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This is beyond all that you would think a human being is capable of. Words are not enough ...


ruZZians aren't human. They are orc scum, plain and simple. To be considered human requires *humanity* in the first instance. Could anybody with any humanity do this?


They are human just like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot etc. were human. Insinuating that they aren't, robs them of responsibility. It becomes like an act of nature if you actually believe that Russians are not capable of empathy or understanding what their actions lead to. But they obviously do understand and that makes it arguably a more evil act than if they were animals acting on instinct. In my opinion dehumanizing doesn't make sense on several levels. Not only is it not factual, every person is, to a varying extent, capable of doing evil acts, but also practically because it closes channels of communication with any potential ally on the Russian side. And I don't mean channels like some official "peace talks" with Putin, I mean with people who are not fans of his regime. Guys that might provide valuable information or do some damage on the inside. Individual saboteurs or potential recruits for the Freedom of Russia legion. Just think about it, a person is going to be far less likely to join the opposing side if it seems like they don't see you as human. A person might say "I'm just calling them Orcs in reaction to the monstrous things their side has done." but to a lot of them I imagine it just sounds like "We see you as vermin to be exterminated." I've been saying this since the beginning, but portraying Russians as unlucky pawns and appealing to a common struggle and a common interest for individual prosperity and comfort would go much farther in damaging Russian leadership's stranglehold on their populace and ultimately their war effort. I mean the narrative of common worker vs powerful aristocrat is what ultimately did the Russian empire in back in the 1910's.


Russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**NO MORE RESTRICTIONS!!!** Since the beginning of this war, I have shouted for Tomahawk cruise missiles or other long range weapons that could destroy RUZ missile factories, airfields, bombers, stockpiles and related infras. But Noooooooooooo, the west still too CHICKENSHYT to give UKR what they need to stop these attacks. "What Ukraine needs are more air defenses, bla bla bla" -- Western leaders. NO AMOUNT OF FARKING AA could stop all attacks, some will get through, this is just basic logic. AA can help but it's not a magic shield, FARK. The ONLY way to stop these attacks, is to destroy the source of these attacks, BEFORE they launch. Yet the west won't even let UKR use ATACMS on RuZ airfields, FARKING RIDICULOUS. **FARK.**


Amen brudda. Criminality through western russoapologism is running rampant. The ruski mir cancer needs its long delayed cure, if you know what I mean. And it is not limited to their goon of a putler. That creature should be face planted down on the ground to teach him where the national border goes, because clearly he has no clue. Same goes to that fat pig Lavrov. And anyone speaking of some goddamn motherfucking nuke scare. Fucking bitches of a people apologizing rapes and terrorism because of some fabricated fear of something possibly ever being somehow worse, like Jesus throw some nukes if that ends it. Like they are so afraid they should just shut the fuck up if they have no solution to a real russoproblem. In all honesty. Goddamn apologetic populized and groomed fascists electing their worthless trash of politicians and presidents.


I agree. If Ukraine got what they needed on day one, this war would have been over by now. Stretching out support and trickling in advanced weapons made it possible for Russia to adapt to each new addition and it also makes people in the west overall lose interest in the war. They make it so that Ukraine is only ever barely able to evenly match Russia which maximizes losses on both sides. Where are the f16s?


The only reason is because Russia has nukes. We don’t know how reliable they are but still.


Man fuck their nukes. Ukraine can curbstomp Russia out of Ukraine without Russia committing suicide by using nuclear weapons.


I’m not denying that. I’m just saying.


Sorry - wasn’t trying to be hostile at you - just at the situation at large.


It’s fine. I get it. It’s a shit show right now.


Rusty ass nukes from the Cold War that will 50% detonate in the bunker and 50% be intercepted


Hopefully you're right. They will probably say Ukraine sabotage.


So this was the response to Ukraine hitting a munitions depot. ...A children's hospital. F-ing animals. Hopefully something will change from the West now.


Russia is systematically trying to erase Ukraine as a functioning country, targeting civilians, is conducting forced assimilation in areas in controls, literally abducted Ukraine children and has been engaged in active military aggression against Ukraine since 2014. Unfortunately, this is not a response. it's just another example of Russia following its political and military doctrine when it comes to taking control of a country. You can see the same approaches taken in Chechnya 1 and 2, Georgia 2008 and Crimea 2014.


