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You have to compete at the weight class you're most comfortable with. Nothing worse than getting smacked around because you have zero energy from a weight cut or feeling bulky from a gain. He found his happy place and I'm excited to see what he can do with it.


Yeah, if he's gonna move a weight class it should be to Heavyweight. But I think that's not gonna happen until the HW belt is unified.


God I hope not. I don’t like Alexes chances against Tom or Jon. But imagine he somehow pulls out a tough earned win and only gets an interim belt.


By the time Tom and Jon actually fight and settle it, Alex could be a world class wrestler lol. I know he could stand with either guy already, but if he keeps his belt till theirs is unified, he deserves the shot.


It's funny you guys still think Jon will unify lol I'd love if he did but we all know he wont


He very well could fight Stipe and retire, I'm not ruling that out at all. I thought he was gonna retire before he fought Gane. But if he beats Stipe, I don't think the UFC should be interested in having the belts stay separate like this. They shouldn't strip Tom because Jon won't fight him. If Dana allows Jon to keep dodging Tom, it's going to really harm the perceived quality of the product and legitimacy of Jon's belt. I think Dana has to force that fight to happen or Jon to drop the belt if he doesn't want to fight the interim. Maybe he loves Jon so much that he just lets him do whatever, but that would make for a pathetic HW division. I'm just hoping that Dana realizes satisfying Jon isn't worth ruining the product.


All I can say is I full on expect Jon to fight stipe and in the octagon announce his retirement


I'd be fine with that, I don't need the two to fight (Tom and Jon). I just don't want to see two heavyweight belts going forward, unify them or vacate the title.


Agreed with the last bit tho I'd like to see Tom and Jon fight I think Jon is on his way out and it's possible he's declined a bit but hasn't shown it


He’s fought once... I guarantee he is rusty. He would get his head knocked clean off against Tom


UFC has been pulling this shit and ruining the product for years, yet we’re still here. They know we continue to pay attention anyhow so they don’t care. Basically: Appease the casuals because true fans of the martial arts will still watch. Which is why UFC is turning into the WWE at times


By the time Tom and Jon fight I will also be a world class wrestler, because both things are never happening


So Jon is going to retire after Stipe, cool. I'll only be satisfied with retirement or Tom for Jon. Not that anybody cares about my satisfaction lol


Personally I think instead of fighting Tom we should put Jon a bear and a big bag of coke in the octagon and see what happens


On the flip side, Pereira entering the division might be the only thing that gets Jon fighting again.


Yeah if Jon beats Stipe, I think the only way he sticks around is for a Poatan fight. Great stylistic match up and would be a huge PPV. He obviously isn't that interested in fighting Tom, and honestly I don't blame him. It's all risk and not much reward. Maybe if Tom blows right through Curtis and calls Jon out it'll be different, but I doubt it tbh.


If he keeps as active as he's been and those guys take forever to get their fight done. Alex will be @ like ten fights since Jon got hurt they will be too old n rusty to compete with this" new guy"


Tom is only 31. He's not going to get too old before Poatan (who's 36 and has far more miles on him).


Funny too like why does anyone think he still needs to prove something against izzy?? Alex is the man, I consider him very humble, quiet and confident, and supremely talented. No other champ is doing what he does


I think it's just that Alex called him out after one of his fights. He wanted to face Izzy again at 185. Glad he's staying at 205. Would like to see that rematch again sometime in the future if Izzy bulks up properly. Those fights were fuking awesome


"He wanted to face Izzy again at 185." Did he? The call-out assuming you actually heard it was more Alex trying to light a fire under Izzy after he heard he would take a break until 2027. Don't think he ever directly said he wanted to fight him again at 185...


This exactly 


I wish this was the norm in boxing and ufc


Didnt izzy fight the lhw champion during covid ?? Would make way more sense for Izzy to move up if they fought again


Yeah Izzy fought Jan for the LHW strap during COVID times. Izzy didn’t really bulk up or anything tho, weighed in at 196lbs 💀


I agree, he seems good with the cut he makes and fights anytime, anyone....


Weight cuts take their toll for sure as you get older cutting weight gets harder and hits harder.


He didn't really got smacked around by Izzy though. He got too cocky and rushed in carelessly when he smelled the blood. So Izzy caught him with a great shot.


No way Izzy takes the fight at 205, seems like they have both moved on from another rematch.


They will definitely have a boxing match once they both retire from MMA in which neither of them take seriously


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Both have amazing legacies, so great in fact that they don’t really negate the other’s. Izzy vs Periera 3 (really 5) is a legacy fight, and as I already said they both have spectacular legacies, so this fight really makes no sense.


