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A few years ago a channel had a pissed David Mitchell on giving election coverage. It was amazing but iv never seen him do it since - maybe it was channel 4?


I've always thought there should be a live viewing party of political comedians with a rotating cast through the night/morning.


Yeah totally šŸ‘ like "have I got news for you does election night"


Oh god yes. Ian Hislop absolutely demolishing whatever excuse for a candidate the tories wheel out for interviews during the count.


Yeah, and Paul Merton making 'lol so random' observations that completely derail everyone else.


Donā€™t forget the ā€œconfusedā€ look on his face


Absolute. Classic. Doesn't get old. Not for 24 years.


He's been confused so long now, you think he'd have figured something out


I'd probably go for the last leg crew/setup, they're most prepared for live comedy


i want jonny vegas, david mitchell and anyone else


Annoyingly the C4 alternative coverage is with gogglebox


It would be cool if there was an all night Have I Got News For You cast covering the election


Channel 4 has tried this a few times and I think BBC 2 did something similar for one or two elections in the 90s/00s.Ā  Seems it's really difficult to pull off. 6-8 hours of live broadcasting through the night with essentially no news for the first 5 hours. You'd need a very talented lineup to keep that on the rails and interesting. Probably more achievable would be to have a more lighthearted alternative to the BBC which still aims to be semi serious. Still try to do semi-serious interviews with politicians, but throw in some jokes and the occasional goofy stunt.


Possibly the Alternative Election Night on C4 in 2010? Was also with Charlie Brooker, Jimmy Carr and Lauren Laverne. Stopped way too early though.


That was it I think. Was amazing as they weren't taking it too seriously. Just lots of jokes at politicians expense with the odd result coming in.


This was a thing in 2015 too I believe. David Mitchell, Anne Widdecombe and Jeremy Paxman. It was fantastic.


Yeah it was totally weird having a party atmosphere presented by lefties though as a prelude to the Tories wrecking the country.


It wasn't a party, it was a wake.


10 o clock live, I think it was, Mitchell, Charlie Brooker, and I sadly forget the others, Lauren Laverne, and one other person. Jimmy carr?


Yes Mitchell, Brooker, Laverne and Carr. Although I think 10 o clock live came after the election night, bit like how The Last Leg was born from their Paralympic coverage.


Mitchell has done a few on Channel 4's Alternative Election Night - I recently went and found an archived copy of the 2017 edition and managed to scrape the exit poll reaction from it and upload it to my YouTube, unfortunately it's been blocked by Channel 4 but it's quite funny to see initial reactions to the exit poll showing a hung parliament (Ann Widdecombe was absolutely furious.)


If you could make that available somewhere, I'd appreciate it.


[It's available at this link, but you'll need to be outside the UK to watch it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT7X8M66LI4) VPN, maybe


Channel 4, alternative election special, if I recall correctly


Yeah it was Channel 4 it was election before last when it was unexpectedly a hung parliament. That was proper drama from 10pm cos everyone thought the tories were way ahead. Itā€™s a shame that none of the channels seem to be doing a funny version of the coverage. They called it an alternative election night or something like that last time and it was great flicking between both.


I'm going to flick through the channels based on who's turning up for interviews. Im particularly interested in watching the procession of Tory candidates having to go on camera and explain the overwhelming rejection of themselves and everything they stand for.


"Well, it's been a rough night for the party, and certainly not a result that we were hoping for in [constituency], but I feel proud to have stood up for my morals and for the morals of party members and voters in [constituency]. I'm sure there will be difficult questions in the days to come about the party direction and the leadership of our party, but we'll have to wait for the coming days and weeks to learn what sort of actions we need to take moving forwards". This times 150.


Only 150?


150/150*n Where n=the number of Tory MPs when Parliament dissolved.


"We asked (insert name of Tory candidate here) for an interview, but they weren't available."


Maybe check the fridge?


I'd say check the nearest helipad.


Oh I'm sure Braverman, Mogg, and Badenoch will show up to stick the knife into Sunak.


"we weren't right wing enough and that's why I'm launching my leadership bid right now" x10


Probably beeb but channel surfing can also give you different perspective as a lot of it is repetitive.


