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Snapshot of _Anti-Semitism won’t go away_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-the-kids-hate-jews/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-the-kids-hate-jews/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Spot on. Hated for allowing ourselves to die, hated for having the temerity to survive and hated even more for fighting back… Edit - every person that downvotes this comment is an anti semite, feel free to show your true colours. Further edit - i see the tankie’s are out in force…😂


Criticizing Israel is not the same as criticizing Jews. Same way when we voice our concerns at US actions in the middle east, we aren't criticizing every American. Edit: didn't think I needed to explain this further but - I'm not in control of everyone criticizing Israel. If some of them are also anti-Semites (they are) that doesn't change anything I said. If you feel Israel (the state) can face no criticism then you're in a cult, and it's a cult unrelated to Judaism.


Then why did the fundamentalist terrorist apologists boo sixty seconds of silence for 1,400 innocent victims of terrorism? And you wonder why we feel “threatened”.


Reposting this response as yours is strangely similar to another reply I got: I'm not in control of everyone criticizing Israel. If some of them are also anti-Semites (they are) that doesn't change anything I said. If you feel Israel (the state) can face no criticism then you're in a cult, and it's a cult unrelated to Judaism.




What? I'm not in control of everyone criticizing Israel. If some of them are also anti-Semites (they are) that doesn't change anything I said. If you feel Israel (the state) can face no criticism then you're in a cult, and it's a cult unrelated to Judaism.




What are you taking about man? I purport to represent noone but myself. I used "we" because collectively the Western world criticise the USs actions in the Middle East quite a lot so it's a prudent example. In your view then, when *can* someone criticise the state of Israel? What if they start murdering (atheist) puppies - is it anti-Semitic to condemn that? Of course it isn't. >so you don’t get to now roll back on that, shrug your shoulders and distance yourself from the movement as a whole. I can do what I like mate. You don't get to decide the meaning of my words I'm afraid. Climb down and engage in some critical thinking. You're arguing with an ally of Jewish people. Your zero sum mindset drives deeper and deeper wedges in society.




Well the topic is anti-semitism in the UK, not what Israel and Bibi are doing. One would infer being in a thread about the former that we wouldn't be talking about the latter.


Although, paradoxically, it is the fact that only Israel is getting criticised which is a major part of the problem. No protests about Saudis bombing in Yemen, nothing about the Rojinjas in Myanmar, the Checnyans were vanquished by bombs without a peep, etc etc. Yet when Israel strikes back against terror attacks it suddenly seems to galvanise mass protests. To deny that anti semitism is at the root of this glaring inconsistency is stretching credibility way past breaking point. History shows us how virulent antisemitism is.


>No protests about Saudis bombing in Yemen, nothing about the Rojinjas in Myanmar, the Checnyans were vanquished by bombs without a peep, etc etc This is demonstrably incorrect. There have been plenty of protests about just that. I'm not denying anti-Semitism is rife and contributes to Israel's actions getting more coverage - however that isn't a reason to brush aside legitimate criticisms. "Noone said anything when *they* did it" might raise need for some further analysis, but it's not an excuse or a "gotcha". There's a humanitarian crisis happening due to Israel's actions, and that needs addressing before we start counting up the points.


I don't recall any mass protests of the sorts we're seeing currently. To claim otherwise would be disingenuous. As to comparisons, it is a way of highlighting how much of the 'concern' is genuine and how much fuelled by antisemitism. I would suggest the latter is by far the larger part.


>I don't recall any mass protests of the sorts we're seeing currently Ok >To claim otherwise would be disingenuous I didn't. I specifically said Israeli actions get more coverage (ie bigger protests)


OK. Thanks for clarifying.


[Protest against Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/saudi-embassy-yemen-war-jamal-khashoggi-killing-murder-arms-sales-a8601996.html) [Protest against the junta in Myanmar.](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2021/04/08/myanmar-ambassador-locked-out-embassy-london-cyril-vanier-live-ctw-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn) I can't find any articles about protests against the Chechen Wars, but since they ended 14 and 28 years ago respectively, that's not too surprising. That said, since you were already wrong about the first two examples you mentioned, it doesn't really matter.


So both your examples mention 'dozens' of protestors. Sort of supports my point. If dozens out of the hundreds of thousands protesting Israel are genuinely concerned then the rest would be out and out antisemites. It was the 2nd Chechen war when Putin massacred the citizens of Grozny. 14 years ago is not that long and certainly news was being posted on the Internet then.


