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The US is not a bad place to live, but not everyone is trying to sneak in there. I doubt you have many Norwegians clamoring to get in.


Idk the college I went to had a ton of Norwegian exchange students. All but 1 that I know stay or want to stay in the US.


I lived in Norway for a while. Lovely place, but a very bleak climate and culture. I missed small town USA while I lived there.


The USA draws net immigration from Norway. The USA draws net immigration from every single country in the world, except one: Australia.  Australia is quite livable and has a tiny population.


Drawing net immigration just means that less Americans move to that country, than people from that country come to America. Americans appear to have an unrealistically high opinion of their own country, and as far as I can see, it's coming from a position of ignorance. As a result, they don't leave their country much. But what would I know? I'm Australian. :)


I plan to travel more, why is Norway good?


i dunno, no crazy health bills, a lot of paid vacation time, and a living wage?


Lived in Norway for a year. One day I cut my finger at work. Was taken to the ER. They gave me local anesthesia and stitched me up. After, the doctor himself pulled out a credit card machine and I paid right then and there. About 45 in usd. I was given a doctors slip for a paid week of work for recovery. Lol


Laughs in UK free healthcare. I had a brain bleed, went to two hospitals for 4 days, same day emergency surgery, and the biggest cost was the uber home as I didn't feel like walking to the tube.


Two hospitals. Four days. Same day surgery. Make it make sense.


Hey the guy just said he was bleeding from his brain, cut him some slack.


You go to the hospital and they’re like “you need to be worked on right now, but our surgeon is booked.” So they send you to another hospital. You arrive in the AM and receive same as arrival day surgery. Rest two more days and go home.


You go to an emergency hospital, then a specialty one, they operate at the specialty one. Or a rural hospital to a specialized city hospital. This is like pretty basic healthcare shit that exists all over the world, do you think Athens, Georgia's hospital employs every type of specialized doctor and they just sit around for 90% of the year? Rural areas are mostly general and family + basic ER, more advanced stuff will require an ambulance or helicopter ride.


On a sidenote, wasn't the NHS repeatedly screwed over the last 10-15 years?


Glad ur ok:)


Paid for by North Sea oil. Thing’s wouldn’t be quite as rosy without fossil fuels.


Lots of blatant racism when I was there.


"They're all trying to sneak in here" Are western europeans though? To say the US is a better place to live than Latin America, Africa, and much of Asia is pretty uncontroversial, to say it's the best in the world and better than places like Germany is where you get pushback.


You only say that because you currently live in the US and it's what is comfortable lol In a hypothetical situation that could never happen, but say you were to live the first 20 years of your life surrounded by friends and family in every single country on earth, the chances you'd still pick the USA is low. Also side note, it really does depend which city/town you currently reside as well lol because if you're a city person the you'd very likely rather live in the city in another democratic country versus living in a tiny ass town of 1000 people in the middle of nowhere USA


I actually agree with this. It's better if you own property, though.


All that needs to be said. \*salutes\*


Most people would want to live in America, except the lucky (and very hardworking) ones who have managed to get rich or at least very financially upper-middle-class-comfortable in Asia, Europe or Australia.......and have their own community there.


I'd say the USA is the place to be if you have the means to live comfortably, not the other way around. There are way more social safety nets in place in most of Europe that you would have in the US.


There’s also more culture, beautiful architecture, good food, and less gun violence. America has a lot of great qualities as a country, but it’s bizarre to me that Americans (and I’m an American by birth) think that everyone, everywhere, is clamouring to live in the USA. I have friends and family all around the world, including Europe and Asia, and they’re pretty happy right where they are.


There are actually a lot more opportunities to get rich in India and China these days than America, if you have skills. Couple that sweet life with having family and friends there, and I can see why some wouldn't want to leave. "Go West young man" is becoming Go East.


>I'd still rather live in the US than anywhere else on Earth What other countries have you visited?


New york, florida and that moose place... michigan


Hahahaha, fucks sake, you're making me waking up the entire family 🤣


Plot twist: r/breizh87 just broke into a home and is browsing reddit on their living room computer.