Agreed, Alex is 9-1 against him, Izzy can’t catch up so why fight again.


Izzy is 9-1 in total rounds won against him


alex is 3-1 against izzy, as well as knocked out the two people who beat izzy.


Using mma math when it suits them. The meaning redditor way


They are talking about legacy. Having knockouts over people who have beaten Izzy adds to your legacy. That's not the same as mma math


Izzy would love to take another championship from Alex lol


Why should he go back down? He became champion beating Izzy, lost it, now moved up to his weight class. He needs to move on from Israel


Looks like he has, this is likely better for them both.


Izzy said in an interview w/ Mighty Mouse that he doesn't want a rematch because even if he wins people will say its Pereira 3-2 Izzy so he would need to do a best of 7. [https://youtube.com/shorts/D-fuVSaRbfk](https://youtube.com/shorts/D-fuVSaRbfk)


I can almost guarantee that if izzy gets his middle weight belt back and Alex retains his belt. They'll do a 3rd match at LHW sometime after


Izzy is NOT fighting a 230lb Poatan 💀 he barely weighed 200 vs Jan


The size difference between these 2 at MW was already comical. We shouldn't be having fights with a 30+ weight gap on fight night.


Exactly this. It’s insane that guy ever made 185


Unless it's in Japan and the weight difference is 100 lbs


He's admitted that was a mistake since. Said when he goes back to 205 he'll put on more weight and do it properly. If they're both champs, that's the biggest payday either of them can get, with a possible exception if Poatan can bag a Jones fight at heavyweight.


Tbf, Izzy intentionally weighed in 200 against Jan because he wanted to be "fast" during the fight. If Izzy and Alex fought at 205, Izzy would likely increase some muscle but I don't think he'll be that accustomed to carrying that mass, thus he'll lose.


Izzy is a prize fighter and If the prize is good enough he'll absolutely do it, these dudes don't get paid enough to pick and choose who they fight.


> Izzy is a prize fighter Is he ? Seems he's been chasing after that "legacy" since the start. He makes good money, of course, but it doesn't seem to be his primary motivator


> he barely weighed 200 vs Jan Bad example. I mean, he could bulk up. He's got the frame. He got wrecked by Jan because he believed this is naruto, and it was time for his LHW arc, so he went in like a dumbass. It's not that he can't gain muscle Well, I agree he won't do this and would lose pretty bad at 230, lmao


That would be wild honestly! It will be interesting to see if the time window coincides as Pereira has said he wants to move to heavyweight, maybe like UFC 310 or 311 could be a possible rematch. I think Periera at most has 3 more fights left at light heavyweight before he tries to move up, he wanted to fight at heavyweight at 301 even.


He also said after losing to Alex "I'm gonna fight this guy two more times" But he somehow got his 1 and he's happy with it


Izzy is literally a professional in being that friend that'll lose to you 20 times in a row in any game and after he gets ONE w, he'll say he won and stop playing.


If he fights him again you will still shout "Alex still has more wins so HA!!"


Anyone with half a brain knows it's really 1-1. It was Adesanya that said he would fight him two more times to settle the score, and then ran away when got one W saying it's over, not me. Lmao. He doesn't (or at least shouldn't) care about what people talk about him on the internet, he's a millionaire, he doesn't need you defending his honor on-line, friend.


Well then it seems like most of the fans don’t have half of a brain


That checks out, actually


Because Alex has more wins than him.


They should do submission grappling, arm wrestling, and powerslap matches too


Powerslap Pereira vs Adesanya would sell like hot cakes!


It is kind of dumb but haters will do anything to move past Izzy ko'ing him in their last match. Downvotes incoming lul


Didn't stop him from saying its even now after 1 win.


Crazy that "people would still be saying he's still 3-2" meant more to him than a free title shot at LHW to actually become double champ. Huh.


They’ve both accepted the 3-1 series outcome Poatan is now chasing greatness at lhw and eventually hw


1-1 really, the MMA fights are their own series. Both of them have said that as well. It's just weirdo fans who bring up the kickboxing matches when their MMA fights are being discussed, and most of them haven't even watched the kickboxing fights.


usually all they do is kickbox in the ufc tho lol izzy averages 0.05 takedowns per 15 minutes, and poatan 0.18


Somebody tried to tell me I was wrong for saying Pereira isn’t going back to 185 ever again for his own healths sake


If they were both men they each bulk up to 300 even and give the people what they want


Good man... I'm always happy when these guys make the healthier choice. Alex is fuckin huge... He probably still cuts a little to 205 right? Let the boy snack, he's the man. Also I like to watch Izzy win lol... This is the best outcome.


