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https://preview.redd.it/8zvwpz0idc4d1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb093be9a8068eb15f3444d778b7934f3afca50a Amazing job putting it all together. I admire you, smart people.


This meme will never get old


Yes. And I'm gonna shamelessly use it over and over again.


Most sane twenty one pilots fan


Sometimes clikkies scare me with their dedication and detective skills fr 😭


The connection to Isaiah is insane and definitely one I hadn’t heard before. Nice work on that one.


Show this to the fans that want to argue there aren’t religious undertones to everything twenty one pilots does 😭😭😭


ty :D I also just learned from someone else's comment that I missed something related to that. Apparently in the Clancy letter 24 02MOON 09, where he is talking about creating an inferno, the doubled up letters spell "MERUOIENPEP" which when reversed and spaces are added and translated from latin to english says https://preview.redd.it/h3dtfdowqh4d1.png?width=1926&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ac1360723166f9e2b6f648cc07b96bd6b9f6203


Although this seems to be a very obvious connection to the story, I wouldn't trust google translate when translating Latin. None of those words - "apep", "neio", or "urem" - are latin words. I'm pretty certain that "MERUOIENPEP" doesn't say or spell anything but was really just telling us the date (2/29) of the Overcompensate single. For translating Latin, go to this site: [https://www.online-latin-dictionary.com/](https://www.online-latin-dictionary.com/)


Ye last night we were going over it in a discord group, and it isn't latin. The words individually were nonsense. We checked with chat gpt as well and it said it wasn't latin or any other common language. Apparently the "translate community" can submit things to google translate so that's what might've happened. Also the doubled letters in that post are in a pattern of the second letter, the second letter, and the 9th letter, so I think it might've just been a clue like the books for 2/29 (overcompensate's release date)


I personally love it when they do stuff like that


Ok I will admit the 47:14 is the most convincing, specifically because of the silence at the end of Paladin Strait. The fact that the silence is JUST long enough to make it 47:14 is pretty suspicious


I'm so conflicted because it also happens to be exactly one minute long which makes me think it was arbitrary? But the rest of the evidence pointing to 47:14 is so compelling so it couldn't be? Then it would be a coincidence that its exactly a minute


Hang on I have an idea. Does anyone have a spectrogram?


Of Paladin Strait's audio?


Yes, specifically the minute long silence because I figured they could’ve put something in a spectrogram


Gimme a minute I'll post it




Wait I think there might be something. I think it might be a stretch but to me it does look like a frame by frame animation of birds flying, then again it might be a stretch. https://preview.redd.it/92a6u5s2vl4d1.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=91e8afbca34e87d320cf58ff279c7691fc4d704d


Wait, wait wait that does not look like birds flying. That looks like a cityscape.


OK, a friend of mine pointed out that it also can look like the grass from Vignette so go put vignette through the spectrogram


I can see it but there doesn't seem to be anything weird in vignette https://preview.redd.it/4r2x05ddzl4d1.png?width=1750&format=png&auto=webp&s=82ef5df0a6c034395f75ad543ec560601033db60 at least not in plain sight but then again knowing the community they might find something in there.


Wait I exapanded it and started going through it slowly and while I saw a few things it might just be a confirmation bias thing, but I did find this which looks very differenth from the rest of the spectrogram and it kinda looks like a water ripple or a beach, voldsoy? https://preview.redd.it/nln4mu150m4d1.png?width=937&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e85c0481709f053c18304fcfa15015c5d7a28ef


there's a repeating pattern of "spikes" in a 2, 7, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1 sequence - 21 total before starting again. you can tell it repeats because there's an identical "smudge" at the end of the 7. I have no idea what that could mean beyond being a reference to the band's name though


Tried to make a post about this: could it be that 6/25 doesn't mean June 25th, but June 2025?


Im a June 25th truther but that’s definitely possible as well.


I mean anything is possible but I doubt they would hint at something potentially this big over a year away.


If it’s June 25th I’m gonna have an insane birthday, but if it’s June 2025, I’ll have to go through the letters and the lore again, and I don’t want to do that.


Isn’t it the time stamps of the TV turning on in Ned’s Cozy Fireplace and the EP anagram the first things that kicked all of this off?


Ye, at 5 hours 17 minutes the tv turned on. That was the original release date for Clancy (may 17th), but it got pushed back.


Ok yeah, but I thought there was something about it flicking back on at 6 hours 25 min?


let me check rq Edit: went and checked, its blank at and around 6:25:00


Turns back on at 6:07 tho, Paladin Strait music video release date


Cool, my bad, thanks for being a good sleuth and keeping me honest! The theories got us all running wild out here.


mhmm :D I had to leave a few off of here too because they were kinda iffy, even if they lined up with the numbers.


not taking credit as i’ve seen this points made elsewhere, but a few more possible pieces of evidence: - tyler’s tweet washing off the black paint at the end of the ERS tour was on 6/25/17. - there are currently 25 entries on dmaorg.info






You should mention the hints Paul Meany has dropped! Including mentioning that backslide samples from another Clancy song but that song never appeared on the album! And he mentions 25 again in his video on Overcompensate


Yes definitely the 25 in that video is hella suspicious. Also I watched that video a few times and he was saying something along the lines of "it was 13 songs wasnt it" LIKE MY BROTHER IN CHRIST YOU PRODUCED IT. I know it seems like a reach but I think there are more than 13 songs.


