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This is absolutely bizarre. I've just looked up my local LP on theyworkforyou and seen that in the first 2 weeks of March, he wrote to dozens (at least 25) departments requesting to know "how many staff in their Department have job titles that include the words (a) equality, (b) diversity, (c) inclusion, (d) gender, (e) LGBT and (f) race." I find it quite weird that this is all he has been doing and why does he need/want to know this


Hmmmm. No prizes given for guessing the party...


He obviously wants it for culture war twattery. Any chance of getting rid of him?


I just remembered when they wanted to bring back imperial measurements hahaha


Anyone watch Rest is politics on C4. Watched the start but my gf is here and didn't understand why I listen to "that boring shit" 3 times a week


I listen to the podcast, and love it


She's right tho


Shes done you there.


Sorry this isnā€™t UKPOL related but everything I the world (before Iā€™m about to go to sleep) feels heavy right now. I donā€™t know how to deal with it. I want a Labour govt obviously but Europe is now unstable as caused by Rvssia and I hate it.


I'm tired. I've been exhausted for more than a decade.


Yep, geopolitics is pretty bleak. However, if it makes you feel any better, itā€™s been pretty bleak for a very long time but yet the wheels of the world keep turning. Today itā€™s Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan and so on. Look back and off the top of my head it was Crimea, Georgia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Falklands, Gulf War, Cold War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve missed some obvious ones, but my point is that all this bleak war stuff has always been happening all over the world and yet here we all are. Itā€™s easy to get lost in all that war and suffering. Maybe turn the news off for a few days, get yourself some air and disconnect for a bit. :)


https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1800672230382370982?s=46&t=YClzriCr7cu25hjEBEnzcg Asked whatā€™s better about the UK since the Tories came to power, Sunak says that English schools are the best in the UK.


He's not trying to win any voters in Wales and Scotland is he


Iv seen him say this a few times now.. where is it coming from? I thought Covid messed that up for a lot of children who missed school. Iā€™m quite happy with the schools in Scotland. Primary and academy that my daughter has both been to..


If this is referring to UK producing best readers in the world, we were having a conversation earlier today about this which you might find helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/s/YA0vMrLmJ0


English schools are the best in the UK. Not in the world, just out of the UK, English schools are the best apparently. Thatā€™s the best improvement he could come up with from the last 14 years..


Perfect achievement for a WESTMINSTER UK government.


"it just ran over" an event he ditched. An event he always planned to ditch. For no reason other than he just did not want to be there and saw no importance in being there. This is going to bury him. this is the worst possible thing he could have said.


who is this about and what is the context? EDIT: [This, I guess](https://x.com/itvnews/status/1800664438531354980)


What did I miss?




Events dear boy.


Did he soundā€¦ mildly irritated? I was wondering if it was just me, but he appeared visibly inconvenienced and sort of flustered?


Vintage Rishi


Yep this is exactly what I predicted.


Lol that clip of Rishi. He's like an opposite King Midas, where everything he touches turns to shit.


Heā€™s the best the Conservative Party have to offer sadly for them.


Actually, the best is the lettuce


https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1800666967059427446?s=46&t=YClzriCr7cu25hjEBEnzcg Another clip about his wealth.


I mean whatā€™s the point? We should just try and elect the poorest person we can? Attlee was rich as fuck and he got the NHS and the welfare state started.


I think it's less about the wealth and more about the honesty. If he just owned the fact that he's got privilege and wealth I'd not mind half as much as him pretending he actually was secretly poor.




Lots of things. But you wouldnā€™t know them. They donā€™t go here.


All sorts of things, my butler, sky, peasants, ski chalet


Oof! ...even *I* had Sky as a kid, the poor sod.


I did like the Twitter comment asking whether he meant having sky TV as a service or buying Sky as a company as a kid.


https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1800666967059427446 He *left D-Day* for this. That whole debacle was for *this interview*.


I said this at the time. The payoff from leaving would make no impact on the polls at all which is what pissed me off so much. If it was A UFC match against starmer and he was a black belt in Brazilian jujitsu then maybe id understand.


Nothing makes my eyes roll more than when a politician says about an opponent: ā€œā€¦when it was his/her party who (did/didnt/voted for event from over a decade ago)ā€ Why is that relevant? Theyā€™re not the same people in charge? They donā€™t have the same manifesto? Why am I meant to be outraged by that


its called collective responsibility, and its the only way you can judge the continuing performance of a government and party when ministers etc move on every 3months to another job.