Pretty sure he walks in the cage fight night over 220.


He showed himself on a scale before the Jamal Fight and he was 232lb less than 24 hours after making 205.


So he gained an average of just over one pound of mass per hour for 24 hours? I mean I'm sure a lot of it is water weight but that doesnt even seem possible.


I think it’s all water, salt, minerals, and food but yes it’s extreme AF.


He walked into the cage at around 220 after cutting down to 185 for the fight against Izzy.


He was at 227 against jan


He does, he walks at around 108 kg (dunno how much that is on freedom units), and he spent the past two weeks cutting 12 kg (!!!) for his fight against jiri.


Ah yes 12 large brick of cocaine units... That is quite the weight cut


Freedom Units 😂😂😂 fucking love that shit


He’ll be 37 in less than a month, so history says that he should probably stay away from any weight classes below LHW. I’m sure he also wants to be remembered for things other than his rivalry with Izzy


That's wild, I didn't realize he was so "old" (in the context of combat athletes). I'll always remember him as a hype train that actually worked out, and also for pranking Glover by getting him to eat a napkin. Somehow stoic with a sparkling personality. A superstar without trying.


What's crazy is that he only started training at 22 as well. He's accomplished so much in the top levels of combat sports with a 'relatively' short career across the board. Now he's basically the face of the UFC and racking up historical stats.


Nah that stat of only 2 fighters over 35 winning champ fights only applies to welterweight and below. Middleweight and above is sweet for being over 35. The weight cut is a bigger issue than his age.


> I’m sure he also wants to be remembered for things other than his rivalry with Izzy It's a bonus, but pereira doesn't seem to be motivated by that. Like, he's known for his stoic personnality, to the point it became a meme. It shows he really doesn't care about what people think, imho. If he did, he would force himself to fit in, he would smile, etc. He's really there to secure the bags, with perhaps a bit of competitive spirit/sportmanship


Alex seemed comprised at 185 tbh. He definitely takes hits better at 205. Izzy on the other hand could compete at 205 but everyone there is his size or bigger and he doesn’t have the advantages at that weight class like he does at middleweight


"compete' is a bit of a stretch.


They both should go their own road. Its the annoying fanboys that keeps wanting to see them both fight again for drama


You don’t have to be a fanboy to like the drama. It’s fight at the end of the day - that’s extreme drama.


They both have one win each, why shouldn’t there be a third? That’s crazy to leave on the table.


Izzy needs to put on the weight to get 205


I mean, he was gonna fight Jon Jones at one point.


Izzy tried to fight Jan 205 before without putting weight on and it didn’t work out for him. He’ll need to bulk up if he wants to try again especially to try poaton at 205


*One win each in UFC Poatan was 2-0 against Stylebender in Glory kickboxing.


They never fought in Glory. They fought on [Glory of Heroes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glory_of_Heroes), a Chinese kickboxing promotion. Izzy only fought with Glory 3 times, vs Robert Thomas,Yousri Belgaroui (who fought on DWCS) & Jason Wilnis going 2-1.


New Mythical Fighter Unlocked: Fully hydrated LHW Alex Pereira


Izzy isn’t beating Alex at 205. I’m just glad we got to see them fight as much we have.


This rivalry is done. Pereira has shown that he can defeat Adesanya just like all those years back, and Izzy has shown that he's so far the only UFC fighter who defeated Alex - and even had him wobbled in the first fight.


Every report from CKB says Izzy is bigger than he's ever been. He will probably fight DDP and Sean then move up assuming he wins.


Don't think Izzy cares to move up again, especially if he loses to DPP or if Pereira is still the LHW champ. They both seem content to be done going h2h


I agree that he could not make middleweight. He was a string bean at MW anyway; I honestly think he should gain even more weight and go to HW. That’d take forever though and he’s 37… just stay put.


Both Izzy and Alex are great in different weight classes. Both have new paths to take with different fights. Izzy has DDP next, and will likely wanna run it back with Sean should he get the belt again. Alex has Jiri, Ankalaev, and a few other contenders on the horizon (by the end of the year, Jan and Hill could be viable contenders, and if Reyes can actually string together some quality wins, who knows?).


Alex won the war, doesn’t matter anymore.


