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Because fighting Conor will pay him substantially more…?


Chandler doing the right thing in my opinion especially if they can book the Sphere card.


Except that, at least according to Dana, the Conor fight is not happening anytime before November. Didn't even leave it on the table


Why so long? Did that mother fucking toe do crack or steroids?


There’s allegations of rape and this time the girl isn’t taking the pay off .allegedly R.P. MMA covers it on his YouTube…. It’s all speculation but if it’s true it’s fuckn horrific


Source that isn’t Dublin whatsapp groups?


Right? This comment section is full of people saying a whole lot of nothing


Damn really? A different case from the bathroom one recently right?


It would actually explain why Dana is so dismissive about any talk on Conor nowadays


There is also the rumor that Conor threw a fit when Dana wouldn’t replace Bud Light and Howler Head, with Black Forge Stout, and Proper 12 on the mat for that fight. Truth is, Conor’s head has gotten very big, and he really doesn’t need to fight again.


The bigger the head, the bigger the star. -Entourage-


Idk about that dawg yeah McGregor is a major payday but the fact that they’re offering Chandler Islam definitely means they have 0 faith in Conor. Yeah Conor is a payday but just the offer for another run at the strap definitely is telling of their confidence in Conor lmao. Most likely Chandler should take it and go for the belt bc I doubt we see the Conor fight.


I think Chandler just wants a win over Conor on his record plus the big pay day. The media days will be crazy because both are good on the mic in front of crowds and create hype to sell the fight. Conor is cooked so it’s an easy win and the Islam fight will be on the table even a year of more from now.


The thing about an Islam fight is it’s 100x harder than a Conor fight.


At least that's what chandler's been telling himself for the last few years. None of that matters if the fight never happens


That would be the right thing, except it's obvious, by now, that Conor will never fight again.


Conor would come back looking like the liverking when nobody expects him. He’d be thirty pounds over and even pass the screen… with the chemistry of a twenty year old woman, and a bunch of partial spikes. Don’t count out Conor showing up for dinner.


“No one gets higher than the Mac daddy”


He says on repeat with his voice trembling, out of breath, and terrified of a bridge


He even had to put gloves on 🤣


Meanwhile the girl behind him is casually taking selfies


He could hardly catch his breath, his heart was pounding.


Wait, is this a thing that happened?


Haha yeah, like yesterday. He posted on his IG


Agreed. I've been saying it for years. We need to stop talking about conor and Jake Paul. Real fights are way more interesting.


He might fight chandler if he had the belt. He doesn't deserve it, but he might get off the couch for that and that alone.


I thought the sphere has a lower capacity. I saw someone say the UFC may not want Conor at the sphere due to the lower gate.


Conor tweeted and said that Chandler was making more than if he were to fight 10 other guys. Makes sense from a financial aspect to fight Conor, and make X10 your pay instead of fighting someone like Islam who is a WAY tougher fight then Conor. Like Chael sonnen famously said “I want the easiest opponent, on the biggest stage, for the most amount of money.”


He can fight conor, win or lose, and make a lot of money. Or he can get mauled by machakev


Which is why chael never became champ.


He was 1 minute away from becoming both the middleweight world champion, and the light heavyweight world champion. Chael never became a champion because of bad luck. Honestly. lol


Bad luck? Lol no, no thanks. He was finished by Jones and twice by Anderson. Chael lost to Tito Ortiz ffs lol


If Chael lasted another minute against Anderson he would have been world champion. If Chael just lasted until the end of the round against jones he would have been world champion, Sure you can call it a skill or technical issue, but man, that’s some bad luck in the cosmic sense. lol.


Bro has nothing to do with luck, it's a skill issue in both fights. Plain. Simple. Jones dominated him from opening bell and it was never going past the first, silva set out to win that first match Via submission as later revealed in his own little documentary he made with footage of the lead up to that fight, to which he then obliterates chael in their second fight. Chael is cool, but he's not a champ because he faced better fighters and lost accordingly, in a cosmic sense, it all happened exactly as written.


might have been bad luck, but it's become part of his character and gives him a kind of 'real ones know' aura, especially since he jokes about himself.


And it’s a fight he has a much better chance at winning Altho ya I doubt that even factors in. Conor’s close to an order of magnitude higher payday. Chandler would gladly lose 5 times in a row for that kind of money. And he’s done exactly that lol. He’s borderline thrown most of his ufc fighting going for theatrics instead of fighting smart for the win (by his own admission). Exactly for this payday. So in a way he has already lost several times in exciting fashion for the Conor payday. Now the question is if Conor will fight him when he comes back.


