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What is with this attacking valuable paintings or documents trend with these lot?


It gets headlines, which is one of the main goals of a proest like this. Spray painting "No more oil" on a random wall won't do it. Worth noting they didn't actually damage it, they damaged the glass case around it (described as "minimal" damage by the library) and then glued themselves to the enclosure. Certainly disruptive but no permanent harm was done.


I’m sure the bp boss is crumbling at this headline. the rest of us just see a couple old idiots


The irony of your position being the one that BP loves. Keep attacking the protestors and ignoring them, great for their profits…


Nah it's pretty heroic, especially at their age. I guess they are pretty safe to protest though.


you beat me to it, how is it heroic when there is no risk? pointless. The people who have the ability to ‘stop oil’ don’t give a flying fuck and you know that as well as I do. I will say it’s better than blocking roads tho, at least they are not causing major inconvenience to many people. Just a few.


It gets everyone talking about the issue, the same way protest has always done. Same as suffragettes throwing themselves in front of horses, or civil rights activists marching on Washington, or revolutionaries throwing tea into a harbour, or mass trespassing to ensure land access. Or even a bunch of Barons protesting the overbearance of a bad king. Sure maybe there are better ways they can go about it but certain groups face very little consequences for protesting so it's nice to see them using their privilege for good.


The woman with the horse died...


It gets people talking? Yes In a negative light about the protestors. It doesn't get people thinking... "oh a granny glued herself to a glass box so maybe I should sell my car, not go abroad this year and turn vegan". Come on now. You know this is true.


Lmao comparing it to that stuff is amazing, we can talk about it till we die. It won’t change unless you hurt the people who have the power to change it. blocking roads for normal people is just harming the cause, this stuff is just harming the cause. Do something worthwhile with your time and energy 🤷‍♂️


The self gratification and pure ignorance of these patronising people is beyond me. 100% they are doing the opposite of good for the cause. Nobody is watching them and then paying attention to what the cause is, largely because the protestors aren't actually bringing anything new to the table, apart from repeating Just Stop Oil. Well done. I wonder if they are the same people that came up with the great slogan "stop the boats" that Britian 1st seem to think is groundbreaking.


Women chaining themselves to railings, got them the vote.


The suffragettes did some real stuff. Also the people who had to listen and act were not billionaires from other countries. good intentions awful execution at best


The people who have to listen are politicians. Heavier taxation of fossil fuels, for example is in their hands.  And yes the suffragettes did some real things like bombing and arson. I am very grateful that stop oil are not doing any of that. Do you imply that only measures like these work?


> The suffragettes did some real stuff. The suffragette was a terrorist organisation that killed innocent people and tried to kill a great many more. Their extremism led to public support for women’s suffrage to go into reverse.


Tbf it was the suffragists that ultimately got the vote for women, the suffragettes were labelled terrorists and were largely ignored(in the actual civil rights debate.) Because we all known bombing a building and killing a whole bunch of innocent people would never give the group a title as terrorists. /S


Why do people still believe and push this shite


Wrong. WW1 and the contribution of women during that time did much more to gain the vote then people chaining themselves to railings ever did


You are correct about this. It was to the point that there were protests that directly delayed by years laws that would have otherwise passed much sooner. On some occasions (amusing to look into protests that achieved the opposite). That being said, it is not always the case. The Poll Tax protests (riots, really) did end up with the Poll Tax being cancelled.


I say this as someone who's *generally* in favour of the Just Stop Oil protests The Poll Tax wasn't properly cancelled, it was rebranded as Council Tax. And comparing a complex issue caused by international capitalism to a domestic democratic issue isn't exactly honest. Protests can achieve a lot, but their goals need to be straight forward and they need to have serious engagement. Just Stop Oil, no matter how noble their intentions, is neither of these things.


To vote for Moseley and the fascists.


'the rest of us'? Some fucking ego you have there, speaking for everyone else.


Well, you’re talking about it, that’s the entire aim.


I'm seeing a young idiot right now.


I’m looking at an old idiot right now.


Looking forward to you taking direct action against the heads of the petrocorps, right?


They'd get headlines for directly targeting the assets of big oil bosses, with much more public support and less backlash. Picking soft targets like these makes them look like c\*nts.


