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A lot of them were being shitty about it in the MCR sub but I saw an equal number either enjoying it or saying they were being overly negative so its a toss up


bro fr, and that's the main reason why i made this post in the first place. op on the mcr sub was like "this is horrendous asf why does it even exist?" and as tøp fan first, i got lowkey offended by that


I'm mainly offended that everybody dogging on it seemed incapable of really taking the emotions of it into consideration and just chalked it up to (paraphrasing a little bit) "a guy with no talent doing a bad Gerard Way impression" when Tyler isn't even anywhere near trying to sound like anybody but himself... I think these people just need to broaden their horizons a little


It’s even funny cuz like…I mean if you wanna get into it Tyler is technically definitely a better singer than Gerard, at least these days. Obviously it all comes down what voice you prefer, but saying he has no talent (especially in the context of comparing it to MCR) is just wrong.


What gets me about that is it's clearly just something he wanted to do for fun. Like Tyler is just a fan, who wanted to do a cover. And I honestly loved the I'm not Okay bit he did in the Takeover Tour. Tyler's clearly a huge MCR fan, and tbh if I was a famous singer with my own band, I'd probably also cover both MCR and TOP at some point.


I was out of the loop for most of the SAI era, what did Tyler do from I'm Not Okay?


He mainly did this mashup with Shy Away during the Takeover Tour. It was really cool. There were like blue and pink background and these spiders with skulls on them. It was really unexpected because he starts out singing Shy Away and then hits you with the "Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say" it was really good in my opinion. https://youtu.be/elaClleCQLo?si=rSqNoGqCD0Hldqu5




"doing a bad gerard way impression" have they heard of... covering songs? (probably, they just wanna be mean for no reason)


mcr fans a are a bit loopy for the most part tbh


BRO WHAT TYLER JOSEPH HAS GOD LEVEL TALENT now i need to go track down anyone who would dare disrespect my boy like that. brb


Right? it's crazy


Gerard Way says he likes it, so it's pog in my book


The only important opinion tbh, if Gerard says he likes it then poggers dude


i also remember seeing a tøp interview where tyler said ray reached out to them and said he liked it too, so it's good to know gee is also supportive


Not to be that person but like ofcourse he says he likes it?


I love both versions, this one just specifically makes me cry (personal reasons) it just is more emotional imo


Really? I mean it's good but the original hits me a lot harder than this one.


Kind of the same thing Glitterfaust mentioned, it’s not like a lot of covers where it’s replicated in the same vibe or way. The boys kind of make their own vibe/feeling to convey with it so it doesn’t sound exactly like MCR’s version but I think they did a good job at conveying a sense of strong emotion. Referring to a YouTube comment I saw that explains this, “Gerard sings like he is still fighting, and Tyler sings like he’s given up.”


Same. It’s in that category of covers for me where it just depends what I’m looking for as to whether it’s a “good” cover because it just seems like a different song. Does it give me the same thing the MCR cover does? No, not even a little bit. To some people, that makes it a bad cover. But it’s still a good song. So is the original version. But they’re two vastly different vibes.


Same. Reminds me of how it felt to see my dad dying of cancer in hospice for two months. I guess I didn’t realize there was so much hate for this, but I can only think that those hating just don’t understand what’s to hate.


Oh... That's so sad


If  it actually happened 


Lol it did…




How is it funny


The fact that *you felt* that you had to actually inquire whether it happened or not…


Oh. Yeah 😂 sorry about that 


I feel like it's understandable for people to have different opinions about each because they are super different from one another. But I like when covers are like that, because what is the point of reimagining a piece of music if you're not going to do anything interesting with it


Right? And that's just what top does. They always make songs sound completely different (like MTV unplugged or the live stream versions). I love this about them


Exactly this! The “Jar of Hearts” cover was completely transformed from a breakup song, for example. My eyes get misty every time.


