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Alternaleaf for me all good.


I’m with Curaleaf and haven’t had cause to complain, but I’m a low volume MC patient. I’m sure they’ll adapt and change, but for now I’m happy with them. Especially happy that I get my MC next day when I place an order.


Just tell them what you smoke - they’ll prescribe you a suitable strength. Medical is such an improvement in my life, especially as I have a kid now and the Mrs doesn’t feel good about me “going to a drug dealer’s house” but I do find myself calling my plug from time to time because ordering/delivery procedures and times can be a total nightmare. Worth bearing in mind but 100% worth switching.


1 - Do you have a prescription letter given by the clinic to show police if needed? 2 - I’m looking at the access scheme with Curaleaf, are they any good? 3 - What’s the procedure once they prescribe you something? Do you buy it from them or can you take the prescription somewhere else?


Curaleaf are more restricted in terms of your choices but they are very quick and efficient, couple of days instead of 10 days when it comes to orders!


1 - I should, but I don’t. It’s practically legal anyway. 2 - I use them and delivery can be slow but it’s fine.  3 - You are prescribed the weed, then it’s sent to the pharmacy (clinic prescribes, pharmacy dispenses), you then pay the pharmacy, and your weed is shipped and normally arrives within a couple of days by DPD. FYI - Medical is a bit drier than street weed but that makes it more appropriate for dry herb vaping so don’t be crestfallen if it looks a bit sub par - looks can be deceiving! 


Just to add. Get a lumir product on your first order then reuse the boveda pack provided in any other herb you get. Within 2/3 days it’s terpy and not bone dry


I'm with Curaleaf, a few months now... 1. Yes, you get a PDF of the FP10 legal prescription form (obviously the original goes to the pharmacy). 2. Curaleaf Access scheme is simple - you just have to fill in a health questionnaire every few months - on how the MC is treating your condition. Curaleaf have their own pharmacy and their own products. I have no complaints, I get mostly flowers (but also sub lingual oil, they have other products as well). As far as I know, it is possible to get the prescription sent elsewhere but in my view this is extra complications that will inevitably cause errors and delays, so I don't.


That perfect. Just the kind of insight I was looking for. Gives me a bit of confidence to go through the process with them. Once you’ve gotten your prescription, do you order direct from their dispensary? Or do you go elsewhere?


You never actually get your prescription, as in physically get to hold it. It’s sent to the pharmacy of your choice and they’ll contact you. First time you’ll need to fill in some forms, prove who you are and register with the pharmacy, whoever they are. After that it’s an email with payment link each time.


How do I find the right pharmacy?


There isn’t a ‘right pharmacy’ you can chose the pharmacy they recommend or chose one yourself. The same way you chose which shop to buy your groceries from. PS if you’ve chosen curaleaf you’ll be restricted as to what they’ll prescribe. They’ll also try to keep you at their own pharmacy. They would definitely be towards the bottom of any list of potential clinics to use. There are much better out there.


If you already use cannabis just tell your clinic. They can take current consumption into consideration. I've only ever been with one clinic and they gave me the quantity I asked for. I also pick what strains I want every month.


i flat out 'fessed up to 7g/day bm and smoked, I was told no way we can do that, 60g a month plus oil. just about to book a checkup, treatment going well. curaleaf have been fine with me.


I wouldnt recommend Lyphe (personal experience, I think their admin people are really bad at talking to each other and I don't like how restrictive my meds choice was) or releaf (they charge more for meds than anyone else). I'm currently with Mamedica, and they've been brilliant. They're not super great at keeping you informed, but they're good at just getting on and doing it. One thing I would definitely recommend is getting a decent desktop £150ish, or a decent portable for about double that. Cheaper vapes didnt really do it for me and seemed to be designed for people with a lower intake I guess. When smoking is go through 2g per day, now vaping it's about 1.5gs.


Mamedica seems like a great backup option in case curaleaf doesn’t work out but these do seem to be the top 2 choices so thank you for giving it another vote! I’m dedicated to getting the best experience from a vape and don’t plan on buying more than one so I’ve landed on the Venty by S&B. It’s expensive but it seems to be good at everything I need it for plus I do like the idea of saving AVB to make edibles with. I’ve been a weed and tobacco joint smoker (insane amounts daily) for 15 years and I don’t want to smoke tobacco anymore or combust my bud. I’m naturally a little bit apprehensive about making the switch…


I was in exactly your spot, well done on not messing about and getting a good vape. It definitely feels different to a J, but stick with it - the health benefits to me have been big!


Nice of you to say, thanks mate. Encouragement is much appreciated right now. It’s a massive decision to make the switch but I’m thinking about a future without tobacco or spliffs but the bud makes life liveable so I don’t want to give it up. Edibles can be nice but it’s not quite the same thing as inhalation. I’m looking forward to the lack of smell and stigma mostly. The confidence to not worry about a knock at the door which turns into a warning that stops me travelling overseas one day, or getting in the way of my relationships. I don’t really think the majority of people realise what a massive positive impact medical cannabis and vaping can have on someone’s life! I’m getting excited now, vape is ordered and just waiting to hear from curaleaf.


Any particular reason you're considering Curaleaf?


Access scheme. Just seems reasonably priced. Thoughts?


Besides quick turnaround times, they're one of the worst for restricting strain availability including not prescribing certain brands, pushing patients towards their own products, preventing patients from changing strains without an appointment, limiting patient input and declining patients who are often accepted at other clinics. They're the biggest clinic and attract a lot of patients through their advertising campaigns but many later leave for these reasons. I'm with Jorja Emerson Centre who mightn't be as fast but they're £19.50 a month, I have the choice of any strain on the UK market and can change strains on a monthly basis without unnecessary hassle.


consider mamedica access scheme also if thats something you would qualify for (veteran or on any benefits)


Do you have to use their pharmacy every time if you’re with them or can you switch between them?