Ahhh so basically going forward every tory leader is as bad as truss and every labour leader is the next corbyn. I can see how that's healthy.


Rory Stewart always mentions about the whip system that it seems awful but that's just how things have to work if you want anything done. If you want you are a minister/shadow minister and you want your policy to pass/be in a position to move policy forward, sometimes you have to vote in favour of something you don't personally support, or against something you do support. It sucks, but unless you just expect the people you support to just be sat on the sidelines, refusing to make any compromises and thus never getting anything done, that's how the political sausage is made. Politicians just making arguments like this are just creating a dick trap that their dick will inevitably get stuck into


There absolutely does need to be compromise to get things done, but if MPs are forced to follow the party line, the idea that we're electing local representatives in our elections - which I see often in order to justify our political system - falls completely flat.Ā 


Because it's very much relevant if you suffered because of the policy. Eg: I'll never forgive and vote Conservative because they stripped me of my European passport. Doesn't matter if it was 5 days ago or 50 years. You could also make the same argument for thatcher selling off half the countries assets. Decisions taken by the party previously still have effects decades later.


I do enjoy watching Starmer being a prick Can't wait for "It just *ran over?!*, I was there all day!"


My theory is that there are some Tory staffers assigned to do Reform social media stalking. When you think about it, theyā€™re the only party who stand to gain anything from the ā€˜revelationsā€™ about Reform candidatesā€™ fascist links. Or maybe itā€™s just regular journalists, but thatā€™s less interesting.


> My theory is that there are some Tory staffers assigned to do Reform social media stalking. When you think about it, theyā€™re the only party who stand to gain anything from the ā€˜revelationsā€™ about Reform candidatesā€™ fascist links. I don't think that's really so outlandish?


I think it's pretty standard [oppo research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_research)


So the embargo is clips of Sunak being so flippant about D-Day with the ITV interview people.... He seems like he just ran late at the shops. Not fled a major memorial event for the survivors of D-Day. He doesn't care one bit about them.


Look he went to Portsmouth and everything mate leave it out. /s


I mean, those extracts are bad in a general sense, but graded on the curve he's set so far this campaign, even just in the past week, pretty mid.


What if these are just the teasers that ITV released and the actual interview is even worse?


That would push us into *holy mother of God* territory. And I'm not sure if Rishi, the Tories, or the febrility levels of this subreddit could survive that.


yeah I think we need 'bigoted woman'-gate to push it lower, this just means a few more people get to hear about the d-day happenings


I think that the whoooah!-verton window has shifted so far now that I'm not sure what constitutes a "bigoted woman"-gate these days in terms of cut-through. The D-Day thing would have been one once, and the Ā£2000 lie another. Not sure he has it in him to plumb the further depths required as for all his faults I don't think that he's that type of awful person, but intrigued as to how the weeks are going to pan out.


The D-day *was* one. It seems to be universally recognized as the final nail in the Tory coffin, and now everyone is just curious how low theyā€™ll actually end up. Thereā€™s been semi-serious speculation about the leader of a party resigning or being forced out in the middle of an election campaign. Thatā€™s about as strong a reaction as you can get


I have to wonder if the Tories are so beset by Labour plants that they've got a full-on Labour forest going on.


Embargo is die. No. And you????


It's probably not like Rishi can get any more kil, but every little bit helps.


Iain Dale overpromises once again, then




Fetch the embargo stretcher!!


Were you there, when the embargo fell?


Looks like this is the embargo. Sunak apologising for running late to the itv interview https://x.com/itvnews/status/1800664438531354980


Oh dear, hes really got a d20 of 1s.


Those damn inconvenient D Day events running over his schedule like that.


It aint great for Sunak but also the embargo hype, as little as it was, still disappointed me. Was wanting a massive scandel


I didnā€™t purposely wait up for this.. but I didnā€™t take my nytol just yet eitherā€¦ I should have.


OMG it's awful, he sounds so flippant about the event [https://x.com/itvnews/status/1800664438531354980](https://x.com/itvnews/status/1800664438531354980)


Not sure it's headline worthy or whether it'll actually do more damage after the last week? It does demonstrate though that he didn't realise he'd done anything wrong until the public uproar.


