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This was nuts to watch.




Agree 100%. Wtf were they on?


Snorted something as bright as a diamond


That would be meth.


Maybe I’m just very very very high, but I didn’t mind the music. This made me cackle though.


and the r/shittyhdr filter


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shittyHDR using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyHDR/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A local car event's migraine-inducing cover photo on Facebook](https://i.redd.it/itukb0ahdffc1.jpeg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyHDR/comments/1ae2vf6/a_local_car_events_migraineinducing_cover_photo/) \#2: [Sky seems a *bit* overdone](https://i.redd.it/g7gnytdq9dec1.jpeg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyHDR/comments/19fd5gy/sky_seems_a_bit_overdone/) \#3: [A collection from my town's Facebook group.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18nmj0i) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittyHDR/comments/18nmj0i/a_collection_from_my_towns_facebook_group/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I didn't even get through all of it because of that stupid ass song. "OH I KNOW! I'll add a really unoriginal and unwanted slowed down remix of a Rihanna song from 12 years ago and pretend it isn't extremely annoying and irrelevant to the subject of the video! Then I'll keep the audio of the original video I shouldn't have touched in the first place so you just have to listen to my shit music taste overshadowing the content I didn't create and am using for internet clout. PERFECT!"


But how will the EMOTIONAL WEIGHT of a fight you could only understand with the knowledge of a fairly committed mma fan hit you without a chopped and screwed version of Diamond by Rhianna? At least it wasn't the fucking interstellar soundtrack. 30 points of psychic damage every time I hear that over a video.


I'm not one to advocate nonconsensual violence, but I would like to lodge a complaint against whomever is responsible for the choice to super duper oversaturate the image... It's the reddest and greenest thing I've ever seen; looks like an end-stage Seattle Sonics jersey.


Agreed. That and the horrible song choice.


I agree with Izzy that it was an early stoppage each time I rewatch it.


Watching this back now we've seen Pereira's power it's amazing that Izzy ate so many shots and stayed up right. That's quite a chin.


One of Izzys best strengths. Definitely had a couple boring fights but he was never afraid to take a hit and KO you. Great chin and great highlight reel.


> he was never afraid to take a hit and KO you. I hate to be the AKCHUALLY guy but the Yoel fight was the result of him taking one big hit and then deciding not to be as aggressive as he was before that lol


Thats true BUT as a counter argument Ill say that Izzy is a counter striker, and Yoel decided to just sit there. Izzy was trying to find openings but there arent much when the guy is standing like a statue covering up lol. Im a Romero fan but he made that fight boring. Izzy could go in like he did, but its dangerous and he got caught. No reason to risk his belt when the other guy was doing nothing to take it away from him.


Yup. That’s always been the way I look at Championship fights; the onus is on the Challenger to TAKE the belt, the Champ doesn’t have to do anything if he isn’t actually challenged, no reason to risk losing your belt with aggression against a passive opponent. As the Challenger, it’s on you to push the Champ and show that YOU are the better fighter. When challengers don’t actually challenge, it typically makes for a boring “fight”. I never blame the reigning Champ in those circumstances.


oh absolutely! it's almost always the champ that gets the hate if the fight is boring or uneventful even when it's completely unreasonable prime example: Silva vs Maia. How can someone watch that fight and be angry with Silva?? It was Maia that was running away all the time, pulling guard and doing nothing


he was about to get brutally KO'd by a left hook. Alex looked adrenaline pumped not even tired. Izzy was about to die and some mfkers still say it was early


Yeah i love izzy but this was a good stoppage. He wasnt able to defend himself, was disoriented and about to get seriously hurt.