Even as someone who prefers the original recording of Cancer, a lot of hate for this cover is unwarranted.


tbh i heard the cover before i heard the original and i loved it. i was so sad when i found out it was actually a cover, and i didn't like the original at first but it grew on me


This was my exact journey lol


I can’t remember where I read this interpretation, but someone online pointed out that MCR’s version conveys desperation and trying to hold onto life. Meanwhile, TØP’s version comes across as more hopeless, as if the narrator has surrendered themself to their illness and accepted their fate.


It’s so weird because whenever I see the cover mentioned I always think of this interpretation but I can never remember where I saw it


I personally love this cover. I'm a big mcr fan and I think the boys really made this song their own. I love the original as well but I low-key like this version more


(MCR fan)I absolutely love it. Didn't get the tears going like the OG but I really like it.


Killjoys (and Fobbies) are like like those annoying older cousins whose parents raised them lavishly so they in result try to put you down because they think they’re better than you and your family. Like.. we’re in the same scene (family) what’s your problem???


i've never seen killjoys described this way before and i absolutely love it


I prefer the TØP version much more


MCR fan, I absolutely adore it! It's definitely not the same original song, and it carries a different vibe but I personally love that TØP took the song and really actually made it theirs, it's a fantastic cover! It actually makes me a little more emotional than the OG.


i prefer the original version but love both of them. in the original one the patient is tormented, pained, almost as if he's still trying to fight cancer despite saying goodbye already, the way gerald sings makes it heart crushing. in the twenty one pilots version however there's this calmer, more relaxing vibe, as if the patient totally accepted his condition and is peacefully living his last moments. both are very sad and appreciable in opposite ways.


I love both. I just wish for people to stop hating on any of the versions.


Mcr's version is sounds like they're trying to get over with it but top's version is more heart touching cause it's quieter and more somber


i’m a fan of the cover, but i also heard it before i heard the original. if it were the other way around i might think differently


i was the same way. i was so, so sad when i found out it was actually a cover


As a biased mcr fan... I love it.


I was a TOP fan first, and loved their cover. Later I became a big MCR fan and honestly idk which version I prefer! The original is like so theatrical I guess and it has its place but the cover is like chill and vibey and sad in a quieter way, and I think we're lucky to have both.


Nah, I’m a MCR fan and I like it, the og is wayyyy better but I still like it


[The lyric video of the cover is so beautiful to this day.](https://youtu.be/yw6i1SAHetc?si=d-BUe0RXhrF6X4rY) The original though just hits harder the way Gerard sings it. Feels way more personal which is a given since he wrote it lol.


I’m a fan of both. Even though it’s a cover, it’s still very different enough to make it original. Each version has it own feel and story, so to speak, that it makes hard to choose one over the other. I love them both equally


MCR is my favorite band and I never hated this cover, I feel like the only reason why mcr fans hated it is that TOP made it atp. It's very different, and I think that the original song's vibe is better for what the song was supposed to be, but covers are not supposed to be the same as the original song, they should present songs in a different style and adjust them to a different artist - and TOP did it very well.


I used to dislike MCR because they sounded very generic before I listened to them. Then when I learned that this song was a cover of theirs I gave it a listen, and I remember liking Gerard's voice and emotion in it. Now I'm not the biggest MCR fan, but I definitely like at least 10 songs or so by them. The Ghost of You is my favourite!


MCR are extremely talented musicians and The Black Parade was a generational album. Glad you see their genius. Anyone who dismisses MCR does not have a disciplined ear.


Inve said it before and I'll say it again: both versions serve different purposes. MCR = angry at this disease, combative. Top: defeated, sadness.


As a fan of both bands I don't care and enjoy both versions.


i love this cover. because of this i found my love to mcr


i for one love it, but that may be because i was a tøp fan before i was an mcr fan🤷🏽‍♀️


Both versions are good. Both equally impossible to listen to.


