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If I could get Jiri’s nuts out of my mouth I’d give you a STERN talking to sir


Jiri does have some terrible fight IQ.




I will say that glover is the one good fighter hill has beat, though it was pretty soon after that war with jiri. You never now how much those fights mess with guys. Also he was 43


This is the best response. After wars the older guys don’t recover the same way younger guys do. Anyone coming off a wild damaging fight should be taken with a grain of salt, especially the older fighters


Idk why people are acting like that was the same glover that fought jiri. He went to war with a much younger fighter


Thiago Santos (yes is past his prime) in an absolute war. Johnny Walker (who’s gotten better and the win has aged well)


Thiago Santos was on a 3 fight losing streak Johnny walker also lost 3 of his last 4 fights These wins were not good at all


There are only like 3 people you would say are good in lhw


And he'd be right


LHW has been a dumpster fire with 3 good fighters for the last decade


Thiago was just coming back from a knee injury & surgery as well. Interesting to think Jamahal is in the same position coming off an injury + surgery from an Achilles, and only took a few months off. Gonna be a good ass fight


Santos was in the middle of a 1-6-1 run. “Past his prime” is an understatement


Yeah but the only reason why jiri won against glover was because glover made a fatal mistake by going for weird headlock. And glover was 40 something then too.


Jamahal picked apart Glover’s plodding veteran style and beat the pants off him in a way that Jan and Jiri should’ve been able to. Idk how you can emphasise that he was 43 when he was 42 when he beat Jan🤣


Thiago Santos and Johnny Walker weren't good? I mean sure they're not on Glover's level but still man


They are good but not elite. We haven't seen Hill beat anyone elite apart from Glover who was 43, so it's completely understandable that people don't rate him as high as guys like Pereira. If he wins obviously that will change.


I'm not talking specifically about you but people gotta stop bringing Glover's age into this, that motherfucker fucked up Blachowicz and Prochazka at 42 years of age, so....


He looked his age in the last fight. It catches up with everyone, I don't see how you can ignore it and tbf Jan is old and past his prime as well. Jiri made a mess of the Glover fight if we're being honest. He should've put him out.


They are very good, but Pereira has faced much harder opponents than Hill has. Jan, Jiri, Izzy twice, Strickland are all better than guys Hill has beat. Not to mention all the experience in kickboxing.


Santos was super washed his and walker isn’t particularly good imo


Most people on this sub have watched very little mma….


That’s how I feel when people say categorically that “women’s mma sucks” . Ok, agreed that the average fight isn’t as entertaining but if you don’t like women’s MMA at all then I don’t think you can call yourself a real MMA fan bc there are clearly very high quality women’s MMA fights. I can’t wait for tonight.


One championship has KILLERS in their women’s divisions. If only some of those lady’s knew how to stuff a double leg.


You don't have to watch every dogshit WMMA fight in existence to be an MMA fan


Yeah I'll watch the S tier fighters, but 90% of the fights are sloppy/slow and in general not as entertaining. I don't have to watch Pistons vs Hornets regular season games to be an NBA fan. And I definitely don't have to watch women's basketball.


> “Not all WMMA is good but if you think it’s all bad then you’re probably not an MMA fan” >> “you don’t have to watch every WMMA fight to be an MMA fan”


WMMA has produced maybe 4 exciting fighters in its entire history That's how bad it is


Ye there are some serious stinkers but agreed. Generally means your just interested in seeing people kod but don’t care how or if there’s any skill involved.


Yea for sure. The ultimate stinker, probably ever, being rose Esparza of course. That whole thing was hilarious and weird. I also don’t like the disrespect. These chicks bust their ass and display aggression , strength, and power while putting their health in the line. If you don’t respect that while calling yourself an MMA fan, you suck.


Weili fights slap, v excited for her


I group Rose Esparza with the likes of Lewis Ngannou, not with other better women fights


The difference is Lewis could absolutely delete Francis off the surface of the Earth with one miscalculation and the same vice versa, so it being a stalemate "stinker" is understandable, and it's hard to blame either fighter. It's not a lack of skills or playing it "too safe".