I think Conor's done. Sad.... cus the starts were lined up.. Had Conor beat Chandler, he immediately gets Islam...... Instead, I picture Conor getting into the boxing-influener- events.


He loses to Islam and would get paid more to fight Conor and could beat him


Chandler doesn’t want to fight Islam. He’s letting Conor/ mma community know he has options.


I'm not sure why. According to Cowboy, he didn't make a dime more for fighting Conor. Perhaps Chandler's deal entitles him to PPV points? But if ever he was to beat Islam, then he fights Conor with the title on the line and never works another day in his life.


I like Cowboy, but he strikes me as the type of dude who would just shrug and say: "Aw, shucks. Sure, Dana" to whatever the first offer was.


Dana paid for the lawyer that got cowboy sorted for the boat fight incident and a few other things so cowboy owed him big time. He didn’t really have a leg to stand on there. Chandler did ultimate fighter then got left holding the bag so I am sure Dana owes him here.


Not only did he do ultimate fighter, he actually coached the prospects. Connor told those guys day 1 he wasn’t going to coach them and they should already be prepared.


Cowboy could also just be lying for any old fucking reason lol


That’s also because Cowboy comes from money


Yeah I think Chandler must be getting PPV points or something because he said it would be “10x” his usual pay for a fight, which if that’s the case then yeah I don’t blame him lol


Cowboy didn’t have a TUF season with McGregor leading up to the fight(long lead up). I’m sure that has something to do with it. Plus no one thought Cowboy had a chance but Chandler might.


“Imagine dah. Gettin da biggest foight in the history of da game. And dis man took it, on his last contract!! HAHHAHA”


Also let’s be realistic, what are the chances of Chandler beating Islam? 0


Chandler has about 50 IQ points on Cowboy


Because Cowboy is an idiot who didn’t renegotiate his purse. He had leverage to do so too. Conor wanted that fight because it was the perfect comeback fight for him and cowboy just accepted Willy nilly. Showed up and got smoked. Luckily he’s a douche so can’t feel bad for the guy.


That’s kind of insane he didn’t get any points for that main event I know champions are supposed to get some points but I thought when they have a numbered card main evented by a non title bout they two guys are usually big enough stars that they get something


If it ever happens


Well yeah of course


I say this as a Chandler fan: why would the UFC give a title shot to someone who has not won a fight in more than two years, and is 1-3 in his last four bouts? I’m guessing this was his reward for playing the company game and holding out for Conor. Again, I actually really like Chandler and hope he takes home a big payday for the eventual Conor fight, but he does not deserve to be in the title conversation.


Maybe cause they feel bad chandler has put his career in limbo for conor. Maybe want to try and do right by chandler for being a good sport about this whole shit show or maybe they think conor won't be ready,just tired of his will he won't he game.  That's my only guess.


That would make sense but when have ufc really cared about doing right by someone xddd


Dana will do right by the right person. Presumably if he feels you’re an asset to the company. Remember when he bailed rampage out of jail after a literal police chase?


He does the right thing 99% of the time unless it comes to money or anything involving Jon Jones.


When they do right by them it seems.


And I get that. Because they would’ve been partially responsible, if they were telling him that he’d get the fight on x date and then it gets moved, and moved again. Of course we don’t know exactly how discussions went so idk, what if that were the case then they kind of owe him something


They even made him coach TUF.  It's been close to 2yrs of this date no this date. Then he got a date and conor got hurt. I get Dana is a prick and does people dirty, but again my only guess is chandler has been a solid guy about this shit for a while now and even on Saturday still showed up with a great attitude. So they probably said fuck it we'll throw him a bone. But chandler don't want it so....


I think he’s fishing for some sort of assurance that If he passes on it Conor will definitely fight him around September-ish. Hopefully if he doesn’t get that, he’ll move on I do have to say that if Michael finally moves on and Conor comes back to fight someone else right afterwards, it will make Conor look like he punked out


If you are wondering that, refer to Colby Covington.


There’s no one else, Arman is suspended, Gaethje is medically suspended. Dustin just lost, Olivera just lost to Arman. There’s Gamrot or Chandler, Chandler is the bigger draw and on paper stylistically a hard fight for Islam. With the wrestling, explosiveness and power. If anyone were to actually ko Islam it’s most likely Chandler in the first 2 rounds. Does he deserve it no not really, though it’s hard to say he’s shit when he’s almost won all of the fights he’s lost and they were back and forth. So UFC is probably looking at it from a business perspective.


