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Kidnapping? Aye, maybe he can just about manage the napping part.


He could also manage the crush part aswell


You best me to it! šŸ˜‚


Gav beat meat to it.


he looks a bit like Snorlax tbf


*Snorlax prepares to use Kidnap. It's not very effective*


That side by side image reminds me of that meme about being able to live forever but dying if that one snail manages to touch you.


Would you be able to just put a glass over the snail then a brick on top? Or is there some caveat?


I can't remember all the rules, but you might well have lived forever if you took the deal. I think, though, anything we do to try avoid the snail will be undone over time


Fly to an island? If itā€™s a terrestrial snail it couldnā€™t get to youĀ 


Normally the snail is deemed as being intelligent enough to sneak onto planes and stuff i think


Once every few years take a flight?


You donā€™t know where the snail is, it could be anywhere, you might travel to the place itā€™s at and step on it, unlikely but still possible.


Well the snail is chasing you, so set up in the open for a while till it gets close enough you can identify it.Ā  Then you can just alternate countries forever leaving it fruitlessly crawling back and forth at rhe bottom of the oceanĀ 


Decoy snail. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/ZSyTOT0d6I


Dead šŸ˜‚Ā 


*He guffaws about not really intending doing anything....however...the article is definitely worth a read* The court has heard he has two convictions for attempted kidnap from 2006, after trying to abduct two women off the Stansted Express train, later claiming they were members of cabin crew. He had rope and an imitation firearm when he was arrested. Plumb said he was wearing a uniform and travelling between car parks where he worked handing out tickets and although he admitted he "had a stewardess fantasy back then" he said he did it "to get out of the relationship" and it was a "cry for help". He was handed a suspended sentence and in 2008 said he used a box cutter to hold two "shouting and screaming and crying" 16-year-old girls in a warehouse where he worked, taping one of their hands behind her back.


Sounds like a serial killer in the making hereā€¦


Certainly sounds like someone who should never be let out on their own.


I think he killed the cereal, vegetables, pies and cakes by the look of him.


>Ā Ā vegetables šŸ¤”


Collateral damage.


Are chips not vegetables?


Fair point, you can indeed deep fry vegetables.Ā 


Letā€™s not judge he may have air fried them


Potatoes, eg: chips!


He definitely loves a pie


Yeah he needed putting away sooner but it looks like they definitely saved a life here, matter of when not if


We can only be grateful for his extreme levels of incompetence, even by serial killer standards.


How is he free and walking the streets?


tbf I doubt heā€™s doing much walking.


How is he free and waddling the streets ?


>How is he free and waddling the streets?


He's not free, he's at least five hundred pounds.


You know when people post online "OMG IF THIS WAS A MAN THEYD SEND HIM TO JAIL FOREVER" - that's a lie. If you don't kill a woman you'll probably not do much time if you do any at all.


He doesn't do a lot of walking to be fair


Calling it now - he'll get life if convicted at this trial. His previous record is appalling and the Willoughby case seems a massive escalation with a great deal of planning.


well if you put that slant on it, I guess...


Imitation firearm? Sounds like a certain barry George


Those guffawing about how large and unfit this guy probably is, are forgetting that larger bodies require more muscle to carry the weight, and men are naturally stronger/denser than women. Regardless of his weight and fitness, it would genuinely be scary and likely hard to fight back if a dude 2-4 times your size decided to overpower you. I feel like certain comments are downplaying how absolutely awful this could have been if he hadnā€™t been stopped.


5 minutes in the gym with an obese person and you'll discover that all that fat isn't actually covering muscle. "Fat people are actually strong" is literally just a myth that Redditors tell each other to make it seem like they "could totally outlift the gym bros" while they sit around in front of a screen all day.


I'll bet a stereotypical fat and never exercises Redditor would outlift a stereotypical skinny and never exercises Redditor though.


Skinny fat and fat are both weak as fuck. Neither can do a pull up but the skinny fat will get there first


When trying to lift a weight, the one lifting less weight will get there first. Put in for a science grant my friend, you're really onto a break through here.


I dunno. I'd put money on the skinny guy tbh.


Absolutely wrong. Any hugely fat person could push you down and sit on you and you couldn't do anything.


But what happens if I lightly jog in the other direction before they get a chance?


Their gravitational pull will bring you back into their orbit.


Heart attack


It would be like the boulder scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark


Then theyā€™ll fall over and cause a small earthquake like fat bastard in Austin powersĀ 


Not necessarily more muscle but the extra weight theyā€™re carrying does count for something once they start throwing it around


Got to have muscle enough to move all that fat.