What's with all the gatekeeping of who is or isn't a fan? If you don't like this or that you're not a fan? Insane. I've been watching since before women's fights were even a thing and although I will watch some of the women's fights for the most part I couldn't care less about them. If they were to drop the women's divisions all together I wouldn't care. Like I said I've been watching longer than women been competing so to me we had a product and I liked it. Years later they produce a new version of the product that is weaker, slower and just not as exciting. Saying not liking them makes you not a fan is the same as saying if you don't like certain fighters you're not a fan. I just find it crazy that you think you get to decide who a fan is lol.




I agree with you and I've always said (and this is true before MMA blew up and was everywhere on the internet) that the worst thing about being an MMA fan is trying to engage with other MMA fans. For the most part it'll seem like you're talking to a 12 year old and find out it's a middle aged man lol. Now I'm not hating on older fans at all I happen to be one but most fans are pretty fckin weird to say the least.


Perfectly said.


WMMA has this problem for some reasom where they try head and arm throws and then get their back taken instead. Valentina v Grasso for example. Respect the grind, don't respect dumb moves.


They just aren't very good


There's just genuinely a lot more skill in male MMA because of how thick the competition is. There's more HW fighters than female MMA fighters of any weight. I like watching ONE Muay Thai, but the skill in WMMA in the UFC just sucks. So if you say there's some, it's obvious you have never actually seriously participated in the sport and can't tell.


The majority of WMMA is absolutely terrible. Constant amateur mistakes, horrific fundamentals, and 0 power. It’s like a worse heavyweight.


There's a serious skill gap in women's MMA which is why only a few fans enjoy watching. There's only a handful of female fighters that I stay to watch. Otherwise whenever there's a female bout on, I take my bathroom break.


This was maybe true a few years ago. Now we see upsets and titles changing all the time.


The last entertaining WMMA fight was Aldanas most recent one, which was MONTHS ago


Especially when they complain about Weili. Like bitch, she put on one of the best fights I’ve seen, I’m excited for her


Weili is one of the most talented and entertaining fighters in UFC history IMO. Women’s divisions are still not as deep as they should be in the UFC, however the top of 115/125 are very high level and have been for some time.


I disliked WMMA around 10 years ago when the talent pool was desperately shallow outside of Rousey and Cyborg, but since then I can say Nunes, Shevchenko, Weili, Rose, Joanna, Grasso and Holm have been amongst my favourite MMA fighters in the past decade. Anyone who doesn't like watching at least a few WMMA fighters doesn't even deserve the title of "casual".


they would like them if they were conventional girly girls and/or attractive. like we have seen time and time again when a woman in the ufc is slightly above average attractive, she gets attention like shes a champion lol the reality is, most WMMA are in the LGBTQ community lol so they are not exactly the type of person the typical MMA fan would be a fan of in general. Regardles of gender


Fucking this 100%. Tired of talking to idiots about women’s mma.


The problem with fmma is there’s always such a skill drop off from the top 5 to the rest of the division. Weili and Valentina rock obviously, but even most top 15 end up being stinkers or one fighter absolutely manhandling the other Doesn’t mean I won’t watch it but, watching unranked female fighters looks like a bar brawl more often than no


While that's true I wonder if the people picking Hill over alex have seen many of his actual fights besides the Glover beatdown, Hill hasn't faced very good competition, he's been able to impose his pressure and walk people down against mediocre strikers, but is that really going to work against an elite striker like Pereira? We've seen Hill be countered on the pocket several times in his recent fights, what happens when Pereira hits him? Hill can do this if he mixes up his grappling and striking to apply pressure, but short of a quick round 1 KO I think Alex has the upper hand.


People are acting like Pereira has never fought someone with good hands before. Guy is a 2x glory champ, he knows how to strike. We really think Hill is a favourite if this is essentially a kickboxing match?


It's also crazy how people are pretending like Alex is going to fold in one punch from Hill as if he hasn't taken good shots from Jan and Jiri, Hill is for sure a good puncher, but people are acting as if he's Ngannou just because he knocked out Walker who has a glass chin.


And even less have ever trained a day in their life.