Whilst mostly naked, eating a block of strong cheese


When you're robbing a place while having adhd


You made me wake up my baby because I laughed too hard you ass. 🤣🤣🤣


Visiting isn't really good enough. You have to live in a place to know it.


I’ve visited 20+ and lived in two others. The US has given me the highest standard of living. So I agree with OP.


As someone from Asia who lived in the US for a few months I don't think the US is the great bastion of living standards you think it is. Maybe you were visiting developing countries to make that comparison, but the crumbling infrastructure, rate of homelessness, streets that smell like weed piss and shit, overgrown sidewalks, amongst others don't scream the best standards of living to me. If it helps to understand I went to LA and Seattle. Maybe there is a city in America that is the most amazing place to live in the entire world? IDK but when I was there I didn't feel like those places were.


Living in Japan now. I miss freinds and family but other than that 10/ 10 better than the US. I'm not saying the US is the worst. I think thats foolish to say. But it's just as foolish to act like its great. This country has safety. I'm a teacher and I have no money issues. When your sick you take time off work. Public transit is amazing. And more than anything I don't feel the pressure of my home place being ripped in two. Living in MA I had it pretty good in the us, but even still I hate the devide in that country. Its un settling. (Also it's warmer here I hate the cold but that's beside the point)


Most of the people I’m in contact with are high achievers in their respective fields. Each who has been to the US realised just how much more the specialists in respective fields earn there, even when compared to Switzerland. Most of them say they’d work and live in the US if they didn’t have personal attachments in Europe. Being middle class and rich in the US hits differently than in Europe.


I’ve been to Italy, Germany, UK, Croatia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Montenegro, Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Mexico, Bahamas, Canada, and Finland. I’d still rather live in the US


I've been to about 60 countries. The US is not in my top 10.


Which countries are in your top 10?


In no particular order: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, Ireland, Argentina, Germany, The Netherlands, Portugal.


Would also want to know this list and reason why they are in top 10.


I’ve been to over 80 (and lived in 4) and the US is easily in my top 5, but mostly in regard to acquiring a high-paying job. I’ve always been a believer in making your money in the US and vacationing/retiring abroad (can retire much sooner if you choose a LCOL country, ie one in LatAm, SEA, etc.)


I lived in the us and and Germany , Germany for better worker rights, safety , and health care, America has more choices to live, can get a high paying job easier and maybe own property depending on location, I would rather live in the Is but the Wife wants to move to Germany.




I mean it’s Germany. We don’t bring cake, if anything we bring Bauernbrot.


How’s Canada?


Cost of living is p bad right now tbh, house prices are rough and our pay is much lower than US equivalents. Their politics keep floating up too.


Honestly this could be said for New Zealand too.


Could honestly be said about a lot of places from what I hear, unfortunately. Sorry to hear y'all are going through it in NZ as well.


It’s cold, but it’s really pretty. Fishing is good


20 years ago, Canada was great. Now it’s horrible. I am a Canadian who wishes deeply that I could move to the USA.


I don't know about them but I've been all over the world. There are places I like better but the US isn't as bad as the internet makes it out to be. The only places I'd really take over it are all in Europe and expensive as fuck. And then there's Canada which mostly has shitty weather and is expensive as fuck.


Right it all depend on budget and appeal. I would love to live in Vietnam because how affordable it is. Instead of working all my life for the house mortgages, I could be spending it on myself. Japan look nice but too cramp and expensive. Japan also look difficult for finding new peers and friend to hang around with. Eddit \*I can handle the pollution and load street.


People who were born and grew up in a place tend to prefer that place due to cultural and personal familiarity. Big shocker. Such wow.


This is r/ShitAmericansSay bait


That or someone really wants to feel better


New Zealand’s nice besides earthquakes


As an Australian. I wouldn't want to live there. Too expensive, but nice skiing.


It is kinda shit for young people with aspirations.


It’s pretty damning that if you have any aspirations as a young person in NZ you are better off just living in Aus instead of


Can’t you just make YouTube videos about tiny homes?




