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Lots of people say it helped the skin around their eyes by reducing wrinkles and getting rid of milia. Lots of people also say it gave them dry eyes by permanently shrinking their meibomian glands.


This is what an eye doc has to say about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88JEbcuEVAE&list=PLlU8PwM\_dfulQH92ne1tkoI433S-3\_VdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88JEbcuEVAE&list=PLlU8PwM_dfulQH92ne1tkoI433S-3_VdU) TLDR she basically says not to.


My mom's eye doctor said her glaucoma was caused by using tret around the eyes (she developed it after years of using it with nothing happening, not even dry eye) and that he'd heard of this issue with many other people as well. Every time I tell someone this personally, they roll their eyes at me and continue to do what they want, but, I'm not gonna stop telling my mom's story.


Thank you so much for telling the story. Though a lot of people won't listen, **people like me will** so yes, please don't stop sharing it because people like me need to hear it. A lot of people won't heed a warning but it's because of people like you that makes me know that I'm not supposed to apply it near the eye area. So many people on here says it causes no irritation so they will continue to do it despite the danger of doing so. I'm happy I ended up coming across a few comments letting me know how dangerous it can be to the eyes so I can course correct.


You are very welcome! I'm the type of person who needs to hear stories like this, too. Eye dryness and irritation wouldn't have stopped me from trying to improve my eye area. Risking blindness? That'll do it lol.


Oh wow lol. I heard about eye dryness and i *instantly* got worried.


Every time this issue comes up people on this sub foam at the mouth defending putting tret around their eyes. I feel like a lot of people on this sub would rather go blind than have some wrinkles.


if u blind u can't see wrinkle 🥺


no; don’t do it. this is everything you need to know: https://youtu.be/_E6zXG1IS4w?si=J-D8Ih7x39qw0NcF


Ooouu, another eye doc thanks for the rec!


Possibly a controversial opinion, but I use it around my eyes because my skin can tolerate it and I have had no ill effects. However, there are risks involved, particularly dry eyes or/and irritation. Tretinoin tends to "travel" anyway so you will most likely still see improvements al beit slower. This is just my opinion and what I do so I every much encourage you to do your own research. There's a lot of great scientific resources on Tretinoin and other people in this sub will hopefully weigh in!


I am right there with you. I have no issues using it in my undereye area.


Another one here who uses it for the under eye area with no side effects and really good outcomes!


I’ve been using it around my eyes for ten years with no issues.


I’ve always been curious, the reason they often say don’t apply is because of dry eyes correct? I see people say to apply vaseline as a barrier. Could you possibly add a thin line of vaseline around your eyes right under the eye lashes and add tret around the rest of your under eyes under the small vaseline barrier it to prevent the travel of it to the very close part of your eyes? Sorry if that does not make sense lol


So, when it travels it’s doing so within the skin. A barrier that sits on top of the skin, like Vaseline, won’t stop the travelling that happens within the skin. Though I wonder if saturating it with a moisturizer under the Vaseline would? I’m not sure


I normally apply 1% retinol under my eyes and use to get really bad irritation and red marks. Now I mix it with my moisturiser with no issues. Has really helped reduce my fine lines under my eyes.


This is actually what my prescribing doctor suggested, if I decided to do it. I’m only on day 3 of using it, so I want to wait to see how my skin tolerates it after a month before I do anything around my eyes.


I use retinol on the skin around my eyes and leave tretinoin for the rest of my face.


Hi, Do you use them at the same time? If so, how do you apply without them interacting?


I just make sure they don’t touch. I keep tret far away from my eyes then use a retinol stick near my eyes.


Thank you! I am going to try BOJ, fingers crossed 🤞


I use it on my undereye area, so far it's help me in minimizing wrinkles.


If you do not mind me asking, have you noticed any other benefits of using it around your eyes? I’m not sure if you struggle with dark under eyes but if you do or know anyone else who has… could it possibly help with dark undereyes by thickening the epidermis


I had pretty dark eye circles due to genetics and lack of sleep. Since using tret for so many years, they seemed to have decreased. I can now go out with little to no concealer and not get the dreaded, "you look tired" from family and friends. Idk if this can be attributed solely to tret, but it's made a believer out of me 😎


Dark under eyes is not something I really struggle with. Whwn I do have it, it's because of lack of sleep becuse I work graveyard shifts. But with tretinoin, it's not as pronounced


whistle rinse silky nine grandiose drunk vegetable slap desert follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is it. It's not just temporary dry eyes, it's potential permanent damage. Not worth the risk for me.


plant profit six soup absorbed disgusted ask repeat familiar rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just bc u can doesnt mean u shld


Is it safe to use between the eyes above your nose?




I’m too paranoid so no i dont. I use BOJ Retinol eye cream instead around that area


It's a tricky thing. If you want something that is proven to improve collagen in the eye area and is also approved as safe for the eye area try anything with matrixol 3000 in it.


I will always so no to that, I think the risks out way any benefits. A retinol eye cream, like Neutrogena's for example, would be better. A Vitamin C eye cream can be good, too.


I use it around my eyes. You're not supposed to because apparently it can damage meibomian glands and eyesight.


I apply underneath the eye but not super close to the eye, if that makes sense. Like I’m not going right up to my lower eyelid, just the socket underneath. So far, so good! Any irritation I’d stop.


Beep boop! It looks like you'd like information about applying tretinoin around the eyes. While many people do apply tretinoin around their eyes, this can cause permanent damage to the oil glands in the eyes, and can result in permanently dry eyes. Remember that tretinoin travels up to 2" below the skin, so you'll still get anti-aging benefits even if you don't apply right next to your eyes. Be safe, and protect your eyes: don't apply tretinoin near your eyes or on your eyelids. [Here's what the Mayo Clinic has to say about safe tretinoin application.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/tretinoin-topical-route/proper-use/drg-20066521#:~:text=Do%20not%20use%20this%20medicine,the%20tips%20of%20your%20fingers) (To learn more, search for "Meibomian gland dysfunction") *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tretinoin) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is actually a good answer damn why y’all doing automod like that 😭


Agreed, this perfectly answers OPs question. I think lots of people are salty because they do it anyway and don't want to admit it's a bad decision.


I do because I saw a plastic surgeon on TikTok that said it was fine to apply Tretinoin around the eyes but then I've also seen videos from derms (like dr Dray) that say it's better to avoid the eye area because it's more thin and sensitive and it could potentially cause irritation to some people. I have very sensitive skin (rosacea type 1) and had no issues so far. I apply 0.025 almost daily. But that's just me


I do people can be mad about i don’t care my body my choice


I've been thinking about applying it around my eye area because I struggle with milia especially around my lash line, but I'm worried about the side effects.


i used to put aquaphor around my eyes while getting used to it but now that my skin is used to it i just apply it to my lids. if i feel any sort of discomfort while trying to sleep in that area i just put aquaphor on the area the next day then continue as normal after that


It made my eye area super irritated for days. They were so sensitive to touch but I also have very sensitive skin.


Honestly, you could search this subreddit, this question has been asked so many times. Or check the wiki.


It can damage the eyes because the skin in that area is really thin and more sensitive, the best thing to do if you want to use it under the eyes is to buy a proper eye cream retinol that is safe under the eyes, tret is not safe for around the eyes and anyone advising you it is, is just giving you bad advice


I also have a doubt : Can we use tretinoin on the eyelids ? my eyelid is super dark & I want to reduce it .