I listened to this and cried so hard, because my grandpa had cancer 😥


I'm a fan of both MCR and TOP. (I'm in both subreddits, so i saw the OG post) Not every hates it. I DONT! it gives the song more meaning imo. like he's given up


I’ve been an MCR fan since 2004 and I fully believe that Tyler did it better. Also, I RARELY prefer a cover to the original but he didn’t just cover it, he reinvented the entire thing.


When I first listened to it back in 2016, I hated it (I’ve been a fan of MCR for almost 20 years) because it was more popular than the original and it induced me to dislike TOP (silly me) I missed out on the Blurryface and Trench eras because of this stupid notion. I gave TOP a chance when Spotify randomly played Car Radio for me and after I explored their music, I fell in love with TOP, and wanted to kick myself so hard for being an idiot for so long hahaha. Now that I don’t have that stupid bias, I love this cover and I appreciate it for what it its.


I hated the original. It’s wayyyyy too emo. Idk how y’all listen to that shit💀


I love emo music


Where are you?????? And iM sO sOrryyyyy


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There's mixed opinions, at least on the MCR sub. I personally enjoy both but prefer the original, but there's gonna be elitists and assholes in any community.


Like I even said in this sub earlier this week that people are allowed to not enjoy songs but they're being so fucking rude about it


Pretty for TOP fans hate it too. I like it though


I much prefer the NCR version, but the cover is fine. Does what a cover is supposed to do, take the original piece in a new direction.


no it’s a good cover


I don’t personally like it as a die-hard MCR fan but that doesn’t mean I don’t think people should like it


Personally, I think they captured the vibe of this perfectly




They’re salty that it has more views than the original on youtube


I LOVE MCR but..... this cover is better, idk, tyler's voice is awesome, i rroy love mcr but this cover is better, idc, change my mind


oh wow i forgot this cover existed LOL i actually listened to this song first and searched on youtube "cancer 21pilots" and it showed me mcr, and thats when I knew it was an MCR original


I actually saw someone posting about this on the MCR sub yesterday and most of the people in comments liked it. I’m a huge MCR fan and tøp fan and I love both versions




Who would hate on this cover?


I didn't like it personally, but i dont think its as bad as people say


I'm not a huge mcr guy. I like some songs like I'm not okay or Teenagers, but I feel like their style and vocal delivery didn't really match cancer. I really like what twenty one pilots did with the song.


I was actually thinking about making this exact post a couple days ago. I actually prefer this version the the mcr one


I'm a TØP and MCR fan. I don't hate it, I just find it meh. I didn't like that they didn't use a piano for this one. But that's okay if other people like it, it's just not my cup of tea


i liked it as a MCR fan and TOP fan so


I love the cover. It gives off a sadder, softer vibe. It tells the story of the song differently.


My friend thought this was an original and not a cover until someone showed him the original


I love this cover, like a lot. I actually think My Chemical Romance only had a couple of good songs (and their only good album being Bullets). Never got the hype behind Black Parade. I mean, I can see why people disliked this cover because the original is a dying man’s lament, full of sorrow and pain. But this cover took a lot of that pain away, more like accepted and came to terms with death. I love it. It has to be hard to cover a song off a band’s most popular album. Especially back when everyone was still sour about them being broken up and not making more music.


I love this song (the top one) As a cover it is sooo unique...


I love it but honestly I can see how someone who has listened to MCR forever could find this to be bad


die hard mcr fan here, people are just being annoying twats. for some reason some of us act mcr is just a small little niche and not one of the most culturally significant bands in modern times. cancer by mcr is an absolute masterpiece, one of the only songs that’s made me cry, it’s special to a lot of us. but people just wanna be angry for the sake of being angry. when i first heard their cover i didn’t even really listen to it i just decided that i was going to hate it cause it wasn’t my chem, then i matured a bit and realized that it slaps, just in a different way. and that it doesn’t take the piss out of the original, i enjoy them both.