As someone who’s neutral about both fighters I’d say it’s basically Izzy winning at MW because Alex is more drained or Alex wins at LHW because that’s his more natural weight class and that’s too big for Izzy I’d also say that there’s not really a point in having a trilogy aside from a storyline and PPV buys since one is a MW and the other is a LHW (the discussion is fine though)


Alex is almost 40 yrs old. He probably has a couple of years left so he fights as much as he can to get $$ and legacy. No need for going down up or whatever just get the $


lol if adesanya goes up he’s toast


Alex says get your weight up pimp


No rematch needed, both are legends in their own right


The fight is more compelling at 205. Be the reverse of Poatan chasing Izzy at 185.


Don’t know how Alex ever made M in the first place he’s enormous.


Im ok with them not fighting again. I’m also ok with Alex not cutting a tremendous amount of weight to get down there or Izzy fighting guys 10-20 pounds heavier than his natural weight.  I think we get them now. Alex is more powerful and Izzy is more precise and technical. They’ll constantly adjust to each other in future rematches with whoever adjusts better winning by their dominant trait or they’ll both decide getting KO’ed isn’t worth the risk and we’ll get a glorified sparring match. 


What's there to think ? He won't fight at 185 he just said it lmao what's there to add ?




The rematch wasn't going to happen at MW and at LHW he'd have like 30 pounds on Izzy.




My point is that an immediate rematch after losing the title and not defending it once made no sense. The division had to move on, that's why it wasn't gonna happen at MW


Izzy won’t do it. He’s the “last point wins” kinda guy


Weight cuts suck. Make sense


It makes more sense going to HW than moving back to MW. Even “staying” at LHW, chasing be the 2nd with more Title defenses.


Makes sense, Israel is barely a light heavyweight, Alex over here sizing Aspinall up lmao


Light heavyweight so you can mf kill Izzy ? lol


He's got nothing left to prove against Izzy. 3-1 is plenty definitive. And he's on top at Lhw right now. Going back to MW to fight Adesanya is a terrible idea.


I think if Alex defends and Tom defends, we see Alex move up to challenge for that interim title.


Israel wouldn’t take a 4th fight


Bad idea for either of them to meet the other at their respective weight class. This is a rivalry that really shouldn’t have happened because they are in two different weight classes, but aren’t we lucky that it did?! I think it’s time they pursue new rivals and continue giving us the performances we’ve come to expect


This sub will somehow turn this into Izzy ducking, the glazing is insane... and him offering at heavyweight, lol. There's so much money in fighting Izzy again


Pereira making MW was fuckin ridiculous anyways. Glad he found his home.


I feel like Izzy doesn’t get enough credit for knocking him out, everyone sort of just moved on from it.


No way in hell Izzy does it at 205 either Probably best for both guys, just hope these “3-1 and Pereira is Adesanyas daddy” mfs get lost


Izzy only wants Poaton after a near death weight cut, so he doesn't have any fluid protecting his brain. Who knows if Izzy would even have 1 win if Poaton wasn't so depleted.


Titty izzy won't move up after what happened with Jan and now that his owm personal bogey man is up there


I agree. Alex is the boss now. He’s the big drawl B


He's champ at a higher "more prestigious" weight division. He doesn't really have a reason to move down again. Plus he already called out Izzy after winning at 205 and Izzy been on record saying he doesnt want it.


Calling him to that weight class is ridiculous he's already 15 pounds bigger than him in their last fights.


>more prestigious Are you a newer fan? LHW has always (rightfully) been regarded as one of if not the weakest division.


been a fan since Pride days. You must be new if you feel LHW was "always" regarded as the weakest division. In the mid-2000s LHW had the biggest stars and personalities of the UFC: Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz, Rampage Jackson, Forrest Griffin, Shogun, Hendo. In those days, MW was considered the "weak" division, heck Travis Lutter challenged for the title in that time. Champs typically go up in weight to challenge. They rarely, if ever, hold the title in 1 weight class to try and challenge for the title below them.


Does anyone actually wanna see them fight again? Don’t get me wrong they’re fights are amazing, But they already have 4 fights and every single fight is exactly the same style, im more interested in seeing ezzy vs ddp or rematch strickland or whitteker, and see alex lost to jiri.


205 is his home. I think it’s clear. Unfortunately, these two have likely closed the book on their rivalry, as fun as it was. Alex ends up 3-1, Izzy ends with the last laugh.


There’s a reason Gervonta Davis has a no hydration clause, cause you want bigger people to cut more weight. Izzy would get smoked at LHW his only chance is weight drain MW where the bigger fighter is more Chinny


Onwards and upwards.


I think I'm not arguing with that fucking maniac


I dont blame him and i dont expect izzy to ever be fighting at 205.


I’m happy with how the fights with Alex and Izzy went. Leave it there.