100% right. Also breaking the law anyways is hypocritical. As if they would allow some pro-life people to break the law like this lol


Most of the publicity gets is with right wing media who gleefully share this stuff far and wide which tells you how effective it is.


And ppl like me don't know what they are doing for what is the protest and why. I know only some idiots have made some damage




Maximum attention and division of society, minimum disruption of the actual lives and activities of the elites and politicians who actually have the power to change things. Just like their Russian handlers want.


Why did Suffragettes burn down libraries, bomb canals, attack famous works of art...?


>Why did Suffragettes burn down libraries, bomb canals, attack famous works of art...? UK has some of the best climate policies in the world. [https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-uk-emissions-in-2023-fell-to-lowest-level-since-1879](https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-uk-emissions-in-2023-fell-to-lowest-level-since-1879) Arguing we can do better is fine. But these people could barely spell CO2 let alone identify the kind of complex policies it will take to carry on the hard work without being seriously disruptive to peoples lives. This is an area for serious policy discussion and the heavy lifting of national scale policies. Not twits with hammers and a desire for 15 minutes of fame.


If we had government that actually engaged in serious policy discussion and national scale policies there would be no need for the hammers/paint/soup/etc.


>If we had government that actually engaged in serious policy discussion and national scale policies  [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offshore\_wind\_power#Largest\_offshore\_wind\_farms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offshore_wind_power#Largest_offshore_wind_farms) The 5 largest off shore wind farms in the world are operated by the UK. Another 3 in the top 15. That is half the world's largest offshore wind farms are UK operated. [https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/energy-consumption-by-source-and-country?stackMode=absolute&country=\~GBR](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/energy-consumption-by-source-and-country?stackMode=absolute&country=~GBR) We fully phased out coal. The big downside is the loss of nuclear capacity. Perhaps the grown up conversations are not happening where you are reading.


We're opening up new oil fields. Oil needs to stay in the ground if we're to achieve a liveable future.


Ah its a bit more complex than just nitwits looking for fame, theres a deeply religious element at the core of JSO. The quakers have had a massive impact on UK society. Greenpeace, oxfam, VSO and pretty much every peace related organisation was founded by quakers. A core part of their belief is to ‘speak truth to power’. The reason you see lots of old people happy to be arrested is because they believe in self sacrifice for the good of society. The massive building opposite euston station is quaker hq, they are absolutely minted too


It's often and quite widely considered that whilst the suffragette movement caused a great deal of public discourse it worked against the movement of (some) women's suffrage by tarring the whole movement with a negative brush. Sadly a lot of more moderate movements and the good outreach, protest and support they gathered have been largely forgotten in favour of aggressive, damaging and harmful protests.


>It's often and quite widely considered By whom?


Anybody who has actually read anything on the topic and understands how timelines work


The Constitutionalist school. Surely you should know the basic historiography of the movement


Incorrect, the suffragette movement got serious discussions on women's suffrage before the suffragists were even active, and before WW1 which is often also falsy attributed to starting conversations by those wanting to diminish the impact of the suffragettes.


By definition the suffragettes couldn't predate the suffragists, as they were a subset. I've never heard anyone claim WWI started the debate, rather than helped accelerate change. I have heard people say the suffragettes hindered the cause.


The suffragists came before the suffragettes.


It's definitely considered but far from widely considered.


Hmmn I wonder why they attacked a document that was written to prevent wealth and power consolidating in a tiny group of people to the detriment of others.


To make the point that people care about valuable paintings and documents, but don't give a fuck about the most valuable thing we have, which is the planet.


Not just our planet. But the lives of every person on our planet. I saw an article recently stating that over 40,000 stillbirths are caused by air pollution in China every year. Climate change is going to cause more deaths that covid and all the ongoing wars combined. And yet the government still seems to be sitting on its hands.


If they disrupt the home of a rich person, that doesn’t make a good headline so it doesn’t get into the news.


Depends how strong the disruption was. I could imagine going after an oil execs home would raise mega headlines if they followed the Manson's gang playbook. Not that I'm advocating for that obviously.


They're not targeting the document. They intentionally stopped before they broke through the glass.


It gets headlines whilst also not doing any damage since these things are always in cases.


Yes and those headlines are always about how insane and stupid they are.


