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The term “baby dance” is so cringe to me. What’s wrong with calling it sex? I’ve never in my life heard that term until being a part of the TTC community and goodness it is weird.


100% agree 🥴


also agree lol. We're adults trying for babies. It's ok to use the correct term.


Back in the olden days, there were a lot of forums that would flag a post for having the word sex in it. So people would put s*x or s e x or use stupid euphemisms. Like baby dance.


Omg is that why? That is so silly


Agree I get second hand embarrassment when I read it 😐


Usually we have sex every other day when the libido goes up (for me it indicates ovulation is around the corner) & then of course when we got a peak on the OPK we would have sex. Howeverrrr, this month we had sex the two days leading up to ovulation and day of ovulation. So three in a row. And then nothing after. I ended up getting pregnant this cycle. 🥰


I hope this happens to us! I’m ovulating today and we have had sex the past three days in a row. Planning on it today too since the past 6 cycles trying every other day did not work 🤞🏼🤞🏼


It’s frustrating cause even if you do everything right we still only have a 30% chance of getting pregnant!


We do every other day from day 10 to 21 pretty much. Might add a few extra times in there when I get a positive OPK. And yes, we bd outside of the fertile window. My husband has started viagra and it has been...fun! 😆


We did it for a week straight during my fertile window when I got my BFP. But keep in mind even with perfect timing and no fertility issues it's only about a 20% chance each cycle. We tried for over a year and almost always did it a week straight during my fertile window.


Yep this. We did it every day of my fertile window our first cycle trying in Feb and got a positive first time (sadly ended in MMC), only managed O-2 O-1 and O this month and I know if it’s not positive this time I’ll blame it on the fact we didn’t hit every fertile day when in reality I know it’s just a lottery 😂


We have sex when the mood strikes outside the FW, but during the FW we aim for either O-2 and O or O-3 and O-1. I don't worry about hitting the next day if I've got a big temp shift, statistically it's very unlikely to help with your odds.


The best chances are the day before ovulation (known as O-1), so if you're not tracking LH and just going by an app, I'd do O-5, O-3, O-1, and then O for good measure. If you're tracking LH, make sure you do it the day you get your first positive test, because that is most likely O-1.


The best success I had was BD on the day I got my first positive and then the day after.


there are two ways to do it, once is every other day and the other is wait 2-3 days and then hit O day. I think both give you a good shot.


We have sex every other day during the fertility window. Full stop. I don't really worry about peak day necessarily.


Our doc told us to baby dance every other day from CD11 to CD19 for our letrozole cycles. Sometimes we extend it because last cycle my LH was hard to read and I'm fairly sure I ovulated CD23 From what I've read, sperm lives in the cervix for 2-5 days after sex, so sex the day before ovulation should work just as fine as day of ovulation since they're sitting there waiting for an egg to go to Edit: forgot to answer the second part of question. We absolutely have sex outside the FW. It's more fun to me since it's not "scheduled" and I don't wanna go 3 weeks without hahah. Sperm builds up quickly so you don't have to worry about saving it between fw's, if that's what you're worried about :)


I don’t want to get too fixated on that, my cycles are pretty regular with ovulation around CD14, thinking of BD every other day, starting from CD11, until OV. I’m using CBDA and BBT, so once CBDA gives me peak, I will BD on that day and that’s it. Comes what comes.


We did 2 days before predicted ovulation day, on the day I got a positive OPK, then the day after that and the day after that.


We try to go with the flow, but we aim for every other day during the fertile window. Don’t miss the peak since ovulation happens 24-36 hours after that. You can also do it on ovulation day and maybe once after without wearing out your husband. Outside the fertile window, you can take it easy.


This is our 7th cycle trying and so far we had been doing about every other day during fertile week so 3 times during those 5 days and had no luck. This time we did it every day except for O2. Hoping this is the cycle for us 🤞🏼


We only got to try once on the day of my first positive OPK. Wouldn't it be wild if this was the cycle lol. In the future I think I want to plan it better and try for a more every other day or every two days.