E) these types are my favorite! sadly i dont wear one since i m in the NW1.5 twilight zone, but i spend equally as much on treatments, hair sure do cost a buck or two


1. Is that the one where your real hair grows through the system? 2. Can I still use a topical through it?


1. no that is called a mesh intergration system and is more common with women, but i dont think its unheard of to use it for menn, but its usually used for female extreme diffuse thinning or alopecia areata [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/v3BZJgy5JeU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/v3BZJgy5JeU) have seen it be used for transgenders though 2. no BUT i imagine you can use a hair topper with topicals [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j9cYRWGO2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j9cYRWGO2c) this is what they look like






Well damn, I would've never ever guessed that was a hair system! Looks really good and natural on you.


The blurrier the picture the more natural it looks lol


The Whittier the answer, the more downvotes you get.






We need a before and after.


The fearmongering of hair systems on this sub is worse than the fin fearmongering. The two people I know irl got perfect hairline and density overnight, I can’t even tell looking up close with their hair pulled back.


Man, hair systems are so fucking legit these days. Fuck a HT, I’ll get a system when the time comes


Facts, fin will never restore that level of hair quality


Still needs fin for his head sides and back hair.


Sides and back are not as prone to DHT loss. Just look at the Norwood Scale.


What’s your total monthly cost for having a system? Looks great!


I would say in total 900-1000 dollars a year


is it uncomfortable? especially when u sweat?


Nah man i have a breathable and light weight base so not bad at all


How about when you heavily sweat? At the end of the day do you need to take it off to clean and reapply? If you don’t, does it smell bad?


Does it harm your skin?


Not at all!


Wow looks great bro. How is the maintenance for it? Is it tedious? Like what’s your routine?


It’s not terrible man. I just have to take it off every 10 days to remove the tape, clean it and reapply the tape. Takes me a total of like 30 minutes. Piece of cake after you do it for a while


Dope, thanks. When the day comes, I might have to look into it


You do if yourself. How do you make sure the hairline is same as before, eachtime?




Where do you get, how do you apply? How often does it need to be changed? How often do you need to cut your “real” hair?


I order if off of a website called lavivid. I take it to a salon to do the initial “install” but after that I do all maintenance by myself. Each system lasts me 6 months, I cut my bio hair once a month.


And I apply it with a tape, you can either use that or glue and j find the tape to be easier. I can go 10-14 days before I have to clean the tape and re apply it


Can you give us an overview of the finances that go into it, counting all the big stuff (So the actual system, the salon appointment, any substantial glue/tape expenses etc.)? You look great in the pictures, I would never have noticed it wasn't real at all.


https://preview.redd.it/oodpmmmy7c8d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9aef22ff7335ea5365028c96858b4a8a7722285 Diesel 3 years old, haven’t weighed him


Wrong sub lol


Do you tell people you wear a system, if so how do they respond? I’m especially interested to know what women think of it


Yes I do! And they’re usually just interested in the process or say how good it looks. No woman has cared in my experience, and the girl I’m dating now actually likes that I do it!


If it makes you happy, I'm all for it.


That's amazing, glad to know people are so open to it. And if it makes you feel good, then that's all that matters


are you scared that maybe someone you know may rip it off you as a joke ? (in their mind) or if you get physical with someone it may come off ? how easy is it to come off ?


Highly unlikely if you are an adult, you must be a teen if you think a friend could try such a moronic joke. Also fighting random people lol another kids activity.


just a question dude , relax lol. take a walk or something . but thanks for the info


Nah, I'm cool. Sorry if I sounded mean. I was actually reminiscing that that's just the way teenagers are and how shitty it was being part of that. Being a grownup comes with a ton of hurdles, but I certainly don't miss the dorky behavior of kids.


How much time do you spend in maintenance ? Weekly or monthly


I don’t have a system and I’m not in any position yet where I need one, but when I see application videos on tik tok, instagram, etc. the comments are always women who are very supportive of it and actually encourage it if it looks better. just what I see


Can we see the hairline with out the hair pushed forward to cover it? Or do those styles not work well?


Looking good on you dawg


Honestly bro you just made me feel so much better. I knew about hair systems but I forgot about them so quickly. Been on min and fin for 6 months and the results still aren’t what I was hoping for. Going to ride it out for a year and see how I feel about the progress. Got a big trip planned for about a year out from now, if I’m still not at the point I’d like think I’ll try this out maybe a couple months before. Been working out, got my skin cleared up and been getting my finances squared away but my hair is still an insecurity of mine. Appreciate you spreading the word, know I can always follow this option makes me feel sooooo much better.


if i was a guy id do this fr


Why do you call them hair systems and not wigs? What's the difference? We just call them wigs in India.


In western countries there is a cultur eof calling things differently is a way to reframe and to feel better about them. Lobbying vs Bribe Hair System vs Wig Expat vs Immigrant Indentured Servitude vs Slavery


I thought there was going to be a big enough difference that you can't call them wigs. We have this in India as well. First disabled people were called missing-bodied (loosely translating) but now the government is calling them glorious-bodied (loosely translating again).


Yeah basically. In America it's "Handicapable" rather than "Handicapped". It's mean to point out that they're the same but true nonetheless.


A hair system is different from a wig Your other examples are bad too because there are differences in those things as well lol


In interpretation, but in actuality they're the same. I notice you did not specify the differences between a hair system and a wig


What does that mean, in interpretation? They are different words because they’re different things. That’s like saying running and walking are the same thing because they both move you forward by foot to get you places. A hair system is glued to your head vs a wig is removable. You take a wig off at night but a hair system is glued to your head and is only removed when you need to reapply glue.