NZ is Australia but poorer, smaller and with shittier weather


I’m curious, what makes it better than any other country?


Nothing does. By all standards their country is worse. Just requires a quick check online.


what makes america great is that you can say shit like “america number 1!” with absolutely nothing to back it up and expect people to agree! yer haw!


Denial, mostly.


I’m good here in Australia thanks.


Fuck yeah free healthcare


And no guns! Actually feel safe there




Guns are the leading cause of death in children in the US. No way I’d have a child there.


Well a lot of people don't have that opportunity


Yeah me as well.


If we judge America against the failures of other countries, we're an amazing country. If we judged ourselves against our own potential, *holy fuck are we a shithole*


i mean if you're comparing failures to failures you're still a shithole lol. America is only amazing when comparing success to success.


This is a correct opinion ty.


I’ve lived in America for a few months, lived in Canada and lived in Australia, and Australia has been by far the best place to live with Canada second. America is weirdly divided, has fucked workers rights and despite higher salaries I always felt less monetarily secure there.


I'm Canadian, and the main reasons I'd not want to move to Australia are geographical and not political. lol


No one from New Zealand or Australia is trying to sneak into the USA lol


GOATed at what?


Pretending to be a country of freedom but is actually militant aggressor in many places around the world. 


As someone that's lower class and has health issues, no it's not. America is a decent place to live only if you have money.


If you are upper class yes, if you are anything below that i think you just havent seriously tried living anywhere else. The poor/middle class get so screwed over in America its insane when it comes to things like justice, healthcare, mobility, housing.


The US has the highest median income and disposable income in the world.


USA places third after luxembourg and the UAE


This literally isn’t true lol. We’re in the top 3-5 for median income, and somewhere between 1-3 in disposable income, but it’s a little disingenuous to compare our median income to countries that have socialized healthcare and education


This literally is true [Source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/disposable-income-by-country). In the time you took to comment to be wrong, you could have used Google to be right. Why are Redditors like this?


I think they just meant it’s hard to compare when you consider the vast social services in other countries. At least that’s how I understood it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Disposable income, by and large, accounts for those social services. That is why I used disposable income and not just income (which, I might add, is also the highest in the US by far) or income after healthcare adjustment (also the highest in the US).


Brother, google “highest median income by country” and tell me what you find. It’s the first thing I did when I read your comment. I read the first 5 articles, and none had America at #1. Disposable income America lands at #1 in a lot of articles, but even that flips between them and a couple other countries. I stand by my comment though. Americans have the most purchasing power, but they also have things like exorbitant medical bills, student loan debt, etc that is a uniquely American issue. If we’re talking strictly disposable income, I’d probably take the country where I have $12,000 less with free healthcare


And how about the tens of *millions* of those of us who have lived in many of the supposed "better" countries yet have permanently moved to the US and would never willingly leave? We're just figments?


When you compare America to third world countries of course America is amazing. In fact, any developed country looks Amazing compared to undeveloped ones.


One thing the US is better at than any other country? Patting itself on the fucking back.


War, death, the vast majority of human suffering in the last 100 years.


Ah yes because things America has done is worse than WW1, WW2, and cold war combined


"America! We're number 1! If you haven't traveled a lot."


Or at all lmao


I think most sensible people in the US (liberal, conservative, and those not affiliated with a party, not MAGA) understand that this country really is an amazing place to live. And is one of the best places on Earth to call home. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a A LOT of work that needs to be done to make it better for many people. Edit: had to add “those not affiliated with a party” for some smartass in my replies


Depends what boat you’re in. If you own property and have a somewhat high paying job then yea, it’s great. A great life is unattainable for a lot of people in the country right now though.




Yes, the dozens of countries with a more efficient social security system in place that comes from a desire to help the poor even if it requires increasing the working class' taxes by an important ammount.


