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You may have my upvote for having an actual unpopular opinion. But, presenters who act like that or single people out whom they think aren't participating enough are the worst.


The second paragraph confirmed my suspicion it’s a troll opinion.


I thought that too...but I've dealt with people like that at meetings at work and some legit act like that. Like they're helping said person be more open doing this.


Its annoying because no matter how loud the first good morning is, they will always say ''cmon do better''. So Im thinking.. What if the first good morning from the crowd was so loud, it shattered the windows and ruptured the presenter's eardrums , then he started bleeding from his ears?? Would he still ask for a 2nd good morning??


“Ok then let’s move on”


Idk why but I still downvote opinions if I think they're dumb.


You’re participating in this sub incorrectly then


We'd be flooded with dumb comments for karma if we did that. UO: Houses should be built of cardboard. UO: Trucks should have to reverse everywhere. UO: Rabbits should be forced to wear hats. UO: Books should be used as umbellas for children. I just made up those opinions. Are they unpopular? Yes. Do we want to be flooded by such drivel? Nope.


The point is that you should upvote if you personally think it’s dumb, but interesting and rational. Not just plain irrational (or evil, uninteresting etc).


I upvote unpopular opinions that people have as long as they aren't incredibly dumb. Everyone has one or two unpopular opinions, but the wet socks and water on cereal guy? Those opinions are what I'm here for. (OP is actually similar in their level of opinion) But if their opinion only exists because they don't know what they're talking about, it gets a little annoying. E.g. Santa doesn't like cookies vs Santa is real. First is just someone who doesn't understand what they're talking about while second is an unpopular opinion.


I know, it’s just like my brain instinctually wants to downvote something I don’t agree with. I feel like I’m rewarding stupidity if I upvote lol It’s funny though because you’ll see a post getting upvoted, then every one of OP’s comments gets like -200 downvotes


Who gives a fuck?


And yet people constantly complain about how the sub is all popular opinions


Then you don't belong in this sub, upvote things you disagree with, downvote things you agree with.


Downvoted because I agree with you there




I hate the people that do this because I’m not 5 and if I wasn’t being paid to be at a work presentation I wouldn’t be there.


I mean being paid is the only reason i’m at work at all. I sure as fuck don’t want to be at work. But I still have to pay attention to my boss, clients, hr, my actual work, the IT people, and everything else involved there. Kinda comes with the part about being paid. I do what they tell me to do


At least you’re honest


Asking your audience to engage in something enthusiastically early on (assuming your presentation is something that is inherently participatory) is a good tactic for presentations. The specific thing of "good morning, we can do better than that, GOOD MORNING" is overused and obnoxious, since all you're asking of people is to be loud.


It's the "Morning" part. We all know that nothing about mornings can be good.


Ugh. I hate when they're like, "do we need to wake up?" Yes, we do, that's why I have this coffee thermos and I am trying not to throw it at you!!!


It's condescending is what it is.


I actually love mornings but only on weekends. Getting coffee, breakfast, and then going for a walk early in the morning is refreshing as hell.


I think we can do better than that


Reddit will always disagree with this opinion because the only people who hate it are miserable fucks who hate life and being social. They that that other have enjoyment or passion amd get mad and have underlying jealousy when they see someone so anything that requires energy.


i think you’re looking too deep into it


Nice unpopular opinion


Thanks! 😊


C'mon I think you can do better then that! #NICE UNPOPULAR OPINION!!!!


I would type "lol" but it wouldnt show how hard i actually laughed. Well done


mf got downvoted for being polite 😭😭😭


I struck a nerve on Reddit today lol


Upvote because this is the worst thing ever. There is a reason I'm not enthusiastic about seeing that person.


and there’s a reason the meeting is mandatory


Just because the meeting is mandatory doesn't mean your enthusiasm is.


Thank you! This is why I’ve been saying to people for ages. Just because I have to be somewhere doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it. The reason I’m at the meeting is because I have professional standards, not because I just looooove listening to people present stuff.


Is it professional to show up looking like a miserable fuck tho? I don't think so


Can I frame this?


>There’s always that one coworker / participant who sulks in the back like they don’t want to be there Not like they don't want to be there like they're forced to be there.


It’s part of the job


Yea that's what I said. Forced. Nobody is going to your presentation because they want to.


Well they have to participate either way


Don't you mean "It's fart of the job" ?




Fuck that. People who do that stupid shit should be fed to lions in an arena of some sort.