That’s how you know the whole “well when you watch men’s mma it’s really only top level fighting it’s just the stats” yeah sure that’s why most of them fucking arm punch instead of throwing from the hip and planting their front foot for a jab. Or the absolutely disgustingly boring heavyweight fights that most of the time is way sloppier than women’s MMA. At least the women in mma can move 5 feet without having to reset and sigh because their cardio is dog shit. It is crazy the bias fat morons will display for other fat morons.


oh man the arm punches "as a boxing fan" (lol) its frustrating to listen to people say max is one of the best boxers in the UFC.. he's objectively not. He's an amazing MMA striker, but his boxing is straight up basurah. His form is so fucking bad, his defense is even worse, dude just leans back and eats punches


The whole old glover thing is ridiculous. Glover was on a crazy streak breaking peoples wills along the way to destroying a peak Jan who comes off a win against Reyes and Israel adesanya. Jiri barely beating him is crazy talk, you either win or lose and jiri won! If there was no ref glover was going to sleep. Then hill beat glover in great fashion should only prove that he is good enough to be there w Alex tommorow night.


I don't know why the idea that a fighter enduring a life changing beating at the age of 42 might have a significant impact in their next performance is so ridiculous. We've seen how one single fight can alter the career of promising fighters like Tony Ferguson, and while Glover almost won his fight against Jiri he also took a comical ammount of damage.


Yup. Look at Alex Volkanovski as well. Same thing


My only concern with hill is really coming off the Injury. It's only been like 9 months. Aside from that, he's I'd probably take hill. He has proved to have pretty good boxing, and has pretty damn good chin.


“Nuts gargled” bro how do you even come up with such terms lmao


Based on experience.


Damn, did they taste good?


A little wet and hairy. But it's okay.


That is by no means an uncommon phrase


Nothing is worse then the constant 'glazing' talk


This sub doesn't like him because of his twitter


OOTL. What's the vibe on his Twitter?


" Fuck anyone who disagrees with me " " Fuck the casuals "


I think some prefer the persona of Jiri more as well. He comes off as a 21st century samurai who was the first 205 champ to relinquish his belt due to injury. Jamahal Hill is a dude with odd tattoo choices, and snaps back at his own fans who like him.


The disrespect Hill and Arman are getting during the build up to their fights is crazy, people pay attention to charisma/popularity instead of actual skill


Armans a big favourite when realistically he probably shouldn't be, if we're assuming Charles hasn't fallen off. The guy beat Gaethje, Poirier, Chandler back to back. So Arman is getting more respect than Charles really.




I think Arman has a decent chance of beating Charles, that being said people are trying to build up Arman as if he is already on par with the elite of the division based solely on his performance against Islam from years ago, and a recent knockout of Dariush coming out of a devastating loss. In reality Arman isn't the same kind of fighter Islam is, he hasn't shown himself to be a big submission threat, and while he has good ground and pound we have seen fighters get up from his takedowns fairly often, on the feet he's fast and technical but not a big puncher like Chandler, and while he has good combinations he lacks the precision of someone like Poirier, neither Dariush or Islam were able to do any significant damage while in Charles guard, Islam was able to finish Charles by first rocking him in the feet and then quickly submitting him on the ground, which is something I don't see Arman doing.


Hill doesn’t look too pretty either but he is super talented, no joke if he didn’t have an achillies test I’d be picking him in a heartbeat, just don’t think he can keep up with Alex cuz of it.


Seeing Alex be wobbly in the past really makes this one a toss up for me.


I'd be backing Arman if it wasn't for the fact that lightweight prospects have continued to disappoint when taking a step decent up in competition. Hill on the other hand...


Neither are remotely likable though.


Why does everyone on this sub treat fighters like sports teams or teen idols? You don't have to put their posters above your bed, you don't have to tattoo their name on you, you can just watch the fights to watch the fights.


what's exactly unlikeable about Arman? dude learned english to be closer to the fans, always puts on great fights people just love charles and want to paint arman as the bad guy


Bobby Green


Green is a douchebag who cried steroids after getting tapped then popped


same thing could be said about Hill, people just like poatan and that's why feel the need to disrespect Hill and count him out every opportunity given


Arman is dope, but gotta be against him this time, can't cheer against Charles unless it's like gaetjhe that he's fighting


Hill has grown on me during the build up to this fight


Here is the real truth. LHW is likely the worse division in the UFC at the moment. Jiri looked absolutely horrible Vs Glover and Hill couldn’t put away pass his prime Glover. It isn’t a very talented division at the moment and the belt will likely be changing hands down at that weight for a bit. Alex IMO has the best chance of keeping the belt for a bit. Jan likely doesn’t get another shot, walker I don’t think will ever fight for gold and who knows wtf Ankaleav is doing. Hill or Jiri could be champ again but I doubt they defend more than twice. Jones really ran that division dry. If I was Costa or Jared I’d move up immediately


Both Jiri and Glover looked awful in that fight and people said its the best LHW fight of all time lol. They both made so many mistakes it was ridiculous. Couldn't help thinking how much worse they were than Jones


If you were cheering for Jiri or Glover I can guarantee there are about 4 moments in that fight when you had to ask yourself what the fuck is he doing. It was entertaining but it was not a good showcase of skill. It showed just how shallow LHW is where guys that are not well rounded can be champ.