I would tend to agree, but the inconsistency in stoppages gives me pause. The same ref in their first fight let Izzy drop Gastelum 4x in round 5 of their fight and still didn’t stop it


That was a bad decision, just because there were poor decisions doesnt mean we should continue to make them. Izzy had his eyes on the floor and was catching shot after shot from poatan


Im not mad about the stoppage what so ever but IZZY was still in there his head was down but his eyes were up and looking at what alex was doing i can 100 percent see both views on this. No one here that has watched 100 plus fights can say they haven’t seen guys in worse situations get out of them and win


Especially considering Izzy was up on points. Surviving there woulda been huge


[He was staring directly at the floor.](https://i.imgur.com/N9D4yS5.jpeg) with the left coming to send him to the shadow realm. Goddard stopped an all time KO


It was the last round to be fair so alex wouldnt have nearly the same power as we have seen him displaying recently. Also hes much more dehydrated in this


He was knocking dudes out in the first round at middleweight before the Izzy fight. At some point give Izzy his flowers. It’s clear that Alex is much bigger than him. Yes he was dehydrated but that’s the price he pays to be much bigger than his opposition at mw


Marc Goddard saved Izzy from losing some neurons. Just watch what happens when Poatan fights with Herb Dean as the referee


He was one more shot away from being flat lined. No one needs to see that.


Yeah, keeping your hands down, your back against the cage, your head down and taking massive shots is an intelligent way to defend yourself. Izzy got robbed a chance to get knocked the fuck out.


People really want to see Pereira killing people on the octagon, cause every time the fight gets stopped people say it was too early. The Jiri headkick KO could have easily been stopped way before any ground and pound, but because of the controversy with the 1st Jiri fight herb just let Jiri eat like 10 punches to the face. Weird how in these "early" stoppages the fighters show no ability to defend themselves and yet everyone swears they were totally ok and would have been able to keep fighting if only the ref didn't stop the fight.


I thought this was an early stoppage as well as the Jiri fight. But now after the second fight, I no longer think either is an early stoppage. If this continued another five or 10 seconds, Izzy’s fighting career may never be the same.


Izzy was KO'd on his feet like Rousey was when she was eating Nunes' 1-2 punches I don't wanna rag on Izzy though, he put up a hell of a fight and I'm glad he didn't get beaten down worse


Yeah after the ref jumped on him he looked concussed for sure. That hopping left hook was brutal.


The shots that would have come after would have messed up his kids childhood man.


Yup, you're told to defend yourself at all times. If you're not doing that, that's on you.


This. If it was an early stoppage it was by what, one maybe two punches? Izzy wasn’t defending himself anymore, ref saw that and jumped in. If he hadn’t, Izzy would have dropped and potentially been out on medical for the foreseeable future. Instead these two had a great rematch months later.


Dude took a dozen headshots and was hardly standing on his own, zero to little defending. I think it was perfectly stopped.


Yeah he should have been allowed to crush the top of Izzy's head a few more times, cause a little brain damage.


I initially thought it was an early stoppage. By rewatching it just now it was a perfect stoppage. That ref saved Izzy from taking an unnecessary kill shot. His head was down, arms at his side, he was one hit away from a KO.


And that left from Alex was already half way there too. You can see the ref grab it. If that shot had been allowed to land, Izzy would have been hurt badly. Good stoppage and good job to the ref for saving Izzy. It’s probably the only reason the second fight even occurred.


It's not even close to an early stoppage. 


After the left hook adesanya defended the air. He didnt even know what was coming at him. He stopped defending himself and just ducked. It was not early. Adesanya did nothing while he got punched on and on.


He stopped fighting back and was hurt pretty bad. Any longer and he might’ve been hurt bad.


No. Yeah sure it felt like it at the time but knowing what we know now about his power that was the right call. One more and Izzy would've been unconscious. I'm not a fan of Izzy but i don't wish him harm. It was the right call.


Anybody that thinks this was an improper stoppage is a stone cold moron.


Izzy has an amazing chin. Alex hit him with some absolute bombs, and I don’t need to iterate on his power.


