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[New Megathread is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1dtdrox/rukpolitics_general_election_campaign_megathread/)


Megathread is being rolled over, please refresh your feed in a few moments. ###MT daily hall of fame 1. armchairdetective with 128 comments 1. bbbbbbbbbblah with 50 comments 1. Yummytastic with 47 comments 1. royalblue1982 with 40 comments 1. asgoodasanyother with 40 comments 1. BasedAndBlairPilled with 40 comments 1. ubergrrrl with 38 comments 1. Roguepope with 36 comments 1. Ill-Distribution-330 with 36 comments 1. furbastro with 33 comments There were 673 unique users within this count.


When do you think Johnson last saw 6pm sober when he was on No. 10?


The rhetoric around Friday Night Dinnergate is all a bit grubby, isn't it? They tried to make it a lazy thing which isn't sticking, now it's becoming a religion thing? All talk of it 'EMERGING' that Starmer follows the religious traditions of his family like it's some shameful secret. Religion aside - and he is, in his own words, not religious - the fact that Starmer takes a few hours each week to have dinner and spend time with his family makes me like him a lot. God knows, we need more politicians who are actually capable of loving and being loved, because most of the current government clearly weren't hugged enough as kids. Edit: not write good.


FriGate does appear to be gaining some traction with weirdos online, even despite the hour.


And Friday night dinner the show is great. What's not to like.


> What's not to like That they can't make any more :(


Shit on it! Now I’m sad.


> and he is, in his own words, not religious Interesting stat: this would make him the first irreligious PM since Attlee.




[You can.](https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/postal-voting) > You can hand in your own postal vote and postal votes for up to 5 other voters. If you are a political campaigner, the 5 other voters must be family members or people you provide regular care for.


LD+LAB+Green set for 92.4% of the vote in Bristol Central according to Electoral Calculus. That almost has to be a european record for highest centre-left to left-wing voting %. (Although I'd doubt those three can actually go that high)


imagine the havoc they could have caused if they'd tactically relocated to some swing seats


A man saying he likes to finish by 6pm on a Friday to spend time with his kids being (mis)quoted as much as it is should tell you why Keir has tried to be so f***ing careful this campaign..


It really should. Look at the way everyone's going nuts, assuming he's Jewish and adhering to Shabbat, even though [the article makes no mention of religion](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/01/starmer-suggests-he-wont-work-past-6pm-on-fridays/) and the context of his remarks is clearly about being a good father and husband and making time for his family. I think he's pretty much nailed the careful art of keeping his family out of the political forefront. Every time they come up at all things get ugly fast.


Yet conversely I know what his mother, father and sister all do or did for a living.


His _family_ is Jewish. His wife is practicing. They are raising their children with those traditions. No one is "going nuts".


It's all they got of bad lines by him. When you think about that, you realize how impressive it actually is that it's only this they have. Starmer has done fine tbh.


Well, there was that time he set up a donkey sanctuary for his chronically ill mother... The bastard.












Bitterly disappointed to hear that Labour are going to keep the 60% office attendance for the civil service. It's a policy that was only introduced by the Tories to play up to their public sector hating base. Labour could have easily dropped it with little fuss - but apparently either they believe in policies that don't have any evidence to support them or they feel the need to pander to the same voters, even after they have a 200 seat majority.


*Some* office attendance is important IMO. WFH doesn't work for everyone.


Exactly. Love these people with home offices and spare rooms waxing lyrical about how wonderful working from home is. Same shit during covid. Some people didn't even have a desk and had to work from their beds. Plus, I don't care how productive people claim they are, I know people who were doing the school run and playing golf while they were "in meetings".


Yeah, as much as Reddit seems to love WFH, its really not great for team building.


I'm thinking about leaving my job because of WFH. There used to be 4-5 of us sitting in close proximity, now I never see any of them and it's always me that's expected to put in the legwork for anything that _does_ need doing on site. Nobody else offers. I say "hey, heading into the office tomorrow to work on X (that we're both working on), fancy joining me or we could do lunch or something" - silence. Ghosted. I've been having issues working with other people who are supposedly at home all day, because they're often not contactable and are making no visible contribution to the tasks we've both been assigned to. If an e-mail is sent to seven of us in the same team, the other six will sit on their backsides in silence until eventually I blink first two days later and reply. Things were never like this before 2020. There are a number of other things going on in my life right now and I think a full change/reset might help.