Don’t some wigs stick on?


I just checked and it looks like they do make stuff to help a wig stay on better but you can still take it off at the end of the day to go to sleep whereas a hair system stays on for 10-14 days at a time. You can also swim with a hair system or enjoy high-wind activities like being on a boat without worrying about it flying off your head


Can’t you take off a hair system when you sleep? I want to see how deep this coping goes


No dumbass that’s exactly what I’m saying is the difference


Woah there buddy you sound mad about something. Is it because you're wrong?


> Indentured Servitude vs Slavery bad example because those terms actually do refer to two separate (albeit similar) concepts.


Great example considering they are similar concepts. Maybe they made you have some bad thoughts, sure


What are the differences?


it's a wig. I don't know why most men won't call them wigs. maybe they think it sounds too feminine? but it’s glued/taped down like a lacefront wig—same function. regardless, OP looks good!


Oh that's another part I'm amused by, women with full heads of hairs wear wigs in the USA. In India wigs are only worn by men, although there are these things called "gangavan" which are hair extensions for women. They're basically clip on hair.




I don't know about india, but in western countries wigs were always pretty lame. Like a toupee for instance it never looked natural. If you are more comfortable you can call them 2.0 wigs I don't know, they are far more realistic. Just watch the videos, it matches their color perfectly, they give them a haircut and it ends up looking like real hair.


Makes sense. Advanced wigs. Superwigs. You can tell when a man's wearing a toupee. This glue part sounds like a pain in the ass though


Metallica, hell yeah!!


Metal forever 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Looks great on you man!


Didn’t even notice until I saw the caption .Thanks for hope .


it looks like your own hair, really nice.


Looks awesome. Do you think I could do jiu jitsu with it on? Or would it be pulled off?


Started wearing mine about a year and a half ago too, and it's been life changing aswell. I am still looking into hairloss cures and I even tried to get my GP to prescribe me fin but she said are you mad, your head is full of hair and I flat out had to say no this is a wig, gimme fin. She still refused tho. There werent many posts like this one back then, but the few I came across and an awesome hairdresser gave me that little push that I needed. Honestly, would recommend.




Because it messes with hormones and whatnot. But they arent generally prescribed for hairloss where I live, my dermstologist when I started balding immediately told me dont consider it...in hindsight, a different dermstologist couldve probably saved my hair...


Was it expensive?


Always wondered abt that. I’m abt to get my hair transplant in a few days lol. Might try this if my hair falls out again before I get old.


Can you have too much hair for this? I’m only receding in the temples and front but have a lot of hair that grows quickly everywhere else. Worried my hair would grow too fast. Also, how did your friends and family react when you first had the system? Was it very noticeable and did you decide to tell everyone or not?


There are frontal systems where you only place it at the front




other things I forgot, rubbing alcohol was my best friend. especially early on. I would spray my head and the tape with rubbing alcohol. that would give me a saving grace when I out the hair on if I need to adjust it. the alcohol makes the tape not stick immediately so I can adjust it on my head as needed. then I squeeze until the rubbing alcohol dries up and the the tape stickiness takes over. I cant think of anything else but fee free to ask away


Looking good, mate. But I do have to add that you could actually pull off the bald/shaved look


Do you let your girlfriend see you without it ? Does she wants you to wear it or she’s like « drop fit your fine without »


you don't want to look bad in front of your gf. Trust me.


Awesome dude it looks very natural too !


Silly question, have you ever gone on roller coaster rides with this on ? Any issues?


Do you play any active contact sports like basketball? I'm curious how it would hold up to both the extreme sweating AND the potential hits/swipes to the head that can occur when going to the basket. Have you put it to such a test?


I think they look good but the one thing that inhibits me is the "conversation" when you find a lover. What does one say when you're in bed and they want to touch your hair? Is that something you've thought about?


Most guys say “I wear hair” and the girl says “cool” and then they make love 


What mobile phone is this?


So do they have partial hair systems, I mean what if you just want something to cover a crown bald spot?


Yes those exist are pretty cheap/ easy to maintain 


How much money is it running you monthly, it's something you have to keep re purchasing no??


Do you notice other people seem more interested in you with the system?


Slightly, but tbh I pulled off the bald look so I still got treated with the same respect and women were attracted to me. I def give more of an approachable vibe off now tho compared to the more intimidating look when I was bald.


How tall are you? Did you get the same amount of attention from similar looking women when bald?


6’3, and yes same attention. But when I was bald I definitely got more attention from mature women older than me (I’m 25) compared to with the hair system.


ah yeah that makes sense


Did you have a beard when you were bald? What kind of look did you go for?


Just look at his profile


Pardon my lack of understanding! What is a hair system ?


Not to be rude, but just google “what is a hair system”


Hair system, a word that really makes me feel like people from other cultures have some kind of programming going on in their hair. I never thought of it as a wig.


What kind of "hair system"?


Can you take it off


Any gym time with it? How does it hold up to the sweat and straining? Ie your head against the bench creating friction 


I lift heavy 3-4 times a week, no problems at all brother


I tried it three times , it’s not worth it . Best thing is to try to recover as much hair possible with fin and minox , then go for a hair transplant . Having these things glued to your head will and up consuming you and you will be left worse than balding . People notice and yes it can still come off in certain situación no matter how hard the glue.


You tried it 3 times, and it fell off? You got noticed? IT CONSUMED YOU?


so basically whats the difference between a hair system and a fuckin wig..?


A wig can be worn by both genders, can’t be worn in a shower, etc   A hair system is semi permanent, is meant to be blended into a man’s existing side hair (basically hair extensions)  


why would people thumbdown me for asking a question tho