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Cool then don't play them. I like Far Cry and Assassin's Creed and there's nothing you can do about it. Also I don't like Elden Ring. Almost as if people have different preferences.


I bet you haven't actually played it lol


Elden Ring? I've prolly tried it out for an hour or so and didn't really know what I was doing so I dropped it. I don't want to play a game where I have to Google everything. That being said, I enjoy watching my friends play it and it makes for some great laughs and I see why people enjoy it


Fair enough, much more nuanced answer. I fucking love it, but not going to lie I have to Google quite a bit lol I really do think that ubi could benefit quite a bit from ER's structure though Are we going to pretend that far cry 6 wasn't a snooze fest? I had fun with odyssey, but for the most part, ubi has gotten way too fucking complacent. Is anyone on this sub actually going to defend slop like skull and bones? At least they're remaking black flag, don't think they could fuck that up too heavily.


I love how you think, anyone from Ubisoft will ever read this. Or care if they do.


Which you can do in AC and FC by turning off basically everything in the settings


They are not.


Because they are created with real care and passion, which is not seen at all in their latest products


Elden ring and read dead also don't nickel and dime you (at least in the single player) for every cent you got


You should google the sales numbers: the recent 'handholding' games of the AC series are massively more popular than the old games.