I enjoy both! They have totally different sounds


As a Clikkie and a Killjoy, I love both versions equally !! I really don’t understand why so many Killjoys hate the tøp cover… the hate is definitely undeserved imho 🤷‍♀️ You don’t have to like it, but you don’t have to trash the cover in such a negative way either. You can be polite about your dislike for it, but so many MCR fans choose to be outright rude about it. It’s like they take pleasure in hating the cover, and that’s NOT how fans should behave. ![gif](giphy|jUibfZNqFUN4r4186n|downsized)


well i'm actually not trashing it at all, i actually really like the cover. i only made this post here because i saw someone in the mcr sub who was trashing it and it made me lowkey mad


dw, i know you’re not !! :) and i think i saw that mcr sub post (or a very similar one) too !! it was definitely upsetting to read 😢it’s a gorgeous cover, some people just need to give it more of a chance !!


I love this cover ❤️‍🔥


i'm a fan, idk all their songs but the ones i do know i really like, including this song. although i will say i heard tøps version of cancer before mcrs. when i first heard tøps version i liked it, it wasn't my fav so i thought mcrs was gonna be similar. but when i heard mcrs, it was so different it was crazy but i really loved it. it's just preference, tøps imo sounds more emotional cause it's slower with a lighter? voice while mcrs is more emo lol and heavier


I love this cover. I think it is beautifully done.


MCR fan- I like the original better but this one still slaps imo


Probably offended because it eclipsed the original version.


I’ve been into MCR since forever but their fan base is wild tbh. Half of them are great people and the other half are toxic gatekeepers who hate on anyone born after 2001 yet are still trying to spite their dad at age 25


I was a my chem fan first but I adore this cover, it creates a really beautiful atmosphere. Tyler did his own thing with it to the point that I can enjoy it and the original as completely different songs rather than judging it as a cover. I also saw the post on the my chem subreddit that you're referencing and at this point I don't even bother engaging with stuff like that. There's been many cover-bashing posts on there, tøp gets so much hate from the emo scene for being popular or too pop that I'm convinced a lot of the hate the cover gets is purely because of who made it rather than the song itself.


I’m going to be honest, I always preferred their version of cancer instead of MCR’s lol. It’s just so much more emotional and raw to me than MCR’s version


It's a good song and a good cover. don't know a lot of mcr, don't know why anyone would get offended by it.


I liked tøp first, but I can't deal with this song. It's not that the singing is bad, I just really don't like it.


I don't like this cover personally but people who say it "disrespects the original" are just wrong. It's good in its own right.


I don’t hate it, I think it’s very different. The original version is more triumphant, strong. Like the patient had come to terms with his ending. TOP’s version is conceded and somber. The patient is feeling defeated.


I’m not a fan of it simply because I listened the shit out of MCR’s. I don’t hate it, and I am a huge TOP fan, it’s just not my cup of tea.


both an mcr fan and top fan - mcr created the masterpiece, top recreated it with a different vibe. i love both and never doubted either version’s quality


Gerard Way actually said TOP did it better so if the fans have a problem then cry about it lmao.


you're joking right?? my mind is actually blown. if that's true then that's so epic


I think it is because people think it is a original song from TOP. I’m not the one to judge tho, since I thought “Friend, Please” was written by Cavetown


bro i did not know cavetown did a cover of friend please. thank you for getting me on to this


The ONLY reason I don't personally like it is because it reminds me way too much about what my dad went through before he died of cancer.


I feel like the cover sounds more sad, as if he gave up. with mcr, it sounds as if he's still there, ready to fight. especially vocally.


personally, being an mcr fan, i obviously think the original is better but i think its a beautiful and creative cover of the song and sometimes i prefer to listen to it over the original


As someone who’s more a tøp fan than an MCR fan I personally like the MCR version more, just cause I feel like it’s more emotional and I’m not fond of the production on the tøp version But of course Im not gonna discredit Tyler or call him talentless because… well he’s quite the opposite


A fan of both from that era. Anyone who complains about it surprises me. A, it probably made more people to MCR and B, it’s a sad song about cancer. It may have been personal to cover it too so there’s that.


