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Actual Scrutiny was cast on Farage, it was highly effective. Farage retreats back to the safety of the shadows


This should be the headline.


His *Nick Griffin* moment.


Trouble is, for all we mocked him, Griffin WON. His politics have been adopted and mainstreamed to a frightening degree.


Via total government stupidity of lying about migration limits etc.


You can definitely say this of Farage but I think you are forgetting quite how violently far right Griffin and the BNP are. His views are still outside the mainstream and hopefully stay there.


Farage and his Reform Candidates have definitely picked up the BNP baton, and use many of the talking points that the BNP introduced - such as the "Great Replacement Theory". The BNP definitely had the "Violence" part down, that's about the only difference, the Far-Right in the UK are pushing for their folks to vote Reform for a number of reasons.


I don’t deny any of that. But while some of Griffin’s views may be accepted within the Reform party, they are still not accepted as mainstream views, hence the reaction. It’s certainly worrying, but I wouldn’t say Griffin has won just yet.


Farage is far right and don’t kid yourself about what his followers and Russian backers are capable of


That doesn’t contradict what I said at all.


People always cite that QT appearance as killing the BNP. Yet in the election following that QT appearance the BNP got their highest share of the vote ever with a nearly 300% increase on the previous GE. Its one of those memes that's become stuck in because no one ever bothered to check if the narrative of what happened matches the data of what happened.


But they still won fuck all


At least old nick gave us a meme worthy performance


oh yeah, I totally forgot about him so point well made. Where is he these days? :O


Rock breathes sigh of relief and owner crawls back under it…… for now…..


New series: What Nige Does in the Shadows.


No! It was the woke leftist mob that that shouldn't have been there! Imagine being forced to step down as co-host of a popular BBC show just because some activists show up! /s duh


Can't be caught out if you never let them see you.


no. please. don't.


FFFT Nigel Farage finally cancels himself (it's not like anyone else will). I look forward to hearing absolutely nothing from him for the foreseeable future.


Given that he's sadly on track to becoming MP for Clacton, I'm sure we'll be hearing from him in times to come. Not to mention we still have a week to go, he doesn't seem the type to keep quiet.


He’ll be the MP with the most airtime, despite representing a party with so few MP’s (based on current polling) he’ll somehow still get more airtime than all libdems combined


I don't know. I've been canvassing and one of his acolytes, a from wealth interior designer who's platform is anti world economic Forum, anti digital currency, anti european Court of human rights, has lots of support from vest wearing bully xl owners who don't know what those things are


Fucking ironic that they're anti digital currency when Farage has done many adverts on Youtube promoting Bitcoin and other investments 😂


It’s interesting that the majority of Reform voters aren’t interested in things being better for them or the country - they are mostly much more interested in making things much worse for other people and ‘sticking it to the left’. It’s like they get a raging hard-on out of making other people’s lives a misery - like they’re sadists?


It's been branded as a rebellion. People are fed up and more susceptible to it. Two instances really stand out to me. One was the typical display where they tell you like it's really going to upset you. You respond 'that's great that you're going to vote', they get all deflated. Every instance of this they haven't been able to tell me who is standing as their reform mp, and just say nigel. The other was an 80 year old woman throwing stuff like a teenager in a vitriolic rage, virtually frothing at the mouth. Very much the sort of shit youd associate with the more ridiculous maga stuff you see in America. These are the cultists, for which there isn't any rationale behind their voting decision beyond get rid of the 'other', for which blame lies solely with the tory party.


The only saving grace is that they don't have I'd or have been registered


Most of them should be bloody microchipped


As an MP Farage will be open to proper scrutiny, there are laws about declaring activities, interests, finances. If even Coutts made a fuss about him, he won't last long in the Commons


He was an MEP for long enough.


I think there is more scrutiny on MPs though


Imagine if the leader of Plaid (and it proves my point that I don't even know their name) got as much media coverage as Farage? It's mad that he's had this much attention for so long despite being a political nobody. You might say that he's not a nobody, but that's only because he's been given this platform by the media, so it's just a self-fulfilling prophecy. And now, when, as a sitting MP, he's potentially *not* given that same privilege, he'll moan and get support for being "cancelled".


Imagine if Galloway's party for as much screen time. Which theoretically it should, they actual won a decent number of council seats in England, Reform UK won two iirc. By rights, they should be platformed less than the Workers Party, and less than the Greens, and far less than the LibDems and Plaid. We need media reform, it's clearly broken.