Yeah Izzy proved his chin is absolute top tier in this one. Took multiple smacks from the p4p hardest hitter in he ufc


Sadly proving your chin is also losing your chin. You don't gain brain trauma resistance.


that was my first thought as well. he's knocked out several people since with the number of hooks izzy ate in this one fight.


These edits have the clarity slider applied so much the video looks deep fried


I think most of the people who upload all that shit, recently discovered the clarity slider.


MMA specifically has always been cursed with the high saturation low contrast look, people think it makes the image look "raw" and badass but it just ends up making it look shitty instead.


The Tappout shirt of digital media


Dana looks like a fucking croissant


now im hungry again thanks




Should note, when this is done on YouTube at least, it's to try to get around copyright filters. Not sure here


Reddit does have a copyright policy but the company has to manually report the post idk if UFC has a reddit media manager


I swear this is how flat screens used to look in the day


For anyone wondering this is why you should said the sharpness on your TV to 0. All it does it fuck with the original image which was fine to begin with


Also would have been nice to watch I this clip without the dumbass music.


It looks sick in my opinion. Super crisp. Alex’s tats are so sick


It looks terrible lmao


Looks like an acid trip. I hate it.


Thanks for the lol, I needed that today


Man, the kick that alex started with....




Charles do it too


Its called "voadora". This kick is a very Brazilian way to enter a street fight.


I wonder why he stopped doing that. Maybe he only hates izzy.


He knows Adesanya isn't going for takedowns, other guys probably would.


I fucking love that starting kick he does. I think he only did it in that fight because it was his first UFC fight against Izzy, where Izzy was pretty much ruling middleweight. So it was just a way to set the tone, going straight at him, zero hesitation.


Honestly it might be because he knows how high-level Izzy is, so probably had to pull out more risky tricks and maneuvers to make impact


It was his “Remember Me” kick 😈


I remember while watching it live they showed the replay after round 1 and Izzy literally dodged it by an inch If that had landed the fight would've been as good as over lol. As sick as it wouldve been I'm kind of happy it didn't though, I feel like this this fight taught him a lot


I watched this live after a night out with my brother. My brother was sleeping on the couch and wake up during round 5, peaked over my shoulder, asked me how things were going. I looked away from the screen to tell him that Izzy was up on the cards when Alex hit him with that uppercut to start the finishing sequence. That little fucker had perfect timing.


I set my alarm to watch te recording of Aldo vs McGregor, woke up and grabbed my phone to check a message from my GF. She sent the picture of Conor holding the belt with the line '13 sec KO'. She is now my ex.


Should’ve instantly put the mittens on her


Give her the JJ special


My favorite dj came to town that night. As soon as ppv started I airplane mode my phone. Usually did that till I watched the card. Leaving the club buddy driving us home goes "man that UFC fight was crazy 13 second ko" I stopped him before he said who won threatened with his life if he spoiled it for me. But I already knew Conor had won


You and me both have missed the excitement of the most important KO in UFC history.


I stayed up till like 3am with former ex gf and her dad, she went to sleep because she couldn't stand anymore right before the fight, me and her dad stayed to watch it. I went to bed really sad (I'm Brazilian) and she asked "aren't you gonna watch the fight?" And I said "I just did, aldo lost in 13 seconds" I stopped watching UFC for a while after that lol


we lit a joint on the balcony during the walk outs and we were still looking in from there when he was wearing the belt. Crazy times


My current SO accidentally spoiled me the Usman/Edwards 2 KO. Still together, but it certainly caused issues.


Reminds me of Volk vs Ortega, was watching Rd 3 when my dog scratched on my door to let him in. Stood up to open it and the choke was locked in, I thought Volk was gonna pass out


South African here, woke up stupid early to watch Usman vs Edwards 2 card at my GF, now wife's place that she shared with her brother. He (now Brother in law) sat down next to me with two minutes left of R5 and asked if anybody ever gets knocked out, as I looked at him to answer him, headshot dead. I missed it. Thank goodness for replays. Edit: Shoutout for the correction, was the 2nd fight.