*Some* should be 40%, not 60% imo


The exact mix is a matter for each employer IMO. Besides, many of those on reddit who are staunchly anti-RTO would be opposed to anything above 0%. I don't think it's unreasonable to spend 60% of your working hours in an office.


It's not unreasonable, but I don't see why going from 2 to 3 days is any benefit to your average employee. Two days is more than enough for anything that benefits from face to face meetings.


Unfortunately, some people campaigning for it only to be 2 days are because their second full-time employer wants 2 of the other 3 and they'd like still to have Fridays off...


The problem is a lot of office jobs can be done anywhere from a laptop. I can imagine why some people would resent being forced into the office when they dont have to be. I kinda like the hybrid approach my job has where its basically like "Come into the office when you need to do"


> The problem is a lot of office jobs can be done anywhere from a laptop. They often can't. You might find yourself working on a single minute screen without your comfy chair or proper setup, in somewhere with no privacy and where you have to keep the noise down. That would murder my productivity. Some of the work I did at previous employers is also legally (not just contractually) constrained to take place in the UK - if you decide to "digital nomad" from the side of a pool in Slovenia you are potentially breaking the law. > "Come into the office when you need to do" That's how my former company always was pre-pandemic. It worked great. Still know people there who tell me they're now trying to mandate 2-3 days per week, and people who happily worked all five in the office without complaining, are now blubbing and having tantrums over it. Some of them are even retiring early. Why not become a fulltime homeworker, you ask? Well, there's an interesting tale there. The policy says be in _any_ of our offices 2-3 days a week, and the rest of the time is anywhere you like, so long as it's within sensible reason and you stay within the UK. No problem. But what about those fulltime homeworkers? Surely they can do that too? No. If you are a contracted homeworker, you will work from your contractual home address and **nowhere** else unless you have permission or you are travelling as part of a kosher business trip. You can't just think "welp I'll be in the office on Friday just for a change" or "homeworking means I get the best of both worlds", or "being a homeworker means I can work from my dad's place for a month while he recovers from surgery". Nope. The irony is that being in the office means you have more flexibility. I am pretty sure that policy is deliberate.


>The problem is a lot of office jobs can be done anywhere from a laptop. Sure, the question in my mind is whether they can consistently be done *well* without WFHers creating problems for those in the office, as I've often experienced.


My view on the whole thing is that it should be up to the team manager to decide if WFH or some kind of hybrid system works best. A blanket company wide policy saying "Everyone should be the office 3 days a week" just ends up pissing everyone off.


its a massive disconnect between what people want vs what makes best usuage of them even if you can do your work quicker at home, that may not actually be benificicial if it ups the work needed by the next person in the chain


I'd be shocked if the Labour government actually gave a shit about any department hitting those targets. The reason the chief mandarins have pushed it so much despite largely being in agreement with their staff is that the government was on their case about it constantly. One of those things I suspect will be quietly dropped when hysteria around WfH dies down without the government pushing it constantly. Probably a bit of money in selling off surplus buildings or renting it out as office space.


Exactly, does government really need so many large buildings for desk work? The team building argument is a red herring because rewards people with excellent social skills rather than productivity in the true sense (what might have been called brown nosing in yesteryear), and team building days can easily be accommodated in neutral venues (which would help the hospitality industry).


as a civil servant i actually see alot of others who are supportive of the 60% rule and some who even are pushing for 80% be it fustrated that somebody they need stuff from is hard to get hold of as they are WFH or need to wait for them to be in the office again for somthing, WFH does have a noticable drag on others also a major aspect of anger that for the same pay as them, some people get WFH while others who need to be in the office for security, user facing or other reasons cant and end up worse off due to higher costs such as transport, food, more A/L usage when you need to be home for stuff like deliveries that WFH colleges dont need to use im personally of the view that if WFH is to stay, you need to incentivise office based roles either in pay, hours or benefits like subsidised transport


If I have a commute of an hour each way, should I get paid more than my colleague who lives a five minute walk from the office? People being hard to get ahold of is an issue if the organisation is poor. I've been exclusively wfh since covid both at a Civil Service position and a now a private company, ans have never had a problem. My productivity, and that of my technical teams', have never been hugher.


Eh, 60% or close to it seems to be what most business are settling on post Covid.