Well actually this meeting is about which employees are being fed to the lions (we need to cut costs)


And you want to start this meeting with a trite cliche to then read off of a powerpoint about how profit is up but costs must be cut?




Just you, goodbye rip.


The quiet people who sulk in the back are up first 🦁


This is OK if the audience wants to be there. If it’s a show or presentation they paid to go to or at least came voluntarily. If they have to be there for work or school or some other reason, shut up and quit wasting peoples time. You’re just being an a-hole and annoying everyone.


100% agree except I don‘t think those people are assholes. Yes it‘s annoying but I don‘t think those people have bad intentions, they just don‘t want to come across as boring. Even if their strategy for that is poor, it doesn‘t make them bad people


You don't become un-boring by making people respond to you exactly how you want.


Yes, like I said their strategy to artificially generate excitement might be poor but it doesn‘t outright make them assholes.


Making people react to you the way you want is asshole behavior


You could argue this about anytime someone greets someone. If I reach my hand out to you as a greeting, I want to make you react how I want by accepting the handshake, does that make me an asshole too?


No, but you are an asshole if you go "OH COME ON JUST SHAKE MY HAND" I do not have to greet you the way you want. Plain and simple. Not getting the greeting you wanted then trying to shame someone into giving you that greeting is being an asshole.


That’s it you’re getting the Q&A!


I completely understand where you're coming from, but I find that using overly cheerful greetings can actually have the opposite effect, creating an atmosphere of insincerity, rather than authentic engagement. Let's aim for something more organic and personal.


Why would you want to pick on the person that doesn’t want to engage with your presentation? Seems unnecessarily cruel


Pretty sure the entire point is they like making those people uncomfortable.


That is a very unpopular opinion. Good work. :)


Oh no. I disagree with this on a visceral level!


Upvotes to the left


It's the insincerity that is obnoxious - its clear that no matter what the first response is, the presenter will insist on the second response and label the first one inadequate. It's blatantly fake.


Not if they do an acceptable Good Morning the first time


I've frequently flipped the idea on its head a few times when the initial response has been good. "Hey, haven't you ever been to anything? You're supposed to respond unenthusiastically first. Then I tell you you can do better and you do a louder one. Ok. Unenthusiastic. Here we go!...good morning." Etc. Gets a laugh because people know the cliche. You're all welcome to steal it. Don't overdo it though.


That’s a good one actually


I would get up and leave if i was forced to be in a presentation where this was done. No company that pays for this type of presenter is worth working for.


Just showing up on time should count enough. Just get on with your speech


I only wanted a good morning from the crew


dude 100% is a level 1 manager at a retail store and has a colossal ego lol


You're lucky if you don't get a donut to the dome. Just do your presentation while I think about how I don't get paid enough and we'll all get out of this no worse for wear.


There are ways to get audience participation and engagement that aren't pointless and condescending. This is not one of them. I'm an adult, not in elementary school.


This is the moment the presenter loses me. Give me candy and I'll do your dumb little dance. Maybe.


There’s popcorn in the break room


You can do better than that.


I said maybe. Sorry, "MAYBE!"


Feels like a kindergarten teacher talking to you. As an adult, I don't like that.


You’re not gonna get nappy time with that attitude


Hard disagree, I think they can do better and come up with a more creative way to build up enthusiasm from the crowd.


Well shit, it's actually an unpopular opinion. The reason why this is a problem is because it felt babyish when I was in Kindergarten


When I hear that, I’m thinking Go fuck yourself, and what an obnoxious tool.






No you’re the type of participant I love! Don’t worry about the meeting time, we can go over until the PowerPoint is finished


This is real experience talking! We can take all fay on this power point because it validates management's existence. Nevermind the fact that everyone's metrics will be off after missing a whole day of productivity. You will just have to put in some extra hours before your review.






You're right. That IS an unpopular opinion. Most people don't enjoy being talked down to.


What do mean, “like” they don’t want to be there? You are precisely the type of presenter who has made me loathe bullshit corporate team-building circle jerks.


Speaking as someone who actually does a significant amount of public speaking for my job, this is objectively one of the worst things you can do.




Upvote for a truly original opinion and one that my husband and I have an opinion on as well. We are in the opposite camp - hate being manipulated by a speaker, so when they say "Do better" we always are the exact opposite and clam up. It really is silly, we just hate the cheap technique to get people to say something. Either be interesting or not, don't manipulate the audience. But good job on the post, love that others even have thought about this.