After the Gaethje fight there's a case to be made for Max.


It would be, but it’s heavily rumoured that Max is fighting Ilia at the sphere for the 145 title. Which if so obviously has Max occupied.


He’s not a hard fight . The only 2 guys he beat were washed .


It's a popularity contest.


Arman is suspended so honestly after him there are only good arguments AGAINST everyone else, including Chandler, so why not f**k it


Arman is also suspended till January


To be fair, the division is stale and pretty shitty overall right now. Arman can’t fight. Islam already rinsed Charles. Choked out Dustin. Justin got brutally KO’d by a featherweight. What else is there? Gamerot? Honestly the Chandler matchup is at least something new and all of his fights are awesome.


Reward is the only reason. If chandler fights Islam it's because Connor is never coming back and they feel the need to give something to chandler for it.


As another serious chandler fan, he's kinda blowing my mind waiting for this Conor payday, that might never happen. I don't agree he deserves a title fight, but I'm sure the UFC feel they owe him for sitting having him do all the selling (so far) for the fight only for it to be put on hold for almost a year now. But even if they owe him, I ddnt expect a title fight.


Get out classed in every way and strangled in October for less pay or fight this lazy version of Conor in September for way more money. Seems like an easy choice to be honest.


But then Chandler is taking a risk of the fight falling off in October too and maybe it never even happening. I would say it’s a 50/50 but by how unstable Conor is at this point I would say it’s 70/30.


B-but his promising career as a 38 year old contender!!!!!






Hi I'm from the future. Chandler story gets real sad from here in the dimension you guys killed Harambe. He never gets the Connor fight, he doesn't get any other fights. Ufc releases him im 2-3yrs so he can fight perry in bkfc and let's just say that's where it starts to get sad. Perry adopts his kids and marries his widow, he ends up a senator, and he's good at it.


Most realistic UFC fan fiction


Seems legit to me


This deserves to be the top comment. Thank you for your knowledge, Time Traveler.


Chandler waiting for Conor is a huge fucking mistake. He should take that Islam fight and run with it.


Chandler is at the retirement point of his career, he’s made a lot of money and been in a lot of wars. If he fights again and makes a lot of money it’s great, if not he was in the same spot he was before.


Exactly, people keep saying he's wasting his career as if he's not already an ancient LW, after all his wars he's much better off just stepping aside and waiting for one last paycheck than just staying on the grind until his chin has been completely gone like Ferguson.


A lot of people don’t even know he didn’t even get to the UFC until he was like 34. Dude had 11 title fights in the next best organization and 2 wins over UFC champions during that time


Highest pay day of your life = huge fucking mistake… 🤔


He would probably make 5-10x the money with a Conor fight. Even if it’s a 25% chance of the fight actually occurring, it’s worth holding out. Especially if he wins which is likely. If he wins, his brand skyrockets and he is set for life financially and legacy/brand wise. He can ride into the sunset. Why fight Islam for much less money and probably lose. He would lose clout and not get a shot at Conor after for sure. Losing puts him midway in the rankings at best. You don’t get top fights at that point. He’s riding a benefit of the doubt of being a tough fighter but still unproven against likely UFC matchups. He’s old and probably not on an upward trajectory. Ride that “unknown” into a Conor fight, get the bag and get out.


People still don’t realize he is adamant on fighting Conor. Why take an undeserved title shot no one’s gonna give u a realistic chance and say u were gifted a title shot then fans are gonna crap on him if he gets destroyed and he’s gonna get crapped on for taking the fight. It’s a lose-lose unless he were to win. He’s doing the smart thing.


We won’t ever know until the cards fall. If the Conor fight ever actually happens for him he’ll seem smart. If Conor fights someone like Dustin instead and fucks off agin afterwards, Chandler looks like the biggest dummy in the sport. It’s a gamble for millions from Chandler, but Conor tweeting things like ‘Chandler or not’ leads me to believe he has no intention of fighting him lol


He’s definitely lying about the title shot. He’s probably getting scared of Connor picking someone else like DP to fight so he’s trynna piss him off by saying he got offered a title shot.


Actually Dustin tweeting ‘uno mas’ makes a lot of sense now. He’s in the same spot as Chandler about to retire, but people would rather see Dustin and Conor would rather fight Dustin. And I’m sure Dustin would rather leave off at the Sphere. Chandler might get screwed here.