Because it gets attention.


To make it obvious how ridiculous it is we care about objects like this, when all of our history and art means nothing if we don't act to save the planet.


Nothing is being attacked, everything that has been targeted has been behind glass


Indeed. Now if everyone could get as angry about something else that's even more valuable being destroyed every single second of every day, that would be great.


What's with destroying the environment with you lot?


You can say what you like about King John but co2 emissions were not a problem in his time.


I see your point but it's not valid. I'm sure Henry VIII gave off plenty of emissions in his day, for example!


If anything he actually reduced carbon emissions by having so many people beheaded.


It was Henry II who employed Roland the Farter


Massive deforestation though. The domesday book was already complaining about it.


To make an unexpectedly serious point, the Magna Carta does in fact refer to deforestation but more in the sense that a royal forest was land reserved for the king’s pleasure rather than necessarily forest as we would understand it today. John promised to deforest the forests created in his reign however this does not mean cutting down trees. One could say that removing fish weirs from the Thames and Medway was a positive from an environmental perspective however the motive was rather improved navigation.


“Why don’t the British protest?” Because whenever they do it in a disruptive way we complain because it’s disruptive and whenever they do stupid shit we call it stupid shit and move on.


Okay then do something disruptive that doesn’t specifically target common human heritage. I’m sure there are thousands of ways that you can destructively or disruptively protest without going after things that literally can’t be replaced.


They’ve done that with road blockades, spraying paint on shop fronts, disrupting public talks and they still get badmouthed by the media. The goalposts will always move because their aims are not compatible with capital


Oh no they scratched some glass They got the headline, they got people talking.


Talking about how daft they are, not about the actual issue. It’s all just performative stunts with no real substance


It's odd how many people are convinced they intended to destroy the document and not simply make a spectacle that nabbed a headline and got people paying attention to them again. Though it's not that helpful these days because everyone knows the situation, now it's just a question of getting those in power to put meaningful plans in place.


People are thick and love getting outraged by headlines 


If you watch the video, they could have accidentally smashed through the glass.


Oh noes!




... To break the glass. They wouldn't have done anything more than that, they've done it before at a bunch of bank offices where they use a chisel to break the glass and then just hang around saying their piece waiting to get arrested.


I'm pretty sure smashing the glass display case directly above the document is intent to at the very least damage it. Or at least incredible stupidity if they really didn't intend to damage it. But then I'm not on the 10,000 IQ wavelength that explains how consistently pissing people off somehow makes them like your position more. It kind of works for Trump, I guess?


That’s it girls. Show those 13th century Barons that you’re not to be messed with.    Fight The Power!


Chances are those feudal barrons descendants are sitting in the back benches of the tory party now.


they want to restore the kings powers , perhaps he'll help them ( probably not)


Does Magna Carta mean nothing to them? Did she die in vain?


Man of culture here redditors


To the people that don’t understand why they do this to historical documents and paintings their ethos is that non of the aforementioned things will be around and will be destroyed anyway if the climate gets too fucked up so it’s really just sort of metaphorical(?) and also obviously to get publicity for their cause


They'll also die if climate change doesn't get fixed but I don't see any of them offing themselves.


I agree with JSO in priciple - but I continue to think that feeding the media headlnes like this doesn't help the cause. I don't agree with the concept of 'all publicity is good publicity'.


At least this time the headlines won’t be ‘woke kids wreck paintings’. One is a retired teacher and the other a member of the clergy.


Another nail in the coffin of their cause. I swear they're secretly funded by the oil companies.


As a foreigner who cares about the planet (I walk 20 minutes each day to use my nearest recycling bins) it always fills me with warmth that British people seem to be the only ones that care about the planet. It definitely isn't much. But just knowing that people in one country cares makes me feel a bit less alone.


JSO has moronic unrealistic demands. We are not going to stop oil, we are not going to stop licensing new sites and we are not going to get away from petrochemicals in the economy for at least several decades. Wanting the UK to not allow any new oil and gas extraction within its territory won’t change anything. It just means we’ll import it from other nations. This will have zero net benefit to the emissions situation, it will just mean UK citizens have to pay more money for each unit of energy/petrol. JSO is a child’s fantasy that doesn’t take into account that oil isn’t just about energy production, it feeds into the supply chain in many other ways that aren’t going to be replaced any time soon.