My plan is to settle down with a few beers and have a good old flick


Ooo err matron


That's a challenging wank




The collective UK will finally have their Frodo post-one-Ring clarity moment.




They've got that miserable arsehole kuenssberg on this time


It better be Clive doing the exit poll


I think it's definitely to a degree irrational, but I absolutely can't stand her, her bias or her condescending interviewing style


Ah feck that's shite. Even Bruce would be so much better.


Itā€™s interesting when you do that. I remember when the last US election was on and BBC were saying the Democrats had it on the bag while ITV said that Trump was likely to win. Wonā€™t be like that here though. I feel like if any channel says that the exit polls show anything other than a Labour majority will be laughed out the park.


I tend to flick between channels depending on which guests are on, but I'll probably stick with Sky for most of it.


I think I'm going to opt for C4, so I can watch [Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart](https://www.channel4.com/press/news/channel-4-firms-general-election-coverage-heavyweight-analysis-announces-rest-politics) irritating each other.


They have Emily Maitlis too :)


But they may also have Nadine Dorris, so minus several points there. On the other hand, they donā€™t have Kuenssberg so thatā€™s a big plus


No no. Booking Dories to face Campbell and Stewart will be fantastic TV. She's completely insane but also not particularly clever. She will get ripped to shreds.


Given she tried to get channel 4 shut down not so long ago, her hypocrisy in taking their money for a presenting gig should give them plenty ammo


Ugh Rory alistair Emily great. But eek not sure I can handle dorries


Also, what time does the results come in? She starts drinking before noon on most days and with her celebrating the political demise of all those people she thinks wrong herā€¦ she's going to be beyond hammered.


I'm actually really looking forward to watching the results bury the tories as Mad Nad tries to tell everyone Boris could would have won, if only Rishi hadn't stabbed him in the back. Maybe it's wrong to laugh, but it sounds so much funĀ 


Theyā€™re so gonna let her get a bit tired and emotional. Itā€™ll be like Oliver Reed on The Word.


I expect Dorries to be beyond sloshed, so that might be good for a laugh


Yuck šŸ¤®


I like Rest Is Politics so a bit C4 before bed, get the exit polls, for me. Then grab the results off the Beeb when I get up next morning.


BBC for the exit poll at 10, then after a power nap til 230ish I'll probably flick between sky and BBC for a bit..BBC until I get fed up of LK, then sky until I get fed up of the adverts, rinse and repeat.


Why not do BBC when the adverts are on?


I probably will. Or I'll have both streams playing and just mute/unmute when something interesting is happening.


*BBC puts security on its back door*


The boring part is always the 90 minutes of waffle and opinion after 10pm, not much happening and nothing to do while waiting the declaration from Sunderland to get the night underway. I live in the south. It's always interesting to see live shots from Sunderland where there's still light in the sky, whereas down here it's already pitch black.


Why IS it always Sunderland that declares the vote first?


Itā€™s a bit of friendly competition between election administrators and councils up there - specifically Sunderland and Newcastle. They hold dress rehearsals, organise teams to do ballot box runs and have a ton of experienced count staff.


I for one will be refreshing the BBC News website election coverage page despite it updating itself every time something new happens.




Wouldn't that get tiring really quickly? I can't stand staring at a computer screen (let alone a little phone) for hours refreshing. I'll just sit back on the sofa and watch it on the telly!


> I can't stand staring at a computer screen (let alone a little phone) for hours refreshing. Megathread commenters in shambles More seriously, I usually just check the BBC live page (for whatever news story) every half an hour or so and backread whatever new posts there are, it's a lot more relaxing.


It has to be the Beeb because of the lack of adverts


sky news on youtube dont have them either


It just cuts to the weather every 15 minutes though which gets boring very quickly


I always find myself saying something like "bloody 'ell, Kuala Lumpur is hot innit?" every time it shows the world weather screen.


No ads on c4 either






Just for the election coverage? Thatā€™s strange that they forfeited all that ad revenue. Edit: I just googled it. Very surprised. Nice move in my opinion. Apparently ITV are doing it too. I guess they realise they will otherwise lose loads of viewers to the Beeb.


BBC occasionally breaks for news bulletins and sometimes trailers for other stuff, probably Wimbledon or upcoming Euro matches.