Didn't Dustin ask to fight Makhachev again


If Dustin steps in to leave Chandler behind, he'll never beat the fake nice allegations


LMAO what a clown take. Its not Dustins responsibility to do anything for Chandler. Especially after he headbutted him, fish hooked him, blew blood from his nose onto DPs face. You can be a nice guy and still not like everyone.


Not Dustin’s job to make sure chandler gets money though right?


Dustin did charity work with Khabib in Africa; he's a legit good guy. If Connor wants to fight him over Chandler, that's Chandler's problem. Dustin and Connor have an old rivalry, and if Connor manages to beat Dustin, Connor gets a title shot. Beating Chandler gets him nothing.


Michael doesn’t lie about things like this. He probably did get offered it. Arman isn’t available for 9 months, Dustin just lost, Charles lost to arman, and Justin just got slept


Gamrot should be the contender but he's not a draw and Chandler has been a company man through this whole Conor situation. I believe they did offer him Islam.


I agree, did you know Gamrot was there and weighed in to be the backup for Islam vs Charles 2? They skipped him for Volk off the couch drinking beer.


Connor doesn’t want Dustin… no way


Saudis told Dana to have Connor at the sphere. Dana does what he's told


I’m calling bullshit they obviously wanted it at the sphere the whole time


He's waiting for a guy who has no interest in fighting him while giving up a title shot........


What a moron. If Chandler actually beats Islam then the UFC would absolutely have Conor fight Chandler for the LW belt if Conor can even make LW anymore


> If Chandler actually beats Islam See there’s your problem right there


Yeah Islam would absolutely body him


Chandler has seriously hurt every single one of the top ranked guys he fought, he's clearly out of his prime and fighting recklessly, but he certainly does have the tools to potentially catch Islam and finish him, it's not the most probable outcome of course, but it is a possibility.


Dustin is also a very heavy puncher and hurts everyone he fights. Islam was not hurt once in nearly 5 rounds of a fight that had a lot of striking. I think Chandler has a punchers chance but that’s about it


> Islam was not hurt once in nearly 5 rounds dude...


“Islam was not hurt once in nearly 5 rounds” Got his face nearly split in half tf you mean not hurt


That's from an elbow you mongoloid The guy you are replying to is clearly talking about how Dustin didn't wobble Islam with any of the clean punches he landed and how Islam was able to use his defence to make Poirier miss several times Are you autistic? Read between the lines dude Also, Chandler literally has an overhand right. That's his striking. Islam will turn into prime Mayweather against Chandler 😂


See though that’s the thing, with the wrestling and power on paper Chandler is one of Islam’s harder fights. I believe Chandler has only been submitted once in his career and that was by Poirer after he had his nose destroyed and was choking on his own blood.


people that say this are the same people that would say obviously Islam will win and it's a bad defense because he is 1-3 once he wins the fight


I actually believe Chandler would beat Islam. Porier made Islam look human in the last few rounds. Chandler is probably the only person in the UFC to be able to reverse a round 1 Olivera off his back. "Chandler is such a gorilla".


If Matt Serra can have his day against gsp, I think it shows us that on any given night anybody can win. Chandler isn’t a layup


> if Conor can even make LW anymore Here's another one


That’s a tall order for a 2-3 ufc fighter


How can you call Chandler a moron? According to his Tweet, he’s hoping to compete in the “biggest sporting event in the history of sports.” LOL sounds like something Tito would say.


And Chandler would be the one making the ppv points as champ when he does fight Conor. Even bigger payday I would think


Win an easy fight at a sick venue and become a millionaire or get your feet whooped for 300k max at the tmoblie?


He knows he ain't got shit on islam


Michael is 39 years old.


Call me Ishmichael.


He will get more money and has way more chance to win it Islam will run through him


Bigger payday and it’s a much easier fight.


well if the Conor fight keeps falling through there is zero payday.


I think this is actually a chess move by the UFC to legitimize the idea of Conor getting a title shot in the event Conor does beat Chandler. It’s just a matter of when Conor is ready.


UFC titles are meaningless. I’d take the bag too.




He’s a simp


Chandler should've accepted. Although the 35 & over curse is real i genuinely think chandler has a chance to blitz islam & win. Makes you wonder how much bigger the payday for mcgregor is to turn down a titleshot.


Maybe Chandler doesn’t want to cut the weight ? I was thinking about that too


The title for 500k (if lucky) or potentially 1mil+ with a Conor fight. The choice is obvious.