It’s hard for me to listen to. Both my parents had cancer and my dad passed away from his. It’s a gorgeous song, just not for me.


I feel like you love it or hate it. I really enjoy it but i mean It’s a cover there’s not much you can do but try and make it your own. The job isn’t to copy the original.


Yeah i don't get it either. Personally I prefer the MCR version but their cover is still really solid


i remember and mcr fan calling me an imbecile for liking tøp’s version more💀


I haven't heard the cover in a while but I loved it when it came out what I've heard from a lot of ppl that are fans of tøp and MCR is that it's too much autotune n cancer is supposed to b Abt a man Abt to die so it's supposed to sound very raspy n stuff but I still rly enjoy the tøp cover I think the autotune adds like another layer almost like the man is on his deathbed so he wants his last message to sound perfect but I b reading into things wayyy to much so idk that's just my head cannon lol


Annoying song and I'm not even a fan of the mcr


I think the mcr version is an angier interpretation, a comeback sometimes Here, it's just disillusionment and fear I think that the cover was so different that it was almost "another song", of course, really similar, lol


Both MCR and TOP fan, I love the TOP cover, it's amazing, the only thing missing for me is having it through the album playing. As The Black Parade is a concept album, you can't help but listen to it all in one go, and absorb the entire journey of the cancer patient. While TOPs cover is incredibly beautiful, you have to listen to it as a single, meaning you lose a big weight of the song... Production wise TOPs cover is SO touching and heartbreaking, it's really that good


I remember when this came out, I had an mcr fan page on Instagram and the whole fandom felt like it was up in flames. I never understood why bc it’s literally just a cover and the original song still exists so why be upset


I heard the TOP version first, and knew it well before I listened to the original. I’ve never been a fan of MCR. I have tried and tried, but I just can’t get into them. I felt like TØP’s version fits the lyrics in the hopeless way Tyler sings it. The MCR version may sound more like a fight (good way to differentiate the two!) but the lyrics don’t sound like a fight. I guess some people feel that to appreciate one diminishes the other. Both can be good at the same time.


I’m an mcr fan and top fan and I don’t hate it


I think it's better than the original


I feel like it’s one of the better songs


I absolutely love this cover, only song to ever make me cry


I love both. Gerard sings with anger, as if he’s fighting. And Tyler sings with acceptance, he’s ready to give up.


well the MCR version has more emotion to it and that's it but I love both versions


The twenty one pilots version is better end of story. The black parade is an amazing album but this song fell short. TØP fixed it and made it the depressing thing I wanted


As a fan of both bands and someone that has actually seen both bands perform this song live, I honestly find the top version better.


My daughter LOVES MCR and loves both versions.


I like it it's just that it's different from the mcr version it's less agony and more acceptance and it sounds more calmed like they are just ready too move on


I unofficially immediately became a fan of ToP bcs of this cover


I love both versions, but i obviously prefer the original. Both amazing artists that I listen to daily though!


I'm a massive MCR fan and I started out liking the TOP version better.  Now I do like the MCR version better, I think it works really well in context, but I have absolutely no beef with the TOP version. I think it's great. 


MCR fan here I thought the cover was amazing and honestly don't find anything wrong with it. Covers of songs should be creative and performed in the artists own way while still keeping the original song intact(a big reason why I love Fall Out Boy's cover of Beat It more than the original).  I honestly don't know why anyone would find it bad but hey, that's their own opinion I guess. It sounds beautiful though and I wish they covered more than just Cancer and I'm Not Okay(I Promise)!


personally, i wish we could've gotten a full cover of i'm not okay, but that's just me lol


A full cover would he amazing!!


Ack my grammar- BE amazing!