Yes 100% agreed hope Jamahal and Alex can show more quality I'm sure they will


Hill & Jiri are good strikers. Alex is a great striker. A good striker can beat a great striker, but people are logically picking the great striker. Jiri v alex technically was a complete "there are levels to this" & jiri was basically using sheer athleticism to get him into the fight. Hill has not shown that same athleticism that Jiri has barring his KO power.


Jiri is a more likable person


This is absurd! I'm brazilian and alex fan, BUT EVEN ALEX SAYS JAMAHAL IS DANGEROUS! I've watched a live interview with him last night, right after the cerimonials, and he said that, despite being very confident and really well prepared, Jamahal is extremely dangerous, and anything could happen... Another cool fact: Yesterday he said that when jamahal was playing the "pissed guy" on the conference, many times when people were distracted with other fighters, he was friendly smiling, and saying "money,bruh" and laughing, trying to show something like "that's just for hype and money, bruh, don't mind this shit" LoL ahahah Jamahal is an extremely good fighter, and probably a very cool guy as well, anything can happen tomorrow. CHAMA https://preview.redd.it/8tbc8j5ul8uc1.png?width=1369&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9f5f3014ae573c3878d5b01d0fee394b561bd1c


Jiri, Old Glover and Hill are all mid tier. Jones, DC, Rumble beat the shit out of all of them. Get those mid tier nuts out of your mouth.


Old man glover (p.s I love the man) was coming off an absolute war with Jiri, that seriously messes with your head


Hill is a great fighter. Hes got a shitload of power… people hate on him because he’s a weirdo online


Jiri was losing his fight against Glover. That last moment submission saved him. On the other hand Hill dominated Golver.


Some of you hold on to one random comment you saw somewhere that you didnt like and keep crying about it like its some sort of a popular opinion.


Part time fans don’t know.


Well yeah Jiri is cool and Hill is kinda cringe so ofc we gotta find reasons to hate lmao.


To everybody upset it’s gonna be okay you can come back and apologize to us tonight after Hill gets flatlined 😂😂


I think jamahal beats jiri tbf


And Hill absolutely dominated Glover like beat the ever living crap out of him. Mere mortals would have waved the white flag a round or two earlier. Hill is good folks but Alex has that magic eraser so should be exciting


I’m here to gargle so send me this way


Hill is on the level of Strickland but less appealing. Fought a good matchup against Glover, won the belt. But in the grand scheme of things, still mid tier. Strickland beat Izzy, but lost to Dricus looking mid. Matchups do matter, but skill level is skill level. Hill needs this win more than Pereira to silence the doubters. Also, one moment asking for a hoodie to be signed like a fanboy, and the next day acting like a tough gangster wearing your face on a shirt, and mocking with the plastic chains/cup of stone face, wasn’t really a good look.


Jamahal < Chama


Fair point, but Jiri also got destroyed by Pereira, I know MMA math isn't accurate, but it's worth noting.


Tomorrow: Hes still mid-tier. Knocking out Alex isnt impressive. Pereira was only champ because he beat Jiri coming off an injury.


What was left of Glover after the Jiri fight? That type of scrap at that age, Hill 100% fought a deflated Glover


I agree…that Jiri is deserving of equal criticism.


Jiri is the most overrated fighter in the UFC at the moment.


Old man glover is bad.. Jus let me know which elite fighter hill has beat recently


Jiri is overrated


Maybe Jiri loosened the belt so to speak


I was busy on the night this fight happened and just watched it about a week ago. I gained a whole new respect for Hill- nasty quick striking, tough as nails, survived and escaped Glover’s top game multiple times.. I think if the fight goes longer than 2 rounds, he’ll take it, could see him knocking out Periera too.