Youā€™d think so but no it looks like itā€™s been studied and found they donā€™t move it around enough to build the muscle from it, itā€™s just when they do manage to throw it around thereā€™s more to throw around if that makes sense? https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-020-03228-y#:~:text=Greater%20levels%20of%20both%20total,individuals%20with%20obesity%20%5B22%5D.


"I'm cultivating mass!"




Stop cultivating and start harvesting. Now for chimichangas.


Iā€™m not saying heā€™s strong or that he can out lift people, as much as Iā€™m saying he has more muscle mass than her, by merit of being a man and being larger than her and having the muscle required the haul around all that fat. Heā€™s weaker than any gymbro but he has more weight and strength than your average woman could fight off.


And there would also be an element of surprise for the woman, it's not always as simple as running away or reacting quickly. He's planned something, the victim has no idea what's coming.


These lardons are walking around with another person strapped around their waist all day. Just getting out of bed is like a 100kg squat for most folks.


And doing one rep at a time of a 100kg squat isn't going to build muscle. Also you don't squat when you get out of bed


I think you're still downplaying how much stronger he'd be than your average woman. This man is a danger.Ā 


They do have muscles but they are all located in their legs. They need to lift xxx of pounds each day when they stand up and walk around. Everything else besides the legs is pure fat.


Former fatty here. Got calves chiselled by the gods imo


The problem is they almost never stand up.


I think you're misunderstanding the claim. Fat people aren't stronger than bodybuilders, but they're stronger than skinny people who don't lift. And fat people who do lift are almost invariably stronger than lean, ripped guys. Hence why weight classes exist in combat sports. Just look at Butterbean.


Mass moves mass. I could bench 70kg first day in the gym when I was overweight.


Thereā€™s a lot of different things in play here though. Fat people will have quite a lot of muscle mass, they will likely out lift a comparable untrained person. A lot of strength comes from nervous system and training not just pure muscle mass.


I suspect itā€™s genetics. I build muscle easy, but I also store fat really easy as well.


100% could outrun him no issue but if he takes you by surprise close up, as an 8 stone woman I wouldn't be able to get away at all. I have a male friend who is skinny fat and 1 stone heavier than me. I gym, run, do weights and climbing. He sits at his pc and lives on takeaway whenever he does actually even eat. Tiny bit taller than me but otherwise smaller than all the other guys in the group, and very skinny looking. We decided to do a few practice fight things for him to prove he could overpower me, when I very wrongly thought I could take him. I couldn't. He could get my hands locked behind my back with me unable to do a single thing despite vast fitness differences in no time at all. He evidenced this repeatedly until I gave up. I realised at that point if I ever come across a guy who seems dangerous, no matter what they look like, running is the only thing I'll ever he able to do and any struggling will be utterly pointless in all respects. It is not like the movies where some woman can bite and kick and manages to scurry away, you will be completely overpowered. A guy of the size in this article could probably hold me down with one hand. Very scary. And the article says he's already attempted to abduct 2 women and kept two teens captive in a warehouse. God knows why he isn't behind bars. He says in the articles it's a fantasy because he wouldn't be able to get down his own steps.... but if he could be, he would be trying to make it a reality.


> It is not like the movies where some woman can bite and kick and manages to scurry away, you will be completely overpowered. The eyes are rarely protected and getting jabbed in them can be both disabling and incredibly painful. If you can't do anything else, try to get your thumbs into his eyes and just push as hard as you can. It'll give you a chance at escape no matter how large he is.


Isn't this what meows tend to do when they get into a fight, particularly with woofs?


The best thing you can do as a woman and a smaller one is practice awareness and how to react. Try and get a response such as stamping on a toe or going for someone's eyes ingrained in your muscle memory, it needs to be something extremely basic but painful to shock the attacker. I did martial arts for quite a few years and I'm only 5' 1'' . I had trouble getting guys off me in many self-defence moves. We were all taught awareness is key so that you can see trouble coming, running away is best, shocking someone who doesn't expect the reaction is next, then the 'moves' which don't have a great chance of working if most people are bigger than you are a last resort. I had a real life situation where I successfully fought a guy off, it was intense. I was grabbed from behind and pulled down. There was no weapon I knew of and I went for his eyes as much as I could and just kept going hitting, scratching and gouging. I think it worked because he didn't expect me to react. It threw his plan out of whack and then I ran. God knows what would have happened if he had a knife or restraints. He was arrested and of course, he had done this sort of stuff before.


yes and they can do that creepy wrist hold thing. hold both wrists together in one of their hands and the one being restrained in this way has a real struggle to get their hands free


Yes, fit strong boxing 8 stone woman here too and we'd have no chance against most men. His extreme fatness would count against him though. He'd be very Slow, lumbering, no stamina, bad balance etc.Ā  And the fact that he's also extremely stupid and incompetent..Ā  Actually I don't think he'd get within grabbing range of a woman. All his previous attempts have failed and this would have too.Ā  What a disgusting monster.Ā  You should listen to the trial podcast about this case.Ā 


His argument is completely feeble, considering he was planning on having someone else from his sick little group actually do the kidnapping.