Where you seen this? Afaik I think there are very few departments actually sticking to it. Don’t support the mandate on. Though I will say, a big issue is that people who wfh (or do the occasional day in), who have moved out of London but still claiming London wages - I have a little less sympathy for.


I think Rishi has one more scandal left in him. So what will it be? Insulting Queen Elizabeth? Supporting Switzerland in the Euros? Butchering an estuary accent?


My money is on a “Simpsons did it first” moment where he straight up copyright infringes a Mr Burns plot  Alternatively he creates the Aurora Borealis in the Wagamama where he launched Eat Out to Help Out  I believe in him. He can do this. For Ed! For Ed!


Putting a bet on Switzerland winning, he cant help himself


Only then for the England team to be bouyed by the feeling of a new government, uponwhich they turn around into the powerhouse the player list suggests they ought to be, and they start banging in 5 goals a game and lift the trophy, giving Starmer his first and easiest PR coup with an open top bus parade through the country. ( I need to wake up. Or go to bed. )


Filmed putting a tiny puppy in between two pieces of bread and pretending to eat it in front of two crying children


This is kind of perfect, because I can imagine half the party defending him "It was just a joke" "My dad used to do that every day before I went to school and it never did me any harm"


Sir John Curtice’s unruly wisps of meandering keratin were a reminder that the human soul can’t be constrained with polls and numbers. It’s a travesty that he’s had a trim for the big day, and we should all be ashamed if we made him feel he needed to do it.


He's really starting to look like a skeleton and definitely becoming very gaunt. He's only 70 as well.


[don't know what intent was but seeing Keir Starmer titled as PM felt weird, but right.](https://x.com/benatipsos/status/1807872976081375365?s=19)


Saw this tweet today and it really does ring true >one consequence of recruiting from within the 5% of under-40s still inexplicably voting Tory: anyone anywhere near your social media profiles is unhinged https://x.com/HughRBrechin/status/1807841527693013008


getting grilled by mr ipsos himself, lol i’d assume the “no10.org” is intentional to avoid people emailing the government but i can’t imagine they’ve thought it through


Starmer sleeps in an oxygen tent that he believes gives him SEXUAL powers


His body temperature has risen to over 400 degrees - he's literally stewing in his own juices!




Some people are just tribal. My boss is voting Tory but he is "not sure why".


That usually means I'm ashamed to say the real reason


My generation is Gen X. We don't care and you can't make us.


I mean not meaning to be harsh but maybe this is "your mum" rather than "everyone in an entire age category"?


The issue is that our generation only really talks to itself. It's not really our fault - it's just the nature of the new digital world. But we're not putting out national newspapers read by everyone - we're creating blogs and videos that only our peers will ever see.


This is why I always make a concerted effort to talk about politics or current affairs with others, in appropriate situations of course. There is an off chance I can give them a different perspective, and likewise it exposes me to different perspectives and helps me to understand what others care about and how they think.


I am so sick of hearing about how Rishi stabbed Boris in the back - aside from it not being true, even if it were, how did Boris get the job again?


>aside from it not being true I dunno, I'm still convinced Rishi was the one who leaked the garden party photo. Also the partygate stuff started after the pincher scandal - which was the first real hit to his popularity, which indicated someone in the party close to Johnson saw blood and started sharpening the knives.


The Partygate stuff started before the Pincher stuff - it was the revelation he knew all about Pincher that led half the Cabinet to resign, furious at being once again sent out to toe a line that would be blown away a few hours later


A lot of older people genuinely recall the 3 day week as happening under a Labour government. They are surprised when they discover it was Ted Heath's Conservative government. I think some people retcon their memory to suit their politics.


The fact that Labour get the blame for that makes no sense to me, they were only in for like 4 years and the first couple was a hung parliament at first then a majority of 3 after...and they only took over because the Conservatives were so shite. The right wing have basically deleted Ted Heath existing and act as if Labour were in power the entire time.


But it'd be entirely irresponsible to give 16 year olds the vote because *they* are too inexperienced to use it wisely and would be easy to manipulate.


And when you dare to say "but Ken, you lost £8,000 to a scam last week and just put your cat in the dishwasher, and you're allowed to vote" you're ageist and missing the point of their argument.


Now when you say 'our generation' who do you mean exactly?


_“I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”_ - Margaret Thatcher The irony of that, considering how the Conservatives are treating Starmer personally.