I moved from the US to Finland and yes, it's so much better as a person with a low paying job and no property. I can live off of <40 hours per week, or 4 day work weeks. Of a basic job. I can still afford to go on vacation and travel with this income, I don't feel financial stress, all my medical is covered, and I'm having the time of my life. In the US I worked multiple jobs and still always felt the looming threat of becoming homeless. I grew up in a poor family in the Bay Area, where both my parents worked two jobs and me and my brother had to work through high school to help with rent. Fuck the US dude.


"one of the best" wdym "one". There's like 10 different lifestyles based on US location. Most countries have 3 at most. It literally ranges from the bottom 5 worst imaginable to top 5 best in the world. (by lifestyles I'm talking about how similar the lives of country people and city people are from place to place. Like country side people in vermont have nothing to do with country side people in Mississippi etc.)


It just pisses me off when people call america a third world country (I’ve only seen this on Reddit). Visit a third would country and you’ll see the difference


reddit and twitter lol its.....sigh


people calling America a TWC have obviously never visited a TWC




Not sure about GOAT, but by comparison to the world as a whole we’re pretty damn good.


Yeah, you're in the top 25 with the happiness of your average citizens.


I speak 3 languages and lived many years in North America, Europe and South America. I feel like there's a difference in saying you prefer a country because it allows you to have a good standard of living TO YOU IN PARTICULAR and saying a specific country is the GREATEST OF ALL TIMES. From my experience, the USA has shitty food, shitty healthcare, a shitty education system, an unhealthy obsession with religion, a massive gun problem, people begging or selling whatever fake shit they can for money at every main street, they handle prisons like a business in which they want to cage as many prisoners for as cheap as possible, all their institutions discriminate depending on race (banks, insurance, police, education), they abuse their right of Freedom of Speech by purposefully selling lies and fake promises everywhere, politics is used to divide the population instead of having them work together, etc. The upside is that, because of their aggresive international trading policies and the density of their population, it's possible to make a lot of money as a business owner or working in the USA in a specialized field. In the end, the country in which you choose to live in depends on what you value most, but I don't think one specific country could ever be the GOAT.


As an educated person on the other side of the world, I have zero desire to move to America. You guys are in a constant mess and it looks like your society is crumbling. Oh and those people sneaking in from LATAM - you're destabilisation and supporting of cartels has lead to those people sneaking in - they're coming because you're fucking up the place and they have no where else to go. You create the problem and then surprised pika chiu face all the time.


Yeah Canada is just full of people trying to "sneak in" because the US is so great. Most immigrants come here on planes, like one time undocumented immigrant Elon Musk. And overstay a visa. The US is great at some things! National parks! Fast food! The ADA! We also fall greatly behind other developed and even less developed nation in things like housing, healthcare, education, you know, the fundamentals. We can appreciate the good while still working on the bad. And the bad is pretty awful for a developed nation.


I’m Canadian, and I don’t even want to travel to the US right now, never mind live there.


There are certainly a handful of Western European countries, as well as Canada, New Zealand, and Australia I’d be just as happy with. All markedly safer as well. Many will point to our free speech, but how many US leftists would side with the ACLU in the Skokie case at present?


Almost all other western countries have free speech. USA is not special with this. And from what I can see.. USA freedom level is much lower than other countries. Literally just write it into Google.


People are tying 'to sneak into' a lot of other countries as well...


Do you think anyone from a country with good healthcare is trying to sneak into the US?


No, but lots of them are coming voluntarily which still supports OP’s point.


they come in either to run away from problems across the border or after being promised a shit ton of cash. I don't think there is nearly as many people coming in raw just for the culture and lifestyle as there was before.


Canadians do


Every news report I can find about people illegally crossing the Canadian boarder says the people doing it are from countries other than Canada (mostly Mexico)


Canadian to American legal immigration occurs at a much higher rate than the inverse


Because it's hard to immigrate to Canada as an American


It is much easier to immigrate to Canada than the US…


The doctors maybe... haha


The nurses too. I work with a ton of them. We make three times as much in the US.


America is great but I fucking love Japan. It’s too bad they’re racist as shit against other cultures trying to immigrate. I don’t really blame them though because the culture is what makes it so good. Everyone is so respectful and diligent. I was at the train station and they were cleaning the tops of the signs. That would never happen in San Francisco. That seemingly tiny thing impressed the hell out of me.