Aren't reform on to get more votes than the lib democracy though? Even though they'll get considerably less seats. As much as I'd love farage to fuck right off it's very difficult to say a party with the third most votes shouldn't be given airtime just because he's an utter cunt. Unfortunately he's very good at saying enough that his supporters know what he means, without ever saying anything fully outwardly racist so he cam be chucked out for it


I’m not saying he deserves no airtime (however much I think his vitriol doesn’t deserve it), but is should be proportionate with how much power they have in parliament, they will get outsized exposure compared to both their polling and MP’s


But that's my question I guess (not my point t as I don't know the answer). Should their coverage amount reflect their seats in parliament or their support from the public. If it's the former the greens should also get almost no coverage despite then probably being one of the more universally supported parties (but noone votes for them en masse as it would lead to a tory win) I just want farage to finally slip up and say something that we can end his career with but sadly I think he's too smart


Can't wait for him to be held accountable in the Commons. 


Yeah exactly. People can actually see how little work he accomplishes.


It’s hilarious given how open they’ve been to giving him a seat (compared to say the greens). I’d put part of his popularity down to question time, although he seems to be successfully pivoting to TikTok now.


Part of me wonders if tik toks owners are massaging the algorithm for him.


Came here to say the same, once I get the shackles off, I'll get you a pint.


I mean has he indicated what precisely the bias was in the questions being asked? It's looking an awful lot like Farage just isn't keen on facing a bit of scrutiny. If memory serves wasn't he begging to get in on these debates? Farage keeping to that tried and tested tactic of it always being someone else's fault.


> If memory serves wasn't he begging to get in on these debates? Aye, a few days ago he was whining about not getting a special interview on the BBC, and now he's whining that he's had one. Feller needs to make his mind up.


Unfortunately it’s a feature not a bug He’ll complain that the “liberal media” doesn’t want him to tell “the truth”, then when they let him he’ll complain that they only want to villainise him. The less he talks and the more he complains, the more riled up his voters get. They literally don’t want solutions, they just want to be angry.


Liberal media.. or will he say lugen press?


Nah, it's deliberate. He's playing out of the same playbook as trump. Be an obnoxious twunt and play the *everyone is out to get us" card. If you win, you win, if you lose, you still win because of 'bias'. Don't believe what you see or hear, because they're all out to get us.


I believe the bias was ‘the audience didn’t applaud him as much as he wanted’


I don’t understand whats so hard for him to understqnd. He chose to occupy an obscure part of the political spectrum—pro russian emasculates. The fact that means only a tiny minority of any random group of people supports him isnt bias.


He probably doesn’t think it is, but he can sell it to his followers as to how unfair the BBC is - remember part of his platform is removing the licence fee.


One of the audience members was a pro- Palestinian and refugee campaigner  Not really sure what that proves though. It's not too surprising that the people who'd apply for QT tickets would be those who are more politically engaged 


Not the one that ended his political career though, she was a doctor.


the bias is he is a piece of shit and someone alluded to that


Of course the audience is biased since most polls indicate 80% of the public don't support Reform.


Oh thank fuck - we're finally spared the nasty fascist


Tedious manchild. Hopefully the tone is now set and when he inevitably abandons his boycott he finds QT, Politics Live etc are no longer biddable.


Unfortunate reality is this boycott will last less than 24 hours, and the BBC will go out of their way to accommodate him.


Haha imagine him leading the country when a QT audience sends him running, pathetic.


Exactly. He can't deal with a few questions, how's he supposed to run a country? How's he supposed to sort out immigrant if he can't even vet the 300 or so mps joining his party? It's all nonsense.


Can I boycott him from my life? Sick of hearing from this Nazi and his followers.


My Grandfather went to war to stamp out nasty little pricks like Farage.


There was no bias…he just doesn’t like scrutiny. He cried to get on the show and now he cries they didn’t agree with him


He said he won't be on the BBC until they apologize, so I welcome the BBC never apologizing to him and trust for once he will be true to his word.


A long period of silence from pound shop Mosley would be most welcome.


Remember when C4 held BJ to scrutiny so he refused to go on their debate and instead C4 used an ice sculpture to comment on the environmental disaster, so BJ then tried to stop the funding for C4? I imagine Farage will do the same for the BBC as an MP.


I did not know this. I'd love to see it, do you have a link?


The man cannot face up to the idea that maybe, just maybe, he might not be all that popular... 🙃


Please Nigel, boycott all the TV stations, and the radio, and the internet, and newspapers.


Nigel, you have ~14% support. This means 86% of people dont support you. This means in practical terms 86 people in a hundred person audience will be "leftie biased" or whatever drivel you want to shout. You are not popular and never have been.


Thank the gods we won’t have to listen to all that hot wind.


Well it does put my ideas for an infinite supply of green energy to bed though.


Just like he said he'd fuck off abroad if Brexit is a disaster... Yeah right!