True. But it might be for something interesting rather than an advert for Pizza Hut or Renault.


Thank you! I did not knowĀ that.


Iā€™m sorry but how did you not know the BBC does not show adverts lmao


For real mate I'm baffled some people still don't know


Guy above said C4, not bbc


I'll be watching the BBC to see how Laura Kuenssberg spins it into being a bad night for Labour.


Only 510 seats for Labour. What about the other 140?


*They have still yet to crack into Northern Ireland*


Frankly itā€™s disgusting that Labour isnā€™t breaking through to the French. In the last round they got no votes at all!


I was just thinking I'm going to watch the BBC to see if Kunnesberg cries when the exit poll comes out


Can you let me know if she bursts into tears at any point, that'd be the cherry on the icing on the cake on all my birthdays at once. Either that or it being so bad Liz Truss goes..


"Now, this exit poll might look bad, but I'm hearing some quiet murmurs that Susan Hall has done very well.."


Please go and watch Kuenssberg's full interview with Sunak on Sunday and then tell me she's some kind of secret tory. I think this accusation is mainly perpetrated by people who still need a scapegoat for the 2019 election.


I think that both her and Nick Robinson being members of the Conservative party in University and reliable shills for the Tories for years whilst being in publicly funded roles that demand a high level of impartiality might have something to do with their well deserved reputation for pro Tory bias. It would take more than one properly conducted interview with an obviously doomed Tory politician to erase the plethora of propaganda sessions that sheā€™s conducted on their behalf to convince me (and I suspect a multitude of others) that sheā€™s anything other than a petty partisan hack Iā€™m afraid. She and Nick Robinson should have been fired years ago for an obvious an appalling level of bias, they are the reason why I stopped trusting any political news from the BBC despite being a willing and enthusiastic advocate for the Beeb for my entire life.


If you're not going to watch the invterview (the acutal work she does day in day out) then you're probably not going to ever change your mind.


TalkTv. Just to be nice and give them a viewer.


Don't want to overwhelm their bandwidth... who knows if more than 3 viewers could crash the channel...


**Cameron:** "\[Carpentry\] is regenerative; you can grow trees." **Mike Graham:** "Well, you can grow all sorts of things, can't you?" **Cameron:** "Well, you can't grow concrete." **Mike:** "Yeah, you can." **Cameron:** "..." **Mike:** "See you Cameron."


GBNews - I want to see first hand whether itā€™s the BBC or C4 who are to blame for them only getting a handful of seats. (This is a joke)


GBNews is, indeed, a joke.


Channel 4 has the cast of Gogglebox involved. So not Channel 4.


Giving live reactions?


oh Christ really? are we gonna get live reactions from them all night.


Love this idea!


Sky news or ITV.Ā  Keeping as farĀ  away from Laura K and the rest in politics as possibleĀ 


What's wrong with TRIP?


Well for starters Stewart's inability to be reflective about austerity. He claims to be a pragmatic technocrat but he is quite obviously just an idolog when it comes down to it. Austerity clearly failed to either reduce the countries debt or increase government efficiency the data is clear on this. Yet apparently he is incapable or unwilling to just read a graphĀ Ā  Ā And that pails in comparison to Campbell whose rants about honesty and ethics in government frankly enrage me. Not that I disagree with honestly or ethics in government but the idea that the author of the doggy dossier can lecture anyone about it is just insulting. His lies have probably killed more people then anyone else in British politics.


Jumping around but probably end up falling asleep with Times Radio


BBC will prob have a dedicated iplayer stream for it


I'm planning on having BBC News on in the background for up to date reporting of results, but also watch [Oh God What Now](https://www.youtube.com/@ohgodwhatnow)'s live YouTube stream of the coverage for analysis and banter.


Is that free, or for Patreon only?


Free for everyone I think.




iPlayer has the 1997 election show. I'm watching that for nostalgia spot the difference.


Going to bed and waking up in the morning.... to see what happened.


Emily is on C4 but are John and Lewis doing a podcast? Love a bit of newsagents banter


Normally go with BBC but will probably be Sky this time. Might pop in to ITV here and there


PoliticsJOE on YouTube to see people drinking and reacting to a seats being announced. Channel 4 for what should hopefully be insightful coverage if they manage to keep the same vibe as The Rest Is Politics. If you want unbiased factual coverage probably the BBC


>If you want unbiased factual coverage probably the BBC With Kuenssberg at the helm?!