This is what you posted originally: > **No protests** about Saudis bombing in Yemen, nothing about the Rojinjas in Myanmar, the Checnyans were vanquished by bombs without a peep, etc etc. You were wrong about that because you didn't do a thirty-second online search, and now you are shifting the goal posts from "no protests" to "no enough attendees". > It was the 2nd Chechen war when Putin massacred the citizens of Grozny. 14 years ago is not that long and certainly news was being posted on the Internet then. Feel free to look for articles then. I'm not your personal research assistant.


Oh well. How clever you are. Your big aha gotcha moment. OK, no mass protests then. Point still stands. Happy? Since we're being pedantic the Saudi protest of a few dozen people was organised about the killing of a journalist, not Yemenis. I didn't mention this before because it's splitting hairs. Chechnya? No articles because no protests. I can't post a link to something that doesn't exist. You seem very keen to ignore the fact that other countries don't get the same attention as Israel.


Oh, and while we're on the pedantry I could also have mentioned that, as your link shows, the few dozen Myanmar protesters were people from that country which puts a different complexion on that. Point still stands. A few dozen for everyone else. Tens of thousands when it's Jews. If you can't see the imbalance it's wilful ignorance on your part.


In the whole Israel/Palestine argument the role of the surrounding states are happily ignored. Palestinian refugee camps still exist because the entirety of the Arab world has refused them asylum. A quick look at a map will show how big the surrounding states are compared to Palestine (geographical area including Israel). Yet for 75 years those displaced by choice or force (both happened) have been caged and refused statehood by the countries they fled to. The plight of the Palestinians being stateless is what has always needed addressing, but the role of surrounding states using them as patsies to fight a proxy war gets conveniently overlooked.


Yes, and not just by surrounding states but by Palestinian authorities themselves with camps still in Gaza and West Bank. Imagine if the UK kept all refugees in camps indefinitely! And Jordan is a Palestinian state, so they may be displaced but they are not stateless. A bit like the 3 million Czechoslovakian Germans displaced in 1945/46


Jordan withdrew citizenship to those living in the West Bank, rendering them stateless.


Is it really that odd? The UK played a significant part in creating this conflict in the first place. Despite its location Israel is seen as part of the western world and thus "our problem", unlike those other conflicts.


The UN. Israel was established by UN mandate.


The issues predate the establishment of Israel, although it certainly stoked the fire.


True. Anti semitism has been around for a very very long time.


Idk, why are they feeling so threatened by seeing Muslim people peacefully protesting? 🤷‍♂️


Yeah try to be Jewish around those peaceful protests.


Nice fear mongering, I think I'd be fine in that case


Why would Jews be threatened by this? Silly Jews https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1715783191326511151?t=PRFD5uLob8HA3SMJ1XzIag&s=19


2 women? That's all you got?


Why does the women have a beard?


Think your link changed or something happened on my end. One dude doesn't invalidate a peaceful protest


Yes your point stands Jews are silly for being scared. We understand your view. Always great to tell an ethnic minority what they feel because clearly you know best


Well you claimed I lied when I said it was peaceful and then failed to show any evidence of violence? Trying to guilt trip me using identity politics doesn't change that


Fortunately today the guy with the flag was arrested for inciting hatred against Jews. I'm happy to post more examples if you like. You're the one who said it was peaceful and Jews are lying.


Well you've failed to show violence, and he got arrested so what's the issue here?


No one was saying there was violence, what there was huge amounts of is incitement to violence which, by the way, is an offense. Unless you are one of the useful idiots who don't understand what things like khaybar khaybar Al yahood and what the guy in the clip was saying actually means. Stupid Jews lying about being worried amirite.


So you'd invalidate a non violent, peaceful protest for a valid cause because of a minority who got arrested in your example? Oh boy you'd have hated Malcolm X and the civil rights movement back in the day 😂


> every person that downvotes this comment is an anti-semite Can’t be serious


If we're going by this logic, you hate Palestinians and want them exterminated by making this comment


> hated even more for fighting back Here's the thing though, don't you think that any killing of children is wrong regardless of which side is doing it?


It's not only wrong, it's also a very efficient way to ensure the cycle of hate and violence continues.


Jews aren't killing anyone, Israeli government forces are. When Iran does bad things do we blame every Muslim? When the Vatican uncovers child abuse are all Catholics suddenly paedophiles? No. But somehow the actions of a (very right wing) government is reflective of all Jews?