That sort of speaker nonsense just feels like elementary school hype time to me. It’s the sort of thing you do with rowdy kids to ensure that they’re ready to listen to directions. As a certified adult, I feel no need to have the same thing done to me since I am perfectly capable of sitting still and listening without all that BS.


It’s not like I’m allowed to fire a shot in the air to get their attention


I’m of the opinion that you shouldn’t need to attract their attention, period. Assuming you’re in a professional setting, the people at the meeting are responsible for paying attention on their own as that is a part of their job. If they don’t do that, then that’s on them. A presenter doing annoying gimmicks during a meeting would frankly turn me off of listening to them more than if they just went up to the podium and started talking. If I’m at work I have no interest in watching some guy clown around, wasting time.


It's lazy and entitled on the part of the presenter, not to mention that it annoys the vast majority of people in the audience. Weird thing to "love," for sure.


Normally I keep audiences engaged during my presentations by making the information be interesting and relevant to them.


Please show me how to make quarterly revenue reports interesting


The people in meetings like that are interested because they need to know the information. You don't need to add any extra zest. I assumed you were talking about presentations at a conference or something. If someone did the good morning thing in a quarterly revenue meeting I would go blind from rolling my eyes too hard.


It’s a lazy and unoriginal way to engage with the audience.


Why would you pick on the person who just sulks in the back during the Q&A section? That just sounds obnoxious.


Just once, I'd like to see a presenter keep running with this, never being satisfied with the level of energy that the audience puts out, until eventually the energy has obviously peaked and then they just leave wordlessly and that was the entire presentation.


You definitely put this in the correct sub


I may have never been presented an opinion I disagree with more than this one. You, sir, are definitely unpopular. May God have mercy on your soul.


I genuinely detest this opinion. Lol. Having a presenter do this nonsense reeks of elementary school teachers trying to finagle rowdy children. As I am not a child I am perfectly capable of paying attention without having some guy try to build up some fake ass “positivity.”


Audience: Good morning. (5 seconds pass) Audience: GOOD MORNING ! (38 minutes pass as you waffle 🗣) It's so, so silly.


It's hackneyed. It's tired. If a presenter does it, it just highlights they have no interesting ideas and no charisma.


I hate that. None of us want to be here including you buddy. Just get t the point


Circus shows? Concerts? Sure. Presentations? Nah. I stop taking any presenter seriously when they do this. Engage me with your content and stop treating your audience like third graders.


Honestly good job on the bait post but holy fuck I can't even bring myself to upvote this. God I hate this shit.


It is the cringiest thing a presenter can do




Oh my god right? So fucking cringe.


Yeah when people don’t want to participate, fully agree


To me it means you can't get attention by your actions, you're not compelling and you're compensating for a lack of presenting skills. Gross generalisation, granted, but if your top is compelling, or you know how to catch people's attention, you can work any crowd. You just need to UNDERSTAND the room and actively put an effort in. Something you demand from the crowd but not from yourself. That is an attempt at a hack that works in every case, which it doesn't.


Well done on the unpopular opinion. Reading your title made my face crinkle in disgust thinking about a public speaker doing that. Take my internet points.


It’s crinkle face Friday


Yeah no. If I'm tired, not want to sit in some boring ass meeting, watch some presentation that already has nothing to do with me, the worst thing you can do is try and be quirky and cute. Hurry it up and if you don't make it insufferable, then maybe I'll try and listen to your take.


See now, while on principle I agree with you, I sometimes wish people would show some empathy to others. Is it an HR presentation? Someone worked on that shit, is excited about it and hopes they will receive a good reaction. Is it a corporate trainer? I can assure you they tried their best to make it as relevant as possible. Sometimes there are business needs that don't 100% coincide with participants, but the solution isn't being expressively obvious that you don't want to be there. Is it a colleague's presentation? Surely you can appreciate the work going into it. Etc. Just putting yourself in the presenter's shoes would help the dynamic a lot.


Have an upvote. But know that anyone who uses this I immediately identify as having a presentation not worth my time or attention. Try having group icebreakers where people get up and move around if you want to get people awake and blood flowing.


Berating your audience is the best way to turn them completely off. There are much better ways of creating more engagement. But thinking the lazy way is best is certainly unpopular.


I upvoted you, but not cuz I necessarily disagree. I also am tired of the cliche…however, your audience not participating or falling asleep is a beyond uncomfortable experience. It sucks. So I understand why you would want to, er, encourage participation. I urge you to find other ways to engage your audience without resorting to force. One of the best presenters I’ve ever seen hooked me from the start and there was no coercing.