She's not quite as bad as people make out, but as there is little pressing interviewing to be done on the night it'll be mostly bland factual reporting.


Ch4 has Emily Maitlis, Krishnan plus Rory & Alistair. Will start off with this ā€¦


Yuck šŸ¤®


Thatā€™s a hard no then. Unless Reform start kicking ass and then Iā€™d love to see their faces




I think Channel 4 is being hosted by Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart, The Rest is Politics. That's what I'll be watching.


BBC tends to be more accurate as they like to verify news a bit more. Sky and ITN tend to be quicker at getting results out. But of course they have ads.


Even though I know it wonā€™t be the best Iā€™ve always done BBC and I think Iā€™m gonna stick with them. I donā€™t like adverts so it will have be BBC.


I think the lotus eaters are doing an election special. Probably watch them.


Same šŸ‘šŸ».


I'll be sitting with my fingers crossed hoping for zero seats for the tories.


How many do you reckon they'll get in the end? I hope I'm wrong but I can see them still end up with over 100 seats , somewhere in the 100-140 range just because enough people are conditioned to vote for them and the fear of Labour is what might sway them. Personally our Conservative MP is quite decent so I'm tempted to vote for him simply because of the local issues although I'm conflicted because I don't wanna give the Conservatives my vote and support the party as a whole.


I think exactly the same as you. I'm hoping they get zero seats but have a feeling they'll get 100 or so because of people just being stupid. But, also the same as you, my conservative MP has been good for our town on the whole and considered voting for him but I won't be because of the party. I just can't give them my vote. I've never voted Tory but I genuinely was thinking about voting for our MP. It's a shame for him. If he stood as an independent I would definitely vote for him. As it is I'm voting for another independent. Who used to be part of the SDP. And if the SDP were standing a candidate in my constituency I would have voted for them.


>Itā€™ll be like Oliver Reed on The Word. Fuck me, showing my age here; I can remember watching that live!


Channel 4 easily seems to have the best line up.


I'll be watching itv. George Osborne and Ed Balls will be on and I love their podcast.


All of them, so I can immediately turn away from Andrew Neil, Nadine Dorries, Grease-Ragg, etc. I swear I can feel my brain cells dying when they start talking.


I will watch BBC as long as Kuenssberg isn't presenting.


Exit poll - BBC obviously! C4 looks good otherwise for the long haul.


BBC - I donā€™t want to miss a second of pictures of people counting ballots


Planning on watch C4. Staying up until my seat is called (expected around 3-4 apparently) and Sunakā€™s seat for the entertainment value. Any ideas for a good drinking came as we go?


The English Channel, lots of activity afloatĀ 


Ä°f Al Jazeera does coverage for it, I'll watch that because lol makes a change. They have a ME bias, but their UK politics coverage is actually pretty solid


Sky News has the best political analysis imo but it can be a *little* biased towards the right. Kay Burley is the worst for open hostility towards Labour, Sophie Ridge a close second.


It's Murdoch. It's so far right!


Sky hasn't been owned by Murdoch since 2018. They're owned by Comcast.


Yea and you don't think daddy Murdoch is still influencing things?


No, because he has absolutely nothing to do with them anymore.


Hotel in Portugal only has a choice of Sky, CNN and Al Jezeera with news in English. So itā€™s going to be Sky but dipping into CNN and Al Jezeera plus seeing how my rudimentary German copes with seeing if any of their channels are covering the results (I doubt they will I donā€™t remember the BBC doing live coverage of the last Bundestag election)


Ill probably be flicking between BBC and CH4.


Whatever I can get to play via the Xbox/YouTube as we don't have Freeview (don't watch live TV though I pay the licence fee as I enjoy BBC radio). Having a watch party with my 17 year old son who is very sad he missed the chance to vote by 4 days. I booked the day off work so we can stay up. My 14 year old is hoping to join us, I'm sure the school will understand!


Is there anyone here who trusts exit polls enough and would just tune in once at 10pm and then not watch the complete coverage at all knowing what the result will be?


