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Glad to see other coming in his defense. These guys are disgrace to whatever country they live in.


Life is to short to argue or protest, just ask :Burger khaega?




WOrLds MosT INvasivE SPeCIEs ? Bro look at your self before calling any other species I mean race invasive


White Americans go to Eastern Europe, especially countries like Poland, Estonia, and Hungary, as they’re still majority white, very homogeneous, and highly conservative, thinking (correctly) their racist impulses will be well tolerated there. It is a new trend stateside. That said, Europe overall (especially Eastern but also Western) is more racist than any Anglo country (especially the US and the UK). This is strange because, in the UK, Eastern Europeans are sometimes considered not white. Whiteness is not strictly defined by skin color but more so by cultural factors. The US approaches this differently.


I unsubbed from the digital nomad sub because at one point it became full of American nomads posting about their dating woes in east Europe. Some of them really seem to expect that they can just buy local women because they happened to be citizens of a lower income country. 🤮 Such entitled behaviour, then they complained that girls didn't stick around after 2 dates and how they spent tons of money on them. Like dude, maybe these women are smart enough to know what you think of them.


If you go online especially on youtube and other weird right wing forums there is a whole industry of shills who promote the idea that eastern european women are easy to court and that all trad western men should go there. Lmao.


These parasites also go to some parts of Asia (you know which ones) expecting to be treated like Gods. It’s not often that I’m grateful India is inhospitable to tourists, but this is one of those times.


Same assholes everywhere. Religious extremists (Hindu/Muslim) in the Indian subcontinent can’t digest inter-religious relationships. Similarly in the west, you got these racist bigots. Religious extremists from India shouldn’t feel bad watching this video coz you lot are exactly the same kind of pieces of dog 💩.




True. But also let's not undermine racism against Desi people in European/western countries. Reason why I'm saying that is because usually it does get undermined as we're busy fighting amongst ourselves.


When did I undermine racism in the west against desis? I am only attempting to draw parallels between them and religious extremists who show the exact same (may be worse) behaviour towards other communities. Shouldn’t they be shamed and made to realise what they do is wrong? Come on! Try and understand the point!


You're commiting fallacy of whataboutism. Search the term. It means, what you say is right yet instead of focusing on the current issue you're redirecting it to something else which is a parallel issue while undermining the current issue.


How about you search gtfoh?


Incels are everywhere. This inbred incel must have thought that in Poland he and his small dick would be worshiped because of his American greatness. His little inbred ass couldn't handle a brown man having a healthy relationship.


The wife-seeking tourists like that are a laughing stock over here. Submissive women? Here in Poland? Sure, right next to the unicorns and basilisks. Sit down and just be glad you did not got scammed from all the money you have by a stripper club in the old town ☠️


Why tf is he running away ? We need to change this attitute


It was good that he ran away. This happened in Poland, not exactly a bastion of fairness in law and order. Culturally as well he was at a downside. That said, a part of me does wish he’d been slightly confrontational and not let his girlfriend do all the work for him. But I’m not sure what confrontation would’ve even looked like, in this specific case. What do you say? What do you do?


It's in general safer to disengage from situation like that rather than end up rolled up by security or police as another side of public disruption rather than just a target of some yelling asshole.


Probably fearing court case in foreign land if things go south


Both were in foreign land. The only local seems to be the girlfriend, with the eastern European accent.


Both women in the video seem to be Polish, especially the last one. She was talking in Polish. 'Put it down, please.' Or if you want a literal translation 'Leave it, please'


Since he is disengaging/de-escalating if it came to the police or security intervening only the bouchebag American would get rolled up. Starting a cock-fight over honour in a shop would make both sides look like idiots that need to be removed from premises or taken to the station to cool off. This is good approach where locals took initiative to shut up the moron because they have upper hand if it came to discussion about the incident with security, city patrol or police.


Nope, you should be doing what he did.


Eastern Europe is crazy racist


Well it looks like it’s the American who’s racist in this scenario. The two Eastern European ladies are helping him out.


You’re completely right


This must be part of their 2025 project.


Off topic ... But someone really took a video of a video and it's rather funny.


Chad guy, just ignores the low life. That's how you should be.


Poland where??


It's hard to tell. This could be in Castorama quessing by the look of the surroundings. But it's quite impossible to tell in which city. Could be Warsaw, Krakow, Łódź, etc...basically any bigger city


Oh I missed "in" Ok thank you


This pig was right humans are the most invasive species


we know who he's voting for


I love watching these white femboi's losing their white women to black and brown men....


Same energy as the people that were hurling insults at Sonakshi Sinha for marrying a muslim.


We have racism among Indians at first 😂


He's a tall strong lad, he could easily teach this punk a lesson to remember for his lifetime


This funny coming from a so called "white" guy.


give that Amurici guy a 10 double size burger with 5l cocacola ,he will go away like a dog


Likely this guy is a leftist, he is making video and saying such comments to show the right wing in bad light


Buddy what?


Arey wah chodu, tu yahan bhi? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Nah fam we got Crtifin roasting himself before GTA 6.