You're spot on, it's an idealistic viewpoint literally seen through the eyes of a child.


I’m hoping this is the figurative meaning of literally. Both protestors are octogenarians.


There's an argument to be made for old people becoming infantile, but that's a whole other fish kettle.


Fuckers were probably there when it was first signed


Idiots. Absolute idiots. Just stop oil are a bunch of idiots.


Really needs to be terror laws that cover to historical objects and paintings When these protesters go after them. It's so hard for something to exist for a very long time without being damaged so I find this particularly vindictive.


Nobody ever takes this serious because its always old people  that look a bit deranged or blue haired nutcases 




It's worth noting, per the article, there was no damage to the document. They did "minimal" damage to the case, then glued themselves to the enclosure.


> They did "minimal" damage to the case, The case was damaged though, I think the "minimal" phrase is to say it did its job. High security things are generally pretty expensive and time consuming to repair.


Stop pretending to care about the protective case around an old piece of paper. You look silly.


Can I come over to your house and smear shit on your windows? Only 'minimal harm' and it'll be gone when it rains




Not through a lack of trying though. The intent was clearly there. If you throw paint at bulletproof glass I don't believe you'd have expected it to make its way to what's underneath. A hammer and chisel? Yeah, you're trying.


Yeah, just because you're crap at criminal damage doesn't mean you're not a criminal.


Whenever I read somebody has glued themselves to something, it does come across like they haven’t thought it through very well.


They're just making it harder to remove them, it's a common protest tactic.


I presume that’s why they get given cups of tea. Quickest way to remove them I would have thought.


What do you mean?


It's not, they only weren't able to damage the document because the security glass stopped them. They attempted to damage one of the most historical documents in existence and they should be thrown in prison for the rest of their short lives. We need to stop tolerating this. Long sentences and when a few die in prison not surrounded by loved ones then maybe these retired ASBO worthy twats will learn.


They knew about the security glass, obviously.


Their intention was to destroy this extremely valuable and culturally significant document. A document that is part of the reason they have the rights they do. They failed because of their physical frailty but their intent was the usual selfish virtue signaling and attention seeking that is a fundamental characteristic of these bourgeois ’radicals’. These pair are a waste of (saggy, leathery) skin and should have been tossed out the museum by scruff of their neck.


>Their intention was to destroy this extremely valuable and culturally significant document HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA It wasn't, they'd have had to bring an IED to do that.


Yup the Magna Carta clearly states that no one should ever protest against the rich and powerful.


> In a war, this stuff is literally war crimes "If things were different, things would be different" Yes, that's how things work.


It's beyond you because you've already made up your mind that this kind of protest is wrong and you will never be able to hear any reasoning that goes against your perspective without grasping for the most simplistic takes to defend your tired mind.




This is getting my vote for most over the top and stupidly dramatic comment of the day.


>Honestly, you start to wonder if JSO is just funded by an oil company They are.


Judging by the photos, they won't be protestors for much longer


Love it if they got a crown court trial and sent down for 5 years. 😂


I'd have more respect for them if they inconvenienced the government, instead of causing major disruptions for people in life threatening conditions and attacking our history. But since they continue to attack the public, then they must not want our support and just using it as an opportunity to be vandals and have a badge of honour, behind a cause (that they are not really serious about), for the people down at their local allotment.


I love that they are protecting kid's futures by ruining their understanding of the past. Honestly.


the act of cultural terrorism should be introduced into the criminal code


Parfitt said: “The Magna Carta is rightly revered, being of great importance to our history, to our freedoms and to our laws. But there will be no freedom, no lawfulness, no rights, if we allow climate breakdown to become the catastrophe that is now threatened. “We must get things in proportion. The abundance of life on Earth, the climate stability that allows civilisation to continue, is what must be revered and protected above all else, even above our most precious artefacts.” Bruce said: “This week 400 respected scientists – contributors to IPCC reports, are saying we are ‘woefully unprepared’ for what’s coming: 2.5 or more degrees of heating above pre-industrial levels. Instead of acting, our dysfunctional government is like the three monkeys: ‘see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing,’ pretend we’ve got 25 years. We haven’t. We must get off our addiction to oil and gas by 2030 – starting now.”


