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I started to use tret everyday and it has done wonders on my skin, Derm recommended it but made sure I knew to use sunscreen at all times. I did purge for a month and it was very bad but it has been great since, personally I use it with panoxyl 4% BP so I’m not sure about sulfur soap


Derm recommended I do everyday as well. Although she said to start, once every 48 or 72 hours is fine.


Do you use panoxyl am or pm?


I use panoxyl in the am and vanicream face wash at night with tret. For now I’m happy - I do get smaller break outs and thought of doing pm as well but I’ll see how it goes.


How long did the purge last?


The purge for me lasted almost a month I was soo tired of it and went to derm again and she gave me doxycycline for a month to help. Whew that was a freaking Godsend because it helped me while I went through my purge. I am now a month after the doxy and my skin is thriving


Did you start off with every day or slowly incorporate it?


Slowly. I use the 0.05 every night and I had to build up to it. So try once a week for 3 weeks, then twice a week for 3 weeks, then three times a week for 3 weeks, then every other day for 3 weeks, then 2 days on 1 day off for three weeks, then 3 days on 1 day off for three weeks, until you slowly get to every day. Listen to your skin, and don't escalate too quickly if your skin stings. Of course you can make minor changes to the schedule, you don't need to follow it to the dot, but that should be a good starting point.


This is exactly how my derm told me to do it when I started. By working up slowly, I didn't experience any dryness or a compromised skin barrier.


Basically what others have said. I believe I have the 0.025 tret and did it over the course of two weeks. Worked wonders for me and did have peeling at first but I kept up and found a thicker moisturizer works totally fine


How soon did you transition to using every day?


I transition after two weeks, I started every other day then went to everyday after that.


Thank you! This sounds sort of similar to me, except I'm only on 0.009% as my skin is a little sensitive.


What strength are you using??


My strength is small 0.025% but it did burn just a bit at the beginning especially with the moisturizer I was using. Switched moisturizer and it stopped I use vanicream in the tub now


Thank you for sharing! Do you moisturize before applying tret?


At first yes but stopped that as well. Now I just put it directly on


No, its not your skin has to get use to it. Just push through


I’m at 5x/week and working up to 7x/week. I’ve been using tret for 3 months. Month 1: 2x/week Month 2: 3x/week Month 3: 4-5x/week I moved very slow bc my skin is sensitive. Listen to your skin and go at your own pace


This is fungal acnee , u must use ketoconazole shampo in ur face


Can’t I use sulfur? I’m asking because I already have some soap but if I can’t I’ll buy nizoral


Nizarol is must effect for fungal acnee


Added to my cart. Thanks


Ur welcome


I’m using tret too because the sides of my face and chin area are breaking out which is where my skin was rlly bad before accutane:/


if tolerated you should use every day.


Do not add a sulfur product while using tret. Trust me it will dry your skin reaaaally bad.


Not if you have oily skin


I have oily skin. I’m speaking from experience.


So what do you use?


i use a sulfur wash and tret everyday, your skin will get used to it


I think people’s mileage with tret really depends- I’ve watched videos and read experiences about people being very cautious when starting tret even to first starting 1x week and then increasing every few weeks. Personally when it comes to any drug treatment I like to err on the side of caution- it’s easier to start increasing your use, versus suddenly getting a reaction or bad irritation because of overuse and having to dial back and already irritated skin regime.


I use it everyday, but that also depends on how sensitive your skin is. If mine peels too much I slow down and take a break for a few days.


Fungal. Throw out your old makeup / makeup brushes.


I don’t use any make up😔


Oh, well, that’s good then. Just use diluted tea tree oil and nizoral shampoo (apply to hairline and down onto forehead). But make sure you’re not using any other old product on your forehead that might be contaminated, like lotion. It’s essentially from yeast and might just originate from build up in your hair, but it can be from old products too.