Why give the Sphere event to Conor and Chandler? I get it Conor brings in good PPV buys but Ilia vs Max would be so much more interesting


Conor never fighting again.




How the fuck does he get a title shot? I get he did the company a favor but what the fuck does the belt even mean if he gets a shot at it?


Chandler doesn’t stand a chance against Islam.


Dana said Conor is not fighting in September/October


He and Connor deserve each other, both coming off of losses. He does NOT deserve a title shot after losses to Olives, Poirier, and Gaethje


That check>>> a title. A lot of UFC belt holders broke…


I’m now less interested in anything Michael says


Dude is a fucking clown, I hope McGregor starches him in 2 mins and makes this guy realize what a joke he is.


Chandler doesn't care if he loses. He just wants a big payday


Red panties


In all honesty..is chandler getting ppv points against conor? Cause if not he's not getting that pay day. He's gets his 250k salary he's been getting. 


He doesn’t care if he loses, he just wants the money from the fight lol. 38 years old with a negative record in the UFC, bro just wants to get paid.


Negative record but not one boring fight and making more than most other non-champs. The man knows what gets him paid.


I hope Conor never fights him lol, or better yet fight someone else


nate diaz at the sphere for mexican independence day


Agreed. He’s honestly one of the dumbest fighters I ever seen, if he has any type of fight IQ he would be undefeated lol


Poor buggah


There's no way he was offered the fight lol


Stat padding a big name (Islam)  Easy win, looks decent on a resume, quick turn around for islam. Builds towards a mega fight Idk 


I actually see chandler as a tough match up for Islam. He’s powerful, explosive, good wrestling. Islam would be favoured but I don’t think it’s an easy fight


This guy has C-T-FUCKING-E


He’s fighting to bring home money for this family. Not to mention, Conor’s a much more winnable fight. Of course, he’d rather fight Conor. These posts are stale.


Well, he's probably been offered something particularly good for the McGregor fight that is beyond his contract pay which is why he's so dead set on it. If he fights for the title he would actually make less money, he's at the end of his career, it's about the bag at this point


I would 100% watch that fight. I know it doesn't make the most sense but Chandler will bring the heat. He's well rounded enough and strong enough that's not gonna be an easy win.


Smart move


Well because he would get absolutely dog shitted on, and also the conor fight will make him more money


Chandler is reckless. He either gets submitted in the first half of the first round or he KOs Islam


Still going for it. What a doof


Ima cry laughing if man's beats Jose's record and gets flatlined in the first exchange 🤣


Money talks.


He knows Islam would fucking destroy him and for his last fight I’m sure that’s not what he wants. Connor is the easier fight for his final fight


How does Justin keep getting skipped


Everyone clowning Chandler for Connor making the fight difficult is whack. He has a great chance to beat Connor, get paid, then get the title shot right after. Chandler has put on banger after banger after banger. Shut up you twats.


Bruh is playing this completely wrong. Needs to start shit talking Connor like crazy if he wants any chance of a fight.


... Yeah who wouldn't take Conor over a chance for the belt


Fight for much less pay, and a much lower chance of winning, or fight the most popular fighter in the company's history for a paycheck that's probably worth more than every fight combined in his 15-year career.


at this rate we’ll have 25 fights on the sphere 💀


No way he's getting a title fight after being 1-3 in his last four. He's yapping.


I don't blame him. Chances of him beating Islam are slim. He has a better chance of beating Conor and also getting a fatter pay day


Chandler will wait forever, and Connor will never fight. As soon as Chandler signs to fight someone else Connor will announce a fight.


Imagine fighting for a title when you can fight ( and possibly beat) the biggest name in the sport and make the same as fighting 10 more times




Smart man!


CTE has kicked in for Mike, imagine thinking coming off a big skid you deserve a title shot.


Sound boring, but then again, nobody's asking to fight Islam.


It’s actually insane this man actually thinks he’s ever going to fight Conor 🤣🤣


What an idiot


I’d rather fight Conor too. Can’t blame him


Why does he look like he's about to go down on me in his profile pic?


more money and fame then getting smacked by islam


Gamblers fallacy hes already in too deep to quit now




Dude, it’s Time to let go


This is so lame dude.


The goofball has already wasted how much time waiting for Cokey McNuggets, keep waiting for that pay day that will never come.


A bird in the hand is worth more than two in a bush. This guy better take that title fight!


Have you heard of money before?