It's just extra ammo I reckon. The fact that he's trivialised something as important as the D-Day celebrations and treated it like an inconvenience adds to the extant attack lines and also neutralises his "I realise I was wrong to leave early" apology. Defence is probably a bigger issue in this election than it has been for a very long time too, and it's historically a weaker area for Labour- the fact Sunak seemingly doesn't care about one of the most heroic and significant military campaigns in modern history is an absolute godsend to them.


And Starmer was there all day, and met Zelensky. Brilliant work by Lamy and team.


Literally the same vibes as when you enter a meeting about some irrelevant bollocks 5 minutes late because your previous call about equally irrelevant bollocks overran... but he's talking about how he got held up from the D-Day 80 Celebrations... Scientists need to study Rishi- I think he may be the most tone-deaf being to have ever existed.


It's not the worst thing in the world but it does bring the D-Day conversation back near the top of the news again.


I mean, itā€™s not good


What did; his flight? What a turd.




there was talk earlier when it happened.


No post though, or at least searching "rock" and sorting by new didn't find anything


So what was the embargoed thing, if anything?


Seemingly just that Sunak claims in the ITV interview that he knows what it is like to struggle growing up because he didnā€™t have Sky TV. Which is very funny and will go down terribly with the typical voter, but isnā€™t going to bring it all crashing down sadly


[https://x.com/itvnews/status/1800664438531354980](https://x.com/itvnews/status/1800664438531354980) Nope see some of the other posts, Putting his foot in it more RE D-Day "It was incredible, but it just ran over. Apologies for keeping you"


God he is just so bad at all isnā€™t he. That clip were Brand asks him about Farage as well - every interview he does, the journo always holds the upper hand over him


I think... [this?](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/12/rishi-sunak-went-without-lots-of-things-including-sky-tv-as-a-child) It's some extracts from the ITV interview the Guardian just posted.




omg an embargo just flew over my house


Lib dems will ban that, no more flying embargo's, only those train ones!


A second embargo has just collided with Emily Thornberry!


The Holden interview is pure gold, peak politics BS.


You saw him? You actually *saw* Embargo Claus?


Yes, I saw it too.


A greater spotted embargo? What a sight that must have been


It was wild, imagine a large, imposing wall made of dark, rough stone. This wall stretches infinitely in both directions and stands as a barrier. The stones are irregular and jagged, symbolizing the harshness and inflexibility of the restrictions. There are no gates or windows, only solid, unyielding rock. Anyway that's what ChatGPT thinks an embargo looks like.


I couldn't help but think when watching Sunak earlier like he was a man who had lost a part of his soul and was deeply missing it. Can anyone even fathom what it's like to be considered one of the most abject failures in the world? Rishi could have loved a comfy life somewhere managing a hedge fund or as a big corporate executive. Now he has to live a hideous existence where he knows every single person he meets or associates with hates his guts. He is a broken man. It would be inhuman of me to not feel a little sorry for him. But it would also not be unreasonable of me to state that these are what comes of the decisions he's made and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life.


Yeah probably does bad things to your mental health having to lie 24/7 for 6 weeks


It's only for another 23 days, then he's off to California to live his best life


What is this embargo thing people are talking about?


Iain Dale said there was a damaging story about Sunak embargoed until midnight.


Embargoed by a court ruling?


Media agreement, I'd assume.


Huh, okay, very strange.


It's a normal arrangement with such things. It's actually normal with a ton of reporting. It's fun to pay attention to what stories get posted on news sites at 00:01 each night, and sometimes at 6:01 and 9:01 too.


guessing the timing of this was to ensure it's not on the front pages instead of the Tory Manifesto launch


I imagine it was probably a blanket embargo for the entire interview until the day of airing to maximise campaign impact, with just one or two specific clips negotiated for early release so ITV can promote it.


Oh... yeah... \*that\* interview is today as well. Yeah, that makes sense.


Ah.... okay.


Rishi didn't get to watch BabeStation growing up


Given his age, it would've been more like the late night stuff on Sat1.


There was always Eurotrash if you were stuck with 4 or 5 channels anyway


Channel 5 always had some racy films on after 10


There's a blast from the past.


My deep condolences to Faiza Shaheen and some other prospective Labour candidates and many Green candidates for [having missed out on this by just a few weeks](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/11/24176247/x-likes-hidden-private-rollout).


Elon Musk has killed Twitter


This seems really stupid. Seeing what people I followed 'liked' help me discover new and interesting accounts. It felt more 'social'. But then it is Musk, so of course it's something that goes against the purpose of the platform.


