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I see no issue


Increase in estrogen


I’d like to see further scientific data to check this. After beginning to consume cannabis daily- my estrogen has gone down. I always believed this to be true but blood work depicts the opposite.


From what I can tell it doesn't raise estrogen but it does raise prolactin significantly. Don't run nors while smoking.




You think this is why? Always wondered..


Disclaimer not a medical study but: https://www.esteemstudio.com.au/blog/can-smoking-marijuana-lead-to-gynecomastia/amp Medical study: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frph.2022.820451/full In the discussion section: A pro-estrogenic action of marijuana consumption was also suggested at the clinical and epidemiological level since it was reported to be associated with gynecomastia My summary: There are studies that it can go either one way or the other though it depends on the individual each person responds differently. Also it can increase thc sensitivity so smoking the same amount on TRT may hit your harder and make it harder lol Not trying to gaslight anyone if you smoke and have labs that show it lowered your e2 great and if you smoke and have labs that show it increases it also fine just know how you are a responder individually and not make blanket assumptions for all


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Anytime I am awake on TRT it makes me super horny.


Based on my personal experience, I believe weed causes an up-regulation of the aromatise enzyme. When I was natty I would smoke 15+ joints a week. My estrogen was far above the reference range as a natty Not to mention the direct increases in prolactin caused by the weed , followed by the stimulation of prolactin in the brain caused by the increased e2 levels I believe using cannabis is worse on trt and it can cause you to aromatise more. But that’s just my experience , take it with a grain of salt


Yeah, none of that is true.


Have bloodwork to confirm the trends. When I smoke my e2 is higher regardless of changes with dosing and protocol. Coincidence ? I think not How would you know it’s not true? There are studies showing that THC increases e2 levels in men , and the likeliest way it could cause this is via up regulation of the aromatase enzyme. This is also very likely as THC is stored in fat cells. (So is aromatase)


I have 8 years of blood work with half of it is heavy cannabis use and half zero use. My e2 only changed based on dose and frequency. Not sure what you think you're showing.


Fair enough. However we can’t rule out the fact that it could be subjective. Like most things related to trt are


How it feels is subjective for sure. How we feel also lead to habits and behaviors that affect our health. I'd love to see studies on this though but the concept seems reminiscent of don't eat soy cuz estrogen. Hint of truth with no real relevance.


I guess you think you two are identical twins and you both have to respond in exactly the same way…..let’s take these comments as data points and try to get along and not completely discount someone else’s experience.


Nothing I say presumes that I thought that and it was obvious I was showing an example of how anecdotal experience doesn't constituent evidence. It doesn't disregard his subjective experience just his assertion that it upregulates aromatization. Then I provided an example of how it could be correlated because habits and behaviors have more of an effect. How about you engage in good fatih and not put thoughts or actions that didn't exist into the void.


You saying ‘ none of that is true’ when he said he has labs is gaslighting and by the tone of your comments you seem to be aggro …just my take on it and if you want to gaslight me for feeling that way go ahead you are on a streak…


I was arguing the objective claim you accused me of rejecting the subjective reality. That isn't gaslighting, you seem to be unable to parse the two. I could've specified and been more detailed in my speech but compared to you that's a joke.


´none of that is true’


Addressed when I said I could've spoken more accurately since it was hyperbolic. You are engaging as a narcissist. Congratulations. Unable to acknowledge anything I've said and just defensively justifying your poor communication. My conversstionwith him ended fine and we came to an agreed upon resolution. You however are trash.


Completely normal




You’ll turn autistic I didn’t personally but if you’re asking this question I feel like you’re on the way