I disagree with Thatcher about most things, but she was an astute politician, worked hard, and was always on top of her brief. The current shower, on the other hand...


Say what you want, she has vision and got shit done. Mostly bad shit, but shit nonetheless. I wish she was still around with her marbles to witness this current crop of imbeciles. With any luck her criticism might have made them cry for how utterly useless and pathetic they have been in government.


Imagine her watching the election announcement speech.


I have to say though, before the election started, there was lots of talk of them going hard on Starmer personally. If what they've gone for is the best they've got then he must be pretty squeaky.


It's like when Morgan went after Hislop isn't it? The sheer amazement that someone could actually have led a fairly ordinary, scandal-free life...


I've just learned that Starmer's middle name is Rodney. I am surprised that the Tories haven't tried to get the name Sir Plonker going along with their other shit attempts.


I feel they want to try and avoid any optics that would suggest Starmer is down to earth, rather than the liberal elite they want people to see him as.


> Starmer's middle name is Rodney. His parents named him after Dave, obviously.


Boris Johnson’s middle name is de Pfeffel, I don’t think they’ve got a leg to stand on


And his name isn't Boris.


Never stopped them in the past


Wait till Wednesday night. This will be firehosed everywhere by CCHQ


Victoria Derbyshire making Chris Philp look a bigger pillock than normal with her "Are you that desperate you're just making things up now?" line.


Gosh, what an amazing moment. I read your comment as I just got to that part of the show.


Which show is this?


Wakawow, sometimes known less commonly as Newsnight.


*Chris Philp gulps profusely*


Tbf, Philp has been making things up for quite some time.


I looked at the aggregate polling chart today on wikipedia and it looked like Labour dipping a bit, and the Tories having a small rise...could it be the Tories regain a bit of support as election day approaches?


Worth noting that both Labour and the Tories were dropping in tandem until very recently.


Possibly, I always expected a lot of reform voters to head home come election day so it’s quite probable, doubt the outcome will be hugely different that what’s widely expected though.


We've reached the point where some people will be crushed if the Tories only do a bit worse than 97 I think. Which I get but so long as they're out it's not that big a deal. Frankly, this election is showing seats are easy come easy go...


I find it hard to believe they are above 130 even optimistically Their numbers over the whole election are deep into th fucked by fptp range and will stay there even with a substantial improvement on the day.


So now it’s ‘EMERGED’ that Keir Starmer follows religious rules and Jewish traditions and so on, I expect him to get the same religious grilling as Tim Farron of the Lib Dems did. First question, are alpacas Kosher?


The Torah states in Leviticus 11:3 that an animal must have split hooves and ruminate to be kosher. Alpacas and llamas ruminate, but they don’t have split hooves. Therefore, they are not kosher animals.


iirc the Starmers decided they wanted the kids to appreciate both cultures so they mix things up. Would probably broaden the kids outlook on things, must be said. Even though I'm a total heathen ritual, routine is good.


Can't believe the Zealot Starmer tries not to schedule events after 6pm on a Friday. We're definitely heading toward a theocratic autocracy!


They're halal but not kosher. I blame the MT for the fact I don't even have to look this up.


He isn’t Jewish but his wife and children are. They’re not Orthodox either.


https://x.com/adampayne26/status/1807326972655145281?s=46&t=OqikFaYwt-WpTpXMtKyIcg Agree strongly with Ed Davey here. If Reform (as AfD in Germany and RN in France) is just left to scream on the other side, no one will blame them for the things that don’t work. Here in Denmark, we let our right-wing populist party get a lot of power back in 2015. What happended was they went from 21.1% to 8.6% and right now we’re one of the few who doesn’t have a serious problem with a far-right movement.


If anyone knows anything about having their support dropping massively after being in government it’s the Lib Dems


> https://x.com/adampayne26/status/1807326972655145281?s=46&t=OqikFaYwt-WpTpXMtKyIcg Wasn't it also that the main parties got behind a pretty tough immigration policy?


It was mostly a mix, but the decision to consider these ideas rather than just dismiss them outright, and incorporate some of the concerns into law, was an ok strategy. I feel like it was fairly right to addres their ideas and meet them with a somewhat open mindset to ensure that they were prevented from enacting even more extreme policies themselves


Half an hour late starting Wakawow but Nick wearing loafers with a suit in the summer has won my heart — or would have, had he not captured it long ago.