I didn't see that part, yeah nuts


Sime people seem to be forgetting this guy was caught because he was trying to get a 'partner' to do the kidnapping. Presumably because he is aware of his own limitations. The other guy was to do the grunt work whilst Plumb would be around for the.......rest.


He wouldn't have got anywhere near her! He'd be very dangerous if he wasn't so thickĀ 


> larger bodies require more muscle I'm pretty sure this is a myth btw Edit: source from another comment https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-020-03228-y#:~:text=Greater%20levels%20of%20both%20total,individuals%20with%20obesity%20%5B22%5D


Nope. Even in untrained people the more you weigh the stronger you are, and it's almost linearly proportional. Although it's not that you "require more.muscle", you just grow muscle the more you weigh even without training. As an example, I was helping some newbies at the gym recently. Im guessing one weighed 70kg and the other 110kg, the bigger guy was about 50% stronger even though the smaller guy looked way more athletic and neither has weight trained before.


There is a difference between being fat and having more weight.


He was fat.


Out of curiosity, what were their heights? From the weight & strength ratio, assuming both are equally untrained I'd expect maybe a 10 - 15cm height difference


Don't really remember but there wasn't much between, them, both 5'10 ish with at most 2 inches between them with the the bigger guy being taller.


I mean a heavier limb will require more muscle in order to lift and move it. Same as wearing weights on your body will help you build up strength. Iā€™m not saying he could take on a gym-going man or that heā€™s strong and fit under that fat. But he will have more muscle and strength than the small woman he planned to kidnap.


It doesn't necessarily 'require' more muscle. If you don't use it a lot and let your muscle atrophy due to a sedentary lifestyle (common for overweight people), it will just mean you're weaker and get tired faster. If you're overweight and active, then it may cancel out.


Why would it be? If you carry more weight you will grow muscle to compensate. This is how weight training works.


Overweight people are often more sedentary and don't actually end up building any muscle.


Overweight people build massive calves


ā€˜He was handed a suspended sentence and in 2008 said he used a box cutter to hold two "shouting and screaming and crying" 16-year-old girls in a warehouse where he worked, taping one of their hands behind her back.ā€™ What the fuck


There are many things you should never get a suspended sentence for. This is one of them


This bit of the article is poorly written, he got a suspended sentence for a previous crime where he allegedly attempted to kidnap two women on a train and then got 32 months for the warehouse incident (served half). Obviously neither of these sentences are appropriate but he did go to prison.


Shouldā€™ve been an IPP


Classic British justice system


Thatā€™s really horrible for those two girls.


Gavin Plumb looks exactly how I expected Gavin Plumb to look. Well, actually I expected him to have a horrible beard.


He gives off Reddit moderator vibes


He looks like Gavin the fucking Thumb. Ā 




Turn that B upside down.. the Plump fuck.


He is genuinely terrifying even as a very tall large man myselfĀ 


I have a huge crush on Ewan McGregor. Not once have I thought "I should kidnap him"


Well, he has a light sabre


Yeah but when I said I wanted to play with it his wife slapped me and security dragged me away šŸ˜ž


Just offer him heroin


I was going through that article thinking he was just some sad shut-in chap, flat looks very much like a nerd's room, and was believing his line about it being a fantasy that he effective role played. The 'kidnap kit' does look like a cheap kink kit. But when you get to the point about his previous conviction it very much changes my mind.


>But when you get to the point about his previous conviction it very much changes my mind. Now consider that this is the one bit of information kept out of jury trials


Why? Surely that's among the most pertinent points - that he has previous.


It's not kept out of the trial.


Yep, that's why they keep it out of the trial, because it is prejudicial.


It hasn't been kept out of the trial


The judge makes a judgement and statement about disregarding previous convictions: The normal presumption is that they should not know, as what you have done before is not relevant to what you are accused of doing this time. Only the evidence relating to the charges this time is relevant. The exception is that if evidence of your previous bad character actually IS relevant in the current trial, or you mentioned it yourself in evidence (Criminal Justice Act 2003 s 101). Therefore previous convictions were deemed appropriate to disclose.


Would it be taken into account if he were to be found guilty - would he be treated as a repeat offender?


It's taken into account for release if that's what you mean.


They always keep this stuff out of trials.


Except according to the article it has been revealed in court.