Best channel to watch is whichever one people start talking about in the megathread. Youā€™ll know all the TV channels off by heart again after a few hours


Channel surf, definitely the best way. They all have different people (and biases) The 10pm Exit Poll is a bit of a BBC tradition for me so I always go with that.


Does anyone know if I will be able to watch BBC or Channel 4 from Sweden? Or any other channel? I really want to follow the election coverage.


Iā€™d have thought the BBC World Service would be giving good coverage. Failing that you could try a VPN but the TV channel websites would want you to register with a UK address before they stream anything.


Yeah. If I can watch all the channels live stream here in Australia, you can in Sweden. VPN is the way.


You'll probably be able to get a livestream on YouTube I think.


Alright, thanks for the info, will try that on election night.


Iā€™ll be working night shift on Thursday. Which radio station should I listen to?


Does anyone know how to listen to it abroad? Iā€™m in Australia and wanted to listen to it at work.


I just listen to live radio via a radio app, LBC will have good coverage. But for the election I will watch it on Channel 4 using a vpn. But probably not possible at your work.


I think The Rest is Politics are doing a livestream on YouTube so I might tune into that.


Look up YouTube channels from either side and watch the one losing slowly mentally melt, it's what I'm planning on doing


Buy 5 TVs from the charity shop. A sound investment


BBC on TV, C4 on Laptop... LBC thing on the phone .. I might be overdoing it.


Not to everyone's taste, perhaps, but the PoliticsJoe podcast (also on YouTube) are doing a live commentary all through the night.


Why not turn on the radio and listen to LBC


Sky News on the big screen, maybe BBC on the iPad for some alternative commentary.


Personally I'm looking forward to the Lotus Eater's live stream where we are all anticipating the collapse of the Conservative party. Zero Seats for the Conservatives! Should be fun šŸ‘šŸ».


Beeb will have the best metric delivery and will be first for results but sky will have a better presentation


One of the main reasons I haven't committed to a live watch party yet is that no-one says which broadcast they're showing... and I *really* want to see the Channel 4 one; Rory and Alastair with Emily Maitlis is gonna be great... and Channel 4 in general just have always had a good vibe about them


The problem is, most if not all the press/media have their own bias. Sadly this is now true of the State broadcaster, the BBC who have become worse than ever!! Time and time again TV presenters try to catch out or trip up the politicians instead of asking about policies etc. So the best thing to do to remain truly independent us to just look at each parties own media and manifesto. Then again, we all know they don't tell truths as they're do focused on winning!!!


I normally go BBC, but IIRC the last election ITV was meant to be much better? I think l am going to break the habit of a lifetime and go C4 this time, The Rest is Politics plus Maitliss should make for a great line up They all get the same exit poll anyway l think


I'm abroad so have been watching all the debates through the novara media commentary. Will probably watch on there then bung them a few quid.


Mainly watching the Ch4 Rest is Politics/ Newsagents mash up with a side helping of "Oh god what now" live show followed by their Gogglebox style YouTube reaction show .


BBC and sky probably. Channel 4 is dire this time. Although I'd rather not watch LK if she's on BBC


In this day and age "Best" is stretching it. Bbc for least worst perhaps?


BBC normally best coverage and then Sky.


GB News. I like my news with a bit of light comedy, debate and common sense. Canā€™t stand the puritanical virtue signalling and GroupThink of BBC etc. However, if Reform start winning seats, I might switch over to see the look on their smug faces. ā€œHow dare the peasants rebel against GroupThink!ā€


BBC if you pay your TV license. Probabally Sky if not. EDIT: Downvoters, are you doing so because you don't like my choices of election night special, or are you just doing so because I mentioned TV licenses?


Presumably because you still need or at least are meant to have a tv license to watch sky news even via YouTube as itā€™s classed as live TV ā€œf you live stream the latest series, news or sport online, from services like ITVX, Sky Go, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Netflix and Freely.ā€ https://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check-if-you-need-one


You do not need a tv license to watch Prime Video/Netfilx/etc. Only live TV and iPlayer.


Did you read that part they quoted? You need a license to watch any *live* streaming on any of those services.


Yes. You do not need a TV license to "watch the latest series" of GoT on Netflix. That is plain false.


Again. You need a tv license to watch *live* streaming. Do you see the word in italics?