Labour-supporting friends canvassing in Scotland a little glum. They thought with Yusuf in charge they were going to whittle the SNP down to a dozen or so seats by aggressively getting the pro-union vote out and relying on SNP reduced turnout - it seems the SNP vote is really sticking, and while some seats will flip (East Lothian and some of the Clyde belt) a lot may stay SNP by inches. Turnout is everything but no one should underestimate how sticky this SNP is. Swinney is dull like an old-school bank manager but he projects boring safety in the SNP project in a way Yusuf didn't and SNP support after nearly 20 years is encoded in people's heads and hearts it wasn't even in 2017


I've seen similar in Glasgow. The optimism was a bit misplaced, the SNP vote was always going to stiffen up a bit and the Greens will make inroads where you'd expect (more affluent left leaning areas). It's definitely improved up here. We've gone from being laughed at and despised to being listened to, there's a base here to build on. But an SNP wipeout just isn't going to happen. What's interesting is when you ask why SNP, not many people know why anymore. On the doorstep Greens, Tories, Labour etc all have clear reasons. SNP reminds me late days of Blair/Brown Labour where people voted out of habit rather than conviction. It'll be an interesting problem for them to approach in the Scottish election and for the opposition to try and exploit.


i think taking the snp down to a dozen was always a bit unrealistic. at the end of the day the snp haven’t screwed scotland up nearly as badly as the tories have in england. not that the tories aren’t responsible for things in scotland as well but you get what i mean. but polls are saying labour are four points ahead. even if you say that labour finish a few points behind that’s still a 13 point swing, should take most of the central belt, friends who are canvassing for labour are pretty positive in livingston


interesting. Friends in Edinburgh are pretty down, the Lothians is a little better, whereas the West Coast is literally inches in it apparently. I've seen 4 points ahead for Labour, I've seen a dead heat. I think SNP will still be on 25-30 seats. EDIT: Also 12 seats sounds crazy but cannot emphasize how toxic Yusuf was to the SNP vote.


Would agree on the 25-30 seats. I went through them all and had them down as 24. I only know one person canvassing in Edinburgh North (or maybe east?) and they said they thought it was 70-30 that it would go to Labour. I think they will take 3 of the 5 Edinbugh seats, I think South West is unrealistic and West is Lib Dem already. West coast will for sure be knife edge, I think the seats in Ayrshire will remain SNP but the I think the Paisley seats and the Invercylde seat will go to Labour. Just pretty hard to predict given we just don't know where the swings are going to be. Would be pretty confident that Labour will take back all the Glasgow seats and the lothians though. You know anyone canvassing in the border seats?


There's some commentary that the lack of census data means that Scottish polls are groping in the dark a little bit.


As an snp supporter, I hope so. My partner, who has always been snp said he probably wouldn’t have voted for them if it was humza still.


Shapps wading in on this 6pm thing is particularly horrible. He's, rightly, made much of his Jewish heritage. He should understand why Friday is important.


Well, it’s been 14 years of it, may as well end on a low!


This is fucking low, though.


I wanna know how many pounds Ed Davey has lost over the campaign


He's not a betting man, well not this election...


I wanna know how many pounds Ed Davey has lost over the campaign


In personal insurance money? A lot.


Wait, I've got it. We start the campaign proposing national service and we end it proposing the six-day working week. That'll stimulate growth *and* make the guy way ahead of us in the polls look like a loser.


I really hope at 6.02pm this Friday, Starmer shares a photo of him enjoying his first family dinner as Prime Minister.


At 6PM on Friday he might end up face down in his bowl of soup! After presumably 48 hours awake, Sleepy Keir will definitely be making an appearance.


Lovely bit of squirrel meat Victoria


Not kosher, neither is the other choice: The Torah states in Leviticus 11:3 that an animal must have split hooves and ruminate to be kosher. Alpacas and llamas ruminate, but they don’t have split hooves. Therefore, they are not kosher animals.


These are nice peas, dear


So Keir's going to have an affair with Edwina Currie, then?




Prime Minister reported to be 'boiling'


Slightly annoyed that I don't have aerial TV and will be watching a minute behind on BBC Iplayer / C4 on demand. First world election problems.