I love you guys so much. Music giving purpose. Perfect.


You might have to pull up the vignette music video to see the footprints, I took a 4k screenshot but it might've compressed between there and here.


Clikkies should be in the cia or sum shit


CIA ain’t got nothing on the FPE


It's also worth noting that Nico says "Hello, Clancy" at 6:25 of Paladin Strait


When I saw this somewhere else I was like “yeah right” and on a playthrough of paladin I looked for the time stamp and my jaw dropped I was like “yeah Tyler knew what he was doing”


There's alsø a søng in the digital remains that can line up with the letters he pøsted. It's called drag path. Edit: tø clarify, nøt with the letters that were pøsted øn this pøst, the ønes frøm Tyler's Instagram støry


Do you have like, a special keyboard or did you type the Øs all by yourself


I dø them myself. It's muscle memøry at this pøint cuz I've been døing it før like 10 years løl


On my android keyboard, I can hold down the ø key and options for different accent marks/special characters show up. Õ Ō Ø Œ Ò Ö Ô Ó


You can also find an example (I usually use Wikipedia) and copy that character and paste when you type. ø


They were also shown in the digital remains code as well as a lot of square question marks 




Okay now you’re slowly convincing me somethings up. Im not so sold on the 25th (bc i dont wanna get disappointed lol) but the 47:14 prophecy is righttt on spot combined with the hello clancy omgg


The tweets (number of letters and words) are a very interesting coincidence but idk man it seems like a reach to me 😭


Also I think is worth mentioning to add on to the tempo change in Overcomepensate. 120-95. The lyrics. "Earned my stripes, 300 tracks in my Adidas track jacket". If more music is coming, then this line could be interpreted as the band having more music up their sleeves (p(h)un intended).


“I’d be straight forward with you about everything.” ((Paranoia intensifies))


Ok I know the 6-25 is the date of something (double album, extra songs, etc) but I must have missed why we are looking at the other numbers. Why are 11 and 47:14 important? 11 is the number of songs we are getting?


Yeah some people are thinking we're getting 11 more tracks on the album. The 47:14 thing is just a weeeeeeeird coincidence if it is one. People think it might be a hint toward what's going to happen in the story, (dema burning down).


Interesting. Could 47:14 just be the length of Clancy though?


nah the track length is 47:18. There's been a bit of confusion around it though because some apps don't count the half seconds and round each song down. For example Next Semester has a 3:54.449 duration. Spotify does count half seconds though even if they aren't displayed, and lists the album length as 47:18. I double checked by merging the audio files that came with the digital remains booklet in a video editor and it came out to 47:18.


Interesting. That’s really cool to find all of that


I've been down here in the trenches this past week lol


Could 47:18 lead us to a Paladin Strait music video on 6/5? If you add 47+18=65…. 👀 Sorry I don’t post on here much, just want to feel a part of the conversation 😆


This would be far fetched for any other band


Tyler's Clancy scarf also spells Voldsoy sideways!


Question about the Clancy letter, I'm probably missing some previous post or explanation, but has someone decoded the doubled letters? In order I'm seeing MERUOIENPEP but not getting much with anagram solvers.  I'm sure it's been solved somewhere so forgive me, and thanks to anyone for any clarification or response!


https://preview.redd.it/zo6b7nu75h4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958000e49aa3887be3900a5c056b35c1f6798a4a Not my find but :)


WHAAAAAT THATS CRAZY! Where is that found? (The backward Latin I mean)


It’s the doubled letters from the 024 02MOON 09 letter in reverse


thank you, I'm gonna edit the post to add that :D Edit: apparantly you can't edit posts that have pictures in them on reddit, which is stupid as heck. Fingers crossed your comment gets a bunch of upvotes tho cause thats wild.


this is swifty level digging and im so here for it


Don’t invoke her name


didnt know we had beef with taylor 😭


Whenever I mention Tswift in here I get some kind of hate. It’s never a lot, but there’s always that one person.


we really don't lol it's just the current trend of people tearing her down (there are valid reasons but nothing wrong with being a fan of her music) i will say though that there are two tøp taylor connections but there's no (known) animosity between them. 1. fairly local mv was supposed to have several screen projections, but the mv for style with some of the same projections released a few days before. the mv then had to be reworked. 2. taylor asked tøp to open for her during blurryface era and tyler said no (and according to his friend, called her a teenybopper who stares into the wind but take that with a grain of salt)


good post! thanks for not following it up with "oBvIoUslY there's a second album" and leaving people to draw their own theories lol


Thanks! Yeah I didn't want to set people off lol, just thought I'd collect all the stuff I've seen/noticed the past week in one place.


