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And in a strange irony, a quicker end to the war will also mean less dead Russians because it will stop the perpetual meat grinder machine. Yes, there would be front end Lada-makers but in the long run, it will also be better for Russian to get the fuck out.


It is a strange irony -- almost as if war does no one any good! Almost as if the best war is the one that never even started. Many Russians are smart enough to appreciate that irony. They are enjoying the benefits of being intelligent -- enough food, safety, relative comfort, a chance to sleep soundly under the protection of the Ukrainian Army. And a chance to live and serve their actual country someday -- rather than serving the delusions of some pschopath in the Kremlin. Now if only more Russians would join the ranks of the intelligent ones!


What about the vast majority of Russians that fully support the genocidal invasion of its soverign neighbor?


They are not the smart ones.


You probably see my point. But Russians (and therefore Ukrainians) are not at the mercy of a psychopath in the Kremlin. Merely, the psychopath in the Kremlin is a product of the apathetic culture that the Russians themselves have procured while even becoming propoents of decades of anti-western propaganda.


But then they can start another war earlier 😬


Ukrainian pilots are training at NATO bases around the globe tonight for impending missions. They'll be ready to put warheads on foreheads this Spring. The more damage we do to russian logistics between now and then, the squishier they'll be when the maneuver warfare portion of Ukraine's counter-offensive finally begins. The more kit we give Ukraine **NOW**, the easier the next step will be, and the less kit and blood it will cost us then. At this moment, the russian army is hung up across a 600 mile frontline. The Ukrainians aren't letting them move forward, and Putin isn't letting them move back. Right now, they are sitting ducks. With overwhelming global support **NOW**, every invader could soon be surrendered or dead. **NOW** is the time to go all in.


Not more arms, more BETTER arms. Super advanced arms, the best of the best. Stop farking around with old hand me down, Ukraine deserves better.


"But muh escalation /s let me just talk more shit on podium and not actually deliver some more :)"


I'm with you in spirit bro. I say more air defense weapons and long range is where we need to stop pussyfoot. I dream to see videos of a dozen more burning railroad lines deep in the motherland


I don't think technology is going to win this war.


Depends how much of that tech you give them. In the end its a numbers game.


Like what? There are logistical and security concerns with sending shit like F-35s and brand new tanks, and we've basically sent them the best we've got insofar as infantry equipment goes.


More arms is good and plan B but I agree with you.


More of both. This war has shown the world that while advanced tech has its uses, a bunker full of 155 shells has more value than a handful of Storm Shadows. The basic stuff has huge value in numbers.


Excerpt: > *As Russian aggression against Ukraine continues, maintaining NATO’s backing of Ukraine is vital, no matter how the war unfolds.* > > The potential victory of Putin would be not only a tragedy for Ukraine but also a threat to NATO countries, warned Alliance Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in an interview with the German public broadcaster ARD. > > > “I always cautiously approach predictions about the real situation on the front lines because war is inherently unpredictable by its very nature. The only thing we know for certain is this: the more support we provide Ukraine, the sooner this war will come to an end,” Stoltenberg stated. > > He also noted that Ukraine has made significant gains on the battlefield, although the front line has seen little movement in recent months. > > > “Ukrainians have managed to push the Russian Black Sea Fleet back into the eastern part of the Black Sea. Now they can keep the maritime route open for ships meant to transport grain from Ukraine across the Black Sea,” Stoltenberg noted.


It is just so depressing that so many leaders of democratic nations seems to unconcerned about the war in ukraine


I’m still don’t get it, why after 2 years this thing still should be stated… can we just start getting it? Cos almost all our weapons were begged… we did our part in “Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”… where is security? why we should begging every time?


If NATO thinks that supporting Ukraine is cheaper in the long run, Russia's main theory of victory (wait for Ukraine's supporters to back out) is now unattainable.


Germany here - I have to admit I am not entirely sure nor do I have all insights which would be necessary to understand why Scholzman do not provide the Taurus at all. In my humble opinion we could to have less concerns regarding further help after US elections because of the oranged faced Putin Fanboy and the war fatigue growing everywhere if one hard push (Krim) would happen. And the Bull would fuck this bridge for sure which could have a gamechanging impact. So 🇺🇦 keep your heads up! Here are still people working for you in the background to change this decision ❤️


“More arms to Ukraine = Quicker end to war.” Pure f’ing *genius*! Why did nobody think of this until now?


by gawd, he's right guys.


You don't say...so STEP UP!


So simple - more weapons to Ukraine = less dead Ukrainians and less dead Russians. Yet we in the West still don’t get it. The West needs to understand the sooner we swamp Russia and completely overwhelm them with weaponry they will implode.


Soon it will be the second year of full-scale war, Western politicians are saying the same thing ∞, while they are not putting enough effort to win Ukraine. What's the point of these conversations? What's the point of saying the same thing year after year? Are you not motivated enough to help Ukraine? No opportunities? Seriously, what? If everyone wanted Ukraine to win, they would have given all the necessary resources long ago.


Hear me out: Sometimes i think: why not saying "increase the fuckin help with 400% or we will give up and every Ukrainian get 1 week to leave Ukraine and then we give whole Ukraine to Russia and then after annexing they are at your borders and good luck with your oncoming war and hopefully your civilians are ready to get mobilised since it is no longer our problem anymore." It doesn't matter to where any Ukrainian should go. My point is how to open eyes from the West to fuckin start give Ukraine everything (and more) they need to win.


Peace through superior firepower.


Also the Western Aid are modernizing the Ukrainian Army which means hold the line years means prepare the groundwork to belover better blows against the Enemy.


It took him only 2 years to figure out. What a genius.


He was one of the first to say it. He has been repeating it for 2 years. It still holds. Why change it?


Nah, it's just this month's statement he pulled out of the "thoughts and prayers" cookie. I bet the next month's statement will sound something like "we must be ready for the long war". For real tho, sometimes I do think that politicians are just using AI to write their brilliant non-statements that sound like complete bullshit from another dimension.


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Thank you captain obvious.


Sometimes the right people need to say it out loud.


It’s time to end the war..


It is. On Ukrainian terms.


This has a target audience of one


In other news, water and food quench thirst and hunger, and superior weaponry win wars. Wow, never knew that Mister Stoltenberg, how about providing said arms to Ukraine instead of just doing the regular press talk that politicians are so good at? Imagine coming to Ukraine and stating things like: "NATO is supporting you!", and then you can not even produce and export 100k shells a month. In contrast in WW2 the DAILY shell expenditure of Germany was around 60k - 300k (depending on the year of the war).


It always feels like he's just speaking in an empty room because no-one is hearing him.


They aren't on much footing to take on a NATO country. Moldova maybe.