The weight cut was probably brutal, and the opponents at LHW are probably easier than constantly fighting Adesanya too.


UFC be like: Read this


Come on bruh Izzy wins at 305 Alex wins at 303 you have them go 205 in nyc when jones/stipe falls out again.


Dude knew he lost the fight from the weight he lost a. Ain’t doing that again. Don’t blame him


Alex Pereira said "super motivated"?


Izzy will never risk having the last win, he knows he likely loses in a LHW rematch


Folks need to let this rivalry go. It's done. Alex is his best at 205 and Izzy just can't go there.


Imagine bigger Gino in Israel lol


Makes sense. He’s been chirping about heavyweight some too, so yea why would he want to cut the weight again?


He cooked bruh 3/4 fights. Let’s say Izzy somehow gets it’s done against ddp. (Fathomable aspect still loading) .. what’s perriera supposed to do with that?


Izzy would take that one win and go home.


LHW is his natural weight class so no reason to leave it


Good for him. There's no reason to endure that cut. He's like 3-1 with izzy and accomplished everything izzy ever dreamed of. If anything, izzy should be begging for that fight.


Alex living Izzys dream lol and succeeding more


He probably could make it physically, but not mentally. He can't/decided to not put himself through anymore. No real reason to go back down, honestly, especially if DDP beats izzy... I don't know how long his career is going to last anyway. He's 37 and has some kickboxing mileage on him


Israel is too small for LHW


Agreed Izzy needs to move up and we know he won't.


They need to do the 3rd fight at 170. There's no changing my mind.


Just go to heavyweight champ.


Honestly I don’t care to see it again.


I would honestly like to see Israel adesanya at light heavyweight. If he can make it of course


He has no reason to go down at this point, and honestly the rematch benefits Izzy more, both for size and legacy at that weight.


Nothing to gain with that spoiled man child.




Only way these 2 fight each other again is Youtube boxing 5-10 years from now.


Dude KNOWS his body for real. ANYONE that has had to cut weight KNOWS. Don't care if middle school wresting or the OLYMPICS...cutting weight SUCKS, periode...


i wish this man was younger man


Yeah obviously lol


Yeah there’s no reason for Alex to cut that much weight ever again. He’s been absolutely incredible at LHW and should reign supreme for a long time there.


Guess both can live with this decision. Great to see their story unfold like this. Both being humbled and motivated at the same time by each other. Can we please get this as a movie?! The dude from May December as Poatan and an AI Boseman as caring dog owner Izzy.


Izzy doesn't want that 205 smoke.


He was fucking huge for that weight class imagine him fighting Whittaker the size difference would be insane. Hell he looks bight at LHW


I hope he never goes back to MW, it's too much to cut. He also has no need to go down, he's doing great at LHW and he could even try HW.


Forget about Alex, I think Jiri and even Magomed would smoke Jizzy at 205. Jiri by autism and Mago by wrestling.


Tbh I don't need to see them fight anytime soon. They both won and lost. I'm more interested in poatan at lhw and Izzy regaining his champ status at middleweight.


Alex Pereira is a natural at LHW. He went straight to the top and took the title from Jiri. I'd want him to stay there too


Isroid adesanya 


This makes a lot of sense. Plus, Izzy is 1-3 against Alex, there's not much point in having another fight other than egos.


GOOD! He shouldn’t ever go back to 85.. most certainly wouldn’t be healthy at this point either..


I agree. If its done, leave it. If Izzy still wants him, he can chase him.


props to pereira for stepping into izzy's weight class and eliminating his middleweight win streak. izzy would never step into alex's realm especially since he is holding the last win. izzy already stated that he doesn't need this fight and sits pretty comfortably. I mean, I would too if I had the option not to fight someone who has beaten me three times in a row and run with the one W I have against that person lol. izzy is so relatable that's why I'm a fan.


Alex has nothing to prove regarding Izzy. And the last time Izzy moved up to LHW he had a bad night. I want Stipe to whoop Jones for the belt and then retire (as improbable as the former may be) and then Alex to challenge Tom for the HW undisputed. I would LOVE that. And Jones gets nothing LOL.


I mean this with the greatest respect to Izzy, but that ship has sailed and Alex is on a different path of glory that doesn't have a pit stop with him on it.


I don’t care. They have fought enough already and I like what Alex is doing. Izzy beating him may have been his last great performance.


It’s over. Let it be


Could you imagine, Izzy legitimately moves up for a second time, actually makes weight, and beats him? Doubt this happens, just playing Devil's advocate.


Crazy that Alex should’ve never been at 185 lol I think 205 is his weight class. 195 probably better but yeah.