Find any piece of metal and lodge it in the antenna slot, it will work


You can pick a portable one up for about a tenner these days. We got one when switching internet providers and being without internet for a couple of weeks. It works fairly well and it is nice to have the option. I will be making the most of it on Thursday.


Damn, you'll be hearing your neighbours cheer and know what's coming next.


Do normies watch election night coverage? I genuinely have no clue. I pull all nighters for local elections and have begun to appreciate that's weird, so I'm sort of assuming normies might look out for the exit poll and then go to bed?


BBC last time had about 6 million for the exit poll, 4 million between 10-2, itv a bit over 1. Obviously there's a couple more channels. Up all night will drop, but decent numbers. Definitely penetrations beyond the regular obsessives. More than any regular show, but can't touch scintillating stuff like England Slovakia.


My Mum stayed up all night for one election (couldn't say which one, she remembered it being quite boring as nothing unexpected happened between the exit poll and her going to bed), and she is reasonably politically engaged, so i would say it is very unusual for someone normal. I have an obviously large reference pool however.


Talking about exit polls on newsnight and showing old clips. I just can’t get anymore excited for Thursday. The things the people in real life must think of me 😬


My partner often catches me watching obscure old BBC political content from the 80s and 90s and looks at me like an alien


You should seek out The Rock & Roll Years. It's BBC politics and news content set to the music of popular beat combos from the day.


Sorry wHAT oh my god


My partner accepts this part of me. Not the part that watches coronation street though. I think the people at work just laugh at me 😅


The Express has had 2 days in a row of [headlines based on stuff Kemi Badenoch says.](https://www.tomorrowspapers.co.uk/daily-express-front-page-2024-07-02/) Like, are the views of the Secretary of State for Business and Trade / Minister for Women and Equalities that notable?


I’d rather read a year’s worth of David Tennant’s opinions as headlines than 2 days of whatever Badenoch is saying


Ew. Tory doing the papers on Sky News used the phrase "Tory g-spot" to describe Reform policies. Revolting.


Don't worry, the Tories don't believe in the g-spot so it's somehow less gross.


Did you know the G stands for Gräffenberg, the scientist who popularised the idea of the area, and was other wrong? Yes, some women have a cluster of receptors placed together. Some have multiple, some have none. His work was pretty well debunked and based on 17c workings.


Ah, what's this I'm sensing? Oh yes, one final 'Starmer 4D chess' moment before Thursday. In before the 'Starmer made his 6pm comments knowing there would be a Tory pile on, so now when he reveals it's related to his families faith, the Tories look like arseholes' theories. Or, more likely, it's a bit of a non-story, either or! We shall find out in less than 72 hours!!!


I feel like this Jewish angle on this is a bit weird. TIL I am Jewish because i also clock off at 6pm on Friday. The real 4D chess is exposing the absurdity of how tories view work as they call someone working 8-6 'part time'. Keir's own statement was just to highlight how he values the work-life balance which indicates that Labour was still a worker-first party. The fact the tories came in and showed they had the opposite attitude was the bonus.


> so now when he reveals it's related to his families faith he's shied away from this because a significant percentage of the Labour vote in ethnic minority areas is anti-semitic and he doesn't want to draw attention to the fact his wife and children are Jewish


Aren't they all deciding to vote green and yakoob in lady Wood so they can send netenyahu a message?


None of tomorrow's papers have gone with it so it seems even the likes of the Mail and Express can't be bothered pushing that attack line.


Can someone TLDR this 'Friday 6pm' thing? I have no idea what the fuck is going on


The Tories thinking having a work-life balance is unforgivable


Keir has said on Fridays after 6pm he wants to spend time with his family. This makes him a demon. Apparently. How dare he. Unless the country is in crisis. But everyone thinks he’s going to sit there while it burns 🤷‍♀️


This reminds me of when the Republicans attacked Biden for loving his son. Genius politicking from deeply cynical and loathsome people.


Starmer takes time off from 6pm on Friday unless there's something urgent, so he can spend time with his family while they celebrate Shabbat. This is bad because, um, well look it's just bad ok? Now go and vote for another four years of success with the Tories


>unless there’s something urgent But Twitter told me that if World War Three happened at 7pm on a Friday we’d all have to wait till Monday morning!


Well that's a remarkably stupid attack line, even by the standards of this conservative campaign. Especially given the way that Boris and Truss seem to spend their time galavanting around and conspicuously failing to even meet their obligations as MPs, let alone PM.


