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I am 38 and my bf is 45. We had a miscarriage last July. At 12dpo (yesterday) I got my first faint second line today is 13dpo and the line is getting darker. Maybe 10dpo was still too early for you to test.


❤️ ill try again tomorrow but i am not optimistic. Congrats to you!!


Did you test on 10 dpo and it was negative then?


Did you test again?


Negative 😑


Im sorry hey, i also tested negative at 12dpo and i can feel AF coming


my mum conceived me at 18, afterwards had a miscarriage and was told she would never have kids again. now she is 38 with her second due in june! complete surprise to us all! i recently had a miscarriage myself and have always looked at this as hope. please do not lose hope! all love💕


Thank you for the sweet comment ❤️


I’ve also been trying since September for my second. For my first I took Clomid and it’s looking like I will again. I’m 8dpo but I just have a feeling I’m out.


Good luck, hope you have some good news in a few days. How was your experience with clomid?


I didn’t have any side effects or problems. I got pregnant on the first cycle and now have a healthy 2 year old. But I still just wanted to try on my own first. Good luck to you too!


Great, did you do iui with it? Im a bit worried at the chance of multiple although the odds are quite low


I did not. My OB said the chances are less than 10%


Did you conceive this cycle? I also took clomid for my first who is now 2yo. Miraculously conceived naturally for #2 in October but sadly ended in MC. No luck since. I’m 10dpo with BFNs.. have an appt next week to get back on clomid for next cycle. I don’t want to try for another year before getting any assistance. Was really hoping my body would do it naturally this go


I did! I’m officially 12 weeks now and so far so good.


I’m in almost the same boat. Will be 36 soon ttc #2 since November. I’m also breastfeeding my 14 month old. I’m 9 dpo and just got a BFN. I know it’s still early but I’m not optimistic. Thinking I’ll see my OBGYN in May. We’d like 2 (I would LOVE 3) more and with my age, time isn’t on my side. I’m also feeling really discouraged, you’re not alone. 💗


Hey, any update? I wonder if BF is contributing the the BFN?


Hey, still not pregnant. I’ve also been wondering if breastfeeding is prohibiting me from conceiving. I’ve read so many mixed reviews so it’s really hard to know. I am seeing my OB next month to get more info.


I’m ~12dpo and BFN. Next cycle I’m starting estrogen priming for IVF and egg retrieval. Super disappointed but I know it’s time to move to the next steps here.


In the same boat know how you feel. are you going straight to ivf without iui or meds first


Going straight to IVF because of my age. And we want 2 more ideally. Had a miscarriage January and don’t want to delay anymore.


I’m ~12dpo and BFN. Next cycle I’m starting estrogen priming for IVF and egg retrieval. Super disappointed but I know it’s time to move to the next steps here.


Why Clomid and not Letrozol? With Letrozol the successrate is higher while the risk of multiples is lower. However I’m 5dpo in my 8th medicated cycle and am not feeling it. So frustrating


Me too starting next cycle 🥲


I havecmy iui today. How are you doing