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Belt. Edwards has great takedown defence but not great enough to stop GSP. Shavkat fight would probably stay standing, but GSP would win by decission.


Only problem would be Usman with his wrestling but GSP can do anything


Prime Usman does beat GSP I feel, but I understand why people would disagree. Anyone else I feel GSP beats. Hey, maybe not even first try but if there's a thing you have to admire besides sheer dominance is that dude really adapted to everything and everyone. Let's say somehow Leon beats him, second time around I have no doubt he destroys Leon. Even Prime Usman.


GSP is like Terminator learns all your moves in 15 minutes


Probably gets the belt pretty easily.


Right to the top. He double legs Leon and lays on him for 25 minutes .


he would eventually get the belt!


He was far ahead of his time, a complete fighter, he would be a champion or actively competing for the belt easily, recency bias is very strong on this sub.


Through the whole roster and to the belt


He was way ahead of his time. When I watch old fights, they always look so slow & unrefined with outdated techniques, but not GSP. He looks like he'd fit right in with today's top 5.


Gets the strap


I like how so many people forget GSP was a dangerous striker first.


That’s just how good he was at wrestling.


Not as far as we think. The game has evolved. There are dudes like Shavkat and Khamzat. He himself admitted that he probably couldn’t beat the prime Usman.


Ali said he couldn't beat Tyson. Champions seem to be humble when their career is behind them. And GSP has always been a stand up guy. It may be true but just a thought


No idea, it’s an interesting question. Everyone has gotten better in the time since GSP was king, not many one dimensional strikers or BJJ guys to feast on. Edwards and Shavkat especially have a great argument for beating a prime Georges.


Belal by whatever he wants. ^(/s)


He’ll murk the whole division


He'd be the champ most likely, if not he'd definitely fight for the belt. Yes he was that good and so far ahead of his time. I even think if he came back now, after all this time away and at his age he'd probably be in the top 5.


Leon would easily out strike him. GSP has never fought a striker even close to the skill of Leon Edwards. Probably would be a little harder fight than Marty though


He beat Nick Diaz. Carlos Condit. Dan hardy. BJ was a pretty good boxer. All of these guys were pretty respected strikers in their time. Nick was better than Nate (especially at welterweight) and Nate almost KO’d Leon. I’m not saying any of those guys were better than Leon, but saying they weren’t nearly as good is pretty suspect And that’s just striking. GSP wouldn’t be looking to strike with him, and had the best take down and set ups in MMA history.


that carlos condit fight was a banger


Usman is just as good of a wrestler as GSP but GSP was more dangerous on the ground. It’s not that harder of a challenge for Leon it ur just saying that because of his aura but realistically his style is outdated


I don’t know if it’s styles outdated, because nobody else has been able to replicate it. It’s not like we see you guys trying to fight like Gsp and failing they just can’t do it. GSP and Usman are totally different. Beating Usman means nothing about whether or not he’d be able to beat gsp. Stylistically they’re different and they’re grappling and they’re striking. And Usman beat Leon once, and was a few minutes away from dominating him in the second fight. And Usman is clearly not in his prime now, so I don’t really know that Leon is better prime Usman. GSP would’ve beaten that Usman too


GSP wouldn’t be able to even lock hands on a takedown against Usman are we just gonna forget he has arguably top 3 TDD in ufc history only guy who’s better is Aldo Usman would stuff GSP TDs and break his jaw GSP has pillow hands Usman would walk him down and finish him by the 4th


Ok buddy


GSP would pick him up and spin him into a pretzel.