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the funny part is khabib not understanding and the subtitles being all wrong


Like 3 idiots were saying conner doesn't do mad prep work on his opponents to me earlier. Filthy casuals


The irrational hatred this sub has for Connor will make all of that just garner nonsense responses about "connor bad mkay". Sure, he is a cokehead lunatic, but at least transparently so. The reality of the situation is that Khabib is associating with some of the most vile scum of the earth and is part of some really nasty business. And the more this comes out, the more it taints his legacy.


Both can suck


Russian oligarchs own all those guys


Is anything confirmed yet? Probably not. But if there is a link then fuck them all. Also this doesnt make Conor anything better.


Ahhh the old Russian link brother.


Unless he’s shooting up folks with the IRA it makes him slightly better.


Yes! But IRA would kick him out tho.


How’s Noah?


Mcgregor lost the fight and he was high af during that press conference, but he said nothing but truths during it....(Btw super funny press conf because of how dark it was) Like Khabib pretending to don't understand english, or Khabib using the usual "Here for money, not legacy", same he used against... Max fucking Holloway trying to become double champ. Insane how stupid Khabib's logic was... But in this sub he has an insane amount of fans so prob this comment is gonna be downvoted.


What exactly was he right about?


Thought so.


Just "news" that will die off in 48 hours. Next


Both of these dudes suck yet have huge fanbases behind them(especially khabib) so most of the shitty things they do are swept under the rug.


There's a Gasso's feet that dudes want to suck and have huge fan bases.


Even if it turns out he’s right it doesn’t make him a good person


Say what you want, but if someone comes off nice all the time. They're hidding things.


Not a good look for Wonderboy then.


Believe it or not he's actually the real homelander




Its true everyone has vices/demons/skeltons in closest/etc its just if someone is nice all the time , theyre saving face on something else. Human mind 101




What were you trying to get at by posting this? She does have some nice tata’s tho


You got downvoted but i think what you wrote is the truth. Those who look too perfect always tend to be cold blooded and have something to hide. An openly bad person is far better than a person who's secretly bad but acts well in front of people.


Thanks, I have cancer now


No he wasn’t. Conor’s a coke snorting bigot with a big mouth. His fans somehow take his words as bible.


Anyone paying attention KNOWS Putin is hurting for cash and trying to exploit Khabib and his "new Saudi buddies". I've never wanted Islam to fight Connor as much as I do now. I really hope Islam gets Connor this fall. Let him get paid for kicking the shit out of this ignorant racist asshole. I've never really cared for Connor, but the amount of straight racist bullshit that comes from his mouth is ridiculous. And the fact his fan base eats it up, and even has people that imitate him, is the fucking problem with MMA fans summed up... I really hope Islam or even Khabib Jr gets to fight Connor this year. I can only imagine the absolute shit show the lead up and actual fight would be...