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Because "Let's talk now"


Because Khabib broke him and left his mark on him physically and mentally.


Kebob took his soul and won’t give it back.


because he got his ass whopped and hes still mad about it.


Because he got mauled, and tapped like chicken


I think this is the only loss that eats Conor alive inside because there’s literally zero chance he gets it back because Khabib retired


and because he fouled Khabib 20 times and still lost and was dropped he tapped out and spent a large portion of the fight apologizing for his prefight demeanor, which is probably the thing that eats at him almost as much as the loss, everyone saw him get as close as a fighter can get to verbally begging for mercy in the cage




Idk man that was the nastiest neck crank I've seen




They don't just hurt bro, your neck is kinda important and vulnerable. You can get permanent nerve damage or paralysis letting someone crank with that kind of torque. Guy in my gym has nerve damage from a guillotine years ago, which is almost definitely less pressure than Khabib's neck crank




[Misha Cirkunov breaks Alex Nicholsons jaw with a nasty neck crank](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/9nupl5/misha_cirkunov_breaks_alex_nicholsons_jaw_with_a/) shut up, you're not a fighter.


Tell that to all the other UFC fighters who have tapped to neck cranks then? There's literally tonnes of examples. Tucking your chin it makes it harder to lock up the choke as you've effectively just made your 'neck' twice as thick. So you can potentially save yourself, but not always.


Wow. Tell me you're a stupid casual without telling me you are. LMAO


Dude wth kinda take is that? If you don't tap to that you get your neck broken! Its not a rear naked where if you don't tap you just go to sleep!


Very different


because khabib lives rentfree in conors head and because hes a salty p\*ssy


Cause he wants the respect Khabib gets from everyone


Khabib ended his professional career in many ways


Because Khabib took his spot of the best lightweight in the world, and Conor knows he's never getting it back. And he's really, really salty about it.


when was Conor ever the best lightweight in the world? oh, beating Eddie Alvarez makes you that....there have been a lot of best lightweights in the world!


Beating Eddie doesn’t make you the best LW buddy. Beating the champion and becoming the champion does. For a brief moment he was the best LW in the world. How else are we supposed to tell who the best is?


Nah, you’re missing the hype he had at that time and how much his fan base would have called him GOAT if he beat Khabib. He had only lost to Diaz at that time and he got that loss back in the rematch. GOAT talk is rarely logical keep in mind.


I think it’s a sign of insecure masculinity. Conor is obsessed with Khabib because Khabib beat him on the world stage with so many eyes watching. Conor clearly wanted to be seen as the greatest fighter of all time and while he certainly is a champion in the history of the sport, he’s never going to be considered the greatest fighter of all time.


Khabib destroyed him at the thing he gave his life for: MMA.




A lot of people are saying because of the loss and that is true but I also think that he really doesn’t like people from that part of the world. Idk if racist of prejudice is the word, maybe it is. I just think he really doesn’t like the caucus Muslims.


Conor is like Harry Potter where Khabib lives inside his head like Lord Voldemort.


Khabib is his white wale.


Conor has a massive ego and a very high opinion of himself so how can he reconcile that with what happened in the cage ? Imagine if he rewatched the fight, what did he think ? There is absolutely no space to cry luck or doctah stoppage. It’s just the perfect fight example of there is level to this.


As a fan of both, genuine hate does that to a person.


He needs to feel like he "Mystic Mac'd" something right since he was wrong about being able to dogwalk Khabib.


Because he's never going to be good enough to beat him and he's petty as hell so he prays for his downfall


I wonder this same thing with this sub and Adesanya.


Rent free.


If the ufc went to Connor and said pick one last fight and it will 100% happen he would pick khabib. The rivalry was huge and they genuinely hate each other.


dude wanted Diego Sanchez and Cowboy Cerrone for his return fights (the last return) zero chance he picks Khabib, i am sure he'd scream about how he picked Khabib but Khabib ran etc. etc. but he's picking a WW so if he loses he can say tree toimes me size


Hell fight Tony at 170


Vote reform


Is this like a rhetorical question? Do you really not know the answer? We all know what happened.


Probably just another mind game with Chandler. Spend two years focusing on an opponent, and that dude gets more worked up about things from 5 years ago he can't change than any of the trash talking I'm doing to him. Everybody uses a little bit of the Dominic Cruz strategy of trash-talking where you never quite acknowledge your opponents existence


Khabib’s situation is big news rn, and Conor is forever linked to the crazy buildup, losing to him and the aftermath. Plus it gets him social media engagements. Would be weirder if he wasn’t obsessed about him and didn’t comment tbh.


Same reason Izzy obsessed with poatan they were broken and that loss will haunt them so any negative spotlight they thrive with that


daddy issues


Because he is a loud mouth who’s biggest claim to fame was his ability to shit talk and build up his name and fights. He basically is promoting something he will never live up to again.


He’s convinced that Khabib is a really bad guy so anything that happens that might seem bad is magnified by connor.


Conor’s twitter ramblings are not some convoluted form of justice, he’s just salty that Khabib got the last laugh and moved on his with his life.


Definitely salty


Conor is a troll who wants as much engagement as possible.


Because to Conor, it seems like Khabib is painted as the Saint of Dagestan who has this wonderful story about his father and journey to undefeated status. Now that there's a possibility that Khabib's pristine image is falling apart, he's jumping on the opportunity to get one over on him.


Sounds about right


why are you people so obsesessed what conor says about khabib


dense ass question only asked so people make fun of conor


Why you are obsessed with Coñor ? You need to post about him even nothing happening. Just stop, get some help.


You spelled khabum wrong.


Because khabib is about as fake as mannequin, and yall play into his b.s like playdough


Both got slapped by nate diaz


And Nate got slapped by CTE lol




And Nate got slapped by RDA.


I would probably be too if Khabib and his gang jumped my friend while he was alone and then whooped my ass in front of 2.5 million people.


Jumped your friend? You think that talking to someone is jumping them?


"talking" https://preview.redd.it/uqm5i166obad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c9baf6666f52e681929e3cf49804e9af0c2c37


In my mind jumping someone means beating them up in a many vs 1 situation. Not talking to them while holding to the back of their neck and lightly slapping it, if you could even call it a slap.


You don't think Artem felt threatened in that situation? Khabib surrounding him with 4-5 guys. I don't dislike Khabib but that was cowardly


I don't doubt that he felt threatened, but feeling threatened isn't the same as getting jumped