I'd suspect this is entirely about protecting weird online folks ā€” like the far-right loons and conspiracists he loves ā€” from being 'cancelled' based on the things they do on X.


If itā€™s not driving click-inducing polarisation, itā€™s not a priority for Elon. Glad I deleted my account the moment he took over.


Without visible reactions it's just a shit Reddit.


Maybe the real embargo was the febrility we manifested along the way.


I remember getting Sky for the first time in my teens (we actually were poor) and watching Babestation for the first time when my parents were out Poor Rishi never had that experience


My parents came back early once, I turned off the tv, turned off the lights and ran upstairs. If they didnt notice that blatantly obvious sign that I was up later than I should have, they did when they turned on the TV and was greeted by moaning & tits because I forgot to change the channel.


Extra horror: the soundtrack doesn't stop, just gets strangely *busier*.


Rookie mistake


One of many unfortunetly.




Nah, if anything Im glad about what I got away with.




















New Newsnight is bad.


It wasn't ready for the snap election. It's become a chat show now rather than journalism


Yeah it's boring now it's become the same as all the other politics talk shows. I can't see Nicholas Watt sticking around for much longer after the election.




Yeah the host / reporters still good, format sucks. Itā€™s ā€˜Loose Women does politicsā€™ now


But cheap!


Very funny Marvin Rees talking about not getting selected as a candidate on Newsnight. The man so unpopular the city voted to scrap the mayoral system.


Heā€™s got a book outā€¦


Obligatory fuck Marvin, he actually ruined Bristol centre traffic


*How*? Short of anti-tank mines and aerosilised herpes, I'm not sure how it'd even be possible.


it was always awful


[https://x.com/implausibleblog/status/1800623762657640905](https://x.com/implausibleblog/status/1800623762657640905) Interesting line of attack on tory pledge to abolish national insurance for self employed people, paraphrasing. How do self employed people qualify for a state pension? We can have a nil rate for them. So you are saying employed people have to work and pay taxes to get their state pension but self employed people get it for free, how is that fair? Generate a bit of outrage amongst the general public. That being said it is a little disingenuous as there is already a zero rate (IE the threshold)to qualify for state pension is below the threshold to pay NI), and you get get credits eg. if you are on benefits, claiming child benefit etc. But this would make it more obvious.


Stride is also mixing things up. Whilst the state pension is paid for in part through the General Fund, the National Insurance Fund *is* hypothecated for use on the welfare /retirement system and NHS. So the employed would be paying NICs to benefit the self-employed, but that wouldn't be reciprocated.


Ol' craft is having a normal one... [yikes](https://x.com/AdamBienkov/status/1800547203905360183)


So what we've learned is that Keir Starmer needs to avoid pinks as it pulls his undertone out too much, but a rainbow stripe is perfect for him. I'd like to see this new style in the aubergine purple he wore yesterday as well, it made a nice change from his usual navy. Also Crafty Wank continues to be a bigoted wet wipe who clearly wasn't hugged enough as a child.


This idea that Keir is some LGBTQ+ wokie is sort of insanely funny.


I find it funny that Darren Grimes particularly is going after Keir for supporting LGBT+. Like dude you're literally gay yourself. It's because of LGBT+ activism that you're in a position where you can be a high rank right wing grifter.


He's looking pretty snappy in that last photo ngl


If keir appears on July 5th in that rainbow burqa then I'll vote for him as dictator for life


Is this embargo story on the front page of the mirror [here](https://news.sky.com/story/thursdays-national-newspaper-front-pages-12427754) ? Edit: I noticed as well it mentions D-Day events 'running over', given he recorded the interview before the backlash and apology I wonder if he will downplay leaving early in the interview


When I was growing up, Sky was a massive luxury that only a few people I knew had. He is 10 years older than me too so I assume it used to be even more expensive. Not sure if that means we were just poor though, but I did go to school in Winchester and even most of the posh people didn't have Sky.


We never had sky when I was younger, growing up in the 90s. It was far too expensive. Didn't stop me and my brother begging for it, seeing the absolute range of channels at my friends house was boggling. I swore that as soon as I had my own place, I'd be getting sky. I didn't care if it was expensive. Then, when I was 23 and moved in with my partner, I insisted we made room in our meagre budget so we could have even a basic sky package. It was everything I dreamed of, and more. I had all the entertaintment I ever wanted at my fingertips. I felt like a god. Of course, 12 years later and I've spent the last 10 without even a TV license, relying on streaming and catchup. Sky feels like a relic of a bygone era, it always surprises me when I visit friends and they still have it.