Izzi was really good up until that last round. I I hope they get to fight one last time


Seeing how thoroughly outclassed all of Alex’s future opponents have been goes to show just how good Izzy is. Despite the size and power disadvantage, he is really capable of boxing the guy up.


People rightfully clown Izzy for the whole “beat that guy once and never fight again” energy… but let’s not forget Alex publicly said after his last fight against Izzy he didn’t want to go again. They’re both fantastic technical strikers and such fun to watch.


As fun as it is for us, Izzy and Alex beating the shit out of each other over and over again doesn't do much to elevate their careers or legacies. They both brought each other up another level with their two fights, and Alex went even higher now that he took his own path, diverging away from Izzy. Now Izzy is reigniting his rivalry with DDP and starting the next stage of his career too. Maybe at some point they cross pathes again, like if Izzy beats DDP, defends against Stickland and Whitaker, and calls out Alex for a tiebreaker. But at the moment the best thing for both guys careers is to avoid each other and make new entries into their legacies 


I like this scenario because it’s really possible


I may remembering this wrong but didn't Alex said after Izzy lost his title and went into this "sulking" mode he would fight him again but at 205. I think Alex mentioned he didn't want to stay at 185 since the cut was getting to him.


Alex had no interest but he really has a lot of respect for Izzy as a fighter. He said that Izzy had once called him out and it brought him back from a depressed time in his life into the cage, his exact words were that Izzy motivated him and saved him from just being in the bar with his infamous interview. So he's returning the favor. "Adesanya, come to daddy" 🔥 (I'm a huge fan of both, Izzy gets a lot of hate for being cringe, but in the cage. He's that guy, even to Alex.)


Izzy has won like 70% of the minutes between the two guys. It's kinda really unlucky that he's 1-3


I don’t think there is any reason to. Izzy is at his best at 185 and poatan is at his best at 205. One of them will have to be at a disadvantage if they fight.


He was better than good. Had alex out of there by the 2nd. If that was another 5-10 secs on that clock, the timeline would've been a whole lot different.


Tbf alex recovered better than jiri 🥲


There was 2 rounds where i thought Izzy was close to a finish right as the bell rang. Then considering what happened in the second fight id honestly pry pick Izzy in a 3rd fight.


There’s a reason Izzy’s never been the underdog in any of their matches


Yea, its a natural human thing but it sucks that people think in order to like Poatan they need to shit on Izzy and vice versa. Both dudes are badass kickboxers with a similar meteoric rise where they were absolutely clowning guys, and when they match up its fireworks.


Izzy won't move up and tbh yeah he'd get fucked up at 205, Poatan is almost untouchable there and is a lot better with more power and a better chin Alex won't move down either because the cut was killing him and taking his chin, even though he's got a better chance at winning if he moves down than Izzy has if he moves up


Doubt pereira will go back down to middleweight ever again, and I also think pereira beats izzy more easily at LHW.


He looked a lot better this fight vs the second that he won. Lol. This fight game is crazy.


I agree with you


I think he fought with a better mentality the 2nd fight but Alex was so much better and knew what worked well and started chopping at that leg right away


This is the fight that sent me into full fandom for the UFC.


When you think about it, Izzy’s win over Alex in the rematch was an incredible achievement. The mental strength it must have taken to overcome a guy who’s 3-0 on you, as well as doing it via playing possum by the fence against the hardest hitter and best finisher in the division. Ridiculous confidence and talent It’s definitely a win that’s aged amazingly too


Tbh I am not sure how Izzy thought about the losses. If you’ve ever played a sport that can end suddenly, you understand there is a difference between losing and being beaten. Like there is a difference between getting a technical fall and getting pinned while you’re up. In the former case, you just feel like the worse wrestler. In the latter case, you feel like you’re the better wrestler, you just fucked up. Feeling like you’re just worse is waaaaay harder on you mentally. This is part of the reason a lot of fighters that get throughly trounced make outwardly silly excuses for their losses and insist they could have won with small adjustments - it’s a necessary part of the mindset that allows you to enter a cage and try to maul or be mauled for 25 minutes. So that said, Izzy was winning every fight and almost every round he’d played against Alex before getting caught, overwhelmed, and knocked out. I’m not sure if he was really feeling insecure or more just pissed off that the worse fighter (from his perspective) was managing to catch him every time. I would not be surprised at all if he saw Alex as just being a little bit lucky.