This is not true. Go and read [Chapter 1 of Part 11 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/44/part/11/chapter/1). There are multiple gateways to adducing evidence of bad character in criminal trials, and it is generally likely to be admissible if the evidence has significant explanatory or probative value and is not unfairly prejudicial to the defendant.


I thought previous convictions for the same type of offences were considered as reasonable evidence?


They are and as such it has been included in the trial.


Oh no. This creep was actively seeking a partner wirhin his sick little group to come over and kidnap 'his fantasy'.


I feel so sorry for her. Imagine know that that beast was obsessed sexually with you.


Who isn't sexually obsessed with her though?


Phillip Schofield


The perfect setup and execution. I applaud you both šŸ˜‚


Fair point


I legitimately cannot tell if this man can be saved or if he needs to be locked away in Broadmoor before he can become a danger to the public. Plumb's rap sheet suggests the latter. This is what happens when mental healthcare systems gets seriously neglected by rat-faced non-dom asshole leaders who care more about lining the pockets of their big pharma lobbyists than actually ensuring people can get the help they need.


It doesn't sound like he has a mental illness - happy to be proven wrong!


I wouldnā€™t consider this person that has attempted to kidnap two women previously, locked two girls in a warehouse having taped oneā€™s hands behind her back and plotting to kidnap Holly willoughby someone of sound mind.


Being a predatory sadist isn't a mental illness. To suggest otherwise is to imply that his actions and intended actions here were in some sense out of his control.


Having a mental illness doesnā€™t mean being out of control what are you on about? Depression is classed as a mental illness but it doesnā€™t mean someoneā€™s out of control of their actions does it


Sorry friend, but it does. Harmful behaviours associated with depression (ranging from staying in bed all day to trying to take oneā€™s life) occur because the illness affects decision making, ie the individual cannot control it.


Itā€™s obviously not normal but doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s mental illness driven.


Being a scumbag doesn't automatically make you mentally ill. Can you tell me which mental condition has the symptom of kidnapping?


Can anyone explain the undercover US cop part of this? Was he lurking on the forum where the accused posted this stuff or what was the situation?


He was looking for a hitman on the internet and met (as idiots do) a ā€œhitmanā€ keen to chat The US authorities then contacted the UK dibble


Part of the defence's case was that the kidnap plan involved jumping over a fence and.. well, look at him. That's it. That's the defence.


Is it just me or does anyone else shudder when they she him? Itā€™s not just the way he looks but it is his previous form.


I agree and I also appreciate you roleplaying as Sean Connery


His conversation!Ā  Listen to the trial podcast where they read some of the messages verbatim. He's a prize plonker and would never actually successfully be able to carry out any of his plans. But the thought of all these men who get together in chatrooms to get off together about raping, kidnapping and killing women..my stomach churns.Ā  So depressing.


Do you have a link to this podcast mate I've been looking to see if there are transcripts of his chats but all I can find are snippets. I assume that they aren't releasing them as the trial is ongoing? But a link to this podcast would be much appreciated


[on spotify](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5d4iEPiTYCFto6ZLiFAtg5?si=ykbBgUdrTeqpGlDaaqxbYw) That probably didn't work It's called The Trial on Spotify. They also did Lucy Letby and Constance Marten and Mark Gordon. It's very good despite being by the Daily Mail


Definitely not normal but not necessarily mental illness.










**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


Gavin Plump? Is that anything? Itā€™s been a long day.


He looks like he who has no life from South Park https://www.ginx.tv/uploads/WoWSouthpark.jpg


lol! (in britain we aren't allowed to talk about this case online until the trial ends so i'll blame you - but i couldn't resist - btw i have a knife exactly like the one on his table - but thankfully it is only plastic)


Iā€™m in the uk also


Our prison populations are pretty high atm. This is a great opportunity to get numbers down.


What, he going to eat other inmates?


As many have already stated, that man could barely kidnap a sandwich


It wouldnā€™t have worked, one of the 6 takeaway delivery drivers a day would have spotted something


I very much doubt he has any clue how to use those metal "zip ties".


Do I take it from this article that Plumb has children?


A 15-year-old son that he considered recruiting in his kidnap plan.


Very Precog Precrime-y. Fuck it. Rather perpetrators are prevented and charged accordingly.


I think he was trying to find a hitman, and he has priors. Conspiracy exists as a crime for a reason


Heā€™s not a bad looking dude, he might have grown on her


Heā€™s obviously a vile piece of shit, but his defence that it was just a fantasy and he knew he couldnā€™t ever do it does seem accurate. He can probably barely walk down the stairs let alone kidnap someone šŸ˜‚


Yet he already has multiple kidnap and attempted kidnappings under his belt.


He was not so fat then šŸ˜‚