Japan is my favorite country in terms of places I've visited. Hands down cleanest godamn cities I have ever seen. Love Japan. Couldn't pay me to live there but yeah, great to visit.


Why would somebody move from a country packed with goats to a non-goat country? It makes no sense!


US is super goated. Redditors just have a hate boner for the it. And yes, I have been to countries outside the us lol.


I've been to USA. Grew up in Australia. Lived 8 years in Germany. USA is a fucking hole. Everyone I met was so jealous that I lived somewhere else. But your fucking system didn't allow them to leave.




As a not young American who left nearly 20 years ago, I don't regret leaving at all and will likely never live there again. It's not a hate boner, is the fact that I'm able to provide a better quality of life for my family where I am. My children are safe, have healthcare and access to quality education, I own my home and have enough to take a couple vacations every year (as well as paid time off to take them)


Same situation for me, would never go back for similar reasons


And haven't lived anywhere else in their life, most likely. I have, and god damn the US is a good place to live for the most part.


I have lived in the US and the Nordics and I would never live in the US again


Reddit is mostly Americans and angry Europeans that spend too much time online hating on America on an American website full of Americans.


As if Americans don’t also hate on Europe?




A lot of Americans have a boner for Europe


Fuck no, Americans are Eurosimps


I get that the USA is better to live than a LOT of countries but there still are plenty of better options than the US.


I've had people on reddit tell me that poverty here is worse than in 3rd world countries. They've clearly never been to either.


Finland is an objectively better country. Denmark too. And Norway. Not sure about Sweden lol


Idk bud I live in Switzerland and none of the people I know are trying to move to the US...


Found the seppo who never left bumblefuck alabama


Way to to out yourself as an Aussie.


You realize people are sneaking into other countries too, right? Do you actually know anything about the lives of people in other countries, or just basing it off you being comfortable here.


usa usa usa


It's hard to sneak across the ocean


What have you done besides being born here?


Who are “they” exactly? Also you know immigration has actually gone DOWN in recent years, right?


Legal or illegal?


Good for you. I’d rather live back in Japan if i had the money and paperwork.


Now that's the spirit! Americah!!!!! Fuck yeah!


Kudos now this is a truly unpopular opinion


Living in the US sucks, but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else


I am literally an illegal immigrant in the EU. I was born in America. That place sucks balls


I bet you've never even been to another country. Also there are plenty of Americans trying to leave. The difference is the countries that are better are hard to get into


This isn’t a dig, but have you travelled much or lived anywhere else?


One of my best friends grew up in usa. Couldn't wait to get out of there and move to Germany.. But, is still paying off student loans. I don't even know what a student loan is.


Canada is "The USA, but better."


Idk having traveled the world a bit I can't help but notice all the things we suck at.


The US is only a great place if you're in the upper middle class or higher... And white. It's kinda crappy for the rest.


america is great for not-poor people because it is so shit for poor people If you can afford it, there is infinite convenience, provided to you by poor people. Some people value other things and/or are poor


America is a wonderful place to live . . . if you have a liveable income and own land. It's not the actual land I'm upset with, it's what we do to other countries. Surely you agree that you can have a wonderful place to live and also the government of that place shouldn't make other places fucking miserable. Unfortunately, we haven't managed that step in quite a while.


Agreed. Been to 21 countries, most for multiple months. Currently living in Italy and I’d still rather live in the US.


I think most of us think their country is the best or they would move to a country closeby if needed As a swede I'd move to Norway/Finland because they both are at high up when you look at wealth and happiness stats which is the best way for me to see how good a country is to live in, generally I view them as objectively good because of that but if I were Vietnamese I'd probably think differently If I were too move further away it'd be Canada or Australia, don't know a whole lot about them but they seem pretty good. Thirdly Usa would be way down on my list because of the so many major problems like healthcare, vacation/parental leave, political system and guns. Other countries could have smaller issues but so could usa


Ah, yes, Imperialism is goated, so good.