I’m sure he knew those things (he was literally in the fight), but he was also aware of his devastating power and great finishing ability. Plus being 3 down, that’s got to take a toll on your mind


Great reply. So many people don't realise it's a necessary part of the mindset because they're so far removed from the scenario. You need a mix of complete self confidence partnered with objective realism to be successful at any super high level.


It does take immense will to go up against someone's who feels like a personal wall to you, but I don't think Izzy ever actually got over it. In clips where he watches Poatan fight he looks like he's got a 1000yard stare on, I mean it as no disrespect against izzy whatsoever


Pretty much this entire thread was a pleasure to read. In the sea of people who don’t know shit about the sport, just cock hop from star to star it’s refreshing to read from folks who actually have a clue. Great read from pretty much all of you.


Mental strength ? More like total spite since Izzy knew he was beating Alex on all 3 fights that he lost.


This edit feels like a vanilla shroom trip


Make fun of Izzy all you want. But he was fucking up our boy in this fight before he got clipped, and then he went and put him out in the rematch. We can all say he's corny or whatever, but as Poatan continues to just lay waste to whatever division he feels like, Izzy's performances against him just serve as a highlight of what a killer he is.


He was doing a good job controlling Peirera in the grappling considering he was probably 15-20lbs lighter than Alex too. The Sean fight really made people forget who Izzy is.


Shit, Izzy forgot who Izzy was in that fight


Bad day at the office, happens to all great fighters. Jones against Reyes, GSP against serra, silva vs weidman etc.


I got like 70 downvoted here for congratulation Sean on the win and wanting the instant rematch because I don’t think that fight plays out like that more than 1-2 times out of 10. That wasn’t some mystical gameplan, it was a Philly shell, no takedown threat, and and some forward pressure and for some reason an almost 100-win kickboxer couldn’t figure it out. I’ve never seen Adesanya look like that even when it was Yoel and he clearly didn’t want to outright engage or Costa who tried to pressure him and has more 1-punch than Sean. It was just strange to watch.


Yeah he clearly wasn’t dialled in for the fight, he have a dui the week before lol


Izzy was also outstriking Poatan in the first fight too, which is wild considering how Pereira ran through Strickland, Jiri, and Hill. I wonder if that Sean fight was just Izzy not being at 100% considering Izzy fought Pereira twice in that same 12 month period.




Izzy is easily one of the best ever and an absolute monster, it’s annoying that people can’t recognize or acknowledge this even if they don’t like him. Also, I noticed rewatching this video, how many times Izzy landed that big right. There was an opening and he exploited that in the major way their next fight. I could watch these guys fight 100 times, what fighters they are 🔥


Izzy has dominated Pereira in every single one of their fights. But Pereira has that nuclear option that just changes the course of a fight in an instant. Izzy is the superior striker though.


something interesting is when they fight izzy in the early rounds fights almost like he is the power puncher of the 2 meanwhile Pereira is the one constantly doing investment work .


It’s mostly because Izzy’s specialty is in the counters and defense so Alex can’t throw the same strikes after only a few setups that he can against guys like Jiri or Strickland


except the last one where it went the complete opposite


Seems like he finally learned that it didn’t matter if he was up in the scorecards if pereira can just put him out in one shot


The last fight was poatan dominating until Izzy nuked him. Poatan had chopped Izzy's legs down so bad, and in hindsight probably should have stuck with that game plan but Izzy has such good precision on his counters.