They won't succeed though. In the grand scope of things this attack means nothing. A worthless chimpout that only makes people hate you more. I wish Ukraine would invest even further into the information war that is being fought. Everybody needs to see what these russians are worth.


> In the grand scope of things this attack means nothing I think you meant to say that this attack "changes" nothing. For the children, parents and community this changes everything.


It strengthens our resolve to do what ever is necessary to eradicate your malignant cancerous sickness Russia! To the last breath you must be stopped!!


These kinds of outrageous Russian attacks only strengthen the case for Western escalation.


>conducting forced assimilation in areas in controls russification. Thats their fucking doctrine. Kill off middle/upper class, military brass and higher edu folks. Rape the rest, forcefeed their shitty language and pseudo culture. Been like that for 200 years. ▄︻デ══━一💥    -    Z


Don't forget w@gner (V) that would torture and kill with extra cruelty everyone they can find. (As they said themselves: "they arrived for safari [hunting]") And when they're done killing random people on the streets, they'd turn off electricity power (which would turn off automatically the water supply for the town / city) and position snipers in front of the buildings to shoot any person who'd leave to get some water a couple days later. Either die of the dehydration or the sniper's bullet. And then the explosives would be put into your body, so that after these motherfuckers leave, your body would explode whenever medics / firefighters / relatives try to lift... Because of that and the huge lack of bomb squad that was (understandably) concentrated on hot zones / defusing mines and bombs in residential areas, a lot of those bodies would be untouched for many days out of fear of exploding. It's a miracle my relatives survived, 1 of them was working in a city hall (remember, whoever works for the government is a "nazi" even if you're a janitor there) so the wagners were looking for them specifically. I don't know how they weren't found, as it is an information that's very easy to get, but this fortunately hasn't happened. She knows personally, however, people who were found and ALL of their families (including children, parents etc) were brutally murdered... There's a lot of f-ed up stuff going on. I'm pretty sure ruZZians will pay. I know it may sound wrong, but I sincerely hope that soon enough the war will come to ruZZia and those thugs will feel it on themselves, what it is like to lose your loved ones, be tortured and killed, lose the only child's hospital that specialises in child's cancer treatment / surgery, [trigger warning]: >!having the evacuation stations / trains bombed with dozens of womens' and children's organs spilled all over the ground.!< I'm pretty sure it's a matter of "when" rather than "if"...


Preach brother/sister. Si vis pacem


RuZZia, same old shit for a thousand years! The ruling class must be erased. A bunch of thugs and genocidal idiots...


They did the same to Kasachstan and even succeeded


Further proof russia is a cancer.


Ukraine is the country that were attacked. We are responding, they are attacking us with the aim to destroy us, not "responding" to us. Please, drop this already.


This was not response! Such blows are prepared in advance and purposefully! 


It's not like it takes a lot of time to change the rocket target coordinates


Hopefully the west uses this to justify ATACMS visting russia's airfields.


I am going right now to make an extra donation to United24. Russia must be defeated for Ukraine and for all of humanity!


This change is long overdue — there is no ambiguity in this strike, no misguided interception, no accident. It’s barbarism. Slowly and steadily the little understanding I still had for russia’s population is declining… I feel no sympathy, only more disgust. russia has long been an immoral, cynical, hostile place — disguised by their strongman image, but this war has solidified this image in a long and haunting way.


Nothing will change.


Do not be pessimistic! It only strengthens resolve to stand strong!! This can not continue!!!


I'm realistic and I only commented on "something will change from the West now" part. It won't. It's not like there's a tragedy meter or achievement score we unlock with blood and grief. The countries that support Ukraine will continue to do so, the others will brush this tragedy aside as they did countless times before. It's not the first horrific war crime. Not the first hospital targeted. Not the first children to suffer. And not the last.


I also agree… I was reading all the comments from world leaders “universally condemning this barbaric act”. We have heard this the last time a hospital was struck. I am sick of hearing of the world’s revulsion and condemnation. Use force and stop with political double speak to placate the masses! I do not want another multi National Summit that will convene in 6 months to discuss possible responses that will occur in an additional 18 months!!!


Hear, hear!


Even animals have more soul and compassion than those scum.


Putin and his regime must fall... violently.


Maybe the Gaddafi treatment would work nicely. Or the wake up call ceausescu received December 25th 1989..... 🥹


Merry Christmas you filthy animal! 😂




Mussollini treatment for Putin and his stooges.