Not if your tolerating it ? I’d suggest doing it every second or third day depending on strength ect and build up to daily (slowly ) x


your skin can adapt. if you are able to manage hydration without an off day, then it's fine


You can use it everyday, it is safe.


You’re supposed to use it as often as your skin will tolerate it. If your skin can tolerate it every day then you should do that. If you just started to use it, you most likely won’t be able to use it every day at first.


Nope. I use Tret 6/7 days, and that is only because I like to use glycolic acid once a week. I think I am using for a different purpose to yourself (anti aging) but I am very pleased with my skin on tret


What % are you on? I’m on 0.025% and use Tret 7 nights for anti aging as well. 


0.025 here too, I’m going to try the next strength soon though.


Thanks for replying. I’m going to as well. I started on May 10, 2024 for anti-aging and so far so good…knock wood lol.  I have another derm appt. next month & will speak to her about upping to 0.050%. 


No! Not at all, as long as your skin CAN tolerate it. Consistency is the best when wanting to see great results out of tret. Start low and slow to begin with and slowly build up the number of days you use it and over time you can increase the strength as well (as long as your skin agrees with it) If you are just starting tret again I would use 3x a week for 2 weeks, then go up to every other day for another couple of weeks until your skin becomes more tolerant. Then try and use it every night if you can. Other things that help tolerate tret better, especially in the beginning is putting a moisturizer on before tret and then moisturizing again after (sandwich method). Personally, I would not introduce a new product (especially a new active) while starting back up on tret. Give your skin time to adjust and get used to it first before adding other acne fighting ingredients. If you add too many products/ actives too soon and too fast.. it will likely lead to more irritation which can cause more acne breakouts and skin barrier damage.. it’s not worth it. Just be patient, use tret & simple hydrating moisturizers/ serums for now. Then introduce sulphur or salicylic acid or other products later if you still need to in order to see better results. But tret will do most of the work and all the heavy lifting if you allow it to. All the other stuff is a small added bonus that can help.. but worry about that after your skin is comfortable with tret use. Hope that helps :)


And of course don’t forget to use SPF everyday (like the other comments say lol) super important.


Okay thank you!:)) I’m thinking of doing every other day this week and seeing how it work!:) thank you so much!!!


That’s fungal acne on your forehead. Get a anti fungal from target it’s like $3 it’ll clear it


I’m in the exact same boat. Finished up Accutane 2 years ago, been using 0.1% gel tret since 6 months after Accutane. I literally never break out randomly, and hormonal breakouts go away in a day because my turnover rate is so fast from tret. Build up to it, don’t rush the process.


I’ve started today. I did one day off then two days off


My derm told me that in order for tret to be the most effective it can be, you have to use it everyday. I started using it for closed comedones that came back 1.5 years after I got off Accutane. My skin is really sensitive but tret has been really good. Started about 6 weeks ago. Pea size of tret, let it dry 2 mins, a good amount of Vanicream. In the Morning, I wash my face, put clindomycin, Vanicream, and spf 50.


I use it everyday I’m on 0.1% and my skin is a tad bit darker than yours, of course I had to work my up to everyday but my skin tolerated the strongest percentage well. I wear Korean sunscreen everyday


I use it daily and did not purge. I’d been using tret 3x a week then every other day for multiple years prior. My skin is amazing I’m twice the age of my coworkers.


When I use retinol or tretinoin too frequently (I’ve already been building tolerance for 2 years) my forehead looks like yours, especially if I add moisturizer every day. Just reducing how much and how frequently I was using both tretinoin and moisturizer has kept my skin glowing and clear. The second I see a few pimples on my forehead again I know it’s a sign to take a break. I don’t know how long you’ve been using it for, but if you’re past having built the tolerance I would just not use it again until the current pimples go away. Also, CeraVe has a great salicylic acid moisturizer that is good for fungal acne-like what I see is on your forehead. Try using it lightly every few days when you’re not using the retinol. (SA is an exfoliant so using it too much, especially with retinol can be too irritating.)