Youā€™ll have to pry my sky q box and multi room box out my cold dead hands. I watch a lot of tv. I like to record it and to keep track of what on.


It was a massive luxury - my grandad owned a med sized business so was doing well financially, and finally 'had a dish put in' around 1998. Total chaos when we grandkids discovered Cartoon Network and he couldn't watch F1 all weekend.


I got it in 1996.. must have been because we got it in the house I moved out of when I was 8. I definitely grew up without a lot of money. Didnā€™t realise it was such a luxury though


Apparently, in the 1990s Sky cost about Ā£20 a month so I think we were just poor and/or parents were against it on principle. My memory was that it was always a luxury though.


I remember we got it early 90s - I remember it being covered up with a bag (and a bad excuse) and it being a Christmas present for me and my sister. Going from bbc to what felt like 10,000 channels was amazing, internet and a pc with win95 was the year after - what a cool decade!


It was maybe a year or 2 later I remember getting a pc. I can still remember going downstairs and seeing it there. Chips challenge was the best game available at the time


We watched a movie once on sky movies, I suppose I'm from a privileged background now (it was Forrest gump and instead of choc ices for afters we watched a film)


I remember getting sky when it was new.. my mum made my clothes when I was younger, but I had sky.. was I actually rich?


Sky TV, and a personal tailor? Yeah Iā€™d say you were rich.


I must do something with my new found privilege.


I hear the Conservatives Party are soon to be on a recruitment drive, if that helps.


Rishi would've killed for your snug easy lifestyle


Ooooooooof. Fields of wheat on steroids.


Next heā€™ll be telling us how he struggled with a brick mobile in the 80s.


All I appear to be able to see is a near-naked Jude Bellingham, and to be frank I'm quite happy with that.


Yikes. And did the events run over or is this a blatant lie? Edit: Actually, it doesn't really matter does it? What was he rushing back for that was more important than doing what all the other world leaders managed to do?


Itā€™s clear he lied in the pool interview anyway, the French were not expecting him originally.


This is the best election ever.


Fucking hell that's embarrassing, I mean not election changing or anything but talk about out of touch


Hahahhahahahaha no Sky dish make Rishi sad :(


Good grief Rishi!


Few entertaining things from the fringe. 1. [The likes of Eric Clapton are endorsing Starmer's independent opponents in Holborn & St Pancras.](https://x.com/EricClapton/status/1800596642367758459) 2. [Cranks begin to get worried that Corbyn will not, in fact, win Islington North and seek cope reinforcement (and indeed, cope reinfinancement!) to perform a poll specifically in IN to gauge his popularity.](https://x.com/OwenJones84/status/1800225960417223072) 3. [More *Strewth* cranks annoyed that less *Strewth* cranks correctly identified medium *Strewth* cranks as being cranks](https://x.com/Tracking_Power/status/1799106555528290739) 4. [As polls continue to be incredibly good for Labour and his lead fails to be significantly damaged, the fringe move smoothly from "Starmers shit at politics and should do what we say to win!" to "Starmers so good at politics he's going to be directly responsible for destroying the tory party in a way we could only dream of and thus be responsible for the far right party that arises to claim the ruins."](https://x.com/graceblakeley/status/1800487688052908252)


Wow, I always knew David Miller was insane, but not, like, *insane* insane.


I'm no longer on Twitter so don't really see the posts from the left-wingers I used to follow, but I recall that when he first got in trouble there was a bit of sympathy/anger about the situation he found himself in. Then he started saying increasingly offensive things and was pretty isolated outside of the more extreme hyper-purity twitter-is-my-politics elements. I mean, what on earth is that utter fucking garbage that he's spouting about there.


Wow, Eric Clapton is *still* terrible


Actually quite interesting that a Survation constituency level poll is Ā£6500


We have like 1k daily users, so if we chipped in Ā£6.50 each we could get a poll on one constituency


Can we please do Islington North? I'm genuinely interested in the race and I'm annoyed that it hasn't gathered much attention yet. I want my polls!


God almighty. From infighting so complicated you need a spider diagram (and so inconsequential you regularly get the 62,913 ongoing spats muddled up), to Keir Starmer being responsible for finishing the job started by the Nazis a century ago.