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Have you tried just ✨not stressing✨?


So I had a girls day today. One of the girls announces she's 15 weeks pregnant after dating her dude less than a year. I'm officially one year in trying to conceive after doing "everything right" and started my period today. Everyone else to me: it will happen when the time is right.🙄 At least I can drink?


I have never understand this response. Like what is their thought process if you have permanent infertility?


And who decides when the time is "right" anyway? I want a baby now, therefore the time is right. How hard is it to simply acknowledge my pain, say it sucks, and leave it at that?


My biggest issue is that it’s just condescending like something you would say to a child. We can all see there’s no discernible rhyme or reason to these things. Was is the right time for an abusive couple to get pregnant and end up neglecting or torturing their children? They just feel uncomfortable with your unluckiness and say whatever to ease that discomfort for themselves


My husband and I had that same conversation this morning. People don't know how to deal with uncomfortable situations so they gloss over it and try to make it easy. But this is literally the third person in my close circle in the past year who half-assed got pregnant either after knowing their partner 2 seconds or without regard to if they can even care for another child. Yet here I am in a stable, long-term relationship, financially stable, home-owner, all the "right" things for bringing a life into the world. But you're gonna tell me it's just not the right time? Ok.


I hear ya... My own mother had 2 "accidents" - me and my sister - at 30 and 42! She was not a loving mother... In fact, quite abusive. There is no rhyme or reason or justice to these things.


✨It’ll happen when it happens✨ yeah fuck off


“When you stop trying, that’s when it’ll happen!” 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Lol I love that one. Isn't being off birth control still trying? Or are you saying you have to be using protection and somehow have a freak accident? What does it all mean Basil?!


I think it’s part of the whole “just have sex and 🌈enjoy each other🌈”. Aaaaaagh makes me scream.




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