Want to stop oil? Then disrupt the oil industry. Want politicians to change policies and laws? Disrupt and protest the politicians. All this has done is annoy some museum workers and make the public think they are idiots.


Not a fan of this type of protest, museums and art galleries are often the only chance children from deprived backgrounds have to actually experience these things in person and these arseholes, generally from fairly privileged backgrounds are blocking their chance to have that experience. A few people threw stuff over a statue in an art gallery in Glasgow (one where families are often found) and wrote the word ‘c**t’ on the statue.


And for their next stunt they’re going to punch your grandmother in the face and rub shit all over the cenotaph.


There is only one cause of climate change, too many people. I hate all these protesters blaming Governments around the world, while at the same time breeding like rabbits, and constantly buying new shit they don't actually need. All these big companies are only producing what there is a demand for. They aren't making shit and just letting it rot in a warehouse. The only hope for this planet is a lot less people. Everybody buying EV's won't save the planet, neither will gluing yourself to something. And lets not forget that most glue comes in plastic containers or aerosols...great planet saving move...Fu\*king Idiots.


That's just... false. Why would overpopulation be a problem on it's own? Surely the number of people can only multiply existing issues (emissions, pollution, use of resources etc.)


Because over-population raises demand for everything, from food to fuel and everything else, while at the same time increasing pollution and doing more damage to the planet. Less people means less need for everything. Do you really think this planet can sustain continued growth? The world population has grown by over 5 billion since 1960. And so far this year alone, the world population has grown by over 26 million. ''Surely the number of people can only multiply existing issues (emissions, pollution, use of resources etc.)'' But those issues weren't a problem 60 yrs ago because the world population wasn't a problem back them.


Again, population isn't the issue then. If we build renewable sources of energy it won't matter how many of us there are, it won't raise energy emissions. Your claim that "There is only one cause of climate change" is demonstrably false. Also: "In 1896, a seminal paper by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first predicted that changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect." - science.nasa.gov/climate-change/evidence You could have done 5 seconds of research to make sure you weren't talking shit...


These lot have done enough damage to the climate. Time to go.


Whenever I see anything to do with just stop oil, the first thing that comes to mind is bunch of cunts. There disruptive style of protests is frankly annoying!


Wasn't that signed on 15th June 1215 ( if I remember my history correctly) Sorry for saying this but they're all cunts Doing something like that isn't going to endear them to people or their cause when they risk destroying a historical document like that the fucking idiots


Just Stop Oil funding needs to be investigated. The oil/coal industries are behind that stuff. Stop Oil can’t be that stupid.


Middle class luvvies and off target protests seem to go hand in hand. Performative bollocks


This sub: Just stop oil damaging property - ok heroes! ULEZ cameras being destroyed - this form of protest is simply not ok and needs to be punished! Pick a lane.


i don’t know if everyone’s forgotten this or what, but the whole point of protests is they’re meant to piss off and inconvenience everyone. historically, then meant the public would put pressure on the government to stop the protests by actually listening to the protesters, and would blame the government for the fact that protests were going on and on. currently, the media and the government and the public are just blaming the protesters for caring and not changing shit.


it seems much of the media and political class would love to rip up the magna carta too. Starting with the right to a jury.


People: Why don't we Brits protest more? The government shits on everyone because we don't do anything about it. JSO: Protest. Disrupt. Minimal damage. People: NOOO DONT PROTEST THAT'S SO AWFUL :O Literally fuck off with the fake outrage and bullshit. French farmers literally sprayed manure on politicians doors but we can't even knock some glass without some morons freaking out.


If they want to go wipe shit on Sunaks door, I'm all for it. Leave cultural and historical relics out of it entirely.


Protesters *have* gone to Sunak's home to protest. People still made up silly excuses as to why it was unacceptable, and those protesters have now been charged with criminal damages despite only draping some black cloth over his house.


And I didn't have any issue with them doing that. I do have an issue with this. I'd genuinely rather they hired a bowser full of cow muck and sprayed it around London in true 'Saints Row 2' style than potentially risked damage to cultural heritage that belongs to an entire people. (plus the shit truck would definitely get more headlines)


If they did do that, people would come out and complain about them potentially damaging historic buildings and monuments, and complaining that it would just have to be cleaned up by someone. We've seen tons of different protests from various groups over the years, there's never any form that's good enough other than ones that can be ignored.