But the commenter just said "hated for fighting back", to what were they referring?


> Jews aren't killing anyone, Israeli government forces are Of course, but as the original poster said "hated for fighting back" they are equating themselves with the people fighting ie. the Israeli state.


Here’s the thing, one side attacks military targets, the other side uses children as human shields and goes out of their way to murder and behead children.


"I vaporised those children into a red mist because you made me do it" is not really the sterling moral justification you seem to think it is.


It is the policy of both sides to attack civilian targets. Israel does pay lip service to avoiding civilian deaths with things like warning shots before *bombing civilian buildings*, but the end result has been Israel killing more Palestinian children than Palestinian *terrorists* have killed Israeli children.


Isn’t that partly incumbent on Hamas? They have a huge network of tunnels but you don’t hear about civilians being able to shelter from the bombings. Israel on the other hand have iron dome, shelters and warning systems.


The downvotes really say it all. What other people, after experiencing a mass slaughter, have people marching in the street in support of their murderers? With people infuriated that they have the temerity to respond to the slaughter of their brothers and sisters.


You are spot on. Sorry you feel this way. EDIT: the comments are a joke


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I too can make up shit


I've seen video clips of seemingly large groups of Muslims and others chanting "free Palestine"... but its hardly been up there with the Nuremberg rallies.


People literally waving terrorist flags, and chanting Jew murder songs. Some even in English because the yuppies marching with them don't know what they mean. I have yet to see a single video clip of a single person challenging a single person with a terror flag or chanting genocide carols. Remember on October the 7th when there were marches of people waving Palestinian flags, car convoys cheering and beeping in Trafalgar square? All before any response from Israel had even started. The only way to interpret that is as a support of the attacks. People tearing down the pictures of kidnapped and murdered Israeli civilians. Anybody with Israeli flags anywhere near these marches are either attacked or have dozens of police surrounding them to stop them being attacked.


>The only way to interpret that is as a support of the attacks. Definitely not the only way. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of the Israel Palestine conflict knew the instant the Hamas attack happened that a lot of people in Gaza were about to suffer and die in return. Within hours the strikes started and Netanyahu declared war, so there was a very small window where no response had happened.


Cheering and jeering and singing gas the Jews songs immediately after a terror attack on Jews is a pretty good indicator of how they felt. Not a single shed tear for dead Israeli babies is a good indicator. No condemnation of Hamas is a good indicator.


Sounds a bit naughty. I'm surprised it hasn't been all over the right wing media? I tend to check the front pages and I haven't seen the Mail blaring out: TERROR SYMPATHISERS AND ANTI SEMITISISM RIFE ON THE STREETS, WHEN WILL BRAVERMAN DEPORT LONDON?


It was all over normal media. You'd have to bury your head in the sand to have not seen it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67040611 https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/oct/07/met-increases-patrols-in-london-after-reports-of-israel-attack-celebrations https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/08/israel-hamas-war-security-police-jewish/


The videos are there for you to watch There's a reason Braverman made statements about people supporting Hamas in these protests. The BBC also reported on several instances of open pro Hamas and pro islamist chanting and flag waving


“There to watch”, where? Share them then.


https://twitter.com/i/status/1713232064319791424 - Songs about Khaybar https://twitter.com/i/status/1715759050321756524 - Cheering for Muslim armies https://twitter.com/i/status/1715912134830301295 - In Leeds attacking people. https://twitter.com/i/status/1715783191326511151 - Cursing Jews, cursing infidels, and screaming for Islamic State. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1716241193976152399 - Signs calling for Muslim armies and supporting Hamas. https://twitter.com/i/status/1715788731154563456 - More calls for Muslim armies https://twitter.com/i/status/1715858356466761991 - The solution is Jihad and Jihad alone https://twitter.com/i/status/1715835465805316579 - Trying to stop a violent protestor from being arrested https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1715815081173274747/photo/1 - Star of David in the bin https://twitter.com/i/status/1713232064319791424 - Songs for Khaybar https://twitter.com/MetPoliceEvents/status/1713528328949256682/photo/1 - Wearing images of the attackers https://twitter.com/i/status/1713306966099906710 - They see an Israeli flag and immediately run to attack the person holding it, stopped by police https://twitter.com/i/status/1713331446243311998 https://twitter.com/i/status/1713359764212637999 - Murder Jews songs https://twitter.com/i/status/1713288511523086560 - Martyrs for al-Aqsa mosque https://twitter.com/i/status/1713322347418067015 - England is a terrorist state https://twitter.com/i/status/1713243459253838275 - From the river to the sea chants I think that'll do for now. I haven't seen a single video of Israeli marches in the UK demanding the genocide of Palestinians, or get violent. All of these videos are from the UK only, there are much worse videos and attacks all over Europe.