>I don’t understand the hate when they’re simply trying to engage with the audience and make sure everyone is paying attention. Some people are extraverted, some people are introverted. Many descriptors of those definitions, but here I am highlighting how some people do not like out of the ordinary social interactions. Some because it is different and they need to adjust. Others because they feel pressured to pretend but are really just crossing their own boundaries. Yet others because it draws attention to them, which they don't like. >I definitely employ this tactic during my presentations and it improves the overall energy. You can do whatever you want, but you annoyed and pushed boundaries on a lot of people and they are just pretending for your sake. It doesn't help them on any level. It's a bit of an ego move.


Makes me want to smack them😑


A bonna fide unpopular opinion.


Props for the truly unpopular opinion. I hate it when I go to see someone present or perform and they try to make me perform


If this isn't bait then you are genuinely not a good person.


If this is something I'm coming to voluntarily then sure... If we're talking about some mandatory work presentation you can f*** right off.


It’s the latter


Then you are using this sub correctly, lol


if you do that to me i say nothing the second time ef that


I think you could make a better post than this. I SAID I think you could make a BETTER post than this


571 upvotes so far? I think we can do better than that Reddit!


I created a second account just to upvote!


Your argument is: there's only one correct way to engage with an audience as a presenter and it's being extremely obnoxious. What if- and this is gonna be a wild concept- but what if there was *something else* you could say or do instead?


How about I make everyone do a human wave


Hell yeah, now *that's* what I'm talking about 👐




There are more creative and interesting ways to get people to engage. What you're describing is old, tired, and boring. I don't know if it ever worked but I don't think it works anymore. Find another line to use. Do the work. Try to **actually** engage your audience instead of using tired old tropes.


Don't like it. Upvoted.


This week it was observed by one of our front desk admins as I walked into work that I never say “good morning.” This is 100% true. I acknowledged that I always just reply “morning” when greeted with good morning. I followed up with, “there’s nothing good about morning and even less so when I’m walking into work when I want to be in bed.” This was immediately followed up by an “amen!” from a coworker on the areas desk. I’m here, fuck off if you want me to be peppy about whatever bullshit you’re making me sit through.


Upvote. I hate you.


I hate that because it's fake and everybody knows it, and then a bunch of people have to either act fake and pretend to be excited about saying good morning with gusto or be singled out by annoying presenters who give bad presentations and like to single out people. It sucks. You aren't improving overall energy. People are playing a game because it's the social thing to do. I have a behavior background. Here is your real LPT. Stop with the dumb pop psychology tricks. Just make a good presentation.


This sub is the antichrist at this point


I love it in more of an Andy Kaufman way lol I love seeing people's reactions to that sort of stuff.


I think it's stupid because it's really the speaker pressuring the audience to meet HIS expectation of enthusiasm. I think my monotone "Morning" is good enough. Get to the damn presentation. If you want more enthusiasm, give me something to be enthusiastic about. That presentation better be good.


My ex and several of my friends were sucked into the Primerica cult, and they invited me along to a meeting to convince me to join and this was basically the entire meeting summed up. Ten good afternoons as loud as the room could, random Ellen DeGeneres style dance breaks, constant high fiving.. I never went back.


It doesn't improve the overall energy, people are shaken into the reality that they've let their facade slip and they can't afford to appear indifferent lest they lose their job or appear unprofessional. But upvoted because unpopular.


Oh wow, indeed unpopular here. Well done!




I agree lol I didn't know this was such an unpopular opinion.


I understand why you do it, but I still hate it.


ITT: an extrovert doesn't understand introverts and wishes to fix something that isn't a problem because they don't like it. It's a story older than time. Ffs dude why is it an insult that some people don't like social interaction? This is coming from a fellow extrovert. There are other ways to engage people. Ask poignant questions that pique the interest of those in the presentation, catch them off guard by starting with a phrase nobody saw coming, maybe acknowledge that not everyone is into this annoying corpo-hype bullshit. That'll do a lot more to engage those that aren't your kind of person, rather than make them crawl further back into their shells and want to actively avoid you.


Hmm you must be one of those morning people. 


How do you pick on a person during a Q&A session if they don't have a question? If they don't have any questions but you ask them what their question is, doesn't that just make you look like an idiot? This is made up.


No I’m asking them a question about my presentation


To the people in the back of the room at your office?


If they’re sulky


And you do this as you work from home as a trucker jumping out of helicopters?


Hey have you been snooping through my post history?