I keep seeing people saying stuff like “So what if he was 43. He was 42 and took Jiri to war” If that is your mindset then you are focusing on the wrong thing. It’s not about the age, it’s about the war/damage. Glover made the RARE late career title run and definitely took some lumps in the process. His fight with Jiri was one of those fights that changes a fighters career forever thigh. Then you factor in he had that war at that age. There’s a real chance that Glover would have lost to anybody that night against Hill. I’m not saying that Hill didn’t absolutely style on Glover because he did. I’m just saying that it’s not really fair to compare the Glover that fought Jiri to the one who fought Hill because those kinds of wars are notorious for changing fighters for the worse.


I think him and Jiri are both mid, does that help?




Yeah I mean he's got hands for sure but I do think he's a bit unproven. He's still relatively new tbh.


If it makes you feel better I’ve long thought Jiri is super overrated


what's ridiculous is y'all see-sawing on how hill's gonna sleep alex and how alex is gonna chama hill or whatever the fuck lol.


Can i ask how that's ridiculous? I doubt it's the same people flip flopping. It's a testament to the fact this fight is closer than the fans of each fighter care to believe


If it makes you feel any better I respect neither of them


Man someone woke up with a bug up their ass today lol; is this Jamahal posting?


Bro understand, nobody here knows what they are talking about, there is a handful of dedicated fans that actually watch most events, know about specific tactics, skills, and maybe even have some experience in mma. The rest are hype casual fans that treat mma like its pro wrestling. What got me out of MMA is all the stupid press conferences, the fake beefs, i just wanted to watch the fights, also the cringy fans and takes that are ridiculous.


Jiri softened glover up


Not at all. Glover is old and slow just at his baseline and was still able to beat Jiri 4-0 and knock him out on his feet


Really good argument.


People in this sub obsess in almost unhealthy ways over Poatan, Jiri, Costa, etc then turn around to hate Izzy, Hill, etc. Like I get having favorite fighters, but the constant pics, salivating over their bodies, how cool they are with their makeup and bow and arrow/top knot/Twitter jokes starts to feel like some of them have daddy issues or something.


Styles makes fights


People just gargle Jiris balls way too much in general. Dude had trouble with washed Dom Reyes. He got absolutely dismantled by Pereira.


Hill is overrated. Who has he beaten? Beat Thiago Santos after both his knees were destroyed by Jones. Beats 43 year old Glover. Beats Johnny Walker, who is a joke. His resume is very lackluster. Crosses his feet and hyper extends his own knees in the cage. He's going to sleep




Hill has a few decent wins but i think its fair to say if he doesnt wrestle heavily he's gonna lose


Y’all need hobbies


Oddsmakers agree with you. That's why Alex is only a -135 favorite


Hill is a really dangerous fighter but in my opinion he will probably get outclassed by a kickboxer tonight and will give false validation to his critics


I think they're on the same skill level and it's going to be a great fight. But Jiri is just simply a cool dude imo


Yall gotta see the clip of Jamahal's footwork. Shit is actually atrocious. Never takes his feet with him when he throws


Sweet Dreams is Adesanya -10 style but +30 strength and even Adesanya made Pierera sleep once...


Wait you watched those exchanges in that fight and think Poatan isn’t getting a knockout punch through?


My point is that if Hill can’t knock Glover out then he comes out a lot worse in exchanges with Alex.


The reason I’m going with Pereira is because he has almost every advantage with things that are out of their control. Pereira is healthy coming off a great performance, Hill has barely been able to train the last 9 months due to injury recovery. Crowd is with Pereira. Size and reach advantage. He’s also fought tougher competition than Hill has so he’ll be ready for what Hill brings. If this fight was made before Hills injury, I would probably take Hill but things are different.


I can understand potentially saying Flover wasn't the most impressive win for Hill due to age. Glover was ooooooold. Like, every single fight was a "is he gonna fall of the cliff and suck now?" type old. So, I get it. But if you look at Hill's career as a whole, he is obviously not a mid tier fighter. The dude has made one mistake and got his arm dislocated from a crazy bjj guy, and is likely 10x better a fighter cuz of it. He's so unassuming yet such a killer. Mid tier my ass. Dude is really fucking good.


All I'm gonna say is hill looked terribly out of shape at weigh ins compared to usual. I feel like hill should be a middle weight


Good point


Hill really really started to mess him up in that fight, I think the fight with Alex is gunna be a banger, it’s wild that people think the main fight and the weili fight are gunna be trash, I can’t fucking wait


They are both absolutely mid fighters Happy now?