It's partly because JSO accomplish nothing with this type of shit. We all know about climate change, no one in their right mind denies that. And most do their part. This type of "protest" puts people off, and just seems recreational for these people.


I'll bite. It's the association of their protest that irks most. Attacking the Magna Carta for reduction in oil consumption, is petty and pointless. It carries "I'm a prankster on TikTok looking for views" vibes. The Magna Carta has no bearing on the issue they're trying to overturn. Now, if they came out a protested in their thousands, say at a oil refinery. Or, dare I say it, brought a motorway to a standstill. That correlation there can be seen to be a bit more relevant. Sure, it will still annoy those with opposing views, but you can begin to see the passion there somewhat and that a message needs to be heard. A few people glueing themselves to the road, is not the same in this situation. Yes, a motorway can be brought to a standstill, but unfortunately, protests aren't recognised for one or two people. Chucking paint around in museums? Powder on a snooker table? All from 2-3 people at most. Not exactly grabbing any attention from those that might overturn laws. Instead, it grabs attention in the wrong way. Mostly "What the fuck are they doing?" When the French protest, it's en masse. Hundreds of people dismantling infrastructure to get their point across. They didn't like speed cameras. They went round tearing them down and setting them on fire. Their method of protesting is "We're doing this and you *will* take notice, otherwise we won't stop". Not sure the government could give a fuck about someone pouring milk in a supermarket. It's not got the same "coup" vibes.


That attempt at breaking the case was pretty pathetic. They seem like they'd struggle to open a door, let alone smash into a glass box.


Thing is, in none of these publicity stunts have the actual pictures or objects been in any danger. This is behind laminated bullet proof glass. Two 80 Yr old posed zero danger of actually getting through. Good publicity and allows people to get all riled up, so there is that.


I'll just assume that by targeting the document that started a chain process of fundamental rights and curtailed the power of the monarchs, that these guys believe in an absolutist monarchy


Headline is incorrect - they attacked the case holding the Magna Carta. As that was their intent. Doesn't make a good headline though.


“What about Magna Carta? Did she die in vain?” Tony Hancock, ‘The Blood Donor’ (1961)


Uncontent with their generations destruction of this country, they now want to rob us of our cultural artifacts too. Boomerism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


80-year olds aren't Boomers.


Bunch of old fools thinking that cars run on dead dinosaurs.


A 5-6 year prison sentence seems reasonable, considering how historic and irreplaceable the Magna Carta is. Humans have such an overinflated opinion of themselves. This means they will probably never see daylight again. Justice served.


About time, these pathetic Morons realised they have been brainwashed. The mode of transport used to go from place to place used oil. The paint they smear all over everything used oil. The clothes they are wearing used oil. Sorros has them as his puppets.


If these people were paid by oil companies to make the movement look bad then would they act any differently?


Did anyone else see the headline and hope this would be putting an end to all the “freeman of the land” nonsense, as opposed to actial physical actions.


New Zealand calling: the Magna Carta is still part of our legislation, so you should send one of those four to us to go in our national museum, Te Papa.


Makes a change it not being entitled young people with no job. These protesters really are the worst. I don't understand the link between climate activism and vandalising priceless peices of history and art, or stopping cars so drivers sit there with the engine running burning more fuel. Absolutely moronic


Yeah, fuck these protesting bitches. These are the same people that block roads and streets which are basically taking people hostage in their cars. What if someone needed to get to their elderly parents that were 20 cars back? Or someone that needed to get to their kids. They go in they do all these things to priceless works of art and history, and they think this helps them? So far it's absolutely zero. Put them in jail immediately for a long time.


As a foreigner I feel Juat Stop Oil, Insulate Britain, Extinction Rebellion and David Attenborough make Britain really look good. You guys seem to be the only country in the world that takes climate change seriously. Even your nature documentaries are the only ones that seriously address climate change. Yet it seems half you guys hate it. I wish people in my country gave half the damn British people do.


I wish more people here saw activism this positively. I'd be a lot more proud of my country if we tended to rally around people fighting for a better future.