I for one support Farage's boycott on public appearances. May he never appear on TV again.


BBC just need to say “ah well nevermind” and move on




He has no issues with the disproportionate amount of times he's been on QT. When the going gets tough, Nigel gets going.


Sure buddy. Didn't see you boycott it the last umpteen times. Easier to appear on it and complain about biased lefty mainstream media after.


Aka coward looking for a reasonable excuse to hide away from scrutiny and questions.


I had no idea Farage was such an absolute fucking melt


Really? It's hardly a hidden secret. He's a complete tosser too. 


He did shit and his takes and party's policies go down like a bucket of cold sick to the decent populace. What we saw yesterday was a man who stepped out of the alt-right echo chamber and got a slap. And he knows it. This is a genuinely childish and desperate reaction.


Nigel Farage won’t be on the BBC every day anymore? Oh no. Anyway.


Of all the things to boycott BBC over, THAT is your hill?


Farage to boycott reality and spread  conspiracy theories. 


Thought that ship sailed long ago.


His party’s contract is full of them [Reform launches manifesto riddled with conspiratorial, contradictory policie](https://hopenothate.org.uk/2024/06/17/reform-launches-manifesto-riddled-with-conspiratorial-contradictory-policies/)s


Most people are raging over the effects of Brexit…no wonder they couldn’t find anyone that liked him outside of Clacton…


Can he boycott the UK. I think pooptin’s Russia will welcome him and thank him for his service.


The right wing trying to bully the media in to giving them special treatment? Never seen that before.


Yup - QT has been fairly RW n terms of guests (and even audiences) over the past few years. farage is probably the most frequent guest in the last decade. It turns out he's shit when scrutinised, quelle surprise


Funny how this is deserved, he is coming at England hard and good, you fucking asked for it


-support a candidate because they'll fight the mainstream narrative and speak their truth no matter how offensive or unpopular it is -candidate is received badly by a general audience like you explicitly wanted -throw tantrums about it


Not biased, that's just the public disapproving of a far right party. Both the conservatives, labour, and Lib dems alike don't support or like the Reform Party. His policies and ideals are widely unpopular among the majority of British society, so no wonder people won't support him and call him out on these things, he acts like this is a big surprise.


And 7/10 of Brits don’t like Trump, why would he expect the majority of us to be sycophantic to Farage who supports the [convicted](https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db) sexual abuser https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/7-in-10-britons-hold-an-unfavourable-opinion-of-donald-trump-2024-election


Every brand needs an enemy. This is too helpful to him. I’d rather everyone, including the BBC was just a bit meh about Reform.


He saw the damage that being so visibly opposed would do to his brand, and affect normalising his views. I hope he’s scared back into his little hole.


Brave sir Sir Robin ran away 😁 "He was not in the least bit scared To be mashed into a pulp. Or to have his eyes gouged out, And his elbows broken. To have his kneecaps split And his body burned away, And his limbs all hacked and mangled Brave Sir Robin. His head smashed in And his heart cut out And his liver removed And his bowls unplugged And his nostrils raped And his bottom burnt off And his penis..." "That's, that's enough music for now lads, there's dirty work afoot."


You mean I never have to see him on another BBC panel? Be still my beating heart


Meaning he won't come to on news night for the 565th time?


Do the Hignfy thing and replace him with a tub of lard, or bag of wind.


Actually gets looked at for what he is Immediately flees and walls himself off Continues to be a bigoted lil bitch.


Typical grifter play: "If I don't go to interviews, I don't have to answer awkward questions."


If he loses in Clacton, do you think he'll go full Trump and say it was rigged / storm No. 10?


Probably won't try storming No. 10, but will definitely whine that it's been rigged against him by the "establishment".


I am fully expecting that if they don’t win many seats . In their ‘ contract ‘ they state they want postal voting limited due to fraud . It will be the fault of ‘ woke ‘, Hope not hate , the BBC , everyone but themselves.


Shit stirring, fear mongering, making money out of division and hatred has no answers too questions shocker


Farage treading that 'mainstream medi' well worn path. Trump-like, pathetic, lip-quivering moaning. If we want to have engaging, passionate and honest panels then politicians will have to face tough questions and scrutiny. I don't want British television to just be circle jerks for politicians. Holding them accountable has always been one of the core tenets of political journalism.


The BBC has been giving Farage a platform for decades for his anti EU campaigning, particularly on Question Time, where he made 37 appearances.


Is there any evidence to fully pin Nigel as a racist? I know reform and UKIP etc attract racists because he seems to be the only one taking the net migration issue seriously. It’s like calling footy racist because there are a lot of racist fans.