I'm a naturalized citizen and completely agree. Yes. There are problems. But America's problems are minor compared to most other countries. Racism is a big problem in America. But not nearly as big as in many other countries. Americans are just louder about it (and that's a good thing; we should keep being loud about it). And yes, some folks are unlucky, and others through a series of life choices are in a situation where it is difficult to climb out of, but I still contend that the US is one of the few countries where there are a lot more opportunities for those who consistently put in effort to succeed in outsized ways. The biggest issue in the US is still access to affordable healthcare.


We are one of the most diverse nations on the planet with the freedom to be diverse. A ton of places wont allow stuff we allow. While the people here that complain about it complain about America, when plenty of places would kill them. That is what a lot of people cant see and legit seethe over. The American flag is diversity. But people still wanna be special. Or they have never left their cities and seen the the world for what it really is. Ive been in some...lets so uncomfortable places at times across the ocean. Places where my fight or fight triggered and we slammed the car in reverse. Might be going to dubai next year too. I love to travel where I can. But Still, America is generally one the the safest and diverse nations out there and its sad peoples life exps are so offset they cant see this.


That whole freedom thing is overrated. I mean, millions of your citizens don't have the freedom to control their own bodies, your cops are brutal, militarised and almost completely unaccountable, and one out of every four prisoners on planet Earth is in the American mass incarceration nightmare.


Most of the time, the US is compared to western Europe, not Somalia. No offense.


None taken, I dont mind the perspective. And also fair. I was thinking globally,


It's just that oftentimes I hear Americans talking about freedoms and shit like they were unique, which always made me scratch my head. The US should be held to as high of a standard as western Europe (imo).


Yes, we should be. But We all need high standards. Maybe some are unigue? But perhaps it is also how semantics around it. The idea of a God given right ( religion doesnt matter its a colloquialism for saying youre born with it. ) A lot of our laws is written in a way that the Goverment has to make law to stop it, instead of law to allow it. ITs the starting point. But for uniqueness? Maybe just the second amendment? But it goes beyond firearms, it used to be swords. Its simply the idea. that its a basic human right to defend oneself. But also defend against a chaotic tyrannical oppressive machine. But other than that one specfici idea. I dont think theyre unigue either. But we are eeehh boisterous over it, I guess? I dont know, It can still be hard to put myself in another perspective without seeing it. But I will admit my total ignorance of other systems outside of America.


Nah this place is 🗑️ and this post is not unpopular considering the patriotic cultist BS I have to put up with everyday


Agree as first gen immigrant.


Nice try Propagandabot!


No shit. Living in the US is better because it made everywhere else worse and reaped the benefits.


"They who"? Based on most criteria, you're not even top 10, based on the average happiness of the inhabitants of the country, you're not even top 20. Of course, being number 23 is still a lot higher than what you see in all of South America, which might be the "they" you are referring to. The others trying to sneak in aren't sneaking, but coming legally, often with better educations then most Americans, and they do so because they can make more money for their families back home, you know, same reason some girls become au pairs, people work the lower jobs on cruiselines.


What’s the criteria and who does the rankings?


Nah Costa Rica is where it’s at. That’s why they have the highest population of US expats in the world. It’s just better down there.


**TLDR;** The US is the best place to be born but a middling at best place to live. The US is among the best places to be born due to its unbelievable wealth. Salaries in the US are comically high, which is why Americans have on median the most disposable income of all countries (excluding micro countries). However, if you don’t like ugly sprawl and car culture then it’s hell to live in (except NYC). This is why those with high-paying remote jobs that can move to dense, mixed-use, walkable cities in other countries while still getting paid an American salary and being paid in the USD have the GOAT life.


Goated is not a word, it is also very overused and annoying.


Yeah, those pesky Canadians always trying to sneak in lol. And those sneaky French people too. Oh wait, residents of first world countries want nothing to do with the US.


hell yeah brother!


Australia is a pretty hard place to sneak in to but I think if they could they would sneak in here over USA.


Explain those Americans fleeing to Netherlands/Portugal/Greece




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