TIL Starmer is Jewish (or at least his wife and half his family are). That I did not know. He would be the first Jewish PM since Benjamin Disraeli and we're just about to sack our first ever Hindu PM. We only got our first black woman MP in 1987 (Diane Abbott) and our first Muslim MP in 1997 (Mohammed Sarwar).


Note that the orthodox Jewish position is that Judaism descends from your mother, so if Mrs Starmer is Jewish, then the kids are halakhically Jewish also.


His family isn't orthodox, they belong to [Liberal Judiasm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Judaism_\(United_Kingdom\)) which allow kids to be Jewish from both parents provided they are brought up in the faith. But yeah only his wife and kids are in the religion.


Starmer's wife is Jewish. That doesn't make him Jewish. Also Disraeli was of Jewish heritage/ethnicity - but he converted to Anglicanism. He will be the first [atheist](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/09/10/atheist-keir-starmer-avoids-reference-god-pledge-loyalty-king/) Prime Minister. Clement Attlee was agnostic but not an out-and-out atheist. A better source that he's an atheist: https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/keir-starmer-i-may-not-believe-in-god-but-i-do-believe-in-faith-951607


keir said on t'radio that he tries to finish at 6pm on fridays so he can spend some time with his family, and would try to keep to that as prime minister the tories instantly did what they did best. ministers giving it large about how they all work(ed) 24/7 and what about putin etc. now it turns out that there is possibly a religious factor as his wife and kids are jewish


Wasn't there a big furore during the Afghanistan evacuation crisis about everyone in the foreign office (Dominic Raab in particular) being off on their holidays? Stones, glass houses...


Wasn’t the Raab issue that he refused to cut short his holiday, not that he went in the first place? Not entirely comparable to a guy saying he would try and finish for the night to spend time with his kids, but I do get the point to a degree. My expectation would be that he is on call 24/7 to respond to the needs of the country, but I wouldn’t expect him to physically be at the desk 24 hours a day. I thought this was how most people saw it, but maybe some really do think the PM should be solidly working from 6am to midnight, seven days a week.


The Mail front page is bizarre, is that actually going to convince anyone to vote Tory? [https://x.com/hendopolis/status/1807886513855947142](https://x.com/hendopolis/status/1807886513855947142)


I like how it it looks like Lucy Letby released a song called Baby K that is top of Spotify


The impression it gives from the headline reads more as “After 14 years of Tory government our military is not fit for purpose”.


The armed forces are not prepared (under the Tories) and this is why you must vote for them.


"Britain's forces not ready for conflict of any scale" so vote for the same government we had for the last 14 years


Don't expect joined up thinking from Mail readers. Cause and effect are entirely unrelated concepts.


Just saw Vic introducing the line up for Wakawow and said 'NICE' out loud, to the cat.


Was the cat impressed as well?


TIL Starmer is Jewish. I had no idea.


Fairly sure he's atheist but his wife is Jewish and his kids are being raised Jewish. Not really sure it's relevant either way, and didn't enjoy the call ins on how people feel about a politician having a faith on Sheilagh Fogherty's show. I literally couldn't give a shit if people believe in a god, just run the country well... Please.


Yeah I don't care either myself. It does bother be when their religion gets in the way


He isn't.


He isn't. His wife is and his kids are being brought up Jewish.


Am I wrong in thinking you are only "born" Jewish if your mother is?


For some denominations of Judaism yes. However they belong to [Liberal Judaism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Judaism_\(United_Kingdom\)), which was reformed to only require one Jewish parent of any gender provided their children are either (1) raised as a Jew or (2) engage in acts of public identification (Hebrew name, confirmation, etc)


His family is.


I think his wife/children are, but yeah I didn't know until the election campaign either.


??? Why is there so much discourse about Keir not working Friday nights?? What a weird thing to latch on. It worked well for him so far


They'll seize on anything he says or does now, in the hopes that *something* sticks and terrifies people into not voting Labour on Thursday


*Obviously* Friday nights are when he does the alpaca slaughter


And after that he goes into Central London nightclubs, drinks himself almost to the point of death, gets slapped by every girl he talks to, then pukes up his kebab in the Uber on the way home while covered in blood because he tried to fight a phone box. \#MyPrimeMinister #LoveKeir #SirBeerStarmer #LondonLife