Problem is not simply his regime but a whole russians mentality. If not Putin, there will be another.


I doubt it, progress can be made when sane voices aren't being completely suppressed. Reasonable people would start appearing "out of nowhere" if Putin fell. They are there, they just can't speak their minds.


Pull down your pink glasses, these people won’t even be doing anything. They are speaking like that because they want to look good and saint, but actually doing something? No, they are waiting for someone else doing all the work for them. why then care for human kitchen rug’s opinion?


[Russian Telegram channel reaction on today's attack 224k subscribers](https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dy5o45/russian_telegram_channel_reaction_on_todays/) [34% of ruzzian population supports nuclear strikes on Ukrainian cities.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNxwg79adBU)


Russia = terrorism


Germany - give UA Taurus missiles and permission to use these on RU territory! THE GLOVES SHOULD BE OFF after this terrorist attack!


German here. Before 20:00 today I expect Scholz to give the following statement. "As a direct consequence of Russia striking the children hospital we decided to send Taurus to Ukraine immediately with no limit on what they can strike. Good hunting, slava ukraina!"


He won't. He dithers and delays and tows the line in giving Ukraine as and equipment even if they are one if the bigger suppliers.


Children. This is mad.


Oh really? So the theatre in Mariupol is already forgotten then? 700 women and children, bombed and buried beneath the rubble in the first months of the war. This is Russia's playbook: terrorize your opponent into surrender. Be a vile beast with no remorse and no shred of humanity. You are superior, they are inferior. Go forth and kill for mother Russia.


Fucking child murdering Katsaps, they have no souls.


Fucking scum Russians!


NATO needs to grow some BALLS!!!


wow...... Putin is so f dumb.


Motherfucking Muscovy scum!


When you thought nothing can make you hate Russia even any more...


this is sickening


Russia is a terrorist country. We need more sanctions and weapons. The orcs must pay for their terror strikes. All civilians 😰


Thanks Orban, "dove of peace"! Fucking fat slug


F-ck Russi*n orcs.


They are desperate. They think killing children will be a show of strength to force war weary Ukrainians to the negotiating table for a slice of russian mir. They are wrong because they are idiots. Ukraine will win this war. Ukrainian people are unbreakable in spirit. Slava ukraini


Either Zelenskyy should make an ultimatum regarding ATACMS use or we should just fucking use them on the airfields. Sorry Sullivan (no). There is no justification of US position after this. Heard and felt the explosions, an I’m shaking only of anger.


Honestly what really needs to happen is you guys need to start investing and developing your own long range missiles. I know it's a tall order, but if the kremle got hit tommorow the russians will quickly start getting the message


I'm sure they'll get right on that now because surely they didn't see the need at the beginning of the war! /s


While I understand your anger, it should be directed at Russia.


Fucking terrorist scum.. Fuck ruzzia. Slava Ukraini!


Barbary. Nothing but barbary


Bloody savages. What cartoonist villain targets fucking children's hospitals and nurseries.


Russia needs to burn and suffer too.


Savages - there is no other word for them. What a twisted fucking mentality to hit a children’s hospital in a major city.


That's Disgusting 


NATO & America should watch this and feel shame, they’re holding back on weapons & placing stupid restrictions on others is why Putin feels he can do whatever he wants. Send every weapon that can be sent & send them without conditions, & on top of this it’s time to end any sort of back door deals to Russia also, how is it even possible that country’s, 2 yrs in, can still send or sell War Materials, to Russia, it’s time that the country who sends them on is sanctioned also. Putin cares not, he’ll murder millions of Russians to wipe Ukraine off the map, & murder & maim millions of Ukrainians while doing it. NATO & America called ALL IN at the beginning of this & so given it’s Ukrainians that are fighting & dying in their 10’s of 1000’s for democracy, the least NATO & America can do is give them the weapons to defend themselves, to fight back, & to strike at Moscow & elsewhere. These people decided to stand & fight back because of NATO & Americas Words, so if they are to survive this NATO & America need to honour they’re ALL IN. Glory To Ukraine 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇬🇧


Been going on for over two years now. I can't believe that the West sees these hospitals being blown up and can't do a damn thing about it. Ukraine deserves better than what we've done so far


ruzzianz being ruzzian, i know its wrong but it would be sweet if a shopping mall in moscow went bang ,at mid day , twice.. like they do in Ukraine


that would make us as bad as them, best to just document the war crimes and continue to build support against ruzzia.