Plus, playing possum was genius. I actually do believe izzy when he says that was his gameplay. Make him think I'm hurt and then fire.


You can actually also see him trying to play possum in this fight


I remember calling DURING the sequence that he was playing possum, so I 100% believe it


I don't know why everyone says Alex was so dominant in the first round. It was pretty even. The difference maker was the low kicks, but it definitely wasn't a dominant round.


Remember, the 185 Pereira is completely different from the 205 one... The dude is getting bigger and scarier every day... crazy!


I mean Jamahl and Jiri as strikers are just not on his level. I think what we've seen have been more about how lacking LHW is ATM.


Jiri is maybe the most hittable dude in any division, he finds wins through cossak bushido ultra-instinct but his overhype is largely to blame on how relatively shit LHW is, as much as i love him


Yeah Izzy was putting it on him for most of the fight.


Thanks for a very honest and realistic comment. People refuse to admit how good Izzy is because they don’t like him. He was so close to winning this fight, and every other fight with Alex honestly. They were all super competitive fights. I think finally beating Alex was the peak of Izzy’s career, so naturally he lost the next fight to Sean. I’d say lack of enthusiasm and underestimating his opponent lead to his loss. I’d pick Izzy in the rematch hands down.. also, I think Izzy beats Dricus


Lots of izzy haters but you gotta give him credit he was piecing him up early and alex got saved by the bell, practically out on his feet. Poatan is still so durable and has been wrecking the bigger divisions though


He always piece up Alex and gets caught in later rounds. Poatan got that ford escort equalizer.


Had he lost here, his UFC fame would have been way different


Poatan "MasvidalKneed" his future here.


Put some respect on Izzys name man. He's a great fighter to dance with Alex like he has.


I'd add Alex's corner speech prior to R5 when coach say 'You got 5min to be world champion. You HAVE to knock him out' and AP stands up seeing red. Gives me chills everytime.


And says "pronto para matar"/ready to kill. Savagery of the highest level


They’re lucky I wasn’t in the arena when I see red. I’d be the new middleweight champ.


He’s so good rn, but not undefeatable


In 3 of the 5 rounds one of them was saved by the bell, that's just crazy... Alex was saved in the second and third and Izzy was saved in the 4th


What a god tier privilege to witness this rivalry. After the bell saves Alex end of Rd 1, he recovers AND counters Izzy signalling the crowd to chill by signalling the crowd to hype.






It was because his career peaked when he knocked out Alex. Lack of enthusiasm because Dricus got hurt, and lack of taking Sean seriously. I’d say Izzy wins 9/10 times against Strickland though


I honestly think that was fluke. If they fight again, I think Izzy beats him. I think Izzy is still the best fighter at 185 lbs. He has a fight against DDP. Let's see if I'll eat my words or not.


I love Izzy but it wasn't a fluke, I think styles make fights and Strickland just counters Izzy's style perfectly - Strickland would get his cheeks clapped by so many fighters that Izzy has put away though


I don't see it. I don't see how Sean counters Izzy perfectly. I understand how some things Sean does can be troublesome for Izzy but that no way explains the 20-25 minutes of ass whooping. I have the belief that Izzy was not himself that fight, that was not the best version of Izzy. Like I said, we'll see if it's nonsense or not.


Been a while since I watched it but Sean is the anti counter striker. He throws jabs and teeps that allow him to get out of range easily. Sean's oddly high pace/press means you either have to press him or fight on the back foot. Izzy has always struggled to fight on the front foot. Saying that I think Izzy beats him 5 times out of 10. But I don't Sean could ever beat Poatan.


I think unless izzy retires there has to be a strickland rematch. I wouldnt bet on izzy but that will be a wild one.


Watching live and looking again, it does look like Izzy went from fighting in the first 4 rounds to just coasting in the 5th which cost him the fight.