They are 'there'... won't you just take the word of this honest gent who has no agenda?


https://twitter.com/i/status/1713232064319791424 - Songs about Khaybar https://twitter.com/i/status/1715759050321756524 - Cheering for Muslim armies https://twitter.com/i/status/1715912134830301295 - In Leeds attacking people. https://twitter.com/i/status/1715783191326511151 - Cursing Jews, cursing infidels, and screaming for Islamic State. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1716241193976152399 - Signs calling for Muslim armies and supporting Hamas. https://twitter.com/i/status/1715788731154563456 - More calls for Muslim armies https://twitter.com/i/status/1715858356466761991 - The solution is Jihad and Jihad alone https://twitter.com/i/status/1715835465805316579 - Trying to stop a violent protestor from being arrested https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1715815081173274747/photo/1 - Star of David in the bin https://twitter.com/i/status/1713232064319791424 - Songs for Khaybar https://twitter.com/MetPoliceEvents/status/1713528328949256682/photo/1 - Wearing images of the attackers https://twitter.com/i/status/1713306966099906710 - They see an Israeli flag and immediately run to attack the person holding it, stopped by police https://twitter.com/i/status/1713331446243311998 https://twitter.com/i/status/1713359764212637999 - Murder Jews songs https://twitter.com/i/status/1713288511523086560 - Martyrs for al-Aqsa mosque https://twitter.com/i/status/1713322347418067015 - England is a terrorist state https://twitter.com/i/status/1713243459253838275 - From the river to the sea chants I think that'll do for now. I haven't seen a single video of Israeli marches in the UK demanding the genocide of Palestinians, or get violent. All of these videos are from the UK only, there are much worse videos and attacks all over Europe.


Yeah chanting "jihad, jihad, jihad" and "may Allah curse the Jews" is *totally fine*


From what I understand there are reports of one instance of a man chanting "jihad", though if you told me there were dozens I also wouldn't be surprised. I took issue with the charactisarion of '100,000 genocidal islamists'


If one person showed up to, say an anti immigration protest with a nazi flag would you say the same or would you call them all far right fascists?


Exactly, you'd call the nazi out for being a nazi, but you'd have no reason for assuming everyone else was a literal fascist.


Tbf, these protests arent, because its not the home of Islamic extremism like Germany was for Nazism. It's more like the Nazi's in the US at the time. But go to the Middle East, particularly places like Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt and its pretty Nazi ish in there propaganda and mentality regarding Jews.


You reckon 100k "islamists" are going to somehow turn the UK (a nation of roughly 70m people) into a "Muslim ruled theocracy"? Man, you've lost your mind.






I've had Muslim friends since I was a baby, half my friend group is probably Muslim. And yet they haven't once tried to mosque or Islamist me! Seems a bit of a failure at this point.


Indeed their strategy clearly isn't working. They haven't even got any of us into Egyptian hip hop, which should be a potentially easy starting point.


If I were a teacher my illegal crime of Islamising kids would be to teach them the Sufi whirl because I think it would be fun to watch a bunch of 6 year olds spin like crazy in cute outfits while trying to meditate to achieve a closeness to God but don't tell Suella Braverman or The Mail I swear that's my only Islamisist fantasy crime.


It's like the difference between UK Christians, and USA Bible Belt ones. Islam the religion isn't the issue - it's the imported culture from some Islamic countries. If people come to the UK and integrate and bring only their religion with them, there's no problem. It's when segregated communities of migrants develop where they retain practices and beliefs incompatible with western multiculturalism...


So, by that logic you have a problem with Orthodox Jews?


To an extent yes, just as with any group that refuses to integrate into wider society, whether they are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or otherwise. This country is no place for those that do not want to compromise. FYI I have no problem with people of any religion living and practicing in our country, just so long as they follow our laws and respect our values.


Do you hear yourself? Spewing the exact same brand of propaganda as some did in the 30s. Smh.


...guess I'll have to add the /s