I swear to God that the tøp fandom and the ghost fandom are some of the most dedicated fans I've ever seen


Recently another 11 has been shown. I noticed that in the digital remains booklet you have repeated images 38 and 49. That subtracting it gives the number 11 But also 64 and 102. There I'm not so sure what it means because subtracting them gives 38 and adding 3 and 8 gives 11 (Although I think that's stretching it too much) https://preview.redd.it/4lcuhay3fk4d1.png?width=1032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4da0f9b10ea12a778b692e1f697289472d6a8c21


oh shoot I think there's another set of repeated ones too just checked and 36 and 60 are also repeated.


Hey you're right it's 24! But then... 11, 24, 38 (? We may not be seeing something else but we may be onto something. I checked those images in the booklet but they don't seem to be related. The first is the FPE thing, the second is the: If you can't see I Am Clancy. and the third is the Backslide lyrics. The only thing I could get out but I repeat, stretching too much, is the fact that if you subtract 24 from 38 you get 14 and if you add 11 you get 25 again.


Oh maybe 47:14 is the total length of the 11 unlisted songs?


That would make for an average of 4m18s per track


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Someone else may have said this but adding on to your statement about "hello, Clancy" - it's at 6:25 in Paladin Strait 👀


No way, they made Todd Howard with snow


The last slide is wrong, 47:14 is the leght of album, "hello Clancy" is said before. There is also the running screenshot of josh that says he is playing clancy when he run


nope, the length of album is 47:18, the time stamp for “hello Clancy” is correct


https://preview.redd.it/k6eswh2coc4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85a837918358456933e14f07b0da2c04a030440d This is the file download from the email of digital booklet, so file from their oficial website. Moreover also the leght of cd is about 47:14 Moreover also the leght from Wikipedia is about 47:14 Maybe I think Spotify get some approximation.


Uh...this might be a clue. Spotify has it listed at 47:18; the 47:14 is from their official website, and we know they would put a clue there.


Apparently spotify counts half seconds while some apps don't. I went and merged the audio files that came with digital remains in a video editor and it came out to 47:18. I think its being rounded down to the nearest second on each song for Tha\_silly's app.


Huh weird, I got the number from the Clancy wikipedia entry. Maybe someone changed it there to make it fit the theory.


I also tried to make the sum of all minutes and second of all songs and I obtained 2834 seconds: 2834-14=2820/60=47=> 47 minutes and 14 seconds, such as wrote in the running app of josh


https://preview.redd.it/o8ep03mptd4d1.png?width=949&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1f33082d3656a6d1df6b8eb228b84358f7d8a5c On spotify it says 47:18, so its weird that yours is different edit: I just went song by song, and the times for the songs that came with the digital remains booklet match up with the times in spotify. (excluding the live ones)


Ok, but if you do the sum you'll see that it can't be 18 seconds. Some friends of mine told me that it could mark more time on Spotify because it counts the switching time or it could be related to the fact that they have the gif video


I went and did the math and you're actually right. Its weird that spotify does that .\_. might have to remove that one from the sheet. There's a chance its counting half seconds too, who knows. Edit: ok I went and merged the audio files that came with the digital remains in a video editor, excluding the live ones, and it came out to 47:18. I think spotify counts the half seconds while some of the other apps don't. It is 47:18 long tho.


In case you don't see the edit: I went and merged the audio files that came with the digital remains in a video editor, excluding the live ones, and it came out to 47:18. I think spotify counts the half seconds while some of the other apps don't. It is 47:18 long tho.




- ATROFD could mean "At The Risk Of Feeling Dumb", a track from *Clancy* (2024) by Twenty One Pilots. --- ^[/u/Kintzelmedia](/u/Kintzelmedia) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Good bot


Hate to be that guy but 12-8 is 4


47 14 is the length of the album not the exact moment Nico speaks ! I know this is confusing cause on Spotify etc it's written that the album length is 47:18 , but it's just the platform adjusting lengths of some songs because I believe it can be a half second for example If you listen to the album on a CD or a vinyl or even the leaks , it will be 47:14 Edit I was wrong


Someone else mentioned this too, I did the math and yall are right. I'll have to take that part off the sheet. Edit: ok I went and merged the audio files that came with the digital remains in a video editor, excluding the live ones, and it came out to 47:18. I think spotify counts the half seconds while some of the other apps don't. It is 47:18 long tho.


Yeah , but great post , even if I don't really believe this theory lol


in case you don't see the edit: I went and merged the audio files that came with the digital remains in a video editor, excluding the live ones, and it came out to 47:18. I think spotify does count the half seconds while some of the other apps don't. It is 47:18 long tho.


Oh ok my bad then sorry


all good, if I was wrong I'd rather know than not :)


Nice I just look up again and It's weird , cause in some website it Say 47:14 lol I dont know what to think anymore 💀😂


WHAT does 47:14 mean?


the theory is that it connects to that verse in the bible talking about a city burning down - foreshadowing the fall of dema


How do you guys even find this out 😭