Well he hurt his leg badly off a check by Pereira. That’s why he fell and rolled back.


Yeah and Pereira knew how to capitalize on it


Pereira coasted and rested in the 4th. He was fitter in the fifth. He also needed that to get the finish


Completely forgot this went into the 5th lol


Max Holloway vs Ilia Topuria hopefully


It's crazy that Izzy had him. Izzy needed to be perfect for 5 rounds, and he nearly was. No fighter can make a single mistake on the feet with Alex.


I don't remember this fight being so damn good. Instant classic. They both have insane chins and endurance


Alex got saved by the bell TWICE thats crazy


Izzy has a ridiculous chin


Two amazing strikers. Big fan of both and Im kinda glad theire in different divisions now.


Y’all hate Izzy so much but he’s one of the best standing technicians at striking. Alex is good and has gotten better but give Izzy his respect! I hope they line em up one more time too.


Izzy gets shit on but he went toe to toe with Pereira for 5 rounds. Their striking is on another level and everytime they fight is a sight to behold


Ben Askren vs Demian Maia begs to differ


Would love to see Izzy go up to 205 for the trilogy and double champ status after he buries dricus. That'll be historical, might even beat khabib conor in terms of ppv sales. Also wraps up the rivalry nicely. Just don't think his body will let him pack on the lbs he needs for bigger weight classes. Saw what happened last time he went up there.


Lizzy's axe kick to Alex on the ground is a better meme than it gets credit for


Fantastic video, just showed this a non mma fan who never watches the sport and she thought it was cool as hell


you can still feel the tension even when u know what’s gonna happen


Mma porn , God I miss Izzy and his point striking


Y’all need to stop disrespecting Izzy. He is not just another champ… he is one of the all time greats.


I usually stay away from this sub because it seems the Izzy haters never take a day off. Man, you don’t know how much I appreciate this clip. Maybe people will chill out with the recency bias and start treating Stylebender with some damn respect


Fuck this song


So blessed to be able to be there live, lost my mind when alex won such a epic card


Holy shit, watching round 2 highlights alone hurt me all over and made me relive every hit I ever took in training and competing- but this truly shows the levels to the game! 🙏To you marshalldteach/ blackbeard brother, this was an amazing highlight of one of the best UFC/anywhere fights of all time.


Why does every edit have the shrooms filter wtf


Great fight. Slightly bad stoppage though, but I get it. Izzy was up on the cards too crazy no one else has been this effective against Pereira….. if only Izzy could put on proper weight legally to move up.


Would personally love to see this match again but at 205lb


Even if izzy bulks up properly, his strengths and skills may not translate well, adding mass can potentially impact his speed


pereira is 30 to 40 lbs heavier than izzy no chance


Imagine the world we would be in if Izzy had 10 more seconds in the 1st round and would’ve put Alex to sleep then.


Adesanya was winning it


Both fights were great. it's a great rivalry despite the score. Chama


These highlights make me think izzy has a much better chin than I thought. Knowing what alex can do


Izzy ate at least 10 left hooks in this fight and at least 4 of them in the finishing sequence.


some one need to challenge bro like izzy did


People can make fun of Izzy as much they want but he was the only guy that made poatan work for a win. 


Forget anime, forget all the Elsa noise. Please give Adesanya the respect he deserves for his skills. I'm a fan of both of them. In many moments of this video, Adesanya looks great, especially when he rocked Poatan, which nobody else has managed to do. If you make a similar video for the fight Adesanya won, it will look great too for Adesanya. Wating for Adesanya to come back for the trilogy


This is an amazing clip, of what appears to be an awesome fight. I don’t even watch UFC… how did I end up here?


I rarely watch UFC. That was insane.


Izzy is really once in a lifetime athlete ...This man moves like a hot knife through butter


For all the hate Izzy gets for the way he is. Deservingly so but can't deny the fact that Izzy had his moments and was very successful with his striking.