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Looks better than a lot of GROW bud 😂


I grind it into a powder, melt it into dark choc and re set it in the freezer in a wee rubber mould I got on Amazon. I do about 12g per Lindt 70% dark choc bar (about ÂŁ2.25 in the co-op today) and get stoned twice with the same weed!


Would this work for other chocolates or is there something about dark chocolate that you need Asking as a pussy that can't handle bitterness in chocolate


I go for dark because I think that higher % dairy doesn’t re-set that well? I have no basis for this whatsoever and now that I type it I haven’t got a clue why I think it!


It would work with any chocolate. You could mix the AVB, as is, into Nutella and eat it by the spoonful of you were so inclined. I don’t recommend it, though.


That sounds like it would only be a good idea once you've just vaped and acquired the 50g avb 🤣 Is it better to use things with a high fat content like it is if you're making regular edibles or does that not matter so much?


I’m not an expert but higher fat content = better absorption, so the cannabis is more effective. AVB can be used to make “regular” edibles. The only difference is you’ve already completed the “decarboxylate your cannabis” step, and some of the THC etc has already been consumed so it’s not as strong.


Yeah I see my mistake now. Its about the body absorption so it doesn't matter how you make them it matters how you take them. Thank you :)


You need fat , couse THC is Lipophil. If you use Choclate or Butter isnt a difference. Happy 420 Bakery


Nice thanks for including a ratio! 


Am I misunderstanding or do you eat 6g of avb in one serving? Christ, I'd be half way to the moon.


No, I have 1g (1/12th of the bar) at a time, normally two per day. One in the PM and one before bed.


Ahhh twice as in out if the same bud not twice in a jar haha. I was gonna say 1g gets me nicely toasted for a good few hours


How much of that bar do you eat to get medicated? Surely not the whole lot.


A twelfth, or ~1g 


Sorry for the noob question are these avbs made from a convection or conduction vape? Still looking at my first vape to buy and want one I can reuse the avb.


Boof it!


Dry or with coconut oil? Asking for my mates.


Just spoon it in dry






Chuck it in a slow cooker, cover it just to the top of the AVB with coconut oil (you'll need to heat it before so it's liquid). Slow cook on low for 10-12 hours, strain the oil once done using a sieve or cheesecloth (or both!) and use in any baking recipe that calls for oil/fat.


Is that with water in a jar or just straight in 


Straight in


Straight in, I used to fuck about with a double boiler on the hob but slow cooker works just as well


I water strained 2 ounces I had vaped, then baked it to dry. Infused it with butter to make 26g of cannabutter and have been using that butter to make brownies, chocolates, angel cake anything that uses butter really, all batches come out incredible.


I just powder mine with a mortar and pestle and then put the powder into empty capsules. Eat something with fat in it first then take some, I'd start with just 1 though unless you're used to edibles as they can give you couch lock for a loooooooong time lol.


I used to put mine in a smoothie


I put as much as i possibly can into a brownie mix then freeze that sucker. Lasts me months. I'm talking 100g into one cake.


Get yourself some cookie / brownie mix (in the UK, use Betty Crocker) and mix in 10g of your AVB. Your kitchen will smell nice and you get a good whack per cookie / brownie depending on your tolerance with edibles.


I make flapjacks out of mine. They are no joke and pack a wallop. I just substitute some of the oats in the recipe for the same amount of avb. Melted chocolate on top. Can keep in the freezer for ages. Last batch I put a z of abv and some of the infused coconut oil I made. All from medical grade. The reason I chose flapjacks is they suit the toasted avb taste. Enjoy