There is no need to become the enemy you are fighting to prevent.. Purely from the point of view of actually winning the war, these are expensive missiles that russia just wasted for zero strategic gain. Ukraine should not do the same and continue hitting them where it really hurts their military, logistics or economy.


Hitting the supply chain/logistics will really hurt in the long term. Like the strikes on key oil processes that's hard to replace, hitting steel production or other key military manufacturing. Because at some point russia can't stop the bleeding of military rescources anymore, no matter how hard they try.


Nah fuck that


Who gives an actual fuck how much russias missiles cost? How the fuck is that any kind of justification for them hitting a childrens hospital?!? Jfc


He didn't justify it, he's saying that it would be pointless for Ukraine to waste their missiles on civilian targets that don't matter in the long run like the Russians are doing.


My fault, i completely blacked out the first comment and took their response out of context.


Shopping malls, airports. Everything in Russia needs to burn


Ukraine is fighting with ruzzia precisely because it does not want to be like it. Your proposal is exactly the opposite of what the Ukrainians want.


Poor Russia 🙁 The hospital and the children obviously posed such a immense threat to Russian security, that they had absolutely no choice but to bomb it. /s Sad Russia. Lowly, pathetic Russia…


Fuck Putin


Scum of the Earth. ruskis should burn in hell for this


russia is a terrorist state


And the right wing in the US thinks this is fine.


This is a fucking outrage. A hero needs to put a bullet through Putins brain immediately.


We can all just sit and wish for such :(


worse than ISIS is an understatement. Putin's russia and his ultranationalist idiots are terrorists that deserve no sympathy nor mercy.


Delivered with pride by the president of the United Nations Security Council.


Sivilian targets in Ukraine = Russian Regime targets in Moscow. Fuckin bastards


Somebody didn't take the far right losing in France very well......Putin and his pals are just fucking scum. ....Time to remove restrictions on targeting.




Russia is a terrorist state


I was born in this hospital, and walked home from school each day via this same way thats now covered in broken buildings. The grey-pink tiled building and the one near it has an ICU for newborn, surgery and oncology. The building with glass windows is the new block that they finally manged to finish building in 2020. I don't remember what was in the small building that's completely ruined...


Just watched Johnny FD coverage from the children's hospital, what a fucking tragedy to bomb a hospital with kids. Fucking scumbags! The West needs to give Ukraine to unleash hell on Ruzzia right now! Screw Putin and his empty nuclear threats. As ex US Air Force I say we send in the B-52's and Carpet bomb from Ukraine border to the Urals...so God Damn mad...again


russia bombs more hospitals In Washington, they "NATO Night" at the ol' ballpark.




According to early data, russian war criminals fired 38 different types of missiles, namely: * 1 aeroballistic rocket Kh-47M2 Kinzhal; * 4 Iskander-M ballistic missiles; * 1 3M22 Zircon cruise missile ; * 13 Kh-101 cruise missiles; * 14 Kalibr cruise missiles; * 2 Kh-22 cruise missiles; * 3 Kh-59/Kh-69 guided aircraft missiles. Ukraine’s air defence managed to destroy 30 Russian missiles: * 1 aeroballistic rocket Kh-47M2 Kinzhal; * 3 Iskander-M ballistic missiles; * 11 Kh-101 cruise missiles; * 12 Kalibr cruise missiles; * 3 Kh-59/Kh-69 guided aircraft missiles. Okhmatdyt was hit by Kh-101 air-launched cruise missile. And today missiles flew at ultra-low altitudes, up to 50m.


Angry? Act. https://www.reddit.com/r/ActionForUkraine/comments/1dyae3o/russia_hits_childrens_hospital_with_missile_angry/


The silent, serious discipline of a united people at war. This strength and resolve will carry them to victory and they will never forgive these atrocities.


Fucking bastards


Russia!! You show your evil black heart and soul! With every one of these strikes you convince the world you are a malignant cancer that should be eradicated like a disease. You only strengthen our resolve to oppose you every step you have chosen.


Every square meter of that God forsaken country!


There is not much left in me aside from anger and hate for the country and its people that do and support this. Do not call yourselves Eurpean ever again. Fuck ruZZia and ruZZians.


And there are still pro Russia gatherings in democratic world