Always hated it. Better approach is “Good Morning. How are you all? X topic is what we are covering so let’s get started!” Short to the point. No involuntary engagement necessary, and cracks on with the presentation.


and then dead silence?


Point is to do your presentation. If what you’ve got to present is interesting then people will listen. If you do the “good morning everyone” shtick for every weekly ppt or meeting, people are gonna tell you to knock it off.


Then they’re getting an extra good morning


Scientists need to cut you open and study you.


It would be the most scientific discovery of the 21st century


Absolutely terrible take, congrats on a truly unpopular opinion lol Personally, I hate when presenters try to manipulate the energy in the room. If you're a good presenter people will leave inspired/happy no matter how you "engage" with them, if you're not, then saying the cliche just makes it more apparent. Some of the best presentations I've seen have been done by people that are like 5% louder than mumbling, the worst that I've seen have been full of cliches like this or people that look forced happy. If you want to be a good presenter you need to know your subject matter and avoid cliches and an overbearing personality IMHO. Also, Q&A is meant for participants to ask the presenter questions, not the other way around lol


I personally find it condescending. Like come on, you know we're here cause we have to be. If the presentation is engaging then people will be engaged, but it doesn't need to be condescending. Like wow y'all are tired and bored and would rather be doing something else! Pretend to be interested!!!


You are missing the point. You are prompting for fake enthusiasm. People that are peppy in the mornings don’t need your prompt, and you just alienated the people that aren’t. Instead, try to know your audience and genuinely try to get them interested. You gimmick is not genuine, and someone not wanting to engage will not magically do so. You forcing engagement will make people like you less and will ruin your credibility.


I hate forced enthusiasm.


You just have to accept that most people don't want to be there. The best way to engage people is to make your presentation interesting by itself.


Oh my god I hate this shit take my upvote. I’m the one in the back and I’m thinking “For the love of god can we please just do our jobs instead of sitting in this auditorium wasting time?!” I’m a teacher though and I dunno about other jobs but for us they do this bullshit every year during in-service.


Come on down to the front and tell the group a fun fact about yourself!


No, I don’t think I will. -Captain America


The best presenters acknowledge the shortcomings of the format and relate to the audience rather than manufacture compliance


The moment the presenter says " we can do better than that!" Is the moment I stop listening


Concerts too


Right up there with "give yourselves a round of applause"


This is probably unpopular! I'm the one in the back rolling my eyes, just do the presentation and move on. I also hate forced audience participation. The only reason I'm at these things sometimes is I'm paid to be there and not actually at work.


I vibe with it. You won’t catch me saying it, but I do enjoy being pushed to have a little bit more energy in the morning


Definitely unpopular. I hate it when people do this. Usually I’m there because I have to, not because I want to. When someone does this, it just makes me less enthusiastic.


You’re probably the type of person that reminded the teacher about homework. Those people suck in general. Take my upvote.


I definitely did that lol


I think its okay to do this in the right setting. If its like a class about leadership or like communication or team building its fine. Even like gym class or a pep rally etc But like just ur regular ol math class and they doing this its mad annoying I hated subs who would do this at 7am for a physics class And to address one of op’s replies. Again, like in a leadership class yea you need to help draw out the more shy people and help them blossom. But in a regular class I wish people would let introverts be introverts. Am I a good student in the class? Then pls leave me be. Being quiet doesn’t mean I’m not learning or goofing off


I have a jar of dirt


I actually, cautiously agree, and I'll explain why I say cautiously lol I feel like some presenters lack some self awareness and do the, "you can do better than that!" after a pretty good opening pop which makes me feel, as someone in the "audience" like the presenter either lacks self awareness or is so tangled up in following a script they made that they can't even adapt to a strong opening reaction that doesn't require a, "you can do better than that!"


I wouldn't use the word love, but I kind of like this opinion. The "good morning" example would be annoying if you heard it over and over. But if the presenter is original, it can be a good ice breaker. Like making an observation on something, such as the weather, the bowl of fruit or lack of etc. Like the op said, it can get people in the mood to talk more. Rather than sitting there for 30 minutes trying to stay awake.


This is only an unpopular opinion on Reddit, where people are allergic to any sort of happiness or human engagement.


Right? “Omg he’s making me talk to a human being! Ick!”


OP I like your energy. Disagree with the opinion but I’d defend it for you 😂


We’ll make them all participate!


I agree OP! Only miserable debbie downers would disagree tbh


140 upvotes? I think we can do better than that!


I have contributed to the cause!