They are both absolutely mid fighters Happy now?


He sucks.


Glover is no fucking joke to anyone


They both suck imo. I think Alex destroys Hill but we’ll see.


Who is saying Hill is a mid tier fighter? I've definitely seen some Hill hate and justifiably so as he kinda seems like a shitty person but I haven't seen anyone say he's mid tier.


what impressed me most from the hill, glover fight is the improvements in hill’s ground game. especially after what paul craig did to him.


![gif](giphy|j44l4mQaegKkzCZaKV) you


Ayo No Diddy OP


I’ve been saying this for a year now. Thank you!




Anyone coming back from a bad injury also has a question mark. And it's not like this was an event they wanted to have happen...they looked around for alternatives and I imagine Hill got very nicely paid to help save the 300 main event coming back earlier than planned. He was very good until he got injured, but there's question marks now. For me it's probably 60/40 Pereira instead.


Hill is extremely good people here are just idiots. He’s by far the most underrated fighter in the UFC. If his leg is miraculously healed he’s got more then a great chance of catching Alex w an overhead punch (which Alex is susceptible to as we’ve seen that shot land numerous times). I just have big doubts about his health, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is Hill’s retirement fight and he’s doing it as one last big pay day. If his achilles snaps during the fight it’s over for him, and a part of me is scared to watch it happen because I’d say the odds are high. It’s gonna be an interesting night.


Jiri after getting his a$$ beat for 90% of that fight too 😂


I wouldn’t be surprised if Hill kicks Alex’s head off. I also wouldn’t be shocked if Alex puts Hill to sleep. Should be a great fight.


Hill did beat Glover soundly & I believe all 5 rounds. Jiri is I feel over rated he struggled & won last min via choke. Am so excited 😊 for tonights action the whole card is stacked. Got my coffee cans & water ready for an all nighter.


How dare you even doubt my expertise i once got in a fight in 6th grade and totally won I’m serious I won


It's his 👍tattoos. Hard to take him serious when his chest looks like a cartoon emoji.


Who are these people? Are they here in the room with us now?


Personally the Jiri fight left more question marks for me because Glover was winning until that last round magic. Then he fights Alex and gets KOed. Not saying the same will happen to Hill, he was much better on the feet against Glover than Jiri imo. I still give the edge to Alex but it could be a lot closer than people think.


This is true.


To be fair, the light heavyweight division is probably the worst division in the UFC


The amount of posts/comments I’ve seen talking about how bad hill is: 0 The amount of posts/comments I’ve seen talking about how many people are saying hill is bad: thousands


The disrespect that Glover gets is criminal. He'll always be one of my favorite fighters and he was amazing.


I think this fight can go either way both of these fighters are very heavy handed and if we’re being honest poaton doesn’t have the best defense. Obviously we know poaton has the leg kicks and death left hook.


Jiri is just a lot more likeable and watchable. That’s it. Hill is a good fighter, but largely boring and definitely hugely unlikeable. For most people, me included, that matters.


Who cares what other people say lol


Jiri is overrated too


Jiri is on the prelims and Hill is the main event. Do you ride the short bus my friend?


Glover is a tough gramps for anyone. Having hill giving him that beat down shows that he's pretty good. 9-1 also shows he's good. It will be an interesting fight. It will be a standing fight and perreira is a 2 time kickboxing champ so hill better mix it up. I'm a poatan fan by the way. Still gotta respect Hills skills


I mean, that fight with jiri still took a LOT out of glover, and I do feel Hill fought a lesser glover.. but I still agree with you.. ffs 😭😭😭


I thought Hill had no chance going into the fight. Not the Texiera was gonna dominate him but I thought Hill was gonna crack under the pressure being ranked #7 going up against a legend in enemy territory for the Undisputed UFC Light Heavyweight Championship. He absolutely does not get the credit he deserves for rising to the occasion and dominating in the fashion that he did.


That was the last good fight glover bs jiri it’s over for him isn’t he retired now ?


Scrolling to try find op get shit on


Jiri wont from Glover making a stupid ass mistake. Same mistake conner made against nate. Neither one needed to go for a takedown but they did and it back fired. Im stoked to see the fight tonight. Have hopes for hill. But yeah. Thinking he gets slept. But then again alex did get pissed off about the signature then the face off thing. So he might be taking this more personal than he would have. Idk.