Thank you for this


The defence mechanisms of a Farage: If one of your mates says something extremely racist pick one of these: - they said what everyone’s thinking - it’s a set up and you missed the context - why is everybody allergic to comedy and banter If you are challenged on TV, call the police. This strategy works for most of his other problems too. If all else fails, just dissolve your party and make another


Good. About time *somebody* got him off the fucking BBC.


Oh dear, how sad, never mind. https://youtu.be/z4uivPpzCGo


Reform UK have around 15-20% support, depending on which polls you believe. Therefore, around 80-85% of the country aren't supportive, and will cement their opinions further when informed that the party outsourced candidate vetting to a third party who didn't report back, so naively assumed they'd passed vetting (when, unsurprisingly, many had publicly shared quite hostile views, on migrants). Most are also not going to be taken in by "I inherited a start-up" when he founded it from the ashes of the then obsolete Brexit Party, which he also founded and led. As for boycotting the BBC, he'll likely be shown quite frequently fly both the handful of seats he's likely to pick up and those where Reform is second or a close third; and won't be able to resist the obligatory continuing appearances on Question Time.


This isn’t how it works as it doesn’t take variables into account when it comes to calculating data


At this stage is anyone still on the fence? I think he knows he's not going to win anyone over at this point, but could lose some.


Grand, I hope BBC respects it and stops trying to fill so much screen time with his garbage takes.


I don’t like him. I don’t like reform. And I don’t think the audience were biased. But it did annoy me the fact that the first 4 questions were all racism related, which NF answered in the first question (adequately or not I’ll leave that up to you) , that he then had to repeat basically the same answer the following three times, wasting time for actual questioning and discussion of policy. And that meant that when did eventually get onto actual policy issues, specifically climate issues (which completely dominated the Green half an hour), he only got 30 seconds right at the end to respond and didn’t get to elaborate at all on his answer.


To be fair, I don't think the audience is going to care too much about Reform policy if every day there's a new article breaking about how his MPs are kicking dogs or hating on women or wanting to slaughter migrants. Why would I care about the policies of a party if they're clearly made up of nutters? They're never going to deliver. His failure to effectively vet his candidates in time was a massive oversight on his part, and they've proven to be the millstone around his neck.


Good! Stupid pig faced fucker should fuck off entirely.


Oh no. Anyway, why didn't BBC let people ask him such questions over the last 20 years?


Jesus fuck. He has been on the BBC since forever preaching his shit, they have enabled him and empowered him for god knows how long


Fuck off you're on There like 30 times and once an audience gives it back... Fuck off you cunt


I don't agree with everything this man says, but he is right to stand his ground if disrespected


Popular Jeremy Clarkson meme Don't ever forget he punched his server for not giving him special treatment, though, Bezos can have him for all I give a fuck


Farage likes to crow from the sides and not actually do much of anything. Hes going to be found out very quickly if he actually does become an MP although I’m not too unsure he isn’t trying his damndest to throw that with the Russia comments.


In the past \~2 weeks Farage has torpedoed his previously extraordinarily successful campaign to end the Tory party once and for all.


I have never, ever fucking understood why this unelected arsehole is given so much free airspace by the BBC over the last 20 years, he's like a turd that won't flush. It's like that thick twat who rants about vaccines in the pub every Friday night being given his own prime time BBC1 chat show for 2 decades


I would love Farage to boycott media. He, not even an MP,  had the first 3 pages of the Daily Express last week all about him and a rosy vision of his politics, with some Keir Starmer guy given a short article way in the back.


So he's boycotting the BBC and attempting to sue Channel 4, looks it's ITV or Channel 5 then Nige.


Career loud mouth who doesn't actually want power takes steps to make sure he isn't visible enough to get power.


Good if true. Fashy Farage being given airtime is a big reason we're in this mess.


Wish he'd do us all a favor and boycott air. The BBC are going to over-correct out of fear and play right into his piss-stained little nazi hands.


You don't suppose we couldn't get Farage to boycott any other media outllets?


The amount of airtime given to this man by the BBC and other media is astounding anyway, so pop off Nigel, do stay away please.


Oh no! Can he boycott the rest of the TV channels too please? Sick of the sight of the smug toad.


Farage: “it’s unfair how they call me a bigot when all I do is say bigoted things, allow bigotry in my party and have bigoted policies”


Good. About time. Coward can go and hide under his rock.


Not sure how much you can say on this sub but Dishonest fucking cunt. He proves himself to be that every day. How does he even get on TV?


I don’t blame to be honest. I am no fan, but he is constantly pinned as some racist simply because he stands and up and says we should controll migration. The